RIP City of Heroes
No, I am not okay with this.
RIP City of Heroes
Well yeah, everyone playing is smart enough to know how to use Google to get a guide but that line did come off a bit salty so I see why Vayne took it that way.
But everyone can’t breeze through all content. I have reflex and depth perception issues so I didn’t breeze through LS season 2, I don’t breeze through JPs, and anything that requires pinpoint movement is a no-go. Oh, but I can listen, follow instructions, solve logic problems, use strategy, and Google if I have to. I’ve also improved greatly since n00b me joined in 2012. I still don’t see the need to do spreadsheets and min/max to death but, well, I’m not MLG.
And the key is “if you have to”. I’ll rather fail on my own a dozen or more times before I resort to looking up a guide.
The only time I would use a guide first is for a find all quest like the one that rewards Princess. I only go to JP guides and videos after I can’t figure it out on my own after a couple of hours trying.
RIP City of Heroes
You guys keep claiming that casuals are being mean and trying to deny that hard content should be rewarding, but it’s mostly because ‘the hardcores’ keep trying to take rewards away from casual content. Nobody’s really after equality, everybody wants a leg up on everyone else, and nobody’s willing to admit that the casual guy’s two hours a week should be just as lucrative for him as two hours out of the week of the hardcore guy’s twenty, all things being equal.
Yes there are some people who want to casuals to make nothing but i think that is just minority. Even in this thread if you look there is a lot of people just asking for equality in the content profit.
My position is this
Take armor skins for example, 99% of them are available through relatively casual play. Now say anet makes a nice and exclusive armor set for say the hard content that we are supposed to get for HOT. Say not everyone can do that content for how hard it is, i guarantee a lot of the casuals would go bat kitten crazy for the fact that they might not be able to earn that skin cause they cant/ wont put the time in to learn the hard content. It needs to be available to them even though there are plenty of other skins they could get. It is not “fair” that they cant have that one set. How is it not ok for the hardcores to have there small bit of exclusivity.
And isn’t optimizing yourself to run a dungeon a certain way just as lazy as pressing 1 all the time?
Ok, stop right there. If that’s your opinion, then there is no point arguing, since you clearly lack the understanding of how efficient dungeon clearing works.
Do all the guys who think that way believe that just bringing the right gear guarantees you a fast and “easy” clear? Zerker have to do everything non-zerker players have to do too, even more, they have be more precautious, since they have no flat resistances.
But ofcourse, there is always the option for you to create your own non-zerker, non-optimized dungeon party.
And if you are against zerker gear, then I don’t understand why you are against harder dungeons, since the difficulty of the current dungeons is enabling many people to use zerker gear in the first place.
Of course not but by optimizing I’m also including step by step tactics as well as gear load out. Following a guide to the letter and succeeding is a hollow victory in my book. You’re just a meat bot following a pre-programmed series of steps to victory. Do it enough times it becomes rout and you don’t need the cheat sheet anymore but if you think following such a guide makes you “smarter” then welcome to the Google generation where you don’t have to learn anything on your own because it’s written up online and as long as you have net access and a smart phone you’re “smart”.
RIP City of Heroes
Of course not but by optimizing I’m also including step by step tactics as well as gear load out. Following a guide to the letter and succeeding is a hollow victory in my book. You’re just a meat bot following a pre-programmed series of steps to victory. Do it enough times it becomes rout and you don’t need the cheat sheet anymore but if you think following such a guide makes you “smarter” then welcome to the Google generation where you don’t have to learn anything on your own because it’s written up online and as long as you have net access and a smart phone you’re “smart”.
LOL wat….this guy
You must be entirely ignorant of any content besides open world.
Anyways as far as i could tell all notrigger was saying was that the content in this game is easy to complete. That’s not to say you will get a speed record, but any content in this game can be done with a minimal amount of information and understanding of game mechanics. I mean back in the days of 4 wars 1 mez people knew very little about the game there was no might stacking, defiance management, they didn’t even have great portal skips, but they still completed the content.
Ofc to optimize it takes a tremendous amount of skill and group synergy, but there is no special reward for doing well. And there is no content in this game that requires that kind of skill. Fractals kind of do…if you want to run them under 30 min (depending on fractal) but the rewards are kitten and it still can be done with horrible groups (i’ve had my fair share of experiences, eles who dont use blinds/ might stack, guards who don’t know how to pull or use sota, thieves who d/d on trash mobs, engies who camp rifle/ft etc.etc.etc.).
Challenging content should require understanding of game mechanics and your class and maybe sometimes quick reactions. It should be fun and rewarding and push people to play as well as they can. I personally cannot see any reason against this. No one says this content must be mandatory just that it should be in the game. What’s the point of having all these abilities and yet never having to use them. What’s the point of having a great reactive combat system and yet having easy content.
Of course not but by optimizing I’m also including step by step tactics as well as gear load out. Following a guide to the letter and succeeding is a hollow victory in my book. You’re just a meat bot following a pre-programmed series of steps to victory. Do it enough times it becomes rout and you don’t need the cheat sheet anymore but if you think following such a guide makes you “smarter” then welcome to the Google generation where you don’t have to learn anything on your own because it’s written up online and as long as you have net access and a smart phone you’re “smart”.
LOL wat….this guy
You must be entirely ignorant of any content besides open world.
Anyways as far as i could tell all notrigger was saying was that the content in this game is easy to complete. That’s not to say you will get a speed record, but any content in this game can be done with a minimal amount of information and understanding of game mechanics. I mean back in the days of 4 wars 1 mez people knew very little about the game there was no might stacking, defiance management, they didn’t even have great portal skips, but they still completed the content.
Ofc to optimize it takes a tremendous amount of skill and group synergy, but there is no special reward for doing well. And there is no content in this game that requires that kind of skill. Fractals kind of do…if you want to run them under 30 min (depending on fractal) but the rewards are kitten and it still can be done with horrible groups (i’ve had my fair share of experiences, eles who dont use blinds/ might stack, guards who don’t know how to pull or use sota, thieves who d/d on trash mobs, engies who camp rifle/ft etc.etc.etc.).
Challenging content should require understanding of game mechanics and your class and maybe sometimes quick reactions. It should be fun and rewarding and push people to play as well as they can. I personally cannot see any reason against this. No one says this content must be mandatory just that it should be in the game. What’s the point of having all these abilities and yet never having to use them. What’s the point of having a great reactive combat system and yet having easy content.
thank you.
For all those who want higher difficulty and more challenge why don’t you just equip white armor and weapons, leave off trinkets….you’re happy to be challenged, others are happy the way it is…….win win.
YOU HAVE THE OPTION to make the content more challenging………….is it really that you want other people to be challenged more than they are….. or do you want yourself to be challenged?
You can transmute your stuff for the same looks as spendy gear!
do you think people havent done this before? the PvE content in gw2 is a joke and everyone smart enough to google a guide for their class and understand simple logic will be able to breeze through the content or even solo it.
Everyone is “smart enough” to google a guide for their class. Really?
So those who don’t do it aren’t smart enough? Because plenty of people don’t do it. I don’t do it. I prefer to make my own build, thanks very much. And there are plenty of players who don’t even realize going online and getting builds is a thing. Nothing to do with “smart enough”. Has to do with exposure to the genre. Has to do with commitment to the game.
Plenty of people log in and kill stuff and never ever look up a build. Not because they’re not smart enough. Because it’s either not on their radar or they want to do it themselves.
That’s all good and fine but why do these people then insist meta players that care about builds, gear and efficiency are somehow supposed to have them in their parties and play together with them when their game goals and methods to obtain said goals are as different as day and night?
Answer me that one.
For all those who want higher difficulty and more challenge why don’t you just equip white armor and weapons, leave off trinkets….you’re happy to be challenged, others are happy the way it is…….win win.
YOU HAVE THE OPTION to make the content more challenging………….is it really that you want other people to be challenged more than they are….. or do you want yourself to be challenged?
You can transmute your stuff for the same looks as spendy gear!
do you think people havent done this before? the PvE content in gw2 is a joke and everyone smart enough to google a guide for their class and understand simple logic will be able to breeze through the content or even solo it.
Everyone is “smart enough” to google a guide for their class. Really?
So those who don’t do it aren’t smart enough? Because plenty of people don’t do it. I don’t do it. I prefer to make my own build, thanks very much. And there are plenty of players who don’t even realize going online and getting builds is a thing. Nothing to do with “smart enough”. Has to do with exposure to the genre. Has to do with commitment to the game.
Plenty of people log in and kill stuff and never ever look up a build. Not because they’re not smart enough. Because it’s either not on their radar or they want to do it themselves.
i like how you think everything is an insult. i was just stating the fact that everyone who is smart enough to google a guide and understand simple logic will be able to breeze through the content and even solo it.
that has absolutely nothing to do with “on my radar”. its just a fact.
And you don’t understand not everyone wants to Google a guide but figure it out themselves.
It use to be gamers like to figure stuff out themselves but now we’re in the “Cliff’s Notes” generation who think using a guide to perfection is some sort of indication of superior ability. You’re nothing but script-kiddies of gaming.
You operate under the false assumption that we “script-kiddies” care about the content and not the reward at the end and getting it as fast as possible.
That’s where you went wrong.
Of course not but by optimizing I’m also including step by step tactics as well as gear load out. Following a guide to the letter and succeeding is a hollow victory in my book. You’re just a meat bot following a pre-programmed series of steps to victory. Do it enough times it becomes rout and you don’t need the cheat sheet anymore but if you think following such a guide makes you “smarter” then welcome to the Google generation where you don’t have to learn anything on your own because it’s written up online and as long as you have net access and a smart phone you’re “smart”.
As opposed to you who picked up the entirety of the knowledge and information you currently make use of all by yourself right?
Because reinventing the wheel every generation and not using the accumulated knowledge and experience of those who come before you is the correct way of going about things right?
I’m pretty glad not everyone of our ancestors thought like you – otherwise I’d probably still be out there trying to “figure out for myself” how to build a house or something along those lines.
Sampling Bias
Does anet read forum posts? Because i cant believe a company would make such a huge mistake that even tho 90%of the players in the forums ask a harder gameplay, and more challenging content, and they still make the game easier…
90% of players in the forums aren’t 90% of players. It’s likely less than half of all players have ever even logged in to the forums, let alone posted in them.
Our german CM wrote a while ago that only 8% read the forums and only 1-2%
post in the forums. So in the end these 90% are not even 2% of the total players.
Best MMOs are the ones that never make it. Therefore Stargate Online wins.
You operate under the false assumption that we “script-kiddies” care about the content and not the reward at the end and getting it as fast as possible.
That’s where you went wrong.
No, he didn’t went wrong. He was addressing the posts to those of the “hardcores” that are complaining about the game being too easy. If all you care is the reward at the end and getting it as fast as possible, then obviously game being too easy wouldn’t be a problem to you at all.
Remember, remember, 15th of November
Of course not but by optimizing I’m also including step by step tactics as well as gear load out. Following a guide to the letter and succeeding is a hollow victory in my book. You’re just a meat bot following a pre-programmed series of steps to victory. Do it enough times it becomes rout and you don’t need the cheat sheet anymore but if you think following such a guide makes you “smarter” then welcome to the Google generation where you don’t have to learn anything on your own because it’s written up online and as long as you have net access and a smart phone you’re “smart”.
LOL wat….this guy
You must be entirely ignorant of any content besides open world.
Anyways as far as i could tell all notrigger was saying was that the content in this game is easy to complete. That’s not to say you will get a speed record, but any content in this game can be done with a minimal amount of information and understanding of game mechanics. I mean back in the days of 4 wars 1 mez people knew very little about the game there was no might stacking, defiance management, they didn’t even have great portal skips, but they still completed the content.
Ofc to optimize it takes a tremendous amount of skill and group synergy, but there is no special reward for doing well. And there is no content in this game that requires that kind of skill. Fractals kind of do…if you want to run them under 30 min (depending on fractal) but the rewards are kitten and it still can be done with horrible groups (i’ve had my fair share of experiences, eles who dont use blinds/ might stack, guards who don’t know how to pull or use sota, thieves who d/d on trash mobs, engies who camp rifle/ft etc.etc.etc.).
Challenging content should require understanding of game mechanics and your class and maybe sometimes quick reactions. It should be fun and rewarding and push people to play as well as they can. I personally cannot see any reason against this. No one says this content must be mandatory just that it should be in the game. What’s the point of having all these abilities and yet never having to use them. What’s the point of having a great reactive combat system and yet having easy content.
Thats so 2004~ and no offense, really! Thats just the principal for challangeing goup content in a generic WoW clone. For me it seems GW2 is just the game who want to loose that principal… and my bad, not want to.. already did. I admit gw2 combat system as a whole maybe the best MMO frame out in the market for new shiny mechanics and challanges.. but anet seems to go in a different way. Or not, HoT will decide :P In either way i’m a white knight, so forgive my one sided mind sometimes.
Lastly i wanna say again, what i said earlier in this topic: i’m just guessing but the majority of people who against challenging content just against instanced, privatized content Content that excludes you is not a way,(see TT) and some sort of way, as i read your comment you exactly ask for this. Elite content, what just 5% can complete, or you or who have a friend amongs them, I don’t want elite stupid WoW raids, and maybe not just me. But i admit i assume, thats exactly the elite, skillful, practice needed challenging content what you need.
i’m just guessing but the majority of people who against challenging content just against instanced, privatized content
Content that excludes you is not a way,(see TT) and some sort of way, as i read your comment you exactly ask for this. Elite content, what just 5% can complete, or you or who have a friend amongs them, I don’t want elite stupid WoW raids, and maybe not just me. But i admit i assume, thats exactly the elite, skillful, practice needed challenging content what you need.
that is what most people refuse to understand. first of all, no matter how difficult the content is, it does not exclude you, you exclude yourself by choosing to not play it.
guilds dont exclude you, you exclude yourself by choosing to not play with like minded individuals or make your own guild.
secondly, not every piece of content needs to be made for everyone. 100% of this game is made for players like you. whats so bad about giving above average players a little bit of content specifically made for them?
Does anet read forum posts? Because i cant believe a company would make such a huge mistake that even tho 90%of the players in the forums ask a harder gameplay, and more challenging content, and they still make the game easier…
Sampling Bias
90% of players in the forums aren’t 90% of players. It’s likely less than half of all players have ever even logged in to the forums, let alone posted in them.
Our german CM wrote a while ago that only 8% read the forums and only 1-2%
post in the forums. So in the end these 90% are not even 2% of the total players.
And on top of that the “hardcore” community is heavily overrepresented here.
…not to mention, despite SkullProX claim, even on forum, where hardcores have so much bigger representation, the number of players asking for challenging content and more difficult gameplay is not even close to 90%. It’s even hard to say whether that group has a majority.
Remember, remember, 15th of November
(edited by Astralporing.1957)
You operate under the false assumption that we “script-kiddies” care about the content and not the reward at the end and getting it as fast as possible.
That’s where you went wrong.No, he didn’t went wrong. He was addressing the posts to those of the “hardcores” that are complaining about the game being too easy. If all you care is the reward at the end and getting it as fast as possible, then obviously game being too easy wouldn’t be a problem to you at all.
But .. they want more better mostly “exclusive” rewards for their harder content.
So in the end it correct .. all they care about are the rewards.
If ANet or any other Game Company puts in “harder” content that doesn’t give
better rewards, most of the people who constantly cried for harder content
just because the challenge, suddenly say : why should we play that when we
get the same in easy mode.
I’ve seen that so often in forums of so many other MMOs since i play online,
in the end it always comes down to the same.
Best MMOs are the ones that never make it. Therefore Stargate Online wins.
You operate under the false assumption that we “script-kiddies” care about the content and not the reward at the end and getting it as fast as possible.
That’s where you went wrong.No, he didn’t went wrong. He was addressing the posts to those of the “hardcores” that are complaining about the game being too easy. If all you care is the reward at the end and getting it as fast as possible, then obviously game being too easy wouldn’t be a problem to you at all.
But .. they want more better mostly “exclusive” rewards for their harder content.
So in the end it correct .. all they care about are the rewards.
If ANet or any other Game Company puts in “harder” content that doesn’t give
better rewards, most of the people who constantly cried for harder content
just because the challenge, suddenly say : why should we play that when we
get the same in easy mode.I’ve seen that so often in forums of so many other MMOs since i play online,
in the end it always comes down to the same.
You operate under the false assumption that we “script-kiddies” care about the content and not the reward at the end and getting it as fast as possible.
That’s where you went wrong.No, he didn’t went wrong. He was addressing the posts to those of the “hardcores” that are complaining about the game being too easy. If all you care is the reward at the end and getting it as fast as possible, then obviously game being too easy wouldn’t be a problem to you at all.
I never claimed to be hardcore.
The thing is for those “hardcore” players that eat this game for breakfast lunch and dinner it is too easy. It will always be too easy because these players are so good and so familiar with the game that regardless of guides and builds they’ll do well.
I have a problem with the game being too forgiving.
You operate under the false assumption that we “script-kiddies” care about the content and not the reward at the end and getting it as fast as possible.
That’s where you went wrong.No, he didn’t went wrong. He was addressing the posts to those of the “hardcores” that are complaining about the game being too easy. If all you care is the reward at the end and getting it as fast as possible, then obviously game being too easy wouldn’t be a problem to you at all.
But .. they want more better mostly “exclusive” rewards for their harder content.
So in the end it correct .. all they care about are the rewards.
If ANet or any other Game Company puts in “harder” content that doesn’t give
better rewards, most of the people who constantly cried for harder content
just because the challenge, suddenly say : why should we play that when we
get the same in easy mode.I’ve seen that so often in forums of so many other MMOs since i play online,
in the end it always comes down to the same.
Yes – harder content with unique visual rewards (that are account bound and don’t break the economy) are pretty much a great idea.
Why? Because it allows you to have something to work towards and be proud of.
Think about this for a second : There is no prestige armor set in GW2 at the moment. Nothing – nada.
No armor set says anything about you other than “i had some money so I got this set”.
I’d like a situation where we could have unique items and titles rewarded for doing really hard stuff.
You know – like legendary weapons were supposed to be before they made the genius idea of just allowing people to buy them.
You operate under the false assumption that we “script-kiddies” care about the content and not the reward at the end and getting it as fast as possible.
That’s where you went wrong.No, he didn’t went wrong. He was addressing the posts to those of the “hardcores” that are complaining about the game being too easy. If all you care is the reward at the end and getting it as fast as possible, then obviously game being too easy wouldn’t be a problem to you at all.
But .. they want more better mostly “exclusive” rewards for their harder content.
So in the end it correct .. all they care about are the rewards.
If ANet or any other Game Company puts in “harder” content that doesn’t give
better rewards, most of the people who constantly cried for harder content
just because the challenge, suddenly say : why should we play that when we
get the same in easy mode.I’ve seen that so often in forums of so many other MMOs since i play online,
in the end it always comes down to the same.
Why is this a bad thing? I’ve never understood this.
If you do Archery in your back yard do you complain that an Olympic archer gets more rewards, nicer gear and more fame than you? If you’re an office grunt do you complain about the CEO getting more? No because they earned it. It’s the same concept here.
The elite/advanced players are objectively better than the average player in the assessment conditions of the game and in turn get more. Just like you move up in the world in any activity you do. If you were to set a series of challenges such as jumping, puzzle solving, combat , tactics they’d complete it faster/with less casualties.
The game is reward driven it’s silly to act like it’s not at least somewhat about the rewards. If the rewards were removed from any zone in the game it would be dead instantly, the people in the Silverwastes are not running it for fun, same for most dungeon runs.
11x level 80’s 80+ Titles 2600+ skins , still a long way to go.
It’s bad because this is a game and in games everyone should be equal and nobody should have more stuff because game.
It’s bad because this is a game and in games everyone should be equal and nobody should have more stuff because game.
I assume you’re being sarcastic in this part,
I’d be fine with equal gold + unique rewards (which based on your post above mine is what you want too) but they complain about that too.
11x level 80’s 80+ Titles 2600+ skins , still a long way to go.
i’m just guessing but the majority of people who against challenging content just against instanced, privatized content
Content that excludes you is not a way,(see TT) and some sort of way, as i read your comment you exactly ask for this. Elite content, what just 5% can complete, or you or who have a friend amongs them, I don’t want elite stupid WoW raids, and maybe not just me. But i admit i assume, thats exactly the elite, skillful, practice needed challenging content what you need.
that is what most people refuse to understand. first of all, no matter how difficult the content is, it does not exclude you, you exclude yourself by choosing to not play it.
guilds dont exclude you, you exclude yourself by choosing to not play with like minded individuals or make your own guild.secondly, not every piece of content needs to be made for everyone. 100% of this game is made for players like you. whats so bad about giving above average players a little bit of content specifically made for them?
Then let me express myself a little better.
First of all, it does. Sadly its excludes. Not the content its self, nor the challange, but the ppl who put the energy and effort to organize it, Doesn’t mattter if its a guild, multiple guild, or anything. They make the rules, and usually the avarage player can’t join to the fun. You can now say that hes not that type, you not that type, neither if its true or not. why? Because you and he wants to complete it, dominate it, do it.. and to that you need your buddies, guild mates, players who you can rely, whos in you circle of trust. Thats not a probleme ,thats just the way people thinks, and behave. But in a long run ,thats what exactly excludes people.
I’m not against it, i’m against the instanced challanged content, because i hate the frustration and discrimination what comes with it. I love teq, i like challanges, note that that i not always have the mood for it, But, i also like the Aether path despite that its too much for me, i can’t do those dungeon speed runs, nor to “solo” dungeons. I would even wan’t a challangeing group content! But not an instanced one, not content what discriminates people.
See Triple Trouble, plenty ones, guilds and organizations runs it.. but believe me from an another pov its not easy to access it. The simultaneous"forced jumps" too….its a shame how people secures a private instance, just the exclude other people from it. From a World Boss You said people not willing to join, so they exclude themselfs, how does that applies here? who excludes who? But i do understand why, but i don’t understand why always? I do get it, the whole game is “casual” friendly and such, and you and others need that extra challange, actually you deserve that, just as we that content we have. But the thing is: We not exclude you guys
Equal chances, equal footing, equal distribution of content types. That what anet wanted to do years ago, so they came up with a dream project (whats in the meantime makes them profit, like a good succesfull MMO) It’s an another thing ,that not everythingplayed out smoothly, but thats understandable, dungeons and fractals not make it like they wanted. We can also argue in rewards, but they slowly adressing it, whit their new additions, and stuffs, they evolving the dream! Who knows maybe, you and me too have what we want in HoT or, after HoT…
But the point is: What do you think, what would happen if you would get that exact shinie Challenging instanced content? The dream would fall apart, but you would have, what you wanted.
Maybe i’m the naiv, who thinks, everyone could work together, and not just special ones, in a truly challenging enviroment.
It’s bad because this is a game and in games everyone should be equal and nobody should have more stuff because game.
I assume you’re being sarcastic in this part,
I’d be fine with equal gold + unique rewards (which based on your post above mine is what you want too) but they complain about that too.
I am being sarcastic.
People are fine with a free world where you get stuff depending on how good you are, how fast you work and how effective your methods are but once that happens in game it’s a HUGE no-no.
Because games should reward everyone and everyone has to be special because they bought the game so that means they have to automatically be able to win at it – and no you can’t win more because it’s unfair!
They make the rules, and usually the avarage player can’t join to the fun.
I joined a guild like that and as an average player after joining I did multiple Teq runs with them without a hitch.
You are excluding yourself.
Equal chances, equal footing, equal distribution of content types.
How can you give equal chances to a guy who played 100 hours vs a guy who’s played 1000.
How can content be equal for the both of them?
Guild Wars 2 is a social game for people that have varios levels of gameplay, and believe me theres alot of casual players… ELITES ARE THE WORTS, and thats the truth “I NEED MORE CHALLENGIN CONENT” and want to make the whole game epic hard to expres their righteousness and wash the other people faces with their “IM BETTER AND HAVE MORE” ego, and thats not only funny is some how psicological interesting couse they can INSULT YOU on the gaming map becouse your a “NOOB” (read casual player), and them PERSONAL HISTORY, sure DEVS make a option for HARD content for %·$$"·$ ELITES (ok not all of them are bad, just the ones that have to compesate on a game, for real life) that way we can spare us of them from our fun, casual and friendly gameplay
(edited by Taiyoroku.1028)
They make the rules, and usually the avarage player can’t join to the fun.
I joined a guild like that and as an average player after joining I did multiple Teq runs with them without a hitch.You are excluding yourself.
Equal chances, equal footing, equal distribution of content types.
How can you give equal chances to a guy who played 100 hours vs a guy who’s played 1000.
How can content be equal for the both of them?
You are bit off out of context.
First of all, i didn’t say anything about teq being exclusive, teq is serving her purpose as a world boss. hes in a sweet spot, even at her current state.
Let me explain it: World Bosses are supposed to be the content that can be accesed by anyone anytime. The bigger bosses, like teq and TT too, but in a higher difficulty level. So… why do i have to leave my guild, those mates i have, just to be eligible to a World Boss what supposed to be accessed by everyone? isn’t it stupid? Guilds can do their own TT anytime anywhere, yep.(and sadly mine is not oriented exactly that way thats an another story) But do you know what is more outregous? that these Forced instances, jumping people.. Completely going at the backdoor, ruining the whole concept. You can say anything like: but thos peeps ruining the run if we let them pug it.. .and such discrimination… yes its frustrating to fail, but more frustrating to those players who can’t even try it
The second part: why not we separate them by their political view. lol
I’m talking about equal chances if he want to, ha can, if he not, then don’t. thats an another part what a newbie can do in a challangeing enviroment, and a veteran. Don’t mix these things. Why should we discriminate someone, just because he have lesser game experience? he wants to play too, get better too…just like the one did who have 1k hour. It’s wrong to discriminate him cuz her lack of time to play. there are thousand of factors to that.
But even then. Hours as measure is not justifiable.
i’m just guessing but the majority of people who against challenging content just against instanced, privatized content
Content that excludes you is not a way,(see TT) and some sort of way, as i read your comment you exactly ask for this. Elite content, what just 5% can complete, or you or who have a friend amongs them, I don’t want elite stupid WoW raids, and maybe not just me. But i admit i assume, thats exactly the elite, skillful, practice needed challenging content what you need.
that is what most people refuse to understand. first of all, no matter how difficult the content is, it does not exclude you, you exclude yourself by choosing to not play it.
guilds dont exclude you, you exclude yourself by choosing to not play with like minded individuals or make your own guild.secondly, not every piece of content needs to be made for everyone. 100% of this game is made for players like you. whats so bad about giving above average players a little bit of content specifically made for them?
I actually agree with what you say here. With all of it. I have only one question.
What makes you think the bone Anet throws you is going to be enough to hold your attention for any length of time? How long before you wear out that rug and then start asking for more content again…and again?
I’m not against a bit of harder content for those who like harder content. But if you put in too much harder content at this point, if you change the direction of the game (and you’d be doing just that), you risk alienating existing players.
There’s a rule in writing that basically you have to include the genre, tone and point of view as soon as you can, and that if you later change that you risk alienating your audience. The same holds true here. Many people play this game because they see it as a casual game. And sometimes perception is everything.
If Anet adds enough hard content to satisfy the hard core crowd, they could easily change the perception of this game for other people, who don’t want that content. And if a hard core crowd then becomes attracted to the game, it makes it harder and harder for casuals to stay in the kind of competitive environment that sort of content tends to bring.
You seem to think having that content will have no affect on the rest of the player base. I can assure that, depending on the quantity of that kind of content, that you’d be wrong. If there’s not enough of it, most hard core players won’t stay anyway. If there is you risk alienating other players.
They make the rules, and usually the avarage player can’t join to the fun.
I joined a guild like that and as an average player after joining I did multiple Teq runs with them without a hitch.You are excluding yourself.
Equal chances, equal footing, equal distribution of content types.
How can you give equal chances to a guy who played 100 hours vs a guy who’s played 1000.
How can content be equal for the both of them?You are bit off out of context.
First of all, i didn’t say anything about teq being exclusive, teq is serving her purpose as a world boss. hes in a sweet spot, even at her current state.
Let me explain it: World Bosses are supposed to be the content that can be accesed by anyone anytime. The bigger bosses, like teq and TT too, but in a higher difficulty level. So… why do i have to leave my guild, those mates i have, just to be eligible to a World Boss what supposed to be accessed by everyone? isn’t it stupid? Guilds can do their own TT anytime anywhere, yep.(and sadly mine is not oriented exactly that way thats an another story) But do you know what is more outregous? that these Forced instances, jumping people.. Completely going at the backdoor, ruining the whole concept. You can say anything like: but thos peeps ruining the run if we let them pug it.. .and such discrimination… yes its frustrating to fail, but more frustrating to those players who can’t even try itThe second part: why not we separate them by their political view. lol
I’m talking about equal chances if he want to, ha can, if he not, then don’t. thats an another part what a newbie can do in a challangeing enviroment, and a veteran. Don’t mix these things. Why should we discriminate someone, just because he have lesser game experience? he wants to play too, get better too…just like the one did who have 1k hour. It’s wrong to discriminate him cuz her lack of time to play. there are thousand of factors to that.
But even then. Hours as measure is not justifiable.
I’m a bit confused on your view, are you saying that players must play with you regardless of your ability? As you’re free to chose not to do the content I’m free to choose not to play with you.
If I decide that you are a liability or a risk factor that needs to be removed I’m allowed to chose to move to a different map instance with people I know have the skills required to complete the content.
It’s simple math , a pug version of TT has say a 15% chance of success , an organized guild run of TT has a 95% chance of success, I know which one I’ll choose to do every time
11x level 80’s 80+ Titles 2600+ skins , still a long way to go.
My opinion: some parts of the game must be easy or for casual players, whereas other parts should more challenging (e.g. some temples, bosses, etc.). However, for those harder parts, the rewards need to be increased since the current ones don´t worth the extra effort.
Wait.. Doesn’t that completely destroy the argument for more challenging content? I mean if the purpose is to get better rewards, then you turn the game into a progression grind quest like WoW and every other MMO out there.
If Challenging content is so important to a certain group of people, then shouldn’t the content itself be reward enough?
My opinion: some parts of the game must be easy or for casual players, whereas other parts should more challenging (e.g. some temples, bosses, etc.). However, for those harder parts, the rewards need to be increased since the current ones don´t worth the extra effort.
Wait.. Doesn’t that completely destroy the argument for more challenging content? I mean if the purpose is to get better rewards, then you turn the game into a progression grind quest like WoW and every other MMO out there.
If Challenging content is so important to a certain group of people, then shouldn’t the content itself be reward enough?
Yes, maybe once or twice, but you need something to keep you coming back. Look at champ trains and SW. Why do people keep coming back over and over to do those?
For every player that wants difficult content or challenges, there’s another 100 that want to just play casually(and of those 100, probably 50% will be dedicated casual players)…which market would you go after?
i would like to see your metrics and statistics please.
if there weren’t enough players who want difficult content and challenges, Anet wouldn’t have announced it for the expansion.
so obviously you are wrong.
Challenging and difficult are two entirely different things, announce challenging group content for HoT, they haven’t said it would be difficult, though you could consider difficult/challenging interchangeable, technically they’re not. You can make challenging content that isn’t difficult(I know, it sounds like an oxymoron), yes, difficult is related to challenging, but not a synonym.
Still, my statement will not change, I’d rather market to the 100 casual players(as in those that play when they feel like it) vs the 1 that is hardcore, aka, give me the 1 billion sized market of FB over the 10 mil sized market of WoW…that’s the point I was trying to make…those are casual players.
There’s no difficult content in this game that I particularly enjoy. I can do it. I HAVE done it. I’m not lazy. I’m not interested in what you’re interested in. That doesn’t mean I don’t care. It just means that’s not my thing.
ok its not your thing and thats completely fine. no problem with that.
but why are people like you against something that wouldnt affect them at all?!im not interested in the stuff that you enjoy, but do you see me on forums saying that i am against content for players like you? no.
why? im not interested in it, it doesnt affect me, so i dont care. simple isnt it?
I think you would be surprised to find out that if you, and others wanting hardcore content, were to pitch the idea of Hardcore content that wouldn’t bring any kind of advantage for accomplishing the content , most people would be fine with it.
But the thing is most Hardcore players don’t want that. They want challenging content that if it is achieved will result in them somehow getting better gear or some tangible recognition for their accomplishment.
The majority of Hardcore requesting players want to recognized as great, the “harder” content is merely a means to an end.
Now if you are one of those players who are only interested in challenging content for the thrill of besting it, and in your mind that a “casual” who spends a few hour a week in Silverwastes getting what you get in the “Challenging content” is OK, then I salute you.
But the point is: What do you think, what would happen if you would get that exact shinie Challenging instanced content? The dream would fall apart, but you would have, what you wanted.
Maybe i’m the naiv, who thinks, everyone could work together, and not just special ones, in a truly challenging enviroment.
Wait a minute. You saying that if ANet adds some instanced content game will fall apart? How did you come up with that conclusion? We already have a number of dungeons in game (instanced content) and somehow game is not dead yet. Maybe if they add couple more dungeons it will still survive heh?
-Carlos Castaneda
Skady Valda
I have nothing against harder content. What I’m upset about is the notion that wanting to experience said content cold, figuring out how to beat it yourself, along with similar minded individuals, is considered “dumb” while following a guide outlining a particular series of “go here, do this” is considered “smart”.
For me the enjoyment of playing a game like this is to figure it out. However it shouldn’t be so difficult that only players with hyper reflexes using gear that is BIS for that content can succeed. I’m not talking about making it easy for a crowd of newbs in white gear pressing one. But once someone publishes a guide then it devalues the content. It’s no longer “hard”, just tedious, go here, do this, win.
And an account bound skin and title is fair enough unique reward for doing such content, as well as the usual kind of loot that’s dropped from such content. But it shouldn’t be a higher gold per hour rate than any other team content.
RIP City of Heroes
I have nothing against harder content. What I’m upset about is the notion that wanting to experience said content cold, figuring out how to beat it yourself, along with similar minded individuals, is considered “dumb” while following a guide outlining a particular series of “go here, do this” is considered “smart”. For me the enjoyment of playing a game like this is to figure it out. However it shouldn’t be so difficult that only players with hyper reflexes using gear that is BIS for that content can succeed. I’m not talking about making it easy for a crowd of newbs in white gear pressing one. But once someone publishes a guide then it devalues the content. It’s no longer “hard”, just tedious, go here, do this, win.
And an account bound skin and title is fair enough unique reward for doing such content, as well as the usual kind of loot that’s dropped from such content. But it shouldn’t be a higher gold per hour rate than any other team content.
I welcome your intent to figure things out on your own and come up with your own ideas and ways of accomplishing things. But hey – game is 3 years old, dungeons are 3 years old, fractals are 2 years old. Most of players already “been there done that”. If you wanna experience this content “for the first time” you should probably find like-minded individuals. The conflict emerges when people like you join “exp meta zerk blablabla” group and drag them down.
-Carlos Castaneda
Skady Valda
But I intentionally don’t join zerk groups but that doesn’t prevent zerk groups from joining my “newb dungeon” LFG and then kick me or quit part of the way through because we aren’t fast enough. Reading and joining the appropriate group goes both ways yet all I see are elitists complaining about how newbs are ruining their experience and not how elitists are ruining the newbs experience.
RIP City of Heroes
My opinion: some parts of the game must be easy or for casual players, whereas other parts should more challenging (e.g. some temples, bosses, etc.). However, for those harder parts, the rewards need to be increased since the current ones don´t worth the extra effort.
Wait.. Doesn’t that completely destroy the argument for more challenging content? I mean if the purpose is to get better rewards, then you turn the game into a progression grind quest like WoW and every other MMO out there.
If Challenging content is so important to a certain group of people, then shouldn’t the content itself be reward enough?
Yes, maybe once or twice, but you need something to keep you coming back. Look at champ trains and SW. Why do people keep coming back over and over to do those?
Obviously the rewards. But again what that tells me is that most of the people clamoring for hardcore content aren’t interested so much in the content but mores in establishing themselves as the “elite” because they have toys other people do not and those toys are more effective, more powerful, etc.
Of course that means everyone who wants to invest time has to play the content, not because they want to, but because in order to meet the current “meta” and be accepted on some other fun stuff they must have that gear. Gee, that sounds an awful lot like the toxic environment you see in MOBAS or old School MMO’s.
But I intentionally don’t join zerk groups but that doesn’t prevent zerk groups from joining my “newb dungeon” LFG and then kick me or quit part of the way through because we aren’t fast enough. Reading and joining the appropriate group goes both ways yet all I see are elitists complaining about how newbs are ruining their experience and not how elitists are ruining the newbs experience.
Welp, all they need to do to resolve this situation (instance hijacking and kicks) – make party leaders. That way you will be able to “make your own group” which will truly be your own. People been asking about that for a long time too.
-Carlos Castaneda
Skady Valda
Dotn get me wrong but after reading this thread i dont understand what means “more dificult” for players :<
bigger health pool? better AI? mobs doing insta kill to zerkers and non zerker?
(edit: i had awfull experiences wit “meta zerker players”, and i got no grudge against that, dungeons should be played by all equally).
(edited by Aeolus.3615)
I’m not ok with the game getting more casualized, but ANet wont change their mind on this one.
They will have to someday. Casuals come and go very fast and their supply is not infinite.
And hardcore is even smaller. Actually, while the number of casuals is not infinite, thier are more than enough people to keep cycling through for a long, long while.
I actually agree with what you say here. With all of it. I have only one question.
What makes you think the bone Anet throws you is going to be enough to hold your attention for any length of time? How long before you wear out that rug and then start asking for more content again…and again?
I’d say the hardcore group manages to make the most of content and have it last for a long time. They go through content with a competitive spirit trying to find new ways of optimizing. It’s why they continue to play the game without being thrown a bone in so long. I mean according to you and a lot of other people on this thread this game is a majority of casuals and throughout LS people were asking for more and more content. I think if anyone wears out the rug its casuals since they don’t care to get better at content.
Dotn get me wrong but after reading this thread i dont understand what means “more dificult” for players :<
bigger health pool? better AI? mobs doing insta kill to zerkers and non zerker?
(edit: i had awfull experiences wit “meta zerker players”, and i got no grudge against that, dungeons should be played by all equally).
There was a nice thread on the dungeon subforum (rip xD) where they talked about it. It’s hard to explain everything but harder pve content moves away from bigger health pool which a lot of gw2 bosses rely on and instead focuses on better ai. Bosses don’t need to be cheesy but they need to have complex aoes and attack patterns. It should be something you can figure out so you can consistently get better but it should have a fair amount of rng and must require skill. Obv this content is harder to create which is why it isn’t being created rn -_-
Dotn get me wrong but after reading this thread i dont understand what means “more dificult” for players :<
bigger health pool? better AI? mobs doing insta kill to zerkers and non zerker?
(edit: i had awfull experiences wit “meta zerker players”, and i got no grudge against that, dungeons should be played by all equally).
Those are some of it others include,
Requiring multi tasking I,E you have to stop 2 mobs meeting , while keeping 3 wheels turned as waves of mosters come at you while parts of the floor become lava.
Adding debuff requirements, I.E a mob can only be damaged while under poison/while being hit by a light field/only by a designated player at a time.
Doing tactical combat and damage mitigation , I.E During one boss fight every 45 seconds an undodgeable AOE will occur that deals 75% of your total health as damage, you must remember this and burst your health up before it hits. Or 2 players will be killed every minute, so reviving them while maintaining damage etc.
Non-optional trash with intersecting patrol routes: Ala GW1 which was quite fun. Careful pulling and clearing was needed.
Other less popular forms are:
Timers: The fight must be completed in x time or it’s an auto fail.
Health increases
Mob density increases
Insta kills
The other part is harsher penalties, I.E full wipe= full restart , dying adds a debuff, no ressing in combat the like.
EDIT: The easier way to explain is to show an example of a harder fight (FFXIV spoilers)
Have a quick read of this if you’re interested, the fight starts out simple enough but by the end of it you’re having to dodge 5 different attacks , while remembering to stop a bomb every minute or so and healing up through an aoe attack.
(I suggested this in the raid thread as an example of harder content, I’m not saying GW2’s equivalent has to follow it but it does have some interesting non-grindy mechanics, plus the dragon fight in LS8 made use of the bomb mechanic.)
11x level 80’s 80+ Titles 2600+ skins , still a long way to go.
(edited by Conski Deshan.2057)
Dotn get me wrong but after reading this thread i dont understand what means “more dificult” for players :<
bigger health pool? better AI? mobs doing insta kill to zerkers and non zerker?
(edit: i had awfull experiences wit “meta zerker players”, and i got no grudge against that, dungeons should be played by all equally).
There was a nice thread on the dungeon subforum (rip xD) where they talked about it. It’s hard to explain everything but harder pve content moves away from bigger health pool which a lot of gw2 bosses rely on and instead focuses on better ai. Bosses don’t need to be cheesy but they need to have complex aoes and attack patterns. It should be something you can figure out so you can consistently get better but it should have a fair amount of rng and must require skill. Obv this content is harder to create which is why it isn’t being created rn -_-
So it would be based on a better Ai that tries to emulatea reaction over players behavior? As rng for skills i imagine a chain of behaviors depening situations .. well that would be really good.
It is not easy but also not that hard, it consumes alot of time and resources to be tested and implemented.
@Conski Deshan.2057, well gw1 was good at that u needed to observe mobs if u rushed or pulled/agroes more than one group your party could be stress a bit to get pass over that.
Allow me to try my point of view in gw2 players and why those ffx mechanics would not help imo: Gw2 is the oposite of what gw1 was/IS, it feels its is not for the same people, here players love high damage builds, cry if their build takes time or need to apply effort to kill after a “nerf”, so anet cant get ever a clever gameplay,
this is a vision i have from gw2 players and hardly will change, if dungeons increase dificulty in the aoe circles/damage and trash mobs were replaced, without being clever changes it will mess arround to much with the zerker players so i imagine that the path of creating “virtually fake dificulty” is not has good as really implementing a better AI where zerkers will continue to be zerkers (while bad ones will die more >:}, ), and other build still can get their stuff done in a slower pace.
[off topic]
@Conski Deshan.2057, i recently aquired a few mmo’s since gw2 imo has its days (not my type of mmo, im not a skrit…) so im moving to another game, im actually playing that one.
[/off topic]
(edited by Aeolus.3615)
actually i pre purchased the ultimate version but somehow i found this “new HP WB patch” boring as can be. Why? you may ask, well:
1. Jormag was boring before, now is epic boring (and no theres no fun on the same boss with the same atacks and more HP)
2. Teq is impossible for casual players (it became a battle for the self called hardcores and elites, fill the chap map with the usual “noob” -Read casual- player insults, waiting 1 hour to a posble win/fail is super boring, again is not fun to devote a life to a single boss… but well harcores are happy that they can spit on the player base and can brag about its egos – thing that they cant do in Real life-
3. it broke the dps balance like hell (thats a bug is actually not intentional like the other 2)
4. AND THE MOST IMPORTANT PART, they AGAIN, broke a already shattered community (now is not about friendly playing, is about whos on the better -read elits hardcore guild/map/zerker/ascended-legendary gear) actually i dont wanna play with braggarts, and mostly jerks, and moslty alinate people couse their ego is too dam large…
remember Anet motto (at least the new one) “COUSE BORING IS THE NEW FUN”
I’m ok with the game being “casual.” In fact, I love the ability to walk away and then come back and not be left behind by new gear, new level caps, etc etc.
I am not ok with people equating “Casual” to “Easy mode.”
I think maybe you are misunderstanding. You seem to be talking about gear tiers. I believe most everyone else is talking about combat and bosses just being more engaging. We want gameplay that requires more than just auto-attack. They don’t need to add new gear tiers to accomplish that.
And sorry, but it’s difficult not to equate “casual” with “easy mode” because the definition of the word “casual” suggests “easier”.
I believe the best course of action is for Anet to dedicate certain resources to please both groups. They can make much of the game accessible to casual play, while adding some hardcore bosses like TT wurm as an option for the hardcore community.
1. Teq is impossible for casual players
It was meant to be a difficult fight, especially after the revamp. Find a guild and learn the mechanics if you want to beat him. If not, then there are plenty of other world bosses. Why do you feel entitled to strip down this one boss that happens to be harder? You are trying to destroy one of only TWO bosses in the entire game designed for the hardcore community. So they have 2% of the world bosses designed for hardcore, and 98% for casual, and you think this is unfair?
2. Teq is impossible for casual players (it became a battle for the self called hardcores and elites, fill the chap map with the usual “noob” -Read casual- player insults, waiting 1 hour to a posble win/fail is super boring, again is not fun to devote a life to a single boss… but well harcores are happy that they can spit on the player base and can brag about its egos – thing that they cant do in Real life-
If you see people in map chat harassing or insulting, report them, block them, and move on. Welcome to the internet. It’s not Anet’s fault the human race treats each other like dirt.
4. AND THE MOST IMPORTANT PART, they AGAIN, broke a already shattered community (now is not about friendly playing, is about whos on the better -read elits hardcore guild/map/zerker/ascended-legendary gear) actually i dont wanna play with braggarts, and mostly jerks, and moslty alinate people couse their ego is too dam large…
News flash: no one is forcing you to play with anyone. If you don’t like those people, block them and go do something else. If you are still driven to defeat Tequatl, then you need to set your own ego aside and find out what it takes to kill him. That means find a guild with people you like, learn the mechanics, and schedule a night when you can all get together and fight him.
Edit: fixing some weird quoting bugs…
(edited by Xenon.4537)
1. Teq is impossible for casual players
It was meant to be a difficult fight, especially after the revamp. Find a guild and learn the mechanics if you want to beat him. If not, then there are plenty of other world bosses. Why do you feel entitled to strip down this one boss that happens to be harder? You are trying to destroy one of only TWO bosses in the entire game designed for the hardcore community. So they have 2% of the world bosses designed for hardcore, and 98% for casual, and you think this is unfair?
2. Teq is impossible for casual players (it became a battle for the self called hardcores and elites, fill the chap map with the usual “noob” -Read casual- player insults, waiting 1 hour to a posble win/fail is super boring, again is not fun to devote a life to a single boss… but well harcores are happy that they can spit on the player base and can brag about its egos – thing that they cant do in Real life-
If you see people in map chat harassing or insulting, report them, block them, and move on. Welcome to the internet. It’s not Anet’s fault the human race treats each other like dirt.
4. AND THE MOST IMPORTANT PART, they AGAIN, broke a already shattered community (now is not about friendly playing, is about whos on the better -read elits hardcore guild/map/zerker/ascended-legendary gear) actually i dont wanna play with braggarts, and mostly jerks, and moslty alinate people couse their ego is too dam large…
News flash: no one is forcing you to play with anyone. If you don’t like those people, block them and go do something else. If you are still driven to defeat Tequatl, then you need to set your own ego aside and find out what it takes to kill him. That means find a guild with people you like, learn the mechanics, and schedule a night when you can all get together and fight him.
Edit: fixing some weird quoting bugs…
Ok… so your positiong is like: 1. Casuals ditch TT and TEQ couse poor Hardcore/Elites dont have enough thing to brag about (again alienating and exclusive), you really have to check about whats the definition of unfair and somehow prove the casuals point. but lest say is ok, them make instances for it but DEVs shouldnt pretent that a open world event is just for a single audience. 2. it is Anet fault for promoting harassing or insults. why? you may ask couse super inflated egomaniac like elites have that kind of behavior, i dont really know if they’r just really competitive or are compensating for something outside the game. 3-. on this sir your totally right actually we “sily noobs” (read casuals) should just report every single elite ·$/$&·, that insult us on map chat. i hope GW2 dont become another WoW
I don’t have a problem with new Teq and I’m fairly casual. I think boss battles should become more and more difficult as the level of the area they are in goes up.
The problem I perceive is that ANet created PvE where formal, coordinated team play is simply not required in 98% of the content and suddenly it becomes necessary. There isn’t content to lead players into this style of play.
The YouTube channel Extra Credits have been doing a multi-part series of videos on social gameplay mechanics in game which includes teaming and the need to design content to lead players into more coordinated social play. This isn’t done here which is why Teq is a shock to so many. What we have roles other than laying on damage? But I want to go hit it, how else am I going to qualify for a chest other than damage? I have to time a jump? Up to this point you and 49 strangers show up and beat a boss into paste, stay out of red circles and you get a chest. That’s where the shock comes in. They need more content before this that lead players into coordinated teams rather than cumulative damage pools to qualify for an orange chest. There isn’t anything that teaches players tactics for a game with no tanks, healers or DPS specialists.
RIP City of Heroes
They make the rules, and usually the avarage player can’t join to the fun.
I joined a guild like that and as an average player after joining I did multiple Teq runs with them without a hitch.You are excluding yourself.
Equal chances, equal footing, equal distribution of content types.
How can you give equal chances to a guy who played 100 hours vs a guy who’s played 1000.
How can content be equal for the both of them?You are bit off out of context.
First of all, i didn’t say anything about teq being exclusive, teq is serving her purpose as a world boss. hes in a sweet spot, even at her current state.
Let me explain it: World Bosses are supposed to be the content that can be accesed by anyone anytime. The bigger bosses, like teq and TT too, but in a higher difficulty level. So… why do i have to leave my guild, those mates i have, just to be eligible to a World Boss what supposed to be accessed by everyone? isn’t it stupid? Guilds can do their own TT anytime anywhere, yep.(and sadly mine is not oriented exactly that way thats an another story) But do you know what is more outregous? that these Forced instances, jumping people.. Completely going at the backdoor, ruining the whole concept. You can say anything like: but thos peeps ruining the run if we let them pug it.. .and such discrimination… yes its frustrating to fail, but more frustrating to those players who can’t even try itThe second part: why not we separate them by their political view. lol
I’m talking about equal chances if he want to, ha can, if he not, then don’t. thats an another part what a newbie can do in a challangeing enviroment, and a veteran. Don’t mix these things. Why should we discriminate someone, just because he have lesser game experience? he wants to play too, get better too…just like the one did who have 1k hour. It’s wrong to discriminate him cuz her lack of time to play. there are thousand of factors to that.
But even then. Hours as measure is not justifiable.
You don’t have to leave anything mate – you can rep 5 guilds in GW2 and switch between them at will. Will it create such a huge chasm between you and your good buddies if you represented another guild for 20 minutes a day?
The concept is this – people – these guilds organize the events for themselves and for people who are members of said guilds – their “jumps” are part of their attempt to have fun among themselves.
In this game everyone is free to play with whomever they want. If they want to play without you they have the right to do so and I don’t see a problem with jumps.
In my experience jumps are done to filter out afk people and leechers and make sure those that are in the final overflow are 100% on point and dedicated to the goal.
The newbie wants to play too – sure – but I have a right to choose not to play with him if I don’t want to so yes – in a way I can discriminate. Personally I prefer to play with veterans/people who already know what they are doing.
Hours, AP, skill – whatever – I can set whatever criteria I want to pick and choose who I play with and not. It’s not up to debate if my choices are “fine” or not.