No loot in tutorial areas?

No loot in tutorial areas?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Paulus magintie.7432

Paulus magintie.7432

“Enemies in tutorial areas will no long drop loot. Instead, an award of 72 copper has been added to the rewards for completing the tutorial. This is to dissuade players from lingering in tutorial instances to farm the creatures in them.”

This was found in the patch notes, what exactly is considered tutorial areas? If thats like Queensland then im very disappointed, im going around each characters home area’s to get map completion and to get some experience to help me level.

Now I have nothing to gain from it except EXP and materials since nothing of my level drops in those locations. At least I could still get some coppers from the enemies as im doing the events and hearts.

I thought the whole idea of scaling down was so stronger players could return to the lower area’s without slaughtering everything which also means the rewards are the same as the lower players.

No loot in tutorial areas?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jonnyguitar.1684


“Enemies in tutorial areas will no long drop loot. Instead, an award of 72 copper has been added to the rewards for completing the tutorial. This is to dissuade players from lingering in tutorial instances to farm the creatures in them.”

This was found in the patch notes, what exactly is considered tutorial areas? If thats like Queensland then im very disappointed, im going around each characters home area’s to get map completion and to get some experience to help me level.

Now I have nothing to gain from it except EXP and materials since nothing of my level drops in those locations. At least I could still get some coppers from the enemies as im doing the events and hearts.

I thought the whole idea of scaling down was so stronger players could return to the lower area’s without slaughtering everything which also means the rewards are the same as the lower players.

Pretty sure thats where you are at when you first make a character.

I guess because you could farm them endlessly with 0 chance of ever dying to them.

No loot in tutorial areas?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TimeBomb.3427


Calm down, it’s pre-Queenslands – the place you’re at briefly when you first create your character. You leave it after you beat the tutorial boss, which is different between races.

No loot in tutorial areas?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pallar.5728


The tutorial areas are the special versions of the zone a new character starts out in prior to beating the tutorial boss.

Queensdale, Metrica, Ashford etc. are NOT tutorial areas.

Guild Leader of FSÆ on Eredon Terrace server
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No loot in tutorial areas?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Esya.3427


It is the little story before you are teleported to the map. Where your character starts the first time you log in and kill a boss at the end. It is a place you cannot visit after being teleported out by finishing it. So no worries about the low level maps.

No loot in tutorial areas?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sukeena.3506


This is the tutorial, the first time you enter the game world when you created a new character. For the humans this will be to defeat the giant earth hands and helping the people for the centaur attack.

Once you completed this tutorial, you will be teleported to Queensdale. So it only is for the tutorial area and NOT for Queensdale.

EDIT: lol 5 people in 2 minutes total. Now that is a new record

No loot in tutorial areas?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pants.8315


It’s the area where you zone-in after making your character, where you kill a big boss. The elemental in human tutorial zone.

Like the guy above me said, you could just sit and farm the enemies in the start zone with no risk of death.

Queensdale is the 1-15 area, not the tutorial area.

No loot in tutorial areas?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Paulus magintie.7432

Paulus magintie.7432

That god for that, I never really considered that small event as a tutorial.

No loot in tutorial areas?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dicemeister.9340


I don’t understand why this change was needed. Even if people were farming, there’s no way it was game breaking.

I really enjoyed looting a new weapon in the starting area and getting to try it out before entering the game.

Also, the few bags we received were a nice little surprise for first-timers. I don’t see how 72 copper makes up for this, at least one whole silver would make sense to me!

EDIT: I mean.. honestly though. We just saved the land, and became a crazy renowned citizen. We aren’t even worth a full silver? Hero of Shaemoor mykitten

EDIT #2: While it’s on my mind, you don’t even have more than one bag in the start area! Or any salvage kits. The only things they could “farm” would be what could fit in their starter bags, and that is just not a lot at all.

(edited by Dicemeister.9340)

No loot in tutorial areas?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Antrasith.2187


What people are farming, is the random-supply-bags.. You get tons of those in the starter area (used to get). On my warrior, I had a supply bag on practically every mob.. —> Click on inventory —> Deposit to warehouse —> Farm some more —> Not good for economy and it makes it really easy for the currency selling farmers

The Wheel turns as the Wheel Wills

No loot in tutorial areas?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tolunart.2095


Arenanet seems to be very anti-farm. The main problem is that some areas give more loot than others. I’ve created and deleted several characters trying to find the right combination of race/class and the right “look” for my characters, so I’ve played through the beginning instance several times with each race.

Centaurs seem to spawn at an alarming rate in the human tutorial area, I can stand in one place and kill enough to get 1s+ and a bunch of crafting mats like dust and blood as well as the basic mats in like ten minutes. Then I got bored and moved on… I haven’t played through the charr area much but it seems like their ghosts spawn fairly rapidly too.

Other areas have less enemies to kill or slower spawn rates, there are only a handful of wolves in the sylvari area, a few golems in the asura area, you have to seek out things to kill in the norn area… the slower spawn/kill rates mean that you get less loot there.

Also until last week sometime the human area gave 2 karma per villager you talked to and sent to the inn. No other starting area had karma rewards so humans started out with a little boost and could spend that on cooking mats that (I guess I didn’t try it) you could sell to make coin without spending any.

As part of their anti-farming and anti-botting measures they turned off the karma rewards a while ago, and I suppose it was just a matter of time before they did the same with the loot bags. Few people will have the patience to actually stand there for hours killing centaurs but it’s possible, and if you set up bots and just keep them out of the final encounter you can let them collect stuff all day long then just mail it to a different account to clear out their bags. Free money.

If they are preparing to take measures against bots in the game the logical choice would have been to move to the tutorial instance, and it would be bad for the game if new players’ first experience was to see a dozen identical humans in the open area next to the inn repeatedly killing and looting centaurs for hours at a time.

No loot in tutorial areas?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: lollie.5816


Saw a level 8 engineer in the human tutorial area one run through, so some guys have the amount of patience to stay there forever…was quite annoying as he’d set his little turret up and kill things before you could get a hit in.

No loot in tutorial areas?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tolunart.2095


Saw a level 8 engineer in the human tutorial area one run through, so some guys have the amount of patience to stay there forever…was quite annoying as he’d set his little turret up and kill things before you could get a hit in.

It was probably a bot, you get like 3 xp per kill or something, you’d need at least 10,000s of kills to get to that point without leaving the tutorial area, and probably more like 100,000s…

No loot in tutorial areas?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: lollie.5816


Saw a level 8 engineer in the human tutorial area one run through, so some guys have the amount of patience to stay there forever…was quite annoying as he’d set his little turret up and kill things before you could get a hit in.

It was probably a bot, you get like 3 xp per kill or something, you’d need at least 10,000s of kills to get to that point without leaving the tutorial area, and probably more like 100,000s…

I don’t think it was a bot…if it was it was a closely watched bot. I hung around it for a bit, and I think whoever was running the engie noticed and moved away from the area I was in. Either guilt or scared of being reported, not sure.

No loot in tutorial areas?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tolunart.2095


The 72 copper thing… botting aside, there are people who would speed run through the opening instance and if they could make more coin/hour doing this than farming other areas they would just spend all day making new toons and mailing the coin to a main account. 72 c vs. 1s per run is almost 30% less money which adds up in the long run… if they could do the run in 5 min or less thats at least 12s per hour vs 8s which is a big difference if you want to make fast coin. 72c is enough for a new toon to get a set of harvesting tools and still have something left for waypoint and repair costs if a player is having trouble learning the ropes.

No loot in tutorial areas?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: robber.4613


I’m sorry but this is an amazing patch addressing many of the issues have been complaining about for a while, and we’re fixating on an incredibly small portion of the game and continuing to complain? Sigh…

No loot in tutorial areas?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dragoon.9536


i wondered why tehy had to resort to tutorial phase for farming duhhhhh the real world anti farm is a bat swing to yo in the face. If farming wasnt that bad no one would had to resort to tutorial phase. great logic there. So in recent patch lowered drop rate for farm in real world but tutoral had mob spawning faster tehn DR/ farm code could keep up so you were resetting it faaaasssttttt. so in this new logic no one get to farm tehy didnt even increase the drop rate in real world where we need it to be. GW2 is a massive fail i doubt they can keep this up crafting is 1/3 of the game of what you promised us. i could go on in a 500 page essay.

No loot in tutorial areas?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TheSabi.2378


It’s the tutorial zone, the Emerald Dream, The Great hunt, The Centuar Attack etc. Although I went through a tutorial zone before this patch and wasn’t getting any loot.

FUN FACT: In the human area, if you killed a centuar who was attacking a civilian then told said civilian to head to the inn you would get 28 Karma….they changed that too.

No loot in tutorial areas?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tolunart.2095


Actually it was 2 karma per person, but more reliable than loot drops because every villager who spawned gave you the reward, provided he wasn’t being attacked or killed before you could get to him. Presumably they removed it because no other area gave a similar reward.

And as late as last weekend I was still getting loot drops in the tutorial, I’d hang out in the human area long enough to get 1s+ and some crafting mats from the tiny bags the centaurs dropped.

(edited by tolunart.2095)

No loot in tutorial areas?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Korrigan.4837


It’s just the intro area, when you kill that big boss – before you enter the “real” world – chill mate

The Farstar Alliance [TFA] – Gandara Server.
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No loot in tutorial areas?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: dpcnh.3798


Unfortunately, ANet is really anti-farming. They have a long history of it. Ask anyone who farmed dye in GW1. They are big on diminishing returns for farming a given area. People, like myself, who like to farm are just SOL with this group. It’s too bad really. They hurt us because that is easier than actually fixing bot problems.

No loot in tutorial areas?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: flippa.9043


If Anet is anti-farming then why put reasons in a game to farm.

No loot in tutorial areas?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kyrgsh.8496


Well, fortunately, Anet’s anti-farming stance is crystal clear at this point, so anyone who expects to get their enjoyment out of grinding mobs now has ample time and opportunity to find a game that suits their playstyle. Not saying whether it’s a good thing or not, but there’s no excuse now for playing GW2 if you like farming mats and mobs.

No loot in tutorial areas?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Edge.4180


Way back at launch (and beta) you used to actually get 2 karma points every time you cleared out a pack of centaur attacking a villager in Shaemore, and then spoke to the villager and instructed him to head for the safety of the inn. It was pretty cool and it totally fit, and a nice incentive to spend a few minutes being the town hero.

You could farm it, but there wasn’t any point in doing so since the events in the real game offer superior amounts of karma. It did encourage me to spend a couple minutes taking some random path through the village and helping the NPCs out before heading to the inn with them. And when they refer to my character (after) as the “Hero of Shaemore”, it felt justified.

When I went through the human tutorial again last week with a new character, I noticed they had removed the karma rewards from it. I thought that was pretty silly, and since I wasn’t being rewarded for my time/actions I felt no reason to spend any time helping out any of the NPCs. Just straight to the inn for me, then to the fort, then to the boss battle. That one change made the tutorial so much lamer, for me.

No loot in tutorial areas?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: lollie.5816


Waiting for them to start selling crafting mats in the gemstore…

No loot in tutorial areas?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: lollie.5816


Waiting for them to start selling crafting mats in the gemstore…

And I’m waiting for people like you to leave this game. Seriously. There’s nothing in the gemstore that gives anyone any sort of boost but trolling and saying they’re going to sell mats is beyond ludicrous.

Excuse me? I actually buy gems with real money, so if you want me to leave game I think Arenanet might have an issue with you.

No loot in tutorial areas?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: lollie.5816


Reported your post and put you on ignore.