Next Expansion Beta Testing

Next Expansion Beta Testing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sazukikrah.5036


We know it’s coming, the long awaited release for the next expansion. Dev’s even said it themselves. 2-3 more months until the next episode then the expansion! I serious can not wait! I’m ready spend all my money on Guild wars ! I am anxiously waiting for the next beta testing too and skill / class previews ! I’m not going to spoil it and I’m pretty sure everyone is on the edge of their seats as well ! Will we be getting a beta testing for this expansion too ?

Hadi the Edgemaster – Pro level Warrior (Youtube Hadi the Edgemaster)
Black Gate Tier 1 Roamer
Harbinger " I will make you (QQ)"

Next Expansion Beta Testing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

We won’t know any particulars until the announcements start some time after Episode 6.

Good luck.

Next Expansion Beta Testing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TexZero.7910


Probably, question is will you be among the lucky few who get a portal to the (insert name of expansion here) after grinding (insert name of map for episode 6 here) and just how long will it take before you’re as numb as ogden.

Next Expansion Beta Testing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Danikat.8537


The way it worked for both the base game and HoT was that if you pre-purchased the game/expansion you got access to all the beta tests. I assume they’ll do the same again for the next expansion.

Danielle Aurorel, Dear Dragon We Got Your Cookies [Nom], Desolation (EU).

“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”

Next Expansion Beta Testing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


Last time they added that RNG item you could get in SW/DT plus prepurchasing got you access. I personally hope they will find a better way than grinding mobs to get a chance at entering.

Next Expansion Beta Testing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: slashlizardy.9167


There were 3 opportunities to “beta” test HoT over a course of 3-4 months. The first opportunity was a four hour window, and was sent to the most active players at the time, of which I was one. Then there was the RNG item that was fell most often in Silverwastes. Lastly close to drop date of HoT was preview weekend. I do not know what Anet plans to do this time.

Next Expansion Beta Testing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Randulf.7614


Since the expac wont be announced til after ep 6 and it follows a bit over 3 months from the episode, it doesn’t give much time for beta testing and resolving any feedback. I suspect they are doing everything in house instead.

If they do beta test, I expect maybe a short window like a weekend or two this time.

Next Expansion Beta Testing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: OriOri.8724


Yea, I think that a 3 month window between ep6 and the next expac is pretty short. I wouldn’t mind a longer one that filled the gap with more current events, a holiday, and possibly some fractal/PvP/WvW (inb4 lol wvw never gets updated) updates. That would give them more time to build hype and beta test/implement feedback.

Next Expansion Beta Testing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: slashlizardy.9167


Three months for ep6, and 3 months for the debut of expac 2, if that is the case, times again right about the timing of Mad King’s Festival, which is my favorite in-game festival. I honestly hope anet waits to debut it after festival season. In addition, I would prefer some outside beta testing, as in-house testers will have seen numerous iterations of expac2 and will no longer be looking at it as first time players, like we would be.

Next Expansion Beta Testing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Silvercyclone.1462


Could be out of the loop here but I don’t remember any devs claiming there will be an expansion after season 3. I know all the youtubers are saying it but I have yet to see an actual dev announce it. Personally I would like a season 4 before another expansion so it will be 2 seasons between expansions. This will also give them another year for testing and bug fixes. We dont need another expansion like HoT.

Next Expansion Beta Testing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sephas.8793


Could be out of the loop here but I don’t remember any devs claiming there will be an expansion after season 3.

MO announced it in the Reddit AMA.

Next Expansion Beta Testing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jski.6180


I just hope ele not the last class to get put together as an elite spec or its going to be just like tempest where anet has to panic add effects to it out side of the ideal behind it to make it playable. And by doing so making the core class all the worst in the long run (over nerfs to the core because the elite spec is over doing it in one or a few places.)

This is true for all elite spec so please say something when a class is op (there is no way i am going to get on the beta test).

I also hope even if they are not adding any thing to wvw that they let the elite spec get a wvw beta test because balancing there is more important then pve.

Main : Jski Imaginary ELE (Necromancer)
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA

Next Expansion Beta Testing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Randulf.7614


Could be out of the loop here but I don’t remember any devs claiming there will be an expansion after season 3. I know all the youtubers are saying it but I have yet to see an actual dev announce it. Personally I would like a season 4 before another expansion so it will be 2 seasons between expansions. This will also give them another year for testing and bug fixes. We dont need another expansion like HoT.

“We announced that today’s episode, Flashpoint, is the second-to-last episode of the season. Yes, that means what you think it means: there’s one more episode after this, and then straight to the expansion pack.
A lot of you have been wondering about the upcoming release cadence, given that last time around we took a long break from Living World releases to get Heart of Thorns out the door and then to support that expansion after release.
The good news is that this time around we have two separate fully-staffed teams that are both hitting on all cylinders. So our rough plan is to slot the expansion pack into the release cadence as if it were an episode: episode 5, then episode 6, then the expansion pack, then episode 1. But we’ll make some allowance for the fact that shipping an expansion pack is a big deal logistically and will probably take longer than the 2~3 months we normally allocate between episodes.

Next Expansion Beta Testing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Silvercyclone.1462


Yeah just read it since it came out yesterday.

Next Expansion Beta Testing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

There were 3 opportunities to “beta” test HoT over a course of 3-4 months. The first opportunity was a four hour window, and was sent to the most active players at the time, of which I was one. Then there was the RNG item that was fell most often in Silverwastes. Lastly close to drop date of HoT was preview weekend. I do not know what Anet plans to do this time.

I don’t remember any ‘4-hour window and sent to active players’, but there was a random drawing from those subscribed to the Newsletter, in addition to pre-purchase, and the RNG-drop.

Next Expansion Beta Testing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: slashlizardy.9167


There were 3 opportunities to “beta” test HoT over a course of 3-4 months. The first opportunity was a four hour window, and was sent to the most active players at the time, of which I was one. Then there was the RNG item that was fell most often in Silverwastes. Lastly close to drop date of HoT was preview weekend. I do not know what Anet plans to do this time.

I don’t remember any ‘4-hour window and sent to active players’, but there was a random drawing from those subscribed to the Newsletter, in addition to pre-purchase, and the RNG-drop.

Ah, ok then it was from the newsletter then…

Next Expansion Beta Testing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sazukikrah.5036


Hopefully we get some Live streams and class previews like last time! Dont let us down Arena Net. I feel like they been slacking , I.E Legendary armor previews for light/medium set. I guess they knew that medium and light armor Legendary armor wasn’t all that great since it looked like Arah armor just with animations.

Hadi the Edgemaster – Pro level Warrior (Youtube Hadi the Edgemaster)
Black Gate Tier 1 Roamer
Harbinger " I will make you (QQ)"

Next Expansion Beta Testing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dashingsteel.3410


Hopefully there will be no hype train this time around. It didn’t end up well for them last time. Perhaps with betatesting they might preview requirements. I remember the 400 hero point requirement being sprung on the community one week before release of HoT.

Perhaps those kind of things could be avoided with this expansion.

Next Expansion Beta Testing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: OriOri.8724


400 HP wouldn’t be as bad this time if the leak was true. It showed the trees set up to where the very first things you unlock are the minor traits and 1 major trait in each tier. Meaning that you will very quickly gain access to at least a full 3 traits to equip, even if they aren’t the best ones in the tree.