No patch today?

No patch today?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CandyHearts.6025


Or am I asking too early? o.o

No patch today?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mercury ranique.2170

mercury ranique.2170

There was a minor bugfix patch 18 hours ago. the bugs fixed doesnt seem so big they couldnt wait for a big patch 18 hours later. Further. The last months there only have been patches once every few weeks (not counting bugfixes). For example. there was one on July 7 and the next one after that was on July 28. So 3 weeks apart. I dont expect any patch or bugfix today.

Arise, ye farmers of all nations
Arise, opressed of Tyria!

No patch today?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CandyHearts.6025


Aw I see. Thanks for the response! ^.^

No patch today?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sylent.3165


We have to hope they are to busy with HoT and they want it out in September

No patch today?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aenaos.8160


We have to hope they are to busy with HoT and they want it out in September

You mean September of 2016?

-Win a pip,lose a pip,win a pip,lose a pip,lose a pip,
lose a pip,win 2 pips,lose a pip,lose a pip…………..-
-Go go Espartz.-

No patch today?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tommyknocker.6089


We have to hope they are to busy with HoT and they want it out in September

You mean September of 2016?

I think you are both being optimistic.

No patch today?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: pandora.8475


No we’re still being under punishment for match fixing wvw and not likeing there gemstone items and demand and character Slot on preorder so now that they are sticking it to us

No patch today?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RoseofGilead.8907


No we’re still being under punishment for match fixing wvw and not likeing there gemstone items and demand and character Slot on preorder so now that they are sticking it to us

Should I get a tinfoil hat made in your size?

No patch today?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Donari.5237


“Sticking it to us.” Yep, they’re showing us, all right, by not letting us throw money at them.

Historically the only reason ANet has not rolled out patches has been that they didn’t have something ready to go, and that in turn derives from them committing resources to longer term projects or else finding too many bugs to release what they have. (Yes, they do release very buggy things now and then, but they don’t do it on purpose. They’re not insane).

No patch today?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CandyHearts.6025


We have to hope they are to busy with HoT and they want it out in September

I like the way you think. Anything is possible! I’m just impatiently waiting for those butterfly wings that were datamined. xD

No patch today?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Behellagh.1468


Gamescon is this upcoming weekend. Not a good time to drop an inevitably buggy patch. Plus Beta weekend.

We are heroes. This is what we do!

RIP City of Heroes

No patch today?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

We had a Release last week; we would not be expecting one today, anyway, would we?

Maybe next week, though.

No patch today?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: pdavis.8031


Why is it I seem to see these posts every Tuesday?

“You know what the chain of command is?
It’s the chain I beat you with until you
recognize my command!”

No patch today?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Behellagh.1468


Why is it I seem to see these posts every Tuesday?

Because people are bored and subconsciously miss living world with it’s two week release of new content. But they wanted an expansion and that means not a lot of staff working on current content. Oh well.

We are heroes. This is what we do!

RIP City of Heroes

No patch today?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Substance E.4852

Substance E.4852

Why is it I seem to see these posts every Tuesday?

Because people are bored and subconsciously miss living world with it’s two week release of new content. But they wanted an expansion and that means not a lot of staff working on current content. Oh well.

I think it’s more that people are pretty unused to Anet not promoting some new gem store thing each week.

This is honestly the quietest I’ve seen it in a long time. I’m not sure if it’s a new strategy or they are genuinely that strapped for manpower.

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No patch today?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tongku.5326


Or am I asking too early? o.o

Hmmm, doesnt look like it, but the day isnt over yet, they may just roll out a new build in middle of prime time, like they often do.

Heavy Deedz – COSA – SF

No patch today?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Behellagh.1468


Why is it I seem to see these posts every Tuesday?

Because people are bored and subconsciously miss living world with it’s two week release of new content. But they wanted an expansion and that means not a lot of staff working on current content. Oh well.

I think it’s more that people are pretty unused to Anet not promoting some new gem store thing each week.

This is honestly the quietest I’ve seen it in a long time. I’m not sure if it’s a new strategy or they are genuinely that strapped for manpower.

Which is why I think the schedule has slipped. I’m betting they were planning to be much, much further along with HoT and ran out of “filler” material to keep us busy. The stuff they pulled from the store is planned to return during those first few months post HoT launch, or even the anniversary sale, so they can’t bring them back prematurely. Anything new requires resources that may have been assigned for HoT.

Remember when we got Tuesday and Friday Gem Shop updates/sales? Sort of miss those days. I have nearly 5K in gems built up waiting for a sale.

We are heroes. This is what we do!

RIP City of Heroes

No patch today?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CandyHearts.6025


Why is it I seem to see these posts every Tuesday?

Because every Tuesday hasn’t had one in weeks? xD

No patch today?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ardenwolfe.8590


Why is it I seem to see these posts every Tuesday?

Because people are bored and subconsciously miss living world with it’s two week release of new content. But they wanted an expansion and that means not a lot of staff working on current content. Oh well.

Give that man a prize.

Gone to Reddit.

No patch today?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Substance E.4852

Substance E.4852

Why is it I seem to see these posts every Tuesday?

Because people are bored and subconsciously miss living world with it’s two week release of new content. But they wanted an expansion and that means not a lot of staff working on current content. Oh well.

I think it’s more that people are pretty unused to Anet not promoting some new gem store thing each week.

This is honestly the quietest I’ve seen it in a long time. I’m not sure if it’s a new strategy or they are genuinely that strapped for manpower.

Which is why I think the schedule has slipped. I’m betting they were planning to be much, much further along with HoT and ran out of “filler” material to keep us busy. The stuff they pulled from the store is planned to return during those first few months post HoT launch, or even the anniversary sale, so they can’t bring them back prematurely. Anything new requires resources that may have been assigned for HoT.

Remember when we got Tuesday and Friday Gem Shop updates/sales? Sort of miss those days. I have nearly 5K in gems built up waiting for a sale.

It’s been my belief for a while that they pushed the prepurchase release and the trait update up to overlap with the FF14 expansion coming out and they have to now work double time to compensate for that.

The only other thing I can think of is that something went very wrong somewhere in the pipeline and now everything is congested or something major needs to be redone from scratch.

I can’t really think of anything else that would force them to work like they are writing a paper due in the morning when there hasn’t even been a release quarter hinted yet.

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