New player coming back!

New player coming back!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Philippe.3815


Hi guys, i used to play this game when it first came out but only got to lvl 40. Now I am officially tired of wow and i want to get serious in this game. I can do alot of research of my own but i find alot of older information that i guess is not viable anymore. I was just interested in late game playstyle and viability of the classes. I usually like to play ranged class that are pretty simple. know back in my time there was a bomb engeineer i think and i didnt really like it because of the complexity of it. I would like you guys opinions on class and theyre state. I will probably mostly PVE. I may be enclined to go with a ranger but i dont know the build or what wepon is good ect.

Thanks alot!

P.S. soory for my awful english im a little frenchie

New player coming back!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kordash.2197


If you are new, you may want to find a guild in here.

It’s ours, we welcome every kind of players without any obligations, and we are happy to teach the game to newcomers.

Also, you may want to have a look at ranger, or elementalist. If you wanna know mord about builds in dungeons/fractals, go for the DnT forum, and check

See you in game !

New player coming back!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Suplight.9081


hmm, kittene. u could always play Spvp and see which class that suits you the best. if u still have your old account that is. U can dive right in and play some Spvp and try different classes.
Rangers are very easy to play, but they kinda have a bad reputation amongst other players as being pew pew rangers that are too easy to play, but if you dont mind that you can easily get back into game, but late game they are not as popular in dunguons or fractals.

New player coming back!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wetpaw.3487


Welcome back. Here is some good sites to keep an eye on,

I would make one of each and go play around in the mists before you pick one to level.

“In this area, all player levels are scaled up to 80. Players have access to all possible skills (excluding 2 heal skills which can be purchased for 25 skill points) and traits for their profession and can try out all builds”

JQ Druid

New player coming back!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Philippe.3815


Thanks alot for the fast response. Another info i was wondering any suggestion on the servers? wich 1 are better or populated or simply friendly. O and one other thing i didnt mention. I like to play a really specialise caracther i don’t know if the meta of the games allow it. I just saw some videos on youtube and all of the rangers wer using a bow and switching to melee wepons is there any chance there is a viability for pure range ranger? O and one other thing i tryed elementalist last time i played and i really didnt like it with all the elements too comlplicated. I actually decided to start this game cause in my opinion its less stressfull than wow. I was in a high ranked guild and all the addons bloath ware dps meter rotation with 20+ skill and 9+ cooldown started to make me sick and it felt like a chore. Then i remembered this game where i think movement is more a big deal than in wow wich really interest me.

New player coming back!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Razor.9872


Thanks alot for the fast response. Another info i was wondering any suggestion on the servers? wich 1 are better or populated or simply friendly. O and one other thing i didnt mention. I like to play a really specialise caracther i don’t know if the meta of the games allow it. I just saw some videos on youtube and all of the rangers wer using a bow and switching to melee wepons is there any chance there is a viability for pure range ranger? O and one other thing i tryed elementalist last time i played and i really didnt like it with all the elements too comlplicated. I actually decided to start this game cause in my opinion its less stressfull than wow. I was in a high ranked guild and all the addons bloath ware dps meter rotation with 20+ skill and 9+ cooldown started to make me sick and it felt like a chore. Then i remembered this game where i think movement is more a big deal than in wow wich really interest me.

The game has incorporated a “mega-server” system. All maps have a mix of players from every server. In general, the whole community is nice (the PvP community has the mainstay of the not-so-nice). Servers only come to be important when accessing WvW. You can get an idea of what the server competitiveness for WvW is like here:

I’d avoid the lowest tier servers, as they are mostly ghost-towns. The highest tier servers can be very…busy…filled with hardcores. I’d recommend something in the middle (11-5th).

As for the possibility of a ranged-only ranger, I can tell you it’s not recommended (I main ranger), but people do do it often. The ranger’s two bows, longbow and shortbow, are on opposite sides of the damage spectrum. Longbow is a power weapon, while shortbow is mainly a condition applier (same with MainHand axe). Good rangers can keep hard pressure at long ranges, but stay equally tough in melee as well.

NSPride <3

New player coming back!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Philippe.3815


Okay thanks alot! I just read some more and looked at ranger more carefully and i might not go for it since i was a hunter in wow for years. And i think ive done enouf of the pet thing. Any idea on how the meismer is doing is it super hard to play?

New player coming back!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: VodCom.6924


Okay thanks alot! I just read some more and looked at ranger more carefully and i might not go for it since i was a hunter in wow for years. And i think ive done enouf of the pet thing. Any idea on how the mesmer is doing is it super hard to play?

Mesmer is an oddboy in the GW2 family.

When playing mesmer you should not think about raw dps but rather all the tricks and utility you’ll bring to your team, especially in PvE and WvW. That makes the profession a kittenallenging to learn (it’s not like the warrior where you spam 100blades on cooldown, there’s a bit of finesse involved) but very VERY satisfying to play.

In sPvP, mesmer is an awesome bursting profession that is mobile and can be stealthy as well.

When playing mesmer, there is no true and convoluted “rotation/chaining of skills” like you se in WoW. The gameplay requires you to use the right skill at the right time and to stay aware of your surroundings.

En gros un envout’ gagne parce qu’il est plus malin que son adversaire et pas parce qu’il est plus bourrin. Mais pas besoin d’être Bac+8 pour en jouer un.

Known as Reegar Else, Linda Else, Xiana Else and Thorgall Breakstone