New type of gearing

New type of gearing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: moiraine.2753


The system has 5 different types of tiers which don’t have common things.They are based on different farming methods.The models are made like this because people should do different things.They shouldn’t focus only on one thing and only it.You should be able to farm your gear as you wish.
Keep in mind one important thing.Gear stats will stay the same as now.There won’t be any significant difference in it.The only thing that will make it special is how it looks.
The post is long.

Tier 1 – Gear and weapons: White,Green,Blue,Rare,exotic / 1-79 leveling braket
1.Normal mobs – white,green gear
2.Elite mobs – blue gear
3.Champion mobs – rare gear
4.Currency – exotic gear (this is exotic gear is specific only for 1-79lvl.You can’t buy this gear with the same currencies for 80lvl because then it is different colour)
a)Tokens from:jumping puzzles,WvW,story mode dungeons
b)Reputation:X1a – buy with silver
5.Crafting – current model(discover thing by experimenting)
You need very little currency to buy things.For instance 20lvl buys things for 100+ karma,43lvl for 500+ karma,67lvl for 750+ karma
If you buy with silver you will need reputation.

Tier 2 – Gear and weapons:Blue / lower 80lvl braket
1.Chests – DE,WvW,Puzzles,Story mode dungeons
2.Reputation:X1b – buy with gold gear
3.Crafting – current model (discover thing by experimenting)

Tier 3 – Gear and weapons:Rare / higher 80lvl braket
1.Curency – rare(yellows)
a)Tokens from: jumping puzzles,WvW,story mode dungeons
b)Reputation:X1c – buy with gold gear and weapons
2.Crafting – current model(discover thing by experimenting)
3.Chest – Explorable dungeons

Tier 4 – Gear and weapons:Exotic / upper 80lvl braket
1)Tokens from Explorable dungeons
2)Reputation: X1d – buy with gold recipes to make gear

Tier 5 – Gear and weapons:Epicks and Legendairies
1)Epicks – Purple gear only.Those epicks are equivalent of legendairie weapons but for gear.
a)Reputation:X1e – you buy Epick gear with a lot achievement points
b)Crafting – recipes which drop from chests in:Explorable dungeons,DE,jumping puzzles,WvW .It can Drop from farming trees,mines,vegetables,fruits too.BUT and it is a big one.Each farming method has a drop chance.For instance if you farm trees,mines there will be 1% drop chance.So if you do things which are more harder the drop chance will increase and be bigger.
DE,puzzles,WvW will be 5%, Explorables – 10% drop chance .Once you have the recipe you will need materials for the item.They are found in the open world.Epicks are profession specific.This gear will be made different than legendairy weapons. It will not need hundreds of materials.Epick gear will be hard to find the recipe but not hard to make the item.
2)Legendairy weapons only – I won’t change anything from the current model.They will be the same as now.

So here is how you improve your self.
1st you get leveling gear then you hit 80 and start doing for instance DE,WvW,dungeons,Jumping puzzles for gear which drops only from chests and is in “Lower 80lvl braket”.While you farm that gear you receive karma,tokens ,reputation with which you can buy things from “Higher 80lvl braket” BUT they are not easy to get.You will need atleast a week of farming to receive full set.Until then you already will be fully gear from “Lower 80lvl bracket” and you will have enough currency to buy things from the “Higher 80lvl braket”
In “leveling braket” for example you need only 700 karma,for “Higher 80lvl braket” you will need 5k+ karma.

I have made 5 Tiers of gear which means there are 5 models of gear.Each one of them brings different farming models.
1st is leveling gear model.
2nd is 80lvl gearing model NOT based on currency like karma or tokens
3rd is 80lvl gearing model based on currency for instance karma and tokens
4th is 80lvl gearing model which is made for people that want to have a challenge or just like to farm
5th is 80lvl gearing model and it’s the hardest to do(Legendairy weapons and Epick gear)

Numbers 4 and 5 are harder to do and are not meant for everyone.Dungeons will be meant for challenge.Reputations where you buy things for Achievement points are for people who like to farm.

TxS – Tequatl Slayer Alliance (EU)

(edited by moiraine.2753)

New type of gearing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: brickforlife.1364


Sounds like Wow. No really, it does. I believe they want everyone to get the same endgame stats for a relatively cheap price so that the game is based on skill, not how many hours you spend farming the game.


New type of gearing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

Your post is yelling Panda from all sides, I don’t want to see that in my GW2.
Panda is panda, GW2 is GW2. Let’s keep them as far as possible.

New type of gearing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: moiraine.2753


First of all stop talking about WoW i hate that game.What i propose is not as it and never will be.Read what i say and think about it don’t only say oooo looks like MoP it’s a fail…

Right now we have a few options.
1st crafting which can give you the best gear
2nd karma which has 2 things – gear for 1k and gear for 5k
3rd is the best gear obtained through karma and dungeon tokens.

Those 3 options are not enough in my opinion.I want more ways to farm my gear.Why should i be forced to wait for my gear?Can’t i have a few different kinds of farming methods which will mix in each other?

Right now what do i do?I hit 80 and buy gear or farm karma,tokens then i wait a lot of time for new items.I don’t say it’s a bad thing but it’s a bad mechanic.
I’d like to have 5 or even 6 tipes of systems which give gear.Each set will be more powerfull than next one and will improve you.
That is what i want

TxS – Tequatl Slayer Alliance (EU)

New type of gearing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: brickforlife.1364


What stops me from skipping all the tiers except the last one?

(constructive criticism) The problem that remains with your idea is that it has the factor of “grind to win.” GW2 has two crowds. One is the casual crowd which will stop at maybe tier 4 of your idea. Then there is the regular crown which will almost always hit the top tier. What happens is that the casual crowd will feel disadvantaged and will probably be lacking in terms of the regular crowd.
