No Random Name Generator?

No Random Name Generator?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: JMadFour.9730


This game does not have one?

been sitting here for 10 minutes typing in every name I can think of, and they are all taken. every single one. every single variation. god this is a popular game lol.

I’m terrible with coming up with original names, thats why I use the game’s random name generator to make my names. but this game apparently does not have a random name generator.

sad panda.

“Quaggan is about to foo up your day.” – Romperoo

No Random Name Generator?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cursive.4652


That’s why it’s so great that you can have last names. It opens up the probability to have any first name you want. XD

No Random Name Generator?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Krosslite.1950


random name generators are a bot and gold sellers best friend that is why there isn’t one

Warriors are those who choose to stand between their enemy and all that he loves or hold sacred

No Random Name Generator?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ari Kagura.9182

Ari Kagura.9182

I’m not sure what kind of names you’re trying to use, but you could always try putting in a title, occupation, or even surname for your character. For example:

  • Jay Mad Four
  • Jay Of The Four
  • Mad Four the Swordsman

You have a 19-character limit, and you’re even allowed to use spaces! With that kind of character length, it’s amazing the kind of names you can come up with.

“I control my fate!” — Claire Farron
I am Fleeting Flash, in-game dungeon cosplayer of Reddit Refugees [RR] .

No Random Name Generator?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Desiderius.7259


Choose one of the plenty random name generators, that you can find with a simple google search.

Keywords for searching: “random name generator”

Guardian / Ele / Thief / Mesmer
E Q U I N O X [EqnX] – Elona Reach [DE]

No Random Name Generator?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Haishao.6851


No Random Name Generator?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Karizee.8076


One of the very cool features of GW2 is that you get to pick a UNIQUE name, not a name that someone on every server has.

You and only you can have your name.

No Random Name Generator?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mimizu.7340


One of the very cool features of GW2 is that you get to pick a UNIQUE name, not a name that someone on every server has.

You and only you can have your name.

i wish this were so, but with non-english keyboards (or just using alt-codes),
people are re-using names that have already gone.

so unless you have a name without vowels, it isnt unique.

then there are also the names using all caps…

Mimizu Heavy Industries [Doll] – Underworld

No Random Name Generator?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mirta.5029


One of the very cool features of GW2 is that you get to pick a UNIQUE name, not a name that someone on every server has.

You and only you can have your name.

i wish this were so, but with non-english keyboards (or just using alt-codes),
people are re-using names that have already gone.

so unless you have a name without vowels, it isnt unique.

then there are also the names using all caps…

Use names that nobody would want of like then. You’ll be unique