Nightfury (Needs confirmation from anet)
The/one missing item may be the “gyve of madness” which was datamined and is an completly invisible foot thing that is related to night fury (dont ask me why you wear it on the feet i just entered the code and it was on the feet)
Yes the heavy is on your feet. The light and medium are shoulder pieces and it fits perfectly. The only problem is that we do not know where to get it if it is ingame yet… Thats why we want some confirmation that we are not wasting our time..
its in the wardrobe too
Another day, Arenanet still throwing around with pictures of toothless..
The hints are real..
Hey guys i am new to gw2 and don’t have much gold to test with so i figured i would give you guys some ideas i had and see what you come up with. Number one have you tried crafting from the top of the stair case thing above the caldron? random i know but hey why not. Number two since you all keep saying toothless is a hint i was thinking… the dragons would raid at night and this is called night furry so would crafting at night have any thing to do with it. Number three the mad king puts you in the pot and toothless was trapped in the valley until a tail was CRAFTED for him so maybe crafting it inside the pot would help rather then outside.
Again i am sorry if all this has been tested before or is dumb but hey like i said i am new to the game and thought i would suggest some ideas i had thought of.
(edited by Bitterbind.7943)
crafting and the time of day has no relation sorry bitterbind but all ur suggestions wouldnt affect the nightfury piece
Hey Bitterbind, those are some really interesting ideas! Thanks for your input, and welcome to the game
ok sorry it did not help and kinda random again but did any one try crafting the bat wing with other already used parts, like a tattered bat wing. sorry i can’t try this for my self yet and let you all know what happened but i should have enough gold soonish.
P.S. thanks, i love all of the players, you guys are so friendly compared to other games i play.
cassellw, up until now, time of day and crafting have no relation. Just because something has happened every time before doesn’t mean it will happen the same way again.
I think that the problems are the tattered wings and the unopened endless bottle because they’re actually the only Halloween Mats involved ‘til now… (I don’t know is there is another rare item, but I saw yesterday a new trophy, the “tequatl’s eye” and we can use trophies on MF, right?)
Now, thinking it through, we can sell them and the best shot we have is to reunite all the bags we can these days, I opened almost 200 two days ago and I found only 3 tattered wings, the bottle has to have a really really low drop rate, but more rng involved, more oportunities to win
I just wanted to come back and post a link to the recipe as it has been found and if any one looking for it comes across this page i want them to be able to find it.