No low level champ trains? angry

No low level champ trains? angry

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blade.8497


No low level champ trains?

No low level champ trains? angry

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Diovid.9506


No, because they ruined the experience for new players in low level areas (although daily event completer also does that to an extent).

No low level champ trains? angry

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aenaos.8160


Are there even high level champ trains anymore?
I thought farmers are all in SW farming chests.
And you don’t even need to be lvl 80 to do that since there’s
no combat required,just running around and getting the chests.
If you want to farm,look in LFG for SW chest farming maps.
The only thing you’ll have to care about when you run there with a
low level toon,is to not aggro mobs.but then again the zerg will
most likely annihilate everything in miliseconds,so I wouldn’t
worry too much about it.

-Win a pip,lose a pip,win a pip,lose a pip,lose a pip,
lose a pip,win 2 pips,lose a pip,lose a pip…………..-
-Go go Espartz.-

No low level champ trains? angry

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: IndigoSundown.5419


Daily event completion is worse that the trains ever were as far as preventing low levels from completing content. Well, except that it only hits a given zone sporadically, whereas the train was there all the time. Players who trained Champs in QDale have only the actions of their fellow trainers to blame. The real reason the QDale champ train was killed was some players not being able to shake the idea that they were entitled to those champs and entitled to spew resentment towards anyone who happened to slow them down.

No low level champ trains? angry

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Diovid.9506


The real reason the QDale champ train was killed was some players not being able to shake the idea that they were entitled to those champs and entitled to spew resentment towards anyone who happened to slow them down.

That’s hardly the ‘real reason’ because that problem still exists, for example in Frostgorge where people can behave very toxic.

The problem is the combination of that behavior and the low level of the area (and thus the presence of new players).

No low level champ trains? angry

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blade.8497


Eotm only option for old player? But i have done that so many times. And you cant do eotm on all servers.

No low level champ trains? angry

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Diovid.9506


Eotm only option for old player? But i have done that so many times.

There are multiple options, such as:

- EotM
- Frostgorge champ train
- World bosses
- Silverwastes

No low level champ trains? angry

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Linken.6345


Frostgorge sound or spvp can be made for champ boxes aswell.

No low level champ trains? angry

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Menadena.7482


There is a champ train in Sparkfly Fen some nights on a few maps.

No low level champ trains? angry

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kimyrielle.3826


World bosses are regularly not worth doing if the bonus chest was already taken for the day. Most world bosses take much longer to take down than regular champs, their reward isn’t -any- better, and the wait times between kills are a -lot- longer than the QD trains was, which could kill champs with next to no waiting involved.
And Frostgorge is getting old after a while.
It’s strange that they are normally concerned with keeping low-level areas alive and then take away the very reason for higher level players to still go there. I am sad that they took away the QD champ train. It was a mindless fun thing to do for coffee breaks.

Tarnished Coast

No low level champ trains? angry

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SkiTz.4590


Get to level 80. It’s easy, just hop onto eotm and level or do it the old slow way through hearts/open events in maps. Its easier now with megaservers.

Once you’re 80, get to silver wastes. Endgame. Camp there until HoT releases. You should be very rich by then. Easy farming, easy gold.

No low level champ trains? angry

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Travis the Terrible.4739

Travis the Terrible.4739

Get to level 80. It’s easy, just hop onto eotm and level or do it the old slow way through hearts/open events in maps. Its easier now with megaservers.

Once you’re 80, get to silver wastes. Endgame. Camp there until HoT releases. You should be very rich by then. Easy farming, easy gold.

Silver waste end game? Yeah no…

As for the OP they were considered “cancerous to new players and provided a bad environment” (looking at you queensdale) so they more or less killed champ trains.

Follow the darkness into the depths, it’s more fun than the light can provide.

No low level champ trains? angry

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TJgalon.5012


I know a lot of people do curse shores too. I find that a fun place cause of the horde of enemy we fight.

No low level champ trains? angry

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kimyrielle.3826


Get to level 80. It’s easy, just hop onto eotm and level or do it the old slow way through hearts/open events in maps. Its easier now with megaservers.

Once you’re 80, get to silver wastes. Endgame. Camp there until HoT releases. You should be very rich by then. Easy farming, easy gold.

Except doing the same thing all the time is boring. That’s what usually sets GW2 apart from its competition which usually provide absolutely NOTHING to do except farming the same 3 boring raids. The good thing about the QD train was that it was yet another thing to do.

Tarnished Coast

No low level champ trains? angry

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ardenwolfe.8590


A thousand years ago, there used to be many low-level trains. The king, or queen, was in Queensdale itself. Back then, the zone was filled to the brim with people.

But it was also filled with nonstop complaining.

Before the nerf, most of the veteran mobs were champions. And these provided loot, levels, and achievements in a very effective way. Don’t get it twisted. The low-level trains were not nerfed because low levels complained because of some notion of a ‘ruined’ experience.

That’s the excuse ANet gave the community.

They were nerfed because people got greedy, selfish, and spoiled about killing those champions. Many a player made their names infamous ‘derailing’ the champion train and laughing about it.

And the player reports and complaints flowed in. All because they didn’t get their loot or achievements killing those champions.

That’s the real reason for the nerf to low-level trains: stupidity.

Gone to Reddit.

(edited by Ardenwolfe.8590)

No low level champ trains? angry

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SkiTz.4590


Get to level 80. It’s easy, just hop onto eotm and level or do it the old slow way through hearts/open events in maps. Its easier now with megaservers.

Once you’re 80, get to silver wastes. Endgame. Camp there until HoT releases. You should be very rich by then. Easy farming, easy gold.

Silver waste end game? Yeah no…

As for the OP they were considered “cancerous to new players and provided a bad environment” (looking at you queensdale) so they more or less killed champ trains.

Clearly is considering its by far the most populated map in the game in terms of PvE…

You want to buy something expensive from the TP ? SW is the place to be considering how much gold per hour is there, pretty much higher than anything else in the game… That’s what I mean by end-game…. I personally don’t do it, I’m sure there are others as well that prefer PvP/WvW… but as far as PvE goes… SW is the most populated map for a reason…

No low level champ trains? angry

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BrotherBelial.3094


No low level champ trains?

Queensdale champ train was killed along time ago, well over a year ago.

i5 4690K @ 3.5Mhz|8GB HyperX Savage 1600mHz|MSI H81M-E34|MSI GTX 960 Gaming 2GB|
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No low level champ trains? angry

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Thaddeus.4891


A thousand years ago, there used to be many low-level trains. The king, or queen, was in Queensdale itself. Back then, the zone was filled to the brim with people.

But it was also filled with nonstop complaining.

Before the nerf, most of the veteran mobs were champions. And these provided loot, levels, and achievements in a very effective way. Don’t get it twisted. The low-level trains were not nerfed because low levels complained because of some notion of a ‘ruined’ experience.

That’s the excuse ANet gave the community.

They were nerfed because people got greedy, selfish, and spoiled about killing those champions. Many a player made their names infamous ‘derailing’ the champion train and laughing about it.

And the player reports and complaints flowed in. All because they didn’t get their loot or achievements killing those champions.

That’s the real reason for the nerf to low-level trains: stupidity.

I disagree. It was a legitimate complain that this caused friction between veteran and new players in Queensdale. Where I was disappointed is that they didn’t make sure to create new Champion train elsewhere and they made Silverwaste so good that thing like Champion train became useless.

Thaddeauz [xQCx]- QC GUILD

No low level champ trains? angry

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Menadena.7482


I know a lot of people do curse shores too. I find that a fun place cause of the horde of enemy we fight.

Oh yeah, my warrior has been loving it there. From about the same time she looked up from a temple assault and noticed that ‘Orrian Sapling’ meant ancient wood coincidentally.

No low level champ trains? angry

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ardenwolfe.8590


I disagree. It was a legitimate complain that this caused friction between veteran and new players in Queensdale. Where I was disappointed is that they didn’t make sure to create new Champion train elsewhere and they made Silverwaste so good that thing like Champion train became useless.

Well let’s go with that. How are the new players liking the empty zone? Are you liking how the champs got nerfed to vets? Are you liking how the vast population and community disappeared afterwards?

Honestly, even if Silverwastes was the end all, be all, people would still farm Queensdale because it’s the path of least resistance. The dailies prove this out because people always return to those areas that make it easier. Cabbage patch in the Charr start zone. Vista in Black Citadel. Daily/cooperative rooms in PvP.

You get the idea.

There’s no doubt in my mind, yes, new players complained. But they were in minority compared to the endless complaints about someone ‘derailing’ the train. And honesty? How long is a ‘new’ player in Queensdale?

One to ten levels? And how long where the eighties farming the zone? Exactly.

Regardless, it’s a dead horse now never to come back. Which is a pity because it took a whole lot more away than the champions.

Gone to Reddit.

(edited by Ardenwolfe.8590)

No low level champ trains? angry

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SkiTz.4590


I disagree. It was a legitimate complain that this caused friction between veteran and new players in Queensdale. Where I was disappointed is that they didn’t make sure to create new Champion train elsewhere and they made Silverwaste so good that thing like Champion train became useless.

Well let’s go with that. How are the new players liking the empty zone? Are you liking how the champs got nerfed to vets? Are you liking how the vast population and community disappeared afterwards?

Honestly, even if Silverwastes was the end all, be all, people would still farm Queensdale because it’s the path of least resistance. The dailies prove this out because people always return to those areas that make it easier. Cabbage patch in the Charr start zone. Vista in Black Citadel. Daily/cooperative rooms in PvP.

You get the idea.

There’s no doubt in my mind, yes, new players complained. But they were in minority compared to the endless complaints about someone ‘derailing’ the train. And honesty? How long is a ‘new’ player in Queensdale?

One to ten levels? And how long where the eighties farming the zone? Exactly.

Regardless, it’s a dead horse now never to come back. Which is a pity because it took a whole lot more away than the champions.

SW chest/shovel farm is essentially the same thing as champ train….

You run in circles pressing two buttons and the reward is a champ bag…

No low level champ trains? angry

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Thaddeus.4891


Well. I went throught Queensdale the other day with a friend and we were not in the same maps, meaning that at least one instance of the map was near full. So the map isn’t empty, that’s just not true.

New players don’t give a crap that 4-5 bosses are veteran and not champion. They won’t even notice it. So in the end I think that new players are liking it.

It doesn’t matter that new players were in minority. We can find ways to satify most people. That’s where I disagree with Anet decision to simply change QD Bosses from champion to veteran. They should had make sure that we had good champion train in other map. It would have been a great way to improve some map where nobody go normally like Brisband Widlands, Field of Ruins, etc.

SW chest/shovel farm is essentially the same thing as champ train….

You run in circles pressing two buttons and the reward is a champ bag…

Yes and no. They attract the same crowd, but they give diversity and option. It’s like saying why having more PvP maps, they are pretty much the same thing. Or why more than 1 dungoens, it’s pretty much the same thing.

Thaddeauz [xQCx]- QC GUILD

No low level champ trains? angry

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: IndigoSundown.5419


The real reason the QDale champ train was killed was some players not being able to shake the idea that they were entitled to those champs and entitled to spew resentment towards anyone who happened to slow them down.

That’s hardly the ‘real reason’ because that problem still exists, for example in Frostgorge where people can behave very toxic.

The problem is the combination of that behavior and the low level of the area (and thus the presence of new players).

If the volume of reports about toxic chat in FGS get close to what they were in QDale, what do you think ANet will do? I doubt they’d “Veteranize” the FGS champs, but they could address such behavior by lengthening the respawn timers. That they have not suggests that the volume of toxicity in FGS is less. I’ve never seen any toxic chat in FGS at all. Then again, I saw very little in QDale. I’ve seen plenty of forum complaints about QDale chat, but the only ones I’ve seen (besides your current post) about FGS were the Coiled Watch issue with the LS conflict — which has been addressed.

No low level champ trains? angry

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RoseofGilead.8907


If the volume of reports about toxic chat in FGS get close to what they were in QDale, what do you think ANet will do? I doubt they’d “Veteranize” the FGS champs, but they could address such behavior by lengthening the respawn timers. That they have not suggests that the volume of toxicity in FGS is less. I’ve never seen any toxic chat in FGS at all. Then again, I saw very little in QDale. I’ve seen plenty of forum complaints about QDale chat, but the only ones I’ve seen (besides your current post) about FGS were the Coiled Watch issue with the LS conflict — which has been addressed.

They already have changed/nerfed the FGS champ train by making all champs events and making the fish/kodan/norn all one big event (and also making their respawn time longer). The chat did get toxic at times, but honestly it was way worse in Queensdale. And the Coiled Watch behavior stuff was also worse than the general old FGS champ train.

No low level champ trains? angry

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ardenwolfe.8590


SW chest/shovel farm is essentially the same thing as champ train….

You run in circles pressing two buttons and the reward is a champ bag…

Whoosh. O for two for you so far today.

Well. I went throught Queensdale the other day with a friend and we were not in the same maps, meaning that at least one instance of the map was near full. So the map isn’t empty, that’s just not true.

New players don’t give a crap that 4-5 bosses are veteran and not champion. They won’t even notice it. So in the end I think that new players are liking it.

It doesn’t matter that new players were in minority. We can find ways to satify most people. That’s where I disagree with Anet decision to simply change QD Bosses from champion to veteran. They should had make sure that we had good champion train in other map. It would have been a great way to improve some map where nobody go normally like Brisband Widlands, Field of Ruins, etc.

Dailies, friend. Dailies made a map full. With the train, the map was full at any given time all the time. Apples and oranges. But regardless, that bolt of lightning isn’t striking twice.

Fun times though.

Gone to Reddit.

(edited by Ardenwolfe.8590)

No low level champ trains? angry

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SkiTz.4590


SW chest/shovel farm is essentially the same thing as champ train….

You run in circles pressing two buttons and the reward is a champ bag…

Yes and no. They attract the same crowd, but they give diversity and option. It’s like saying why having more PvP maps, they are pretty much the same thing. Or why more than 1 dungoens, it’s pretty much the same thing.

I don’t get it.. whats the diversity and options?… those champ trains are literally just go to champ, spam autoattack, grab loot, move to next champ, repeat. There isn’t a single challenging aspect, you have no fear of dying or failing (you’ll get rezzed instantly anyways if you do) other than making sure you don’t too far behind the train, theres no challenge here lol.

uh each PvP map has different objectives and points and win/comeback mechanics….that was a bad example…
Dungs yea, but thats still way more diverse (some paths are harder than others, and they all have different skins for rewards when you use tokens so thats also different)… than champ train compared to SW chest…

I don’t see any diversity/options when comparing a champ train zerg to SW chest train lol…there is nothing diverse…. one is dig up chest and win, other is spam auto attack on champion and win..essentially same… no resistence in either forms….

if champ trains were still here along with SW chest train… whichever has the higher bags per hour will be the one that is more popular and the other would be pretty much be dead anyways

(edited by SkiTz.4590)

No low level champ trains? angry

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sandpit.3467


How long has the Queensdale champ train been gone? So why post this thread now?

That train was toxic, so happy it was removed, though they really need to buff the Oakheart/Troll etc, they are soooooo weak now it’s a joke.

No low level champ trains? angry

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Illconceived Was Na.9781

Illconceived Was Na.9781

You can create a champ train in any but the newbie zones. It’s just a matter of learning the champ locations, spawn rates, and event/event-chains that can be scaled up quickly for champ farming.

John Smith: “you should kill monsters, because killing monsters is awesome.”

No low level champ trains? angry

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dashingsteel.3410


When they got rid of champs in low level areas, they should have turned them into elites instead of veterans. It is ridiculous, for example, to have veteran rotting oakheart surrounded by a bunch of other veteran oakhearts. Make those ex-champs at least somewhat difficult.

No low level champ trains? angry

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Knighthonor.4061


No, because they ruined the experience for new players in low level areas (although daily event completer also does that to an extent).

how did that ruin experience for new players?

Before the train, most of those boss fights would never been done by low levels due to the way population was handled on lower level zones.

No low level champ trains? angry

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rhapsody.3615


No, because they ruined the experience for new players in low level areas (although daily event completer also does that to an extent).

how did that ruin experience for new players?

Before the train, most of those boss fights would never been done by low levels due to the way population was handled on lower level zones.

Because players would be harassed in map chat if they killed a champ that the champ train had claimed as their own.

No low level champ trains? angry

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Envy.1679


I got to lvl 80 in 2 days with no tomes of knowledge.

Get artificing, jewelcrafting, and cooking to 400 with like 30g, and then use xp boosts to kill mobs with full bonus xp.

celebration booster, kill xp booster, killstreak booster, and the 30 minute xp booster and killing mobs 4 level higher than you gets you over half an xp bar PER MOB if they have full bonus xp.


(edited by Envy.1679)

No low level champ trains? angry

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: IndigoSundown.5419


When they got rid of champs in low level areas, they should have turned them into elites instead of veterans. It is ridiculous, for example, to have veteran rotting oakheart surrounded by a bunch of other veteran oakhearts. Make those ex-champs at least somewhat difficult.

Elites? You mean champs without rewards. Worst idea ANet ever had, tbh.

No low level champ trains? angry

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dashingsteel.3410


I miss the champs too, but making them vets is still ridiculous.

No low level champ trains? angry

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bloodstealer.5978


SW chest/shovel farm is essentially the same thing as champ train….

You run in circles pressing two buttons and the reward is a champ bag…

Whoosh. O for two for you so far today.

Well. I went throught Queensdale the other day with a friend and we were not in the same maps, meaning that at least one instance of the map was near full. So the map isn’t empty, that’s just not true.

New players don’t give a crap that 4-5 bosses are veteran and not champion. They won’t even notice it. So in the end I think that new players are liking it.

It doesn’t matter that new players were in minority. We can find ways to satify most people. That’s where I disagree with Anet decision to simply change QD Bosses from champion to veteran. They should had make sure that we had good champion train in other map. It would have been a great way to improve some map where nobody go normally like Brisband Widlands, Field of Ruins, etc.

Dailies, friend. Dailies made a map full. With the train, the map was full at any given time all the time. Apples and oranges. But regardless, that bolt of lightning isn’t striking twice.

Fun times though.

Rubbish.. I was on QD levelling a new toon with a few guildies not 2 hrs ago and we were placed on different map copies for a while.
The maps are not under populated, there are always players on them doing a variety of things.
There is still a World Boss there on an egg timer, there are still vet players levelling, there are new players levelling and exploring, there are certain quests that need to be done in order to unlock/obtain items for collections and there are some players that just like to flip maps and do openworld stuff or farm supply bags.
The champ train in a low level starter map was not just a toxic playing field it was also a bad way to introduce players to the game.
You think players spent max 10 level sthere… errr wrong. Players were literally camping new toons there and doing nothing but levelling 0-80 from the champ train… great advertisement for the GW2 Openwold ideas.. not.

Personally I am glad it got nerfed, it was a toxic nightmare caused not just by overly entitled players whining and cos they lost out on a champ bag after someone else killed outta a champ rotation , but also by the players that started to purposely try to disrupt it or new players being abused for not following the Tags and trespassing on their champ zones.

The game already had a plethora of farming zones like CS or Frosty combined with the WB egg timer show… now sadly even those maps have been spoiled by the same toxic breeds and then came ANET’s lightbulb moment and the brain dead SW map was developed … thus allowing another map to be spoiled by farming, like CS has become and Frosty was before they acted on the Coil event .

However Frosty and CS are at least at end level maps and provide something to do.. even though I the fact that my favourite map has been reduced to nothing more than an endless farm of Shelter def, Jofast failtrain all day long on almost every map copy.

But the fault is not of the player, its the fault of lame content quality and lazy player retention farm mechanics that have been implemented.

No low level champ trains? angry

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Behellagh.1468


The real reason the QDale champ train was killed was some players not being able to shake the idea that they were entitled to those champs and entitled to spew resentment towards anyone who happened to slow them down.

That’s hardly the ‘real reason’ because that problem still exists, for example in Frostgorge where people can behave very toxic.

The problem is the combination of that behavior and the low level of the area (and thus the presence of new players).

Except Frostgorge isn’t full of new players. Champ Trains were an unintended side effect of the introduction of Champ Bags because Champs were being ignored and their respawn rate. It didn’t take long for someone to figure out the best order to do them in so they spawn just before the train returned.

So they nerfed Champ Bags but they were still good enough if you ride the train for a couple of hours. The catalyst was the shear number of harassment reports and threads about this. So Champs in low level areas became Vets so much easier to kill with less loot to boot.

Any parent knows if two groups of kids are fighting over the same toy, you take away the toy because they weren’t mature enough to share. And we still see these attitudes in various events (preventing a story chain from moving on or doing the Silverwaste event) and higher level trains (Frostgorge).

Some players need to learn to be excellent to one another.

We are heroes. This is what we do!

RIP City of Heroes

No low level champ trains? angry

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Knighthonor.4061


No, because they ruined the experience for new players in low level areas (although daily event completer also does that to an extent).

how did that ruin experience for new players?

Before the train, most of those boss fights would never been done by low levels due to the way population was handled on lower level zones.

Because players would be harassed in map chat if they killed a champ that the champ train had claimed as their own.

and it was new players doing trolling like that? no.
Most New players, as I said before, couldnt even fight champs on their own. Most of those being yelled at were trolls trying to troll the group. Intentionally doing what they did to upset the group is a form of trolling.

new players wasnt doing this.

No low level champ trains? angry

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tenrai Senshi.2017

Tenrai Senshi.2017

I’m just curious, but why do you want champ trains in low level areas anyway? If it’s for farming, Silverwastes is the superior option now. If it’s for leveling, then I’d say the vast abundance of tomes of power more than makes up for it. Leveling new toons is easier than it has ever been before.

Personally, I’m against the idea of having brain-dead content that is vastly more rewarding than the more challenging content in the game. I’m glad that champ trains are gone. I wouldn’t even mind if chest farms in Silverwastes were nerfed as well. In turn, I think challenging content rewards should be buffed a lot to compensate.

Guild Wars 2 is the only game I can think of where the level of reward is indirectly proportional to the difficulty of the content. You can farm chests in silverwastes and avoid combat and be rich, or you can attempt tripple wurm over and over and get nothing of real value, if you’re lucky enough to succeed with a super organized map.

No low level champ trains? angry

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ferguson.2157


I for one am glad they got rid of those trains.

They bred so much toxicity on the maps they took place in that I think anyone playing back in those days knew or should have known they’d eventually be blasted out of existence by Anet.

“What, me worry?” – A. E. Neuman

No low level champ trains? angry

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cnoath.7946


I ran those trains, levelled a couple of toons to 80, got a few nice skins but I go back to those characters and look at how little of the world they saw when they hit cap and feel sorry for them. I’m also pretty bad at playing those classes now as well. It’s a trap and not what new players should aspire to.

On the issue of toxicity, I never saw it. It may just be the time I played (prime time AUS) but everyone seemed pretty chill about it.


No low level champ trains? angry

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ferguson.2157


On the issue of toxicity, I never saw it. It may just be the time I played (prime time AUS) but everyone seemed pretty chill about it.

That was before megaservers too, so it may have been quite different between the servers as well.

“What, me worry?” – A. E. Neuman

(edited by Ferguson.2157)

No low level champ trains? angry

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


World bosses are regularly not worth doing if the bonus chest was already taken for the day. Most world bosses take much longer to take down than regular champs, their reward isn’t -any- better, and the wait times between kills are a -lot- longer than the QD trains was, which could kill champs with next to no waiting involved.
And Frostgorge is getting old after a while.
It’s strange that they are normally concerned with keeping low-level areas alive and then take away the very reason for higher level players to still go there. I am sad that they took away the QD champ train. It was a mindless fun thing to do for coffee breaks.

Unless you gather while you wait for them.

No low level champ trains? angry

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


What’s with this nonsense that the dailies “ruin” new players experience in the older areas? Are you lot serious with that? Really?

Bringing experienced players to areas they might not normally go to is to the benefit of new players, not to their detriment.

And here I thought I was a bit on the asocial side of things. Ridiculous. I bet you bunch are going to be salty AF when the new reward system comes out for all the maps.


NOOOOOOOOOooooooo… how could u anet u monsters i no by expanshon

all is vain.

No low level champ trains? angry

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zergs.9715


Yeah we need more champ trains… Sure, they may be a symptoms of a much larger disease, but I say we put more of ’em into the game. Because how else are we going to turn this game into Train Simulator 2015, which seems to be the end goal?

Train Wars 2! Choo Choo!

No low level champ trains? angry

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Thaddeus.4891


I don’t get it.. whats the diversity and options?… those champ trains are literally just go to champ, spam autoattack, grab loot, move to next champ, repeat. There isn’t a single challenging aspect, you have no fear of dying or failing (you’ll get rezzed instantly anyways if you do) other than making sure you don’t too far behind the train, theres no challenge here lol.

hey you don’t like that kind of stuff it’s ok. I’m not a fan either. But you and me are not the only type of player that Anet need to satisfied. SW is probably one of the most popular stuff right now, and champ train was super popular back then. World Boss train? Still super popular. A bunch of people like that time of easy mindless farming. They don’t need a reason, we don’t need to defend their position, they are still doing it. More ways to do their type of content is called diversity. Maybe not the kind of diversity you like, but just a change of pace, enemy type and scenery can do wonder.

Thaddeauz [xQCx]- QC GUILD

No low level champ trains? angry

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


I don’t get it.. whats the diversity and options?… those champ trains are literally just go to champ, spam autoattack, grab loot, move to next champ, repeat. There isn’t a single challenging aspect, you have no fear of dying or failing (you’ll get rezzed instantly anyways if you do) other than making sure you don’t too far behind the train, theres no challenge here lol.

hey you don’t like that kind of stuff it’s ok. I’m not a fan either. But you and me are not the only type of player that Anet need to satisfied. SW is probably one of the most popular stuff right now, and champ train was super popular back then. World Boss train? Still super popular. A bunch of people like that time of easy mindless farming. They don’t need a reason, we don’t need to defend their position, they are still doing it. More ways to do their type of content is called diversity. Maybe not the kind of diversity you like, but just a change of pace, enemy type and scenery can do wonder.

I’d almost agree with you, but the OP is asking for low level champ trains and those absolutely caused problems. I remember being in Lornar’s pass one day and someone asking in map chat where’s the train. He’d leveled up on the train in Queensdale and he literally thought that was the game.

Not to mention when a new person does something out of order and gets verbally attacked in map chat by overzealous people. Once the player as a higher level, maybe it will be easier for them to know what’s going on, but in a low level zone…there’s absolutely no good reason to have a champ train.

No low level champ trains? angry

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shen Slayer.3058

Shen Slayer.3058

This game is getting boring, we need new things to do again…bring back the train. Just scale back exp. and drops for low level. Problem solve, newbs and veterans gets what they want.

No low level champ trains? angry

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


People who are saying they’re tired of the Frostgorge train would be saying that they’re tired of the Queensdale train if it were still around.

I’m not a fan of trains when it becomes a ritual to the end of sucking the life out of the game, but I don’t begrudge people who legitimately enjoy or use that as a means to an end (all the monies).

With the caveat that that isn’t going to be an argument for the “be all end all” of the game. GW2 isn’t just a loot piñata, and it certainly shouldn’t be represented that way to new players as it was with the Queensdale train.

Anyone that would argue to that end is arguing for mediocrity. Anet was right to get rid of the Queensdale train and honestly, they’re handling the balance very well at present.

The Silverwastes is the de facto farm for people that want a loot train. There are several others.

I wouldn’t even mind if they added a new one with HoT, but I would hope it would be a secondary concern, and rather priority be given first to engaging content.

No low level champ trains? angry

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: penelopehannibal.8947


This game is getting boring, we need new things to do again…bring back the train. Just scale back exp. and drops for low level. Problem solve, newbs and veterans gets what they want.

There’s an entire world out there for you to explore, before HoT comes out, and you’d rather skip the beautiful world of Tyria in favour of repeating the same four champs for hours each day?

Blood & Merlot [Wine]

No low level champ trains? angry

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shen Slayer.3058

Shen Slayer.3058

It’s just another option for bored veteran players to do, if you bored of SW or World Boss, then run a train for a bit. No harm done, you not going to make a lot of money cause of rng .