No matter how you feel, no preorders
Bought the Ultimate edition and will probably get it for my other accounts as well. I’m fine with it plus I get to participate in all the beta events from now until release. Please don’t tell me how to spend my money as I won’t tell you how to spend yours.
I have the spare cash and I like to try the betas. As I see it I am paying for access to a behind the scenes look at what they are planning, and with the slow trickle (non-existent) of current content I may as well see what I will be getting. Also having access to the beta can help them with bugs etc, and that to me is worth the price of admission.
Bought the Ultimate edition and will probably get it for my other accounts as well. I’m fine with it plus I get to participate in all the beta events from now until release. Please don’t tell me how to spend my money as I won’t tell you how to spend yours.
And what if it turns out that you don’t feel the expansion was worth it or up to par? You just got screwed out of 50+ bucks. I’m not trying to tell you that you can’t buy something, I’m telling you that buying something based off of carefully selected gameplay segments and demos is a bad idea.
Bought the Ultimate edition and will probably get it for my other accounts as well. I’m fine with it plus I get to participate in all the beta events from now until release. Please don’t tell me how to spend my money as I won’t tell you how to spend yours.
And what if it turns out that you don’t feel the expansion was worth it or up to par? You just got screwed out of 50+ bucks. I’m not trying to tell you that you can’t buy something, I’m telling you that buying something based off of carefully selected gameplay segments and demos is a bad idea.
It is his money and his problem.
Bought the Ultimate edition and will probably get it for my other accounts as well. I’m fine with it plus I get to participate in all the beta events from now until release. Please don’t tell me how to spend my money as I won’t tell you how to spend yours.
And what if it turns out that you don’t feel the expansion was worth it or up to par? You just got screwed out of 50+ bucks. I’m not trying to tell you that you can’t buy something, I’m telling you that buying something based off of carefully selected gameplay segments and demos is a bad idea.
And how will buying it today vs first day of release let him know whether it’s worth it or not?
How can you really tell if something is worth it or not without trying it? All we can do is use the information we have to guess if it is or is not worth it. And it appears it appears to be worth it to JustTrogdor.
It appears to be worth it to me as well. I’m debating Deluxe or Ultimate at the moment.
Bought the Ultimate edition and will probably get it for my other accounts as well. I’m fine with it plus I get to participate in all the beta events from now until release. Please don’t tell me how to spend my money as I won’t tell you how to spend yours.
And what if it turns out that you don’t feel the expansion was worth it or up to par? You just got screwed out of 50+ bucks. I’m not trying to tell you that you can’t buy something, I’m telling you that buying something based off of carefully selected gameplay segments and demos is a bad idea.
And how will buying it today vs first day of release let him know whether it’s worth it or not?
How can you really tell if something is worth it or not without trying it? All we can do is use the information we have to guess if it is or is not worth it. And it appears it appears to be worth it to JustTrogdor.
It appears to be worth it to me as well. I’m debating Deluxe or Ultimate at the moment.
You can never get a full impression of a game until it’s been released and people have actually been able to play through the content and review it with a full perspective. That would be like trying to accurately judge the quality of a movie based on trailers.
Judging by some posts here on the forums, people are into being slapped on the face.
Bought the Ultimate edition and will probably get it for my other accounts as well. I’m fine with it plus I get to participate in all the beta events from now until release. Please don’t tell me how to spend my money as I won’t tell you how to spend yours.
And what if it turns out that you don’t feel the expansion was worth it or up to par? You just got screwed out of 50+ bucks. I’m not trying to tell you that you can’t buy something, I’m telling you that buying something based off of carefully selected gameplay segments and demos is a bad idea.
Then I’ll shrug it off. It is a game and simply entertainment for me. My entertainment budget is fairly forgiving. I’m guessing I’ll get at least a few hundred hours of entertainment out of the expansion based on what I have seen. So even if I only play the expansion for 50 hours and I since I paid $100 for the Ultimate edition that is a cost of $2 an hour. There are not many forms of commercial entertainment that you can pay that little per hour.
Bought the Ultimate edition and will probably get it for my other accounts as well. I’m fine with it plus I get to participate in all the beta events from now until release. Please don’t tell me how to spend my money as I won’t tell you how to spend yours.
And what if it turns out that you don’t feel the expansion was worth it or up to par? You just got screwed out of 50+ bucks. I’m not trying to tell you that you can’t buy something, I’m telling you that buying something based off of carefully selected gameplay segments and demos is a bad idea.
And how will buying it today vs first day of release let him know whether it’s worth it or not?
How can you really tell if something is worth it or not without trying it? All we can do is use the information we have to guess if it is or is not worth it. And it appears it appears to be worth it to JustTrogdor.
It appears to be worth it to me as well. I’m debating Deluxe or Ultimate at the moment.
You can never get a full impression of a game until it’s been released and people have actually been able to play through the content and review it with a full perspective. That would be like trying to accurately judge the quality of a movie based on trailers.
And under your view, no one would ever buy a game because everyone would be waiting for everyone else to play it first for a review.
I can use a trailer to judge if it would be a movie I would want to see in a theater or wait to catch it on TV or Netflix (I already have access to those so I wouldn’t be paying explicitly to watch it).
In my case, I’ve already decided that I’ve seen enough to want to buy the expansion. So rather than wait until release, I’ll just buy it now and get the bonuses.
Even if it is disappointing, I’ll still want to buy it anyways. If it is that disappointing, I’d want to see it first hand.
Besides, I pre-purchased GW2 original, and I was more than happy with the game I received (that’s actually an understatement). As such, I’ve some trust built up with ANet for which I’m willing to accept that risk. Maybe that makes me a sucker, but oh well. At the end of the day I don’t buy too many video games to begin with, so it’s not going to break the bank.
Besides, you need to consider how MMOs work. They are not a product that is simply sold once and then it’s done with. They need to retain players. With a single player game (i.e. Assassin’s Creed), it’s easier to get away with a crappily made game because you already bought more or less everything they were trying to sell, with the exception of maybe some DLC. They effectively get their money, and then they run away with it.
So while pre-orders can potentially incentivize some developers to push out unfinished/poorly made games, I believe it would be a particularly fatal approach if done in conjunction with an MMO. Just look at something like vanilla FFXIV and see how that worked out for them.
Bought the Ultimate edition and will probably get it for my other accounts as well. I’m fine with it plus I get to participate in all the beta events from now until release. Please don’t tell me how to spend my money as I won’t tell you how to spend yours.
And what if it turns out that you don’t feel the expansion was worth it or up to par? You just got screwed out of 50+ bucks. I’m not trying to tell you that you can’t buy something, I’m telling you that buying something based off of carefully selected gameplay segments and demos is a bad idea.
And how will buying it today vs first day of release let him know whether it’s worth it or not?
How can you really tell if something is worth it or not without trying it? All we can do is use the information we have to guess if it is or is not worth it. And it appears it appears to be worth it to JustTrogdor.
It appears to be worth it to me as well. I’m debating Deluxe or Ultimate at the moment.
Information is the whole point here. Would you rather purchase something based off of limited and potentially biased information, or when you have the entire picture? At launch, people will have actually played through the content and will know if falls short of what was promised, is buggy, or fails to deliver in general. The cost is the same regardless. There is literally no reason to buy the game early. Make the dog perform the trick before you give it a treat.
oh kitten .. too bad I didn’t see this before I bought my ultimate pack .. meh idgaf wouldn’t change a thing, Anet is hands down my favorite game company. I will definitely shell out some cash for them.
It’s amazing what people on the internet attempt to request……..
i get to play the betas
c ya at release, kittens
head here to discuss wvw without fear of infractions
You can never get a full impression of a game until it’s been released and people have actually been able to play through the content and review it with a full perspective.
And even then not necessarily. The only way to determine if you will like it is to play it. Just as even my favorite movie reviewers or friends with similar tastes can steer me wrong about movies, so too can game reviews or post launch popular opinion.
Make the dog perform the trick before you give it a treat.
Back to your movie analogy. People purchase tickets to advanced screenings for big name releases all the time and well before they get reviewed on Rotten Tomatoes or what not. In fact those tickets usually sell for a premium far and above the standard box office price. When it comes to entertainment some people are willing to pay to take part early for the experience and simply based on anticipation of the product.
The pre-purchase is much like that. We get to play in beta and see it before anyone else. We are paying not only for the expansion but to get a first hand view of the entertainment before it goes live. Much like people that pay to go to early preview screenings at the movies.
If you don’t think it is worth it, that’s fair. Some of us do and we spend our money as we see fit.
hmm everyone is so angry about this expansion. I personally see no problem with pricing. You do have a point Op if you don’t want to get burned dont pre purchase. I use MY money the way I want to. I bought the ultimate edition. Why? Because its the best deal and its my money. A day of work spent on something I will guaranteed spend over a thousand hours is fine by my standards. lol Also people need to quite complaining about the base game inclusion. The base game is now only worth $10 due to depreciation. Veterans have enjoyed the game for YEARS!
Pre-purchasing is a bad practice that does not benefit players at all. It actually does the opposite. It’s kinda like blindly voting….by participating in it not only has your vote lost it’s meaning but it actively works against others.
Bought the Ultimate edition and will probably get it for my other accounts as well. I’m fine with it plus I get to participate in all the beta events from now until release. Please don’t tell me how to spend my money as I won’t tell you how to spend yours.
And what if it turns out that you don’t feel the expansion was worth it or up to par? You just got screwed out of 50+ bucks. I’m not trying to tell you that you can’t buy something, I’m telling you that buying something based off of carefully selected gameplay segments and demos is a bad idea.
And how will buying it today vs first day of release let him know whether it’s worth it or not?
How can you really tell if something is worth it or not without trying it? All we can do is use the information we have to guess if it is or is not worth it. And it appears it appears to be worth it to JustTrogdor.
It appears to be worth it to me as well. I’m debating Deluxe or Ultimate at the moment.
Information is the whole point here. Would you rather purchase something based off of limited and potentially biased information, or when you have the entire picture? At launch, people will have actually played through the content and will know if falls short of what was promised, is buggy, or fails to deliver in general. The cost is the same regardless. There is literally no reason to buy the game early. Make the dog perform the trick before you give it a treat.
I get a title and guaranteed access to any and all future Betas. Given the last few have been RNG based, I’d be happy with guaranteed access. So I do get something for purchasing earlier.
Just because you need to watch a Let’s Play of a game or watch reviews before you buy it, doesn’t mean I need to. And stop trying to tell me that I have to do the same thing. Because I’m not you. My threshold to buy is at a different spot than yours.
I just love these threads telling people what to do. “Don’t buy this. Stop whining.” It’s like people honestly believe that total strangers are going to obey them.
What universe do you live in to believe that the world works this way?
I like how everyone is saying someone is telling them to do something against their wishes.
I like how everyone is saying someone is telling them to do something against their wishes.
Well the thread title is, “No matter how you feel, no pre orders.” That is worded like an order.
I recently gave RSI (Star Citizen) another $50 for a virtual spaceship, in a game that won’t likely be anywhere near complete for a couple of years. I don’t mind supporting a project I’m enthusiastic about.
I’m not in the same place with ArenaNET. There’s just no way I’d give them $50 for what reads like a grab bag of “value-added” features and little real content.