(edited by Jojo.8973)
No light armor pants for ladies?
Aetherblade armor skins cough. Also known as the yoga pants among “human female meta” :p
Sadly there is no good light pants for females. The closest things are Ascalonian Performer, Illustrious and Profane skins.
Aetherblade armor skins cough. Also known as the yoga pants among “human female meta” :p
You’re talking about heavy, the light aetherblade is a skirt.
Sadly there is no good light pants for females. The closest things are Ascalonian Performer, Illustrious and Profane skins.
Aetherblade armor skins cough. Also known as the yoga pants among “human female meta” :p
You’re talking about heavy, the light aetherblade is a skirt.
YUS my point exactly
Oh right.. I somehow managed to completely misread that. My bad. just ignore ;p
I was literally about to write a very similar post. Other than the embroidered baggy pants in the pic above, there isn’t a single pair of light armor pants that doesn’t have some type of skirt or buttcape over top. Please just one! Make it a gem store skin, pants only idc!
Light and heavy both need more pants. Medium armor has many pants but needs comfy vests like GW1 Luxon armor and less buttcapes. They make my backside sweaty in the sun. Please don’t give me swampa**.
Cosigned – I’d really like to have more pants options on light female. Gem store options if nothing else – at least it’d be something.
Been asking for pants for years now. Still no dice. sigh
Pants would amazing…also, stop cutting away the front of the skirts. Just leave them whole please, no more weird buttcape/mullet skirts.
Pants would amazing…also, stop cutting away the front of the skirts. Just leave them whole please, no more weird buttcape/mullet skirts.
+1 for actual robes
The embroidered pants are “sexy harem girl” themed so they don’t really count, IMO, for those of us looking for an alternative to all the “girly” and forced-“sexy” outfits. Proper, practical, comfortable pants would be like a revelation from above in this game. No thigh gaps or other cutouts or missing legs to fulfill some apparently obligatory naked skin quota, not so tight they may as well just be body paint, no miniskirt on top, no frills and lace and ribbons. Just some normal fricking pants.
The gendered armors/outfits are one of my least favourite things about the game for certain.
I wish anet took Jungle explorer outfit and made it into armor skin. It has really nice pants.
these are embroidered pants don’t know if this is what you are looking for
These are the ones I use for my Elementalist, but they do not fit the description for “regular pants without butt capes etc.” It is really unnerving that you can’t get cool casual pants for women like many of the female NPCs across Tyria are wearing.
Example enclosed.
these are embroidered pants don’t know if this is what you are looking for
These are the ones I use for my Elementalist, but they do not fit the description for “regular pants without butt capes etc.” It is really unnerving that you can’t get cool casual pants for women like many of the female NPCs across Tyria are wearing.
Example enclosed.
What’s the name of those pants?
Fojja – Vyxxi – Nymmra – Mymmra – Champion of Dwayna .. and more
Highly Over Powered Explorers [HOPE] – Desolation EU
What’s the name of those pants?
Sorry, I didn’t ask the NPC you see in the pictures how the model of her pants was called.
Ikr… Skirts for Light are like trenchcoats for Medium…
If I could have medium armor pants with my light armor tops the world would be a perfect place
Now find me some medium armor without a coat. XD
Now find me some medium armor without a coat. XD
What’s the name of those pants?
Sorry, I didn’t ask the NPC you see in the pictures how the model of her pants was called.
Oh sorry, I misunderstood. I thought that was your character and I wanted to know where I could find those clothes myself
Wouldn’t be surprised if ANet turned parts of that into tonics and then forgot about them. Sigh, so many cool clothes for light armor users and they turned them into tonics.
Fojja – Vyxxi – Nymmra – Mymmra – Champion of Dwayna .. and more
Highly Over Powered Explorers [HOPE] – Desolation EU
Gief pantzzzzzzzz!
Ascalon Pants… the only light armor pants i found so far without dangly bits.
Ascalon Pants… the only light armor pants i found so far without dangly bits.
They aren’t pants in the female version, though…
just some things i wanted in GW2 from the start
Bah, heavy armor paired with high heels — awful!
Ascalon Pants… the only light armor pants i found so far without dangly bits.
They aren’t pants in the female version, though…
just some things i wanted in GW2 from the start
Bah, heavy armor paired with high heels — awful!
yeah, because having spikes on places where you only hurt yourself really shows functionality…….
The art director at A-Net has an infatuation with bustles and hoop skirts apparently.
yeah, because having spikes on places where you only hurt yourself really shows functionality…….
That wasn’t my point. Apart from functionality issues, it also looks cheap and sexist to me (like all the bare skin most female armor sets sport, as opposed to their male counterpart).
High heels on each set of clothing and armor for female characters are the foremost reason I didn’t start playing Black Desert (and then there’s the barbie doll faces, too).
But we have gone off-topic.
(edited by Ashantara.8731)
I really wish we had a pair of regular pants, with no butt cape/skirt attached, no girly flowers and frills, or skin revealed. Not everybody who plays light armor class wants to look so feminine and sexy. Idk, maybe there is something in the gemstore I can buy eventually to remedy my problem but that’s a lot of effort just for a pair of trousers. ANET PLEASE COME OUT WITH LIGHT ARMOR LADY PANTS!!!! Just one pair is all I am asking.
I do want to point out that this request also does not exist for the males. There is no light pair of regular pants, with no butt cape/skirt attached, while also not having any frills straps or whatever and no skin revealed for male characters either.
The closest they have is the Performer’s pants and those definitely have “frills”
I think it’s just the art style.
The light armors are all flamboyant.
The medium armors are all drab trench coats.
The heavy armors have football or impale your own face style shoulder pads.
I don’t think the artist are trying to deny us styles, I think it’s just the art direction. Though if the ladies are going to get some non nonsense plain pants I would like to throw my hat in that ring too for the fellas.
(edited by Lokki.1092)
You do not like butt caps :P
yeah, because having spikes on places where you only hurt yourself really shows functionality…….
That wasn’t my point. Apart from functionality issues, it also looks cheap and sexist to me (like all the bare skin most female armor sets sport, as opposed to their male counterpart).
High heels on each set of clothing and armor for female characters are the foremost reason I didn’t start playing Black Desert (and then there’s the barbie doll faces, too).
But we have gone off-topic.
and the lack of is the reason why i rather use outfits that does have it, GW2 is IMO the #1 game without any interesting armors.
Now find me some medium armor without a coat. XD
This. My asura thief looks great in this. Though, I use the Subterfuge Hood instead.
Fan Story – The Assassin of Rata Sum - Guild Wars 2 Screenshots - Vini Short Story
and now the list with one….yes, that’s pretty much the rest.
GW2 is IMO the #1 game without any interesting armors.
So “sexy” (or sexist) equals “interesting”?
IMO, GW2 used to have great appearance designs, but the past year or two they got worse and worse.
just some things i wanted in GW2 from the start
OMG, I want those boots AND that hair.
We’ve been asking for pants since the game launched, but it doesn’t look like we’ll be getting them anytime soon. Even the stuff that_shaman data-mined and Dulfy posted, is still all the things we’ve been asking for LESS of. =(
I love this game, but I get really sad about the armor sometimes.