No one around

No one around

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Troponin.4081


The game is filled with great events etc during the leveling process. The problem is, there is rarely anyone around to help! Once I leave the level 15-20 areas on any alts, I can go hours without seeing anyone at all.

On one occasion, I ran in to another player and we grouped up and played for a few hours. I think both of us were terribly afraid to disband because we might not ever see another person. lol

I am on Ehmry Bay, been here since release. Has this server just never taken off?

No one around

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rhysati.4932


I can’t really speak for your server, but Tarnished Coast is jam-packed with people. Try jumping to one of the busier servers.

No one around

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Goettel.4389


I run into other players constantly on Desolation.

Even around 04:30 – 06:00 there’s usually people running DE’s. Some of the most challenging DE’s like Temple of Balthazar takes some more patience before a group’s on it good, but even that took me no more than a couple of attempts/hours over two days.

Edit: spelling.

Send an Asura who knows math. Problem solved.

(edited by Goettel.4389)

No one around

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zeldain.5710


I can’t really speak for your server, but Tarnished Coast is jam-packed with people. Try jumping to one of the busier servers.

Typical denial response. The game is horridly empty in every non-starter and non-end game zone… on EVERT server. And the game design depends on people. It’s failing on all fronts.

No one around

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tosha Daydreamer.9251

Tosha Daydreamer.9251

I can’t really speak for your server, but Tarnished Coast is jam-packed with people. Try jumping to one of the busier servers.

Typical denial response. The game is horridly empty in every non-starter and non-end game zone… on EVERT server. And the game design depends on people. It’s failing on all fronts.

Oh sure, because someone disagrees with you, he’s in denial. Sorry to disappoint you darling, but I have no complaints when it comes to server population. Just because the zones are not as packed as they were in the headstart weekend, does not mean the game is dying. I typically run into 3-4 other players in an average DE, in every area I play. It’s enough for me – more than that, and the DE’s are just a boring faceroll fest.

*Edit: I am on Desolation, like Goettel. I’ve noticed on these forums that players from Desolation rarely complain about server population. Either I am just very lucky that Desolation is the only exception to the rule, or you have not looked elsewhere yet.

(edited by Tosha Daydreamer.9251)

No one around

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: robber.4613


A month ago I would have agreed, but there’s been a clear influx of new players, and I’m having no issues finding groups now in some of the less popular zones now. On TC btw.

No one around

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Caedmon.6798


I can’t really speak for your server, but Tarnished Coast is jam-packed with people. Try jumping to one of the busier servers.

Typical denial response. The game is horridly empty in every non-starter and non-end game zone… on EVERT server. And the game design depends on people. It’s failing on all fronts.

On every server ? wow nostradamus,have you jumped to all servers to go and see ( On All maps btw ) for you to be makign such a statement ? No ? Ohh then you know you’re full of it right ?

No one around

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Solid Gold.9310

Solid Gold.9310

I’m on a “Highly” populated server, and it’s as dead as a doorstop, nobody doing any events, nobody to do champions with, dead.

Jumping puzzles, love them or hate them, I hate them. Thread killer.

(edited by Solid Gold.9310)

No one around

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zeldain.5710


I can’t really speak for your server, but Tarnished Coast is jam-packed with people. Try jumping to one of the busier servers.

Typical denial response. The game is horridly empty in every non-starter and non-end game zone… on EVERT server. And the game design depends on people. It’s failing on all fronts.

On every server ? wow nostradamus,have you jumped to all servers to go and see ( On All maps btw ) for you to be makign such a statement ? No ? Ohh then you know you’re full of it right ?

On 8 servers, yes. That’s enough of a sample size for me to make the call.

No one around

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mojowalker.3798


I’m on Anvil Rock, with chars ranging from 1-80, and every zone I wander into, with whatever char, there’s at least a few folks running around doing hearts, I bump into other players at almost every vista, there’s always a good number banding together to take down champions, etc. I think it truly is a question of the server you happen to be on.

“If you can’t beat them, get a bigger stick.”
- Some random quote -
The Walkers and the Whispers, ANVIL ROCK

No one around

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Raf.1078


I can’t really speak for your server, but Tarnished Coast is jam-packed with people. Try jumping to one of the busier servers.

Typical denial response. The game is horridly empty in every non-starter and non-end game zone… on EVERT server. And the game design depends on people. It’s failing on all fronts.

Typical sour grapes response also. TC / Human areas are packed with people during these holidays. Its been a lot of fun.

PF/ GOAT on Tarnished Coast (Semi-Retired)
Raf Longshanks-80 Norn Guardian / 9 more alts of various lvls / Charter Member Altaholics Anon

No one around

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Electes.8642


I’ve seen more players on Yak’s Bend running around at any one time than any other MMO I’ve played.

No one around

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Morrigan.2809


I can’t really speak for your server, but Tarnished Coast is jam-packed with people. Try jumping to one of the busier servers.

Typical denial response. The game is horridly empty in every non-starter and non-end game zone… on EVERT server. And the game design depends on people. It’s failing on all fronts.

Gunnar’s Hold would like to have a word with you.

@ OP I think it is really just your server- there has been a huge influx of people in the game recently and I expect even more new players after xmas.

Some servers have always been busier than others and how the population on a server spends time in game also has a lot to do with it.
For example servers that are very active in WvWvW and PvP might have a very low pop playing in the world.

On my server people prefer playing open world PvE so the maps are always busy but WvWvW is not so active.
Hope that helps.

Gunnar’s Hold

No one around

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chamone.6890


There isn’t supposed to be a zerg of players everywhere you go.

There was during launch because, well, it was launch.

To expect that volume of players in the starter areas now that launch is well and truly over is a little silly.

I’ve levelled 2 characters from 1-20 recently on Aurora Glade and never ran into any empty areas at all..

There were 3-4 other people with me for my starter instance, 10-15 people in the level 1-15 area, and plenty in the 15-25 area.

Of course some servers are going to be more empty than others, and some servers are going to be dead at 3am, but busy and thriving at 6pm. That’s just life I’m afraid.

You can always swap to a busier server or one with a population from a different time zone if it’s a problem for you.

No one around

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Revlis.1958


Im in sanctum of rall and i rarely see anyone. i go to boss areas and dungeons but no ones ever around to help me do them.

its like every part of the map only has 5-6 people running around

No one around

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ruprect.7260


I started on Ehrmry Bay and had the same problem. I moved to Tarnished Coast about a month and a half ago and have had a blast since. There are people pretty much everywhere.

Ruprect – [DIS] Dissentient
[TC] Tarnished Coast

No one around

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ruprect.7260


I can’t really speak for your server, but Tarnished Coast is jam-packed with people. Try jumping to one of the busier servers.

Typical denial response. The game is horridly empty in every non-starter and non-end game zone… on EVERT server. And the game design depends on people. It’s failing on all fronts.

Lol wrong. I have leveled 2 alts recently one all the way to 80 and I have another at 40. I was able to do about 90% of the events with a lot of people. There were numerous areas where people were in map chat just linking all events that came up so the other 10+ people could go do them. I see people farming events in a lot of areas. I do not see a lot of people in Orr, but that is normal. There isn’t much reason to go there except for the big events.

Ruprect – [DIS] Dissentient
[TC] Tarnished Coast

(edited by Ruprect.7260)

No one around

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Reaver.9256


I’m on stormbluff and I can’t find a spot where I can be alone. Feel free to come over here. The game is packed.

No one around

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jehuty.7426


Lot’s of people leave the game as well my 4 real life friend because they are not used to Grind games. They are casual players and they have bought this game because of promises that Gw2 isn’t gonna be Grind game but well how you see as well here to get some exotic i don’t even want to say Precursor is like fortune. So they have make mistake they have make grind game so people are leaving