New to game!
There’s tons of tips, but the biggest I can give you is don’t play this game like WoW…because in a lot of ways it’s very different from WOW.
Don’t worry about stealing someone’s kill or node, because you can’t. You can mine a resource node and someone else can mine the same node. If you tag a guy and someone else joins in you both get credit for the kill. Everyone can rez everyone without even using a skill. It’s a very cooperative PvE experience.
Take your time leveling (which won’t happen because it’s pretty fast anyway). Make sure to look in the hidden places, there’s often stuff there.
You can remotely deposit materials into your bank and you can remotely sell stuff on th3e marketplace if your bags are getting full.
All I can think of off the top of my head.
Welcome to the game.
No raids at this time. Endgame is largely centered around dungeon running, World vs World, and structured PvP…or collecting rare weapon/armor skins.
Be prepared to move. Mobility is very important in this game. Almost every skill can be used while moving. Don’t forget to dodge. I am not saying that you can’t face tank mobs, but the game is balanced around the assumption that you will usually need to dodge (especially many boss heavy hits).
It’s really not like WoW. There are no end-game ‘raids’. There is, however, end-game content, but you may be best served by taking your time leveling up, and exploring what each map, and area of the game has to offer. You can read more about the game in the Online Manual, Releases and/or Wiki…all accessed from the links at the top of this page.
Welcome to Tyria, and happy adventuring! =)
first: get rid of the idea of endgame content^^ you have to play for the sake of playing the game and not reaching predetemined goals. the game is the most fun if you dont play “effectiv” and just do what you want to do.
second: for leveling the best way is to complete maps to 100%. after a while you have to do special tasks to unlock trait abilities, try level your crafting skills while leveling (the best equip can be crafted)
third: after leveling you have to make your own goals. a good thing is to have a look at the wardrobe, choose the equip you like and look how you get it, another goal would be to master crafting, play all dungeon paths, world vs world pvp, pvp, discover the whole world etc etc.
dont forget, you (have to) make your endgame by yourself. look for a nice relaxed guild which are doing guildmissions regularly will help to find goals and keep you busy
There isn’t any instanced raids in the traditional way like in WoW. They are mostly openworld bosses and events.
There’s plenty of end-game content for new players. Personal Story, Living Story, WvW, SPvP, Guild Missions, World Bosses, EotM, Fractals, Dungeons, Achievements, Collections and many other things that i forgot.
If you need some guides to get started, try
I’m not sure how up to date it is though.
I too come from WoW (and others, but that the longest and most recently), and I could write a book on all the adjustments I made!
For the most part, good ones.
First off welcome, congrats on spending the best $10 or $15 you’ve ever spent. There is no better value in gaming than GW2, period. It’s amazing how much you get out of this game without a subscription.
For me the biggest things you’ll find an adjustment vs WoW in terms of pure mechanics…
- There’s no trinity of tank-dps-healer. None.
- Combat is active. No such thing as tank-and-spank except in trivial content.
Everyone is their own healer, everyone rez’s everyone else, everyone is responsible for good pew pew and for staying alive. There is still some class and build synergy, and class roles are a little bit more defined in competitive play, but believe me, after WoW you’re going to find the whole concept really weird!
In PvE, get used to the idea that your job is to maximize your damage output while using active skills to stay alive. Obviously as you play through leveling content it’s mostly pure fun and doesn’t matter that much- you can get by trying out all kinds of things, and that’s part of the fun. But it’s still a good idea to get used to reading enemies to know when to use your dodge key, timing your defense abilities, and so forth.
Wow, thank you all for the quick responses! I’ll be playing the game with a totally different mindset from my past experience in WoW. I played it for about 7 years on and off so this will be refreshing!
Hey everyone! I’m completely new to Guild Wars but saw it was on sale and I jumped onto getting it. I’m an old-school World of WarCraft player but got tired of it and the direction that franchise is going in.
Any tips for a beginner? I’m playing with my girlfriend as she is new too and we’re excited to play this game together. How are the raids and end-game content? Thanks for all the help and info, heard great things about the GW community :-)
Take everything you’ve learned about World of Warcraft and throw it out the window. You and your girlfriend are in for a bold awakening of a different experience all together playing this game compared to that.
There are no raids.
There is no trinity.
There is no never-ending gear grind treadmill.
Players work together questing (people cannot still your kill, so work together is a good thing!).
Questing is guided via hearts in the first …1-70ish zones, after that you’re on your own to just go about the Dynamic events.
Ask for help, the community is mighty friendly.
Abilities are partially tab-targeted, but also action based (a skill can miss if the enemy moves while it travels, projectile programmed).
Try to play the same race if at all possible so the stories kind of…go together and the questing is more together.
Wow, thank you all for the quick responses! I’ll be playing the game with a totally different mindset from my past experience in WoW. I played it for about 7 years on and off so this will be refreshing!
thats a good attitude. you can see gw2 as a mmo for players that dont like mmos or are bored of them.
oh and be prepared to invest a few bucks in the game (shouldnt be a big deal after 7 years of subscription), there are a few quality of life features that are totally worth it (for example enhancing bank space and inventory) or a bit of content that shows you what is happening after the main story and prepares you for the addon (living story 2 chapters). theoretically you can buy all of this with ingame gold, but because the game is 2 years old there is a lot of gold in the game you would have to grind A LOT of gold to effort these things.
there are some great tips here in this thread
there’re also some other helpful threads in that sub-forums
Incoming Quaggans [iQ]
I see BammBamm, thanks for the tips! So I could convert gold in-game to get these extra bank spaces and inventory slots? I got the deluxe edition. Is there a lot of content to get through by buying it or whatever?
Welcome to the game! You guys sure picked a good time to start! If you ever have questions, feel free to whisper me! And don’t hesitate to ask questions in map chat or in a guild you may join, the community prides itself on being one of if not the most friendly MMO community you’ll find.
(All of the forum names you see here are the players global names)
“Walk with the pack. In the eyes of Wolf, we are all brothers and sisters.”
I see BammBamm, thanks for the tips! So I could convert gold in-game to get these extra bank spaces and inventory slots? I got the deluxe edition. Is there a lot of content to get through by buying it or whatever?
If you’re thinking of converting gold to gems, here’s a site that shows the rate.
As you see, you’ll need a lot of gold for it. I think a character slot costs 600 gems, so that’ll be around 90g. I forgot how much new bag slots are, but they are a lot cheaper. You can check in game by clicking the lock icon and it will show you.
edit: fixed my math. lol.
The Deluxe gives you a few QoL things, nothing game changing. There are only two “contents” you would have to pay more to access: The second season of the Living Story will require 200 gems per chapter to unlock and the gems will cost you your choice of cash or gold (except the current Chapter 8, which will be freely unlocked to you for logging in before it’s patched out), and the upcoming expansion, likely to be cash only.
Plenty of fun cosmetic things are in the gem store. None of them give you a game play advantage over other players, beyond some minimal time savings. As BammBamm said, buying inventory space is well worth it. Anything you can buy with gems you can buy with gold, though it will take quite a bit of gold to get enough gems. You also can buy gold with gems if you want to convert it the other direction.
You cannot at this time see the first season of Living Story, as it wasn’t designed with replay in mind. They would like to fix that but have not said it’s any kind of priority beyond a general wishlist.
Also don’t worry about unlocking Season Two right away. You’ll need to be 80 to play it anyway, so you may have more gold to spare by then.
I see BammBamm, thanks for the tips! So I could convert gold in-game to get these extra bank spaces and inventory slots? I got the deluxe edition. Is there a lot of content to get through by buying it or whatever?
no not a lot. it works this way, when you log in while a living story chapter is active you get it for free and can replay it when you want. if you missed it you have to buy the chapter for 200(?) gems each to unlock it. living story develops the changing world and gives background information about it, new enemies arise, lorestuff etc a living story chapter is between one and three hours of instanced content. there can be things changed by the living story in the open world and that is avaiable for everybody for free (f.e. new events or new maps). the chapters of the living story are for max level chars.
(edited by BammBamm.6719)
My biggest advice in enjoying this game is when you find an NPC who starts an event (basically the various quests around the world), try sticking around for a few minutes after it ends. Sometimes, there’s a new vendor there with new items, sometimes he will run off to start a new event. Enjoy the exploration, and get used to being surprised by what’s around the corner. Even old-time players can find something they never knew existed in the game.