Beezy Chan Engineer,Sarah Soulcaller Necromancer
New players get more
Beezy Chan Engineer,Sarah Soulcaller Necromancer
lol no, you OWE stuff to arenanet, not the other way
examples of stuff you owe to arenanet:
- Total, absolute and undisputed veneration for not forcing you to pay a sub fee
- Gargantuan amounts of gratefulness for allowing you to buy gems with gold
- over $4000 equivalent of hours upon hours of content and game quality, even if you only played it for 1 hour in your lifetime.
(edited by Pie Flavor.1647)
Now i know that the extras that have been added are to get more people playing and that is great but we the players that have been playing from the start should we not also get the extras as well?
Did the version you purchased state you would receive all future upgrades? If no then that is your answer. Also, what about all the hours of play time you have had that cannot be replaced. Would you be willing to wipe your entire account of everything you have and accomplished just for a few extra items?
Think about all that Living Story content that you got to enjoy as an early adopter that newer players don’t.
So what do you think of real life shops that sell older items + extras then? You’re going to complain to a car dealer where you bought your car a year ago that you want the free leather seats the guy that bought the same (now older model) car today for free?
Suit of Legacy Armor*
Mithril Box*
10 Experience Boosters*
These are the only stuff added to Heroic Edition. The rest was there for DE from the start.
So what do you think of real life shops that sell older items + extras then? You’re going to complain to a car dealer where you bought your car a year ago that you want the free leather seats the guy that bought the same (now older model) car today for free?
what kind of fail analogy is that? my ISP increases my fiber speed by 20 Mbps since they’re doing a promotion for new customers and thus they compensate old customers. Why not use that analogy? it’s only fair. Oh I know, because it doesn’t help your argument.
You all make very good points.
Beezy Chan Engineer,Sarah Soulcaller Necromancer
(edited by Bo Van Swill.7619)
So what do you think of real life shops that sell older items + extras then? You’re going to complain to a car dealer where you bought your car a year ago that you want the free leather seats the guy that bought the same (now older model) car today for free?
what kind of fail analogy is that? my ISP increases my fiber speed by 20 Mbps since they’re doing a promotion for new customers and thus they compensate old customers. Why not use that analogy? it’s only fair. Oh I know, because it doesn’t help your argument.
I was just trying to say that you got what you paid for. You usually pay top price when something new comes out and later it will be on sale plus all kinds of free extras when it comes to videogames. I never saw the Sims company giving their customers the free Add-On pack to older customers that new customers got when they bought their Sims copy for half of the original price, for example.
So what do you think of real life shops that sell older items + extras then? You’re going to complain to a car dealer where you bought your car a year ago that you want the free leather seats the guy that bought the same (now older model) car today for free?
what kind of fail analogy is that? my ISP increases my fiber speed by 20 Mbps since they’re doing a promotion for new customers and thus they compensate old customers. Why not use that analogy? it’s only fair. Oh I know, because it doesn’t help your argument.
I was just trying to say that you got what you paid for. You usually pay top price when something new comes out and later it will be on sale plus all kinds of free extras when it comes to videogames. I never saw the Sims company giving their customers the free Add-On pack to older customers that new customers got when they bought their Sims copy for half of the original price, for example.
FTL: Faster than Light, look it up google, is a game that recently launched a massive update and a new version of the game on the appstore for iPad, the entire stretch of the new content was given for free for previous owners of the game on the PC version.
This is what is called loyalty programs, because the more time you spent using the services and buying the products of the same company, usually translates into better treatment in form of either discounts, free stuff or in this case, retroactive compensation for new content.
So what do you think of real life shops that sell older items + extras then? You’re going to complain to a car dealer where you bought your car a year ago that you want the free leather seats the guy that bought the same (now older model) car today for free?
what kind of fail analogy is that? my ISP increases my fiber speed by 20 Mbps since they’re doing a promotion for new customers and thus they compensate old customers. Why not use that analogy? it’s only fair. Oh I know, because it doesn’t help your argument.
Because Anet already HAS your money. Your ISP continues to receive your money long after that first payment. They have an incentive to “compensate” you, Anet never had one from the start.
Should have waited.
Sales man. Always wait for the sales.
Otherwise, it isn’t worth burning your money up…
Not a concern to me – this is a mountain out of a mole hill thread.
More players equals good.
Here is the official response from the last time this was raised:
’I asked about this today at a Business Team meeting. Those who purchased the Collector’s Edition are valued customers, for sure! But remember, there were a lot of goodies in that box, and it’s not customary, even if necessarily good business, to continue to give free items for a purchase made a year ago. I can’t think of any other business that would do that, that would say “I see you purchased a mixer a year ago. We’ve developed a handy new accessory and we’re sending it to you for free.”
And by the way, I’m proud to say that at the time it was released, our CE was hailed as “the best in the industry” with having so many nice in-game and physical features.
Sure, it’d be nice to continue to get free stuff for a purchase made in the past. I could see why you would want to get these things for free, but I hope you understand why that isn’t going to happen. Keep in mind that the items are available in the Gem Store or on the Trading Post, so you can get them for in-game gems, in any case I can think of.’
Feel free to substitute DDE, Pre-Order or any other version of the game for CE in the post. If they aren’t going to give CE-purchasers a few measly items, they sure as heck aren’t going to give those that purchased the regular version (regardless of when said purchase took place) the items.
Oh, and don’t forget you also received the Chalice of Glory in your edition, as well. =)
(edited by Inculpatus cedo.9234)
So what do you think of real life shops that sell older items + extras then? You’re going to complain to a car dealer where you bought your car a year ago that you want the free leather seats the guy that bought the same (now older model) car today for free?
what kind of fail analogy is that? my ISP increases my fiber speed by 20 Mbps since they’re doing a promotion for new customers and thus they compensate old customers. Why not use that analogy? it’s only fair. Oh I know, because it doesn’t help your argument.
Because Anet already HAS your money. Your ISP continues to receive your money long after that first payment. They have an incentive to “compensate” you, Anet never had one from the start.
read my next reply regarding FTL
So what do you think of real life shops that sell older items + extras then? You’re going to complain to a car dealer where you bought your car a year ago that you want the free leather seats the guy that bought the same (now older model) car today for free?
what kind of fail analogy is that? my ISP increases my fiber speed by 20 Mbps since they’re doing a promotion for new customers and thus they compensate old customers. Why not use that analogy? it’s only fair. Oh I know, because it doesn’t help your argument.
Because Anet already HAS your money. Your ISP continues to receive your money long after that first payment. They have an incentive to “compensate” you, Anet never had one from the start.
read my next reply regarding FTL
Apples to oranges. You got precisely what you paid for. Do not expect to get more than you paid for just because those who buy the product now get more than you did back then. And to reiterate, Anet has absolutely no incentive to do anything about your request other than to point at the official response someone was kind enough to quote. One that basically says “you arent going to get the stuff that comes with the game now unless you buy the game again.”
So what do you think of real life shops that sell older items + extras then? You’re going to complain to a car dealer where you bought your car a year ago that you want the free leather seats the guy that bought the same (now older model) car today for free?
what kind of fail analogy is that? my ISP increases my fiber speed by 20 Mbps since they’re doing a promotion for new customers and thus they compensate old customers. Why not use that analogy? it’s only fair. Oh I know, because it doesn’t help your argument.
Because Anet already HAS your money. Your ISP continues to receive your money long after that first payment. They have an incentive to “compensate” you, Anet never had one from the start.
read my next reply regarding FTL
Apples to oranges. You got precisely what you paid for. Do not expect to get more than you paid for just because those who buy the product now get more than you did back then. And to reiterate, Anet has absolutely no incentive to do anything about your request other than to point at the official response someone was kind enough to quote. One that basically says “you arent going to get the stuff that comes with the game now unless you buy the game again.”
fair enough, then I guess I shall relish to the very first comment I made on this thread (first reply aka second post)
Well tha
average 18 slot Mithril box goes for 2.3 gold,
legacy armor is 500 gems
10 Xp boosters 1100 gems
so realculating the 2.3 gold (about 30 gems) it means they get 1630 gems for free. Well 20 dollars/euro’s worth of free gifts, but nothing you couldn’t earn in a few days of dungeons… everything went past us at 20% reduction3before so If you really would have wanted it at a discount… 1304 gems or so. It’s about 113 gold worthif you count the full price and about 91 gold worth. with the discount.
I make between 20 and 40 gold a day atm, so it’s 2 days of playing, I bought the game in pre purchase I paid 75 euro’s or something. got less but have 9 lvl 80’s with full exotics/ascendeds, a legendary (meterorologicus well my pre was cheap (40 gold?) when I bought it, but the lodestones were 3.5 gold each then..) , and almost 3700 hours played in 589 days. I really do not want to know how many precursors I could have bought for the cash I spend until now. No really I do not.
Been There, Done That & Will do it again…except maybe world completion.
Think about all that Living Story content that you got to enjoy as an early adopter that newer players don’t.
Okay, this was pretty funny.
To be honest, this is nothing new. It’s very common for games (at least in regards to MMOs) to offer more stuff to more recent buyers. Why? Because it makes a crap load of sense for profits.
You deemed it worth the value initially, you made the choice.
(edited by Celestina.2894)
Video game companies always do this stuff now. That’s why I wait a good long while before I pick up games. NEVER EVER buy a game when it comes out.
If you wait, you get the game and all the extra goodies, dlc, etc for cheap I have no idea why so few gamers have figured this out yet.
Is that per character? Cause I could go for a free 18 slot box for all my characters, yeah.
Is that per character? Cause I could go for a free 18 slot box for all my characters, yeah.
Nope. Only one. Same with the armor. Well with that you get two. You get one to use now, and then a skin of the same for later.
Video game companies always do this stuff now. That’s why I wait a good long while before I pick up games. NEVER EVER buy a game when it comes out.
If you wait, you get the game and all the extra goodies, dlc, etc for cheap
I have no idea why so few gamers have figured this out yet.
Maybe because, especially for an MMO, we want to play it when it’s new?
Is that per character? Cause I could go for a free 18 slot box for all my characters, yeah.
Nope. Only one. Same with the armor. Well with that you get two. You get one to use now, and then a skin of the same for later.
Eh, that’s not as interesting, though I could still go for one extra 18 slot box for one of my characters.
What is with all these people demanding refunds or extra content from ANet when they bought something fully knowing what it was?
I honestly just don’t get it.
I’m usually really sweet… but this an internet forum and you know how it has to be.
/i’m a lesbiab… lesbiam… less bien… GIRLS/
There’s only 3 things currently in the Digital Deluxe Edition which weren’t there at launch.
10 XP boosters – If you’ve been playing since launch you’ll most likely have gotten more than 10 of these from daily/monthly achievements, black lion chests (even just with free keys), achievement chests etc.
I currently have 7. I didn’t get them with my DD edition (because I pre-purchased it) and I definitely didn’t buy them. I don’t remember exactly where they came from but they were free.
18 slot mithril box – These cost something like 2g on the TP and there are cheaper 18 slot bags. If you’ve been playing since launch you’ll have gotten enough gold to buy at least one, and quite likely have all the bags you want for all your characters already. I don’t think you can get them free but it’s not a big deal.
Suit of legacy armor – This one might be a valid complaint. But then the sets you choose from are the 3 GW1 sets that are in the gem store – the Primeval, Krytan and Profane armor.
Obviously it’s personal preference but I didn’t like any of them in GW1, I don’t like them in GW2 and if I did get one free I don’t know what I’d do with it, other than be relieved that it can go into the wardrobe soon instead of taking up bank space. But I’m actually happier without it because then I feel no obligation to use it.
So in summary yes new players get something extra for free. But it’s a very minor difference, especially compared to all the things they can’t get. All the Living World items for a start. (Plus the opportunity to play through the content which awarded them.)
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
No, if you buy any other product and months later they add new things to the package to entice new people to buy you don’t get those. None of that stuff is unique and unable to be obtained any other way (which would be a bit kitten) and it’s not unfair because you’ve had all this playtime that they didn’t have. You get what you agreed to when you bought it.
(edited by Demented Sheep.1642)
I’ll always have more than new players. o.O They’d never be able to catch up to all the stuff I have. ;x I say give them another gemstore outfit along with that one.
What is with all these people demanding refunds or extra content from ANet when they bought something fully knowing what it was?
I honestly just don’t get it.
I never said i wanted a refund or even the extras what i said was that should the player that got it first not get it too. i was simply asking if the content was going to be added to the older accounts . Anet normally do that kind of thing they like having players that have been around for a long time. For instance the birthday gifts i am still getting on my guild wars account like 9 years later.
Beezy Chan Engineer,Sarah Soulcaller Necromancer
What is with all these people demanding refunds or extra content from ANet when they bought something fully knowing what it was?
I honestly just don’t get it.
I never said i wanted a refund or even the extras what i said was that should the player that got it first not get it too. i was simply asking if the content was going to be added to the older accounts . Anet normally do that kind of thing they like having players that have been around for a long time. For instance the birthday gifts i am still getting on my guild wars account like 9 years later.
Birthday gifts (thank you for reminding me to log into my GW1 account) are completely different to “gifts” you obtain when you first created the account. The first you receive because you’ve played the game that long, the last you receive because you chose to purchase the game. You wont receive any new items added to the “you purchased the game so have XYZ!” packages because in all sense, you have not bought the game recently.
The car analogy someone used earlier is a pretty apt description of it, even if they did it correctly. Let’s say you bought a 2012 Ford B (pick a model, it’ll work regardless) that had XY “deluxe” features come standard that year. Suddenly, 2 years later, they’re selling a 2014 Ford B (no substantial changes aside from minor tweaks) and they’re adding XYZA “deluxe” features as standard (and free). Just because you bought the car 2 years ago doesnt mean you’re entitled to receiving the ZA “deluxe” upgrades now because you didnt get them 2 years ago.
What is with all these people demanding refunds or extra content from ANet when they bought something fully knowing what it was?
I honestly just don’t get it.
Because we live in the Age of Entitlement.
I have an idea, OP. How about you give back all the stuff you’ve earned in game from when you started playing till now to get those things.
Because that’s what it is. New players start when everyone has bags, has armor skins, have boatloads of money, have bought stuff. They’re starting from scratch. Giving them a bit of help (and it is only a bit of help) to catch up is not only reasonable, but it’s a good thing.
I don’t need a single large bag for free because most my characters already have large bags.
I say you should be given everything your friend got….if you delete everything you already have, including your gold.
So with the new 50% off the game at the moment i told someone i know to pick up guild wars 2 he did so and loves it all good so far, How ever when he told me he got the DIGITAL DELUXE EDITION of the game i was like yeah so did i now i got it at launch.
Now here is my issue with his digital edition he gotSuit of Legacy Armor*
Mithril Box*
10 Experience Boosters*
Summon Mistfire Wolf Elite Skill*
Miniature Rytlock*.
Golem Banker*
Chalice of Glory*
Tome of Influence*
Now i got for twice the price and on launch daySummon Mistfire Wolf Elite Skill
Miniature Rytlock
Golem Banker*
Tome of Influence*Now i know that the extras that have been added are to get more people playing and that is great but we the players that have been playing from the start should we not also get the extras as well?
actually, i also bought the digital deluxe version of the game before launch and i also received everything listed except two additional items that they put in:
Suit of Legacy Armor
Mithril Box
are new to the deluxe version
~ I taught cows how to Moo! ~
So with the new 50% off the game at the moment i told someone i know to pick up guild wars 2 he did so and loves it all good so far, How ever when he told me he got the DIGITAL DELUXE EDITION of the game i was like yeah so did i now i got it at launch.
Now here is my issue with his digital edition he gotSuit of Legacy Armor*
Mithril Box*
10 Experience Boosters*
Summon Mistfire Wolf Elite Skill*
Miniature Rytlock*.
Golem Banker*
Chalice of Glory*
Tome of Influence*
Now i got for twice the price and on launch daySummon Mistfire Wolf Elite Skill
Miniature Rytlock
Golem Banker*
Tome of Influence*Now i know that the extras that have been added are to get more people playing and that is great but we the players that have been playing from the start should we not also get the extras as well?
Nope. You are not entitled to anything that was not available when yu bought the digital deluxe edition. Whatever you were promised at the time is what you get. I am just amazed that none of the early adapters isn’t saying " hey, the game is 50% off, I’m entitled to a refund of half the price I paid for it!!!"
BTW, I also bought the Digital deluxe edition before the game was released. I do not feel gypped or cheated, because new players get some extras.
Be grateful, Not entitled.
(edited by Nerelith.7360)
You need to think of it this way, you go to the grocery store and buy a box of Toasty Oaty Winky Dinkies, you take it home and for a week you eat your Toasty Oaty Winky Dinkies for breakfast. Then you run out of Toasty Oaty Winky Dinkies, so you return to the store to get another box of Toasty Oaty Winky Dinkies and you notice a free toy is inside the box of Toasty Oaty Winky Dinkies. Now are you going to go up to a clerk at the store and demand that he rip open a box of Toasty Oaty Winky Dinkies and give you a free toy because you already bought a box Toasty Oaty Winky Dinkies last week and didn’t get a free toy. No you will probably buy two boxes of Toasty Oaty Winky Dinkies. They put free crap in serial boxes to get you to buy more serial or to entice people to try their product. It’s the same way with computer games.
put the correct term in but not everyone has kittens
You guys are still on about this? I think the OP get’s the point and has acknowledged it. Time to let this one go.
What is with all these people demanding refunds or extra content from ANet when they bought something fully knowing what it was?
I honestly just don’t get it.
Because we live in the Age of Entitlement.
Must be a pretty long age. I’ve been hearing people say that for 30 years.
I too bought the game (pre-order) before launch and am very happy with my purchase. Am I bothered new players get more stuff? Not really.
But (you knew a but was coming didn’t you), out of pure curiosity, could a new player or a friend of a new player ask them to roll a Necromancer and see if their melee minions attack? If they do then i’ll be totally kittened off that they get that with new half priced copies.
Guardian, Ranger, Warrior.
(edited by Antharius.6950)