New weapons for classes?

New weapons for classes?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: iSmack.1768


I haven’t been playing GW2 in a while, just recently started again, so bare with me.

Pretty sure this has already been suggested but still want a proper answer from devs… I remember people asked this a few weeks after launch and their answer was that they eventually want every class to use all weapons… Yet here we are! Not a single new weapon added to any classes.

Is it completely abandoned or what?

New weapons for classes?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Duke Blackrose.4981

Duke Blackrose.4981

There’s been no recent word on this that I’m aware of.

If it’s been completely abandoned, I just wish they’d say something so that I can quit now. The only thing that keeps me playing as I do is an optimism that the game’s single largest issue – its major lack of skill and weapon options – will be fixed.

New weapons for classes?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: JayAction.9056


It’s not happening. 2015 is almost done with and there has been nothing at all this year to indicate that we should even hope to see new weapons.

It would be pretty safe to say the only updates this game will receive are those to living story and a few skins thrown in here and there.

New weapons for classes?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pandaman.4758


Meanwhile Traeherne and Marjory mockingly flail around their greatswords at the players.

New weapons for classes?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: dekou.6012


“Soon” = maybe in two years.
“Eventually” = you don’t even want to know.

New weapons for classes?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: aspirine.6852


It’s not happening. 2015 is almost done with and there has been nothing at all this year to indicate that we should even hope to see new weapons.

It would be pretty safe to say the only updates this game will receive are those to living story and a few skins thrown in here and there.

Wow there time traveller 2014 is almost done.

New weapons for classes?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: iSmack.1768


Meanwhile Traeherne and Marjory mockingly flail around their greatswords at the players.

Yea…. I pretty much exclusively play with my Necro, compared to some alts I can’t be bothered to continue cause it’s too boring… It makes me sad that even ANet knows that something is missing for the necro so the NPCs get greatswords.

New weapons for classes?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Leo G.4501

Leo G.4501

Gotta keep up the pressure!
Besides, the devs might rather hear people proposing new weapons than outcries to get the attention from them by threatening to quit or shooting this and that is op or rewards aren’t handed to them on silver platters.

New weapons for classes?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Duke Blackrose.4981

Duke Blackrose.4981

Gotta keep up the pressure!
Besides, the devs might rather hear people proposing new weapons than outcries to get the attention from them by threatening to quit or shooting this and that is op or rewards aren’t handed to them on silver platters.

There have been plenty of threads proposing new weapons, including a number of weapon concept threads. All of them have been ignored by developers.

No, they are either keeping the development of new weapon options in the background, slowly working on a few of them, lumping many of them together at once, or outright neglecting to work on them.

New weapons for classes?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Leo G.4501

Leo G.4501

No, they are either keeping the development of new weapon options in the background, slowly working on a few of them, lumping many of them together at once, or outright neglecting to work on them.

Not sure what you’re trying to say.

Playing crystal ball or telepathic can be fun in threads made for such posts.

New weapons for classes?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: iSmack.1768


Gotta keep up the pressure!
Besides, the devs might rather hear people proposing new weapons than outcries to get the attention from them by threatening to quit or shooting this and that is op or rewards aren’t handed to them on silver platters.

There have been plenty of threads proposing new weapons, including a number of weapon concept threads. All of them have been ignored by developers.

No, they are either keeping the development of new weapon options in the background, slowly working on a few of them, lumping many of them together at once, or outright neglecting to work on them.

This pretty much. I just want to know what’s the status of this… Is it being worked or not. It’s not a question of quitting or not, however it would be great to know that our characters will be getting new toys to play around with.

Some stuff doesn’t make sense either… Ranger can use Harpoons underwater, but suddenly forgets how to pull a trigger on land and can’t use Rifle? Warrior can use Longbows but doesn’t remember how to pluck a shorter string to use a Shortbow? How can an Engineer not know how to use a mace or hammer? 2 NPC Necromancers use Greatsword, but our characters can’t? Why bother making those NPCs Necromancers if you’re just going to taunt the player Necromancers with a weapon they’ll never get.

Of course adding new weapons to classes adds complications with balance and what not, but it also adds character customization and build diversity.

New weapons for classes?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Duke Blackrose.4981

Duke Blackrose.4981

No, they are either keeping the development of new weapon options in the background, slowly working on a few of them, lumping many of them together at once, or outright neglecting to work on them.

Not sure what you’re trying to say.

Playing crystal ball or telepathic can be fun in threads made for such posts.

- By process of elimination (as it has not happened and there has been no announcement on them or on an upcoming feature pack), you can remove the possibility of new weapons being added soon (as in the next patch and probably the next month).

- There has been no communication on new weapons, so this means that they are clearly being developed in the background or not at all.

- If they are being developed in the background, work on them is either meeting significant headway (which is unlikely, given the long period of time since the long-expired announcement of the feature and now, coupled with Anet’s history of slow updates to core game features) or is making slow progress.

- In either scenario, of the previous statement, you can either expect them to be released in small numbers (as small even as one weapon per class) or in a large lump sum worthy of being the main feature of a feature patch.

No crystal ball. No tinfoil hat. Not even a prediction. I merely covered every scenario that is possible (or at least those that come to mind as being possible).

(edited by Duke Blackrose.4981)

New weapons for classes?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: quaniesan.8497


New weapons type for professions or new legendaries … those are empty promises being floating around since first year. Those are one of the things they dangle in front of our nose to keep us playing in hope that it will some day be realized.

If ya no longer see me after this post,
it means THEY got me for " neg criticism in clever disguise".
Know that it has been fun and I love ya all.

New weapons for classes?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tachenon.5270


Alas, poor short bow! Only the ranger and the thief know how to use one. Is there any other weapon so limited?

The table is a fable.

New weapons for classes?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Duke Blackrose.4981

Duke Blackrose.4981

Alas, poor short bow! Only the ranger and the thief know how to use one. Is there any other weapon so limited?

Hammer and Rifle.

New weapons for classes?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tachenon.5270


Alas, poor short bow! Only the ranger and the thief know how to use one. Is there any other weapon so limited?

Hammer and Rifle.

Interesting. Thanks

Seems quite wrong to me that rangers can’t use rifles. Also seems wrong that engineers can’t use hammers, since it’s a tool as well as a weapon.


The table is a fable.

New weapons for classes?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xenon.4537


The likelyhood of getting new anything for our characters goes in an order like this:

1. New gem store outfit
2. New gem store armor set
3. New BL weapons
4. New hair and face styles only through total makeover kit
5. New backpack crafted through LS
6. “New” outfit which is really a reskin of existing outfits (looking at you, Hexed outfit)
7. New armor skin earned through achievements or LS (carapace/luminescent)
8. New weapon skin which has some absurd RNG or crafting requirement
9. 1 new useless healing skill (antitoxin spray…)
10. New healing skills with a range of usefulness depending on profession (signet of vampirism lolololol)
11. New GM traits for everyone (finally something good!)
12. I got nothin….
9001. New minor and master traits, some better than others I’d imagine.
9002. More new healing skills, some better than others…
9003. New utility skills, potentially causing game-breaking balance issues and a flood of player tears.
9004. 1 new racial elite skill per race, but just as useless as other racials. Possibly sold in the gem store.
9005. 1 new elite skill per profession with a very limited usefulness on all but one or two professions.
9006. Unlock 1 existing weapon type per profession they previously couldn’t use (axe for guardian, sword for ele, main hand pistol for mesmer, etc) causing even more balance issues and a tsunami of QQ.
9007. FINALLY add a new weapon type to the game like polearms or something.
321467437645. Add 1 new playable race.
321467437646. Add 1 new profession, possibly heavy armor for symmetry.
??. Launch an expansion pack with content that actually satisfies us.

As you can see… tiny little Gem store knick-knacks are right at the very top of the list. Stuff that would really satisfy players is pretty far down…

New weapons for classes?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Silvia.9130


I wish so badly they’ll add a greatsword for eles…I was thinking it’d be cool to have skills similar to the ones you get when you are turned in an avatar of Balthazar during personal story (the one after losing Claw Island if you joined Durmand Priory you know?) I can always dream ^^

>>Lady Carlie Castle<

New weapons for classes?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Atherakhia.4086


My only concern with ANet introducing new weapons is the game still isn’t properly balanced. For the half that are the new weapons would be new toys they’d get to use to break out of their current mold and develop exciting new strategies and playstyles.

For the other half they’ll get nothing but a useless weapon that does nothing but fills in the gaping holes the class currently suffers from and will still be far behind the others because of their new weapons.

I’d also hope new weapons actually did something for the class. Take Ranger for example… while a rifle would be a fun weapon to see added would it be sufficiently different than a longbow since they already have a single target burst weapon? Or should we give them a staff so they can turn into more of a druid with cool nature spells and a lot of group utility.

New weapons for classes?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Thorfinnr Sleggja.1209

Thorfinnr Sleggja.1209

Lots of interesting input here.

I as well would like to see a more wide-spread use of existing weapons, but also would like to see a handful of new ones added. Granted, there are some issues with existing weapon functionality that also needs to be addressed.

My Thoughts:

Existing Weapons
Ranger – Rifle, Pistol(off-hand only), Staff(I like that Druid-style suggestion by Atherakhia)
Elementalist – Greatsword
Warrior – Dagger(off-hand only)
Mesmer – Dagger(off-hand only)
Necromancer – Sword(main-hand only)
Thief – I actually like the way its set, see new weapons below.
Guardian – Axe(main or off-hand, no Axe/Axe), 1 Hand Hammer(Main or Off-hand(No Dual Wield))
Engineer – I actually like this as is, see new weapons below.

New Weapons
Ranger – Whip(Animations and some NPC skills already exist)
Thief – Whip
Warrior – Battle Axe, 1 Hand Hammer(Main or Off-hand(No Dual Wield))
Necromancer – Scythe, Whip
Guardian – Crossbow, 1 Hand Hammer(Main or Off-hand(No Dual Wield))
Mesmer – open to suggestions
Elementalist – open to suggestions
Engineer – 1 hand Hammer(any hand, dual wield available)

Again, just suggestions and ideas.

I do because I can
I can because I want to
I want to because you said I couldn’t

New weapons for classes?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Einlanzer.1627


It’s really quite preposterous how we have next to no new skills for any of the classes after two years when that’s probably the most important need the game has had from day one.

New weapons for classes?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Einlanzer.1627


My only concern with ANet introducing new weapons is the game still isn’t properly balanced. For the half that are the new weapons would be new toys they’d get to use to break out of their current mold and develop exciting new strategies and playstyles.

For the other half they’ll get nothing but a useless weapon that does nothing but fills in the gaping holes the class currently suffers from and will still be far behind the others because of their new weapons.

I’d also hope new weapons actually did something for the class. Take Ranger for example… while a rifle would be a fun weapon to see added would it be sufficiently different than a longbow since they already have a single target burst weapon? Or should we give them a staff so they can turn into more of a druid with cool nature spells and a lot of group utility.

If we always had to wait on balance, we’d be waiting forever. I understand what you’re trying to say, but “balance” is not ever a good reason to not release new stuff since it’s a never-ending process of iteration.

Honestly, I would go so far as to say their #1 mistake with the development of this game and why it failed to hold on to a lot of the initial buyers was that they attempted to be too conservative with everything for the sake of balance as a knee-jerk reaction from some of the perceptions of the first game. At the end of the day, classes do not have enough skills to make build experimentation as engaging as it could or should be and results in a loss of interest.

New weapons for classes?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Deim Hunir.8503

Deim Hunir.8503

Whip definitely for mesmers. Really any Dominatrix weapon is made for them.
Lances/polearms/ in general would be welcomed for any class too really.

Also balance will never really be achieved so I say bring on the new weapons even though ti would be interesting if they brought new fighting mechanics to the game. But then again I reckon old weapons could also simply be updated sometime to incorporate those new mechanics.

(edited by Deim Hunir.8503)

New weapons for classes?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Einlanzer.1627


Here are my suggestions, taken from a thread I made not that long ago.

Warrior – Greataxe, Lance, Glove (OH Light)
Ranger – Lance, Staff, Disc (Ranged), Glove
Thief – Staff, Disc, Whip, MH Axe, Glove
Elementalist – Greatsword, Tome, Glove
Guardian – Longbow, Lance, Greataxe, Tome, Glove
Mesmer – Disc, Shortbow, Lance, Glove
Engineer – Mace, Hammer, Glove
Necro – Greataxe, Tome, Whip, Glove

The Glove would be a shield/focus type OH invisible “weapon” available to all classes that would be for utility and would simulate fighting with a single one-handed weapon, which currently isn’t possible without gimping yourself.
Hint hint, I’d love to play a viable single-dagger Thief.

New weapons for classes?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ragnarox.9601


Lots of interesting input here.

I as well would like to see a more wide-spread use of existing weapons, but also would like to see a handful of new ones added. Granted, there are some issues with existing weapon functionality that also needs to be addressed.

My Thoughts:

Existing Weapons
Ranger – Rifle, Pistol(off-hand only), Staff(I like that Druid-style suggestion by Atherakhia)
Elementalist – Greatsword
Warrior – Dagger(off-hand only)
Mesmer – Dagger(off-hand only)
Necromancer – Sword(main-hand only)
Thief – I actually like the way its set, see new weapons below.
Guardian – Axe(main or off-hand, no Axe/Axe), 1 Hand Hammer(Main or Off-hand(No Dual Wield))
Engineer – I actually like this as is, see new weapons below.

New Weapons
Ranger – Whip(Animations and some NPC skills already exist)
Thief – Whip
Warrior – Battle Axe, 1 Hand Hammer(Main or Off-hand(No Dual Wield))
Necromancer – Scythe, Whip
Guardian – Crossbow, 1 Hand Hammer(Main or Off-hand(No Dual Wield))
Mesmer – open to suggestions
Elementalist – open to suggestions
Engineer – 1 hand Hammer(any hand, dual wield available)

Again, just suggestions and ideas.

1h hammer? I lost you with this…but then I would like to see dual wield 2h hammers on guardians smashing everything with it. Like hulk. Me guardian, me smash.

first three abilities stays the same but:

4# SMASH – (800 base dmg of every hit) smash everything in front of you with countinously attacks (similar like warriors gratsword 100blades ) – 8 attacks but while doing it you are crippled and vulnerable (range 300) – (22 sec cd)
5% JUMPING HERO – jump to make 2 hits on desired area. If attack hits, targets are inflicted with Chill 1.5s) while curing yourself and allies of 2 conditions.. ( AOE attack, range 600). (18s cd)

its same sci fi like yours :P

New weapons for classes?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Atherakhia.4086


Well I certainly agree with you that I wouldn’t want to wait for this game to be balanced for new content to arrive. But we have certain classes that have never had a use in specific areas of the game. Necromancers in PvE, Rangers in WvW, etc. I’m not sure we’ve ever had a single PvP tournement that represented all 8 classes in the top 5 either.

Considering the game has been out 2 years I would have expected the game to be at the point now where balance was merely a numbers game and slight adjustments on skills would be all that was needed. That’s a pipedream here unfortunately. And one balance update every 4-6 months only ensures things will never change.

New weapons for classes?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Malediktus.9250


All weapons for all classes would be a good start.

1st person worldwide to reach 35,000 achievement points.

New weapons for classes?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xenon.4537


All weapons for all classes would be a good start.

What the hell would a warrior do with a scepter or focus? Lol.

New weapons for classes?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Duke Blackrose.4981

Duke Blackrose.4981

All weapons for all classes would be a good start.

What the hell would a warrior do with a scepter or focus? Lol.

Focus is more tenuous (perhaps it could be an adrenaline-producer), but Scepter is actually a surprisingly easy connection to make.

Scepters, in real world history, were symbols of authority, command, and/or nobility. For a Warrior, this means that the Scepter would likely be a melee weapon based not on magic but on command – the MH equivalent of a Warhorn, or perhaps a Banner, if you will.

And really, that would be a great unfilled niche for the Warrior.

New weapons for classes?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xenon.4537


My only concern with ANet introducing new weapons is the game still isn’t properly balanced. For the half that are the new weapons would be new toys they’d get to use to break out of their current mold and develop exciting new strategies and playstyles.

For the other half they’ll get nothing but a useless weapon that does nothing but fills in the gaping holes the class currently suffers from and will still be far behind the others because of their new weapons.

I’d also hope new weapons actually did something for the class. Take Ranger for example… while a rifle would be a fun weapon to see added would it be sufficiently different than a longbow since they already have a single target burst weapon? Or should we give them a staff so they can turn into more of a druid with cool nature spells and a lot of group utility.

Like someone else said, if we had to wait for balance before adding new things, we would never get anywhere. Balance is always fluctuating. Nothing is ever perfect. If it was perfect, every class would be carbon copies of each other and there would be no point in it in the first place.

The right thing to do is get it to a reasonable level of balance (it’s pretty close right now, imo) and then add some new stuff into the mix. Adding new stuff inevitably throws the balance way off, but that’s what further balance patches are for.

In other news, I love your staff idea for rangers! I would love to see that, and I think it makes a lot more sense than rifle from both a thematic and game mechanic standpoint.

New weapons for classes?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: pandas.9450


Still waiting for axes for guards, my poor tooth of frostfang is still in storage and waiting to turn into frostfang for my guard, come on anet ;-;

New weapons for classes?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xenon.4537


All weapons for all classes would be a good start.

What the hell would a warrior do with a scepter or focus? Lol.

Focus is more tenuous (perhaps it could be an adrenaline-producer), but Scepter is actually a surprisingly easy connection to make.

Scepters, in real world history, were symbols of authority, command, and/or nobility. For a Warrior, this means that the Scepter would likely be a melee weapon based not on magic but on command – the MH equivalent of a Warhorn, or perhaps a Banner, if you will.

And really, that would be a great unfilled niche for the Warrior.

I get your reasoning, but the problem is that scepters in the Guild Wars universe have always been mediums for casting magic. Foci as well. They are purely for channeling magical energy and amplifying it. Warriors have no real magical ability. They spend their lives training in purely physical ability.

So what would the auto attack on the warrior scepter be? Smack like a mace? There’s already a mace. Not to mention most scepters are more delicately made. Same with foci. I couldn’t imagine using those items to physically beat on people without them breaking.

New weapons for classes?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Einlanzer.1627


I don’t really think it fits to give every class every weapon. Some classes should get some existing weapons, then they need to make new ones for all classes.

New weapons for classes?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xenon.4537


Still waiting for axes for guards, my poor tooth of frostfang is still in storage and waiting to turn into frostfang for my guard, come on anet ;-;

I think what this thread needs is more detailed ideas for what weapon skills will do. What do you think guadian axe skills will do? Will they be distinctly different from warrior, ranger, and necromancer axe skills?

New weapons for classes?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: pandas.9450


Still waiting for axes for guards, my poor tooth of frostfang is still in storage and waiting to turn into frostfang for my guard, come on anet ;-;

I think what this thread needs is more detailed ideas for what weapon skills will do. What do you think guadian axe skills will do? Will they be distinctly different from warrior, ranger, and necromancer axe skills?

Hoping for an offhand axe that will focus on more personal dps,4-5 a stun hit and maybe not just to seem selfish a large arc swipe that can remove a condi on a single team member

New weapons for classes?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Duke Blackrose.4981

Duke Blackrose.4981

Still waiting for axes for guards, my poor tooth of frostfang is still in storage and waiting to turn into frostfang for my guard, come on anet ;-;

I think what this thread needs is more detailed ideas for what weapon skills will do. What do you think guadian axe skills will do? Will they be distinctly different from warrior, ranger, and necromancer axe skills?

Hoping for an offhand axe that will focus on more personal dps,4-5 a stun hit and maybe not just to seem selfish a large arc swipe that can remove a condi on a single team member

I think it needs more thought than that.

For starters, Guards don’t have a fast/high-dps melee weapon that has a symbol. So perhaps the Axe symbol would be a Symbol of Might or a Symbol of Fury.

Couple that with a chain that ends in a sweeping arc to hit the entire 360 degree radius on its final, strong hit. Finish with a bit of soft CC, which the Guard has been sorely lacking. A 450-range leap that cripples the target would round it out nicely.

As for off-hand… well, they should really get Warhorns first, but an Off-hand axe could be nice as a purely-offensive support offhand. A boon-stealing strike and an AoE Might Whirl would be quite beneficial.

New weapons for classes?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tachenon.5270


All weapons for all classes would be a good start.

What the hell would a warrior do with a scepter or focus? Lol.

Focus is more tenuous (perhaps it could be an adrenaline-producer), but Scepter is actually a surprisingly easy connection to make.

Scepters, in real world history, were symbols of authority, command, and/or nobility. For a Warrior, this means that the Scepter would likely be a melee weapon based not on magic but on command – the MH equivalent of a Warhorn, or perhaps a Banner, if you will.

And really, that would be a great unfilled niche for the Warrior.

I get your reasoning, but the problem is that scepters in the Guild Wars universe have always been mediums for casting magic. Foci as well. They are purely for channeling magical energy and amplifying it. Warriors have no real magical ability. They spend their lives training in purely physical ability.

So what would the auto attack on the warrior scepter be? Smack like a mace? There’s already a mace. Not to mention most scepters are more delicately made. Same with foci. I couldn’t imagine using those items to physically beat on people without them breaking.

A warrior scepter might be more like a billy club/truncheon. Lighter and faster than a mace; maybe less damage per hit, but with more hits. With some ranged attacks just to mix it up a little — bounce it off an enemy’s head, for example They could be infused with bloodstone dust or something suitably arcane rendering them capable of firing short-ranged bolts of ‘weaponized adrenaline’. Or hollow, doubling as a blowgun (for blowing bloodstone dust into an enemy’s face).

As for the auto attack, perhaps just a series of quick blows upside the head. Or knees. Or tootsies, as the case may be.

Warriors might even dual wield scepters. Here’s a melee rotation:

The table is a fable.

New weapons for classes?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Leo G.4501

Leo G.4501

Well I certainly agree with you that I wouldn’t want to wait for this game to be balanced for new content to arrive. But we have certain classes that have never had a use in specific areas of the game. Necromancers in PvE, Rangers in WvW, etc. I’m not sure we’ve ever had a single PvP tournement that represented all 8 classes in the top 5 either.

Considering the game has been out 2 years I would have expected the game to be at the point now where balance was merely a numbers game and slight adjustments on skills would be all that was needed. That’s a pipedream here unfortunately. And one balance update every 4-6 months only ensures things will never change.

That’s a catch-22 then.

How would you expect to grant such professions a place in those game-modes if you don’t implement new things to add these metas in the first place? Even you just admitted that you thought it’d be a numbers game by now but it isn’t. So why hold onto the notion that we just should keep skewing the existing variables first when you don’t have faith that doing so will get your desired result?

And on the other hand, from the perspectives of others like myself, a lot of the balance cries, while valid, are often blown out of proportion. Necromancer performs just fine in PvE, it’s just not the type of style people care for in PvE encounters (either change the encounters or change what is available to Necros so that they can do what people expect of everyone). Rangers in WvW perform decently if not limited (but in zergs, not very well…but then should professions really be measured by what they add to a mess of players loosely following orders in a blob?).

You really just need to put things in perspective. No, adding new weapons or proliferating weapons might not be THE solution for the problem and it might end up creating more problems but are these problems literally breaking the game? Does it make professions completely unplayable? Does it render the community to a degree that it is completely unfeasible to add more possible variables to the equation?

In the end, we’re all just tossing ideas in the bucket to battle problems. Often the problem this idea tackles is stagnation. So if this solution is at odds with other problems, can the these be weighed to decide if it’d be worth it to pursue or deemed too dangerous?

My perspective isn’t shared by everyone, but IMO, I think adding more skills would definitely be worth it for the very reason quoted.

New weapons for classes?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Leo G.4501

Leo G.4501

Still waiting for axes for guards, my poor tooth of frostfang is still in storage and waiting to turn into frostfang for my guard, come on anet ;-;

I think what this thread needs is more detailed ideas for what weapon skills will do. What do you think guadian axe skills will do? Will they be distinctly different from warrior, ranger, and necromancer axe skills?

I believe there’s a thread here>>>>

Let’s consolidate ideas if only because it’s fun to read them!!!

New weapons for classes?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xenon.4537


Still waiting for axes for guards, my poor tooth of frostfang is still in storage and waiting to turn into frostfang for my guard, come on anet ;-;

I think what this thread needs is more detailed ideas for what weapon skills will do. What do you think guadian axe skills will do? Will they be distinctly different from warrior, ranger, and necromancer axe skills?

I believe there’s a thread here>>>>

Let’s consolidate ideas if only because it’s fun to read them!!!

That thread was kind of necro’d. Maybe a mod can merge them?

Either way the format for suggesting weapon skills should be like this:

[profession] [weapon]
skill slot 1: [name of skill] : [description of skill] [cooldowns, damage data, conditions, etc]
skill slot 2: [as above]
skill slot 3: [as above]
skill slot 4: [as above]
skill slot 5: [as above]

Furthermore, suggestions need to be made with consideration for all other weapons on all other professions. Each weapon needs to handle differently and fill a niche, not only from the other weapons of that profession, but for all the weapons of all the professions. Otherwise the idea would be redundant (i.e. giving rifles to rangers and making them function just like longbows).