Ninja PoI

Ninja PoI

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sarie.1630


I was completing the Personal Story mission A Light in the Darkness today for… I don’t know… the 7th time or so, and noticed something I’ve not noticed before.

Inside the instanced Cursed Shore section of this story there is a Point of Interest that appears to be unreachable, not only in the Personal Story (which isn’t surprising anyway), but also in the open world. I found this to be pretty darn curious, especially since the “permitted zone” seems to extend out that far.

I’ll attach a screenshot of this so anyone who hasn’t noticed can take a look. Has anyone managed to uncover this?… anywhere, inside the story, or outside? It looks to be well off the map in the open world. I’m really curious as to what this PoI might be.


Ninja PoI

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rgrwng.4072


looks like the spot you fly around in the air during the Victory or Death storyline mission.

(edited by rgrwng.4072)

Ninja PoI

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: zippo burntfur.9307

zippo burntfur.9307

It’s one of the PoI’s in the Arah dungeon.

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