New player trying to decide on some things

New player trying to decide on some things

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vardahoth.6984


Hi all. I played lineage 2 2003 – 2006 (c1 – interlude) and have pretty much quit mmorpg’s since then. I’m choosing to give this one a shot and need some pointers.

  1. A clan/guild to join with goals in mind of pvp/pve/fun/adults.
  2. A nice dps class.
  3. A healthy server to play on.
  4. Early permanent setups for my class.

I’m trying to decide on warrior, ranger, theif, or elementalist. In lineage 2 I played a nuker due to the high burst damage, ability to cc my enemies and kite them to death, and usefull for pve too. I like to play classes where I can get in kill and get out. I was wondering what the strengths and weekness of these classes are. If anyone could tell me that would be great.

New player trying to decide on some things

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Valtameri.2075


From out of those class choices i’d say ele or ranger.
I haven’t played much of either, since my mains are necro & mesmer.

And healthy server… eu or us? From, eu i’d say Desolation and Blacktide seems quite popular and active.

New player trying to decide on some things

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blutkrieg.1320


I think you’ll be disappointed by the state of this game now. Sorry we al do.

1 – You have to decide for yourself
2 – There isn’t a dps class according to anet, but you can do either thief or elementalist
3 – There is no healthy server, it all depends which server is winning at WvWvW
4 – There isn’t such

P.S – You’ve come to this game with the wrong mindset.

Officer [VILE] – Desolation

New player trying to decide on some things

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tifa Lockheart Ex.9614

Tifa Lockheart Ex.9614

go with ele, warrior or guardian. do not go ranger they are horrible.

New player trying to decide on some things

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vardahoth.6984


go with ele, warrior or guardian. do not go ranger they are horrible.

Thanks, i’ve been reading rangers are unhappy with their dps on the forums. Maybe I’ll skip this class. Also is there something wrong with the theif? Been watching a video on the pvp of it, and it doesn’t seem like my style of play. Seemed the dps was small and too much jumping around.

(edited by Vardahoth.6984)

New player trying to decide on some things

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Thrumdi.9216


Elementalists are both viable as melee or ranged DPS.

The dagger/dagger build currently owns in 1v1 because of DPS, CC and escape skills. Ranged DPS is probably more valuable to your team though in WvW.

Thrumdi, Captain of The Tarnished Coastguard

The ultimate GW2 troll.

New player trying to decide on some things

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: sixfeetunder.6508


The only thing you should so is this and only this.

Creat everytoon and get past the first storymode to get into the world. Click on the pvp tab top left corner and head on over the the mists so you can try out every skill and weapons along with the traits without having to level a toon.

Warrior can roll through anything same can be said for gaurdians but the warrior has awsome dps. Everything else is just kitten imo. Elem is the only other decent class with the conditions you can do from a long range and the rangers purely suck. You spend 90% of your attacks doing auto attacks.

Once you figure out a prof you actualy think you like to play and level then head on over to youtube and check out what they can do at lvl 80 in full exotics. This will save you alot of time and hassel.

For fast leveling hit all the heart quests and every event thats near by. Alot of events refresh after 10 minutes.

Just some tips to get you started. Happy hunting for skins.

New player trying to decide on some things

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vardahoth.6984


Thanks for the tips guys.

New player trying to decide on some things

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ASP.8093


I’m trying to decide on warrior, ranger, theif, or elementalist.

Warrior is a solid PvP class if you like hitting people, and they do respectably in PvE. The gameplay tends to lean towards knockdown-burst-done, though. Warriors are good for overall damage output, and are fairly durable, but lack some of the cooler active defense stuff that other classes — like thieves and guardians — get.

Thief is a great class if you like big bursts and being really slippery. The class suffers from some pretty repetitive gameplay in PvE (95% of the time, the optimal strategy is to auto-attack while recasting Black Powder every once in a while) and WvW (spamming Clusterbomb in ranged fights; I actually enjoy this a lot, though). I think of thieves as the best “glass cannon” class because of their unparalleled ability to disengage from combat. Also, for PvP, you may enjoy the fact that dagger thieves have the most time-compressed burst in the game.

Elementalist is a bit of a “challenge yourself” class. You can be very effective, but you have to juggle more buff durations and skill cooldowns than pretty much everybody else.

I really don’t like rangers at the moment. They do have some nice long-range attacks, but they often feel like a bit of a liability in PvP. (I’m a bit biased, maybe, since I play thief. But the ranger’s class abilities all seem designed to make them easy kills for me.)

Nemain The Eyeless · [JOY] · Tarnished Coast ·

New player trying to decide on some things

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: UnderdogSMO.9428


If you do alot of damage in this game you sacrifice more for it than you do in other MMO’s remember that. (( and you HAVE to know how to dodge and move in order to stay alive))

and a High “DPS” Player would be hard pressed to kill my more tanky ((or defensive)) healing Warrior trust me.

People really need to do more research on this games Meta ((for instance We don’t have Tanks, we have Bunkers.))

New player trying to decide on some things

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ASP.8093


((for instance We don’t have Tanks, we have Bunkers.))

This is a poor example, because it’s just terminology.

Nemain The Eyeless · [JOY] · Tarnished Coast ·

New player trying to decide on some things

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LuckyLuke.9046



People really need to do more research on this games Meta ((for instance We don’t have Tanks, we have Bunkers.))

i have a thief full crit and my hp is 12,000 i sacrifice my hp for damage “if i dont kill u in 4 5 sec iam dead for you. just need more research of the people who” blame “the” op "class in the game ..

Tsoulaki-lvl 80 thief

New player trying to decide on some things

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: UnderdogSMO.9428


((for instance We don’t have Tanks, we have Bunkers.))

This is a poor example, because it’s just terminology.

yeah but do you know why people feel the need to call it something different, there are a few key differance between a bunker and a Tank. most noticable is the fact that unlike in other MMO’s you cant grab all the agro around you and you cant take hits for 30 min strait even as a bunker build.

you also always need to have 2 jobs in this game I may be a bunker build warrior but my other job is also healing the skills and trates I use are mostly for healing When the people in my group who are built for dishing out the big hits have everything on cooldown thay run and bunker down behind me as they get a quick heal and alow there skills to recharge

New player trying to decide on some things

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: UnderdogSMO.9428



People really need to do more research on this games Meta ((for instance We don’t have Tanks, we have Bunkers.))

i have a thief full crit and my hp is 12,000 i sacrifice my hp for damage “if i dont kill u in 4 5 sec iam dead for you. just need more research of the people who” blame “the” op "class in the game ..

exactly and if I am around and on your side and you dont get that kill in 4 to 5 sec you get out of there and I take over untell our skills recharge.

I don’t have the same Dammage output as you but i can take more hits for a longer point in time ((more if i use my block(and other skills) right)) than after your skills come off cool down you down you jump back in there and spike them down again

New player trying to decide on some things

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LuckyLuke.9046



People really need to do more research on this games Meta ((for instance We don’t have Tanks, we have Bunkers.))

i have a thief full crit and my hp is 12,000 i sacrifice my hp for damage “if i dont kill u in 4 5 sec iam dead for you. just need more research of the people who” blame “the” op "class in the game ..

exactly and if I am around and on your side and you dont get that kill in 4 to 5 sec you get out of there and I take over untell our skills recharge.

I don’t have the same Damage output as you but i can take more hits for a longer point in time ((more if i use my block(and other skills) right)) than after your skills come off cool down you down you jump back in there and spike them down again

Yeah u dont have the same damage but “me” i dont have the same have 25-30k.The best way to kill a thief just stand or keep it distance!

Tsoulaki-lvl 80 thief

New player trying to decide on some things

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: runeblade.7514


I suggest warrior because they are the most stable. You will not get an outrage because Warrior is the epitome of balance. Warriors will most likely not get any major buffs or nerfs that will break the profession.

On the otherhand, other professions will suffer nerfs and possibly enjoy buffs to their professions.

5x Warrior, 5x Ranger, 4x Elementalist, 4x Engineer,
4x Necromancer, 3x Mesmer, 4x Guardian, 4x Thief, 4 Revenant

New player trying to decide on some things

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vardahoth.6984


I’m trying to decide on warrior, ranger, theif, or elementalist.

Warrior is a solid PvP class if you like hitting people, and they do respectably in PvE. The gameplay tends to lean towards knockdown-burst-done, though. Warriors are good for overall damage output, and are fairly durable, but lack some of the cooler active defense stuff that other classes — like thieves and guardians — get.

Thief is a great class if you like big bursts and being really slippery. The class suffers from some pretty repetitive gameplay in PvE (95% of the time, the optimal strategy is to auto-attack while recasting Black Powder every once in a while) and WvW (spamming Clusterbomb in ranged fights; I actually enjoy this a lot, though). I think of thieves as the best “glass cannon” class because of their unparalleled ability to disengage from combat. Also, for PvP, you may enjoy the fact that dagger thieves have the most time-compressed burst in the game.

Elementalist is a bit of a “challenge yourself” class. You can be very effective, but you have to juggle more buff durations and skill cooldowns than pretty much everybody else.

I really don’t like rangers at the moment. They do have some nice long-range attacks, but they often feel like a bit of a liability in PvP. (I’m a bit biased, maybe, since I play thief. But the ranger’s class abilities all seem designed to make them easy kills for me.)

Exactly the response I was looking for. Thank you. I already went with elemental and can see what you mean for juggling between skills. I’m probably the person that will make a chart and list which combinations to use for what if scenarios:

Example If hard dps player surprises me in melee range, use fire roll away, lightning dps/make next attack miss, lightning stun when gets close again to miss the first hit, lightning speed, water slow as I run, water aoe heals ahead of me to run into, earth slow line for them to pass through, earth aoe, and big earth aoe to finish.

Something like this. It will take some experimenting with combinations, but hopefully with enough practice in the combos I come up with in the what if scenarios, I will be good at executing them.

Had I have gotten this reply before I made my character, I probably would have went thief. Although I might reroll over the 4 day weekend from work. In case I do, is power or crit the main dps build for a thief? or something like 75% crit / 25% power build…
What are your experiences? Whats a good glass cannon build? Is there both crit power and crit chance stat? If so I would probably go 100% crit build.

(edited by Vardahoth.6984)