No place for gamers like me... (I am a healer)

No place for gamers like me... (I am a healer)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AnemoneMeer.7182


Implying you even need teamwork to complete dungeons in this game. You sit behind a wall or pillar to Line of sight mobs then spam PBAoE/AoE support and damage. GG you won GW2 dungeons.

There’s obviously exceptions, mostly bosses, but the majority of dungeons just comprise of balling up with the enemies on top of you. Trinity wouldn’t be that horrible, in a lot of cases it would probably result in slower runs anyway.

Funny, I run groups with actual teamwork instead of a strong focus on rushing and exploiting and just spamming our skills to get out of corners. We actually tend to build around eachother.

We tend to die less and have more fun than just about any group I’ve seen, even with some of us having crap gear and “sub-optimal” builds.

No place for gamers like me... (I am a healer)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: The Mexican Cookie.3690

The Mexican Cookie.3690

Implying you even need teamwork to complete dungeons in this game. You sit behind a wall or pillar to Line of sight mobs then spam PBAoE/AoE support and damage. GG you won GW2 dungeons.

There’s obviously exceptions, mostly bosses, but the majority of dungeons just comprise of balling up with the enemies on top of you. Trinity wouldn’t be that horrible, in a lot of cases it would probably result in slower runs anyway.

Funny, I run groups with actual teamwork instead of a strong focus on rushing and exploiting and just spamming our skills to get out of corners. We actually tend to build around eachother.

We tend to die less and have more fun than just about any group I’ve seen, even with some of us having crap gear and “sub-optimal” builds.

Why do you assume we exploit or don’t have fun? We have fun, as much as you. And we complete content faster. Your argument doesn’t really have any merits because you’re trying to argue that you deliberately kitten yourselves as if it makes more you more legit or something.

Do you believe that abusing line of sight is an exploit? It’s a game mechanic, learn how to use it. Have a class or two (guardian, ele) with AoE support skills, then damage dealers, everything dies and you progress through the dungeon, fast, efficient, exploit free. Pretty baseless saying that your group dies less than most you’ve seen, as you’ve seen a very very small number of teams (guild/friend teams, not pugs).

For the record, if a mob/foe loses line of sight on targeted allie(s) then it will run towards you until it can, usually resulting in it standing on top of you. Great trick for balling melee and ranged together. You should try it, or for some reason do you think it’s an exploit or ‘skill-less’?

#LoveArrows2013, never forget.

(edited by The Mexican Cookie.3690)

No place for gamers like me... (I am a healer)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: cesmode.4257


The game was not designed with designated healers or tanks. There are no roles. At its core, you are responsible for your own survival.

Sadly, had you done your researched or even looked at the game in the slightest you would have recognized this before purchasing.

The game, in my opinion, is leaps and bounds better than any game with healers or tanks because you can trait yourself to whatever extreme you want and still should be semi viable in dps.
Should be…

Karma is as abundant as air, and as useless as the Kardashians.

No place for gamers like me... (I am a healer)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Snowy.9580


Don’t ask for stuff that would ruin the game.

Isn’t that locking the stable door?

We’ll stop to sleep when the game is the best possible game we think it can be.
We’ve been awake since March 2007! Please help!
“GW2 the game with more rolls than roles!”

No place for gamers like me... (I am a healer)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: lothefallen.7081


No healers, no tanks. Don’t ask for stuff that would ruin the game.

What, like lots of grind or vertical gear progression?

LF2M healer and tank for hours and hours and hours and hours, no sorry, no.

Cause it’s much better to stand in LA LFG Fractals level 2 or not being able to do events cause you’re the only one there.

Basically this. While many casuals / baddies may not like trinity mechanics, i really feel like it would do nothing but good to add a monk class in with the Cantha + Tengu expansion. A revitalized take on a direct healer with mechanics that fit into the current system without breaking it would certainly draw a lot more people to this game. As it stands, grouping lacks structural integrity, tangible feeling of individual satisfaction / effectiveness, and depth. There is nothing Guild Wars about how they’ve mangled the class / combat system. It’s really not better and is the prime suspect in a declining player base as well as anti-social players.

The Ardent Aegis

No place for gamers like me... (I am a healer)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Snowy.9580


Hello Guild Wars 2.

Since I logged in on the game i was verry surprised,
The graphics where good, no quests and stuf and a verry good comunity-based gameplay.

But a little problem for me was; i couln’t be a healer.
Healing yourself, yes. Others, no.

Before i start playing this game i played World of Warcraft. I liked the game but became sick of doing quest after quest after quest.

De good side of that coin was healing. EVery race could heal (like we can do too) but in a different rate. you got Healing Over Time healer, Instant healers, or Area Of Effect healing. I really liked that (not that i want go back) and it’s a shame everyone can heal himself so they don’t need supporting people like me to help them (other than killing the enemy)

Actually i hoped Arenanet had something to offer for every player, onfortunatly not for me. I am not complaining about leaving the game (when that was the case i would have left without saying that) but i just hope Arenanet will think about this.

Yours Faithfully,

I hate to be “that guy” but I would like to point out that you should research your product before buying it. Guild Wars 2 was said time and time again to have gone away with the “holy trinity” and everyone would have their own heals. The developers has said there is no dedicated healer, no dedicated tank, and everyone can do damage.

I’m sorry you expected otherwise, but those expectations were falsely place. A.Net will not change this, because of the way they build the combat system of this game as well as their stance against the Trinity.

Gave it a few months of players leaving & others asking for raids etc., minds have been changed before, check no grind and swtor’s “it’ll never be F2P!” for just some examples.

We’ll stop to sleep when the game is the best possible game we think it can be.
We’ve been awake since March 2007! Please help!
“GW2 the game with more rolls than roles!”

No place for gamers like me... (I am a healer)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: IntheCoconut.3497


I have to disagree. As someone who has always enjoyed support roles, I’ve discovered its still very much a possibility in GW2.
My Mesmer is geared toward removing conditions and providing various boons for my team.
My Guardian is revolved around healing massive amounts of damage to my entire party, as well as providing lots of protection and other damage reducing boons.

Those are the only two classes I have tried, but I play them purely as a support-based role and I have lots of fun. My friend roles a support engineer and does massive healing as well.

No place for gamers like me... (I am a healer)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


Healing yourself, yes. Others, no.

so… since this statement is empirically false, maybe your whole post false as well?

No place for gamers like me... (I am a healer)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Star Ace.5207

Star Ace.5207

I (and a few others) play their Guardians as quasi-clerics, and I can attest that effective heals do exist in this game-just not in the same manner of a strict “trinity” healer.

In the Guardian’s case, Regen through shouts, Runes, small heals here and there, Symbol heals, all add up to complement each character’s own heals/survival tools. So while I also love to heal (especially on GW1), I found my niche in GW2 by adapting my “healer’s heart” to what I can do in this game. Going against the grain, Healing Power is also good-the reason it scales rather badly is probably to avoid people playing “true healers”, but even in its current form, it’s very helpful for players that like the “Healer” role.

One thing that many get confused about sometimes in the game is that no trinity=DPS is the only “role”, which is a flawed view, IMHO. No trinity just means that characters are just not one thing or the other, INCLUDING a “max DPS” role (I.E. sometimes healing/support is frowned upon by a few speed runners/elitists, because such players are, in their eyes, “deadweight”-couldn’t be farther from the truth, as most support/heal builds ALSO damage the enemy anyway, while helping/healing allies.)

BTW, I totally endorse that people feel free to prefer and enjoy a more DPS friendly playstyle-what I am against is being AGAINST healing/support in favor of DPS as if it was the only way to play and enjoy the game.

No place for gamers like me... (I am a healer)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Morningglory.7395


Wow that is alot to read! thank you for your replies!

No place for gamers like me... (I am a healer)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zaxares.5419


As others have suggested, you can still play a quasi-support/healer as a Guardian if built and specced the right way. The same applies to Engineers, Water Elementalists (and you can still swap attunements in between healing to dump AoE attacks on the enemy), Shout/Banner Warriors and even Well Necros, to some extent. It’s important not to pigeonhole yourself PURELY as a healer, because the classes are designed to be able to fulfill multiple roles, but you can certainly build your character so that healing/support is the thing they’re best at.

No place for gamers like me... (I am a healer)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: digiowl.9620


because the classes are designed to be able to fulfill multiple roles

Not quite, imo.

Thing is that even if you go all in with healing or defensive abilities, you can’t really “keep up”. Even at full exotic cleric regen gets maybe 120 extra pr second. That is 1200 over 10 seconds. meaning that it will take 100 seconds, or nearly two minutes of constant regen to refill even the lowest health pool.

And just about every healing skill in the game orbits around 150-200 health pr second.

The combat system is basically designed to force us to use position and movement as the primary defensive mechanism. In other words, the game is focused around kiting!

So no. Anet didn’t allow all professions to fill all the roles of the trinity, because they broke the back on “tanks” and “healers”. Leaving the only effective role being DPS, and relying on the players “skill” (mostly low reaction time and the focus to maintain a pattern for several minutes without fail) for anything else.

No place for gamers like me... (I am a healer)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TWMagimay.9057


The combat system is basically designed to force us to use position and movement as the primary defensive mechanism. In other words, the game is focused around kiting!

Except they screwed that up as well, by reducing ms when you are fighting stuff instead of running away from it.

Anyway…no healers. GW2 doesn’t offer what a real healer player needs. You either get over it or get over the game. I’m just casually playing it(cause, ya know, no sub and all) and waiting for that other game…the one with 120 playable classes…just hope it’ll be p2p and not p2w.

No place for gamers like me... (I am a healer)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Quaz.4931


I remember a Dev article/Vblog talking about healing is the worst type of support and that CC and proactive protection was the best. Well GW1 did that really well, you had prot monks, blinding-based or ward eles, anti-melee necros, mesmers with anti caster spells etc…

GW2 seems really lacking in it’s support aspect, and any healing/support you give is often just spammed on cooldown, rather than a precise time. There is no protective spirit/infuse in this game. There aren’t many interupts and they don’t “feel” as good as in GW1 (guess thats my opinion though). Oh and lets not forget all bosses are resistant to CC effects, so you can’t really support via CC on any boss.

All in all, there is very little in the way of healing/support in this game, and any healing/support there is is often not very skill oriented, just cooldown oriented.

No place for gamers like me... (I am a healer)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ryuujin.8236


I remember a Dev article/Vblog talking about healing is the worst type of support and that CC and proactive protection was the best. Well GW1 did that really well, you had prot monks, blinding-based or ward eles, anti-melee necros, mesmers with anti caster spells etc…

GW2 seems really lacking in it’s support aspect, and any healing/support you give is often just spammed on cooldown, rather than a precise time. There is no protective spirit/infuse in this game. There aren’t many interupts and they don’t “feel” as good as in GW1 (guess thats my opinion though). Oh and lets not forget all bosses are resistant to CC effects, so you can’t really support via CC on any boss.

All in all, there is very little in the way of healing/support in this game, and any healing/support there is is often not very skill oriented, just cooldown oriented.

You obviously don’t play a mesmer or guardian :p

Timing feedback/temporal curtain/iWarden etc etc etc is an artform where failure can mean difference between massive pain for the entire party and a trivialised fight. Likewise being aware of allies about to take it on the chin and dropping aegis on them or interuppting the foes attack saves lives.

Very few boons can reach 100% uptime, knowing when to deploy AoE protection/regen to take pressure off injured players or blinding foes makes them far far more effective than simply spamming the boons non-stop.

The Ashwalker – Ranger
Garnished Toast

No place for gamers like me... (I am a healer)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Quaz.4931


You obviously don’t play a mesmer or guardian :p

Timing feedback/temporal curtain/iWarden etc etc etc is an artform where failure can mean difference between massive pain for the entire party and a trivialised fight. Likewise being aware of allies about to take it on the chin and dropping aegis on them or interuppting the foes attack saves lives.

Very few boons can reach 100% uptime, knowing when to deploy AoE protection/regen to take pressure off injured players or blinding foes makes them far far more effective than simply spamming the boons non-stop.

True I havent, guardian is on my list of characters to try, if I ever play the game properly again lol

No place for gamers like me... (I am a healer)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: wildcode.5403


I’ve been using elementalist water skill to heal, specificly no.3 scepter & no.5 dagger. Cast time is a little annoying and requires friendlies to stay in place while you cast since both are aoe.

No place for gamers like me... (I am a healer)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bluestone.7106


But a little problem for me was; i couln’t be a healer.
Healing yourself, yes. Others, no.

This was well publicised long before launch. You should research games before you buy them if you have such narrow fields of enjoyment.

My homeworld is Blackgate.
I am a GW2 player in New Zealand.
Check me out on the GW2 wiki.

No place for gamers like me... (I am a healer)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aevic.9675


Either go back to WoW or try something else. It’s an entirely different style of MMO. Which is why I play it along side the traditional MMO mechanics. To mix it up for myself.

No place for gamers like me... (I am a healer)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: alcedonia.7831


A few people have said that you can still play the traditional role of healer if you so wish.

That is true.

But you will never be as effective as a jack-of-all-trades build because of how the game was balanced. Other builds with the same class will simply outshine you in dps, crowd control, anti-cc etc.

The game was designed for everyone to be self reliant to a pretty large extent. It actually forces every char to pack a burst self heal. That’s saying something

Playing a deidicated healer means that your team sacrifices damage for more survivability against trash. It doesn’t matter much against bosses because for those chars that could go toe to toe with the boss for the fight, with you healing them, they could go toe to toe with it without you as well.

And those that can’t, like glass warriors or thieves for example, will go down regardless. Because bosses frequently do burst damage, not sustained damage. Your partywide heals and healing over time will not allow them to take another hit anyway.

The bread and butter of a healer class is a spammable burst heal that affects someone else other than yourself. The only class with something similar to that is the guardian. And it requires you to pull out a book, take approximately what feels like ten years to cast it when you need it, and it’s practically single use. It takes too bloody long to cooldown for you to rely on it to keep people alive.

I much rather have more debuffs in the mobs and more party buffs like might, fury, retaliation protection or aegis than a steady trickle of heal over time.

No place for gamers like me... (I am a healer)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: kaboo.5194


No healers, no tanks. Don’t ask for stuff that would ruin the game.

LF2M healer and tank for hours and hours and hours and hours, no sorry, no.

or you know, just hop in the dungeon finder and let it do the looking

No place for gamers like me... (I am a healer)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Funset.7893


Hm…OP, didnt u hear that GW2 wont have dedicated tanks or healer before buying it? There is tones of information on the internet, how did u miss it? This is like…buying diablo game and whining that there is no healer o.O

Altho some classes have perfect support roles of healing and buffing, what u cant do is the target healing. Roll a guardian or an elementalist maybe!? But if u were looking for a classic version of a healer (wow-like), u are looking in the wrong game dude.

No place for gamers like me... (I am a healer)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sylv.5324


My husband refused to buy the game when he heard there would be no healing class.

He should give water ele a shot (reactive AOE heals— think smite spec disc priest without bubbles), or guardian (WoW pally of various flavors, mostly mitigation, shields, and some heals) or engineer (back to heals with the kits— I am told like a shaman with totems, though I never played shammy).

I only play healers usually (and end up defaulting back to it in any other game because I am twitchy about health bars) but presently play a Mesmer. Since I’d get tapped for cleansing in WoW, it works, since Mesmer is one of the classes that can do so for others.

Ardeth, Sylvari Mesmer
Tarnished Coast

(edited by Sylv.5324)

No place for gamers like me... (I am a healer)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: xiv.7136


Admittedly it is true guardian and ele make for some actually pretty good healers/supporters.

But there is no healing class that targets 1 person and channels heals on them. That’s what I think of as a healing class, and yeah looking back on it, that’s a fairly poor definition and a really boring, static style of gameplay: just staring at green bars and debuff lines while avoiding the fire like everyone else.

And I played a pure healer at top level in many games, you realise how backward the whole idea is after a while.

I like pizza

No place for gamers like me... (I am a healer)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rickets.1386


@OP, i too played a healer in every other MMO and was looking forward to trying it in GW2 even though i knew there was no hard trinity. I found that it was a nice change to not have to be the only healer.

My group(4 RL friends) found that dungeons go way way better if everyone has some sort of support in their build. We run 2 shout warriors(shouts heal and remove conditions and buff/debuff), a guardian in full tank gear and support spec’d can keep stability, regen, and aegis up on the whole party so often its ridiculous how much damage he mitigates. And a necro with healing well and condition removal. Everyone is buffing/healing everyone and we basically steamroll everything and have a blast doing it. No one has to stand in the back and heal, i can heal/support on my warrior and still be right up in someones face with my greatsword.

Try it out, i think you will find your niche.

rickets 80 elementalist
crickits 80 ranger
crickets 80 warrior – current main

No place for gamers like me... (I am a healer)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: xiv.7136


@OP, i too played a healer in every other MMO and was looking forward to trying it in GW2 even though i knew there was no hard trinity. I found that it was a nice change to not have to be the only healer.

My group(4 RL friends) found that dungeons go way way better if everyone has some sort of support in their build. We run 2 shout warriors(shouts heal and remove conditions and buff/debuff), a guardian in full tank gear and support spec’d can keep stability, regen, and aegis up on the whole party so often its ridiculous how much damage he mitigates. And a necro with healing well and condition removal. Everyone is buffing/healing everyone and we basically steamroll everything and have a blast doing it. No one has to stand in the back and heal, i can heal/support on my warrior and still be right up in someones face with my greatsword.

Try it out, i think you will find your niche.

Yeah this sounds pretty good

Maybe 1 shout warrior, 1 tank/supp guardian, 1 wells necro, 1 elementalist and 1 engi

Would love to try that setup out xD

I like pizza

No place for gamers like me... (I am a healer)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Obed.7629


There’s a LFG website.


YMMV. Brilliant idea; I have not yet tried it.

(edited by Obed.7629)

No place for gamers like me... (I am a healer)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DreamyAbaddon.3265


Tank/Healer roles wont work in GW2.
Here is a Topic on GW2 Combat system 101:

If you dont like it, perhaps its not your type of game? But dont ask for something the game isnt built for. It will only ruin the game if it was ever implimented.

No place for gamers like me... (I am a healer)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ahlen.7591


Well ok, you can be a support elementalist, engi or guardian etc and do a lot of group healing.

But it’s not a dedicated healer, and will not keep alive dps who stand in fire etc.

Engineer will.

You can pump out 1500hp/sec if you try on an engi.

Ok, I’ll bite.

How is this done?

Elixir gun 5, Super Elixir, heals for about 400hp/sec base with no +healing. With Kit Refinement (10 points in tools tree) when you switch to Elixir Gun, you put down a Super Elixir.

The Super Elixir spawned by Kit Refinement stacks with the regular super elixir of the elixir gun. That’s 800hp/sec, again with no +healing.

Combined with the toolbelt skill of the elixir gun – 10 seconds of regeneration, (Which is about 170hp/sec)

That’s 970hp/sec.

Super Elixir scales very well with healing power. I’ve gone to the PVP room, and put on 1400 healing, and been able to heal for around 650+650+300 HP/sec with double elixir + regen.

That’s 1600 health/s for 10s. Now obviously unless you REALLY want to heal, that much healing power is a waste, but I think 1000hp/sec is a pretty kitten respectable number, and you can get that with <200 healing power.

No place for gamers like me... (I am a healer)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tigirius.9014


No healers, no tanks. Don’t ask for stuff that would ruin the game.

LF2M healer and tank for hours and hours and hours and hours, no sorry, no.

While I agree that the old school healers would ruin the game, there is some concern and rightly so, amongst the support community that healing is too difficult and many of the abilities don’t scale with the +healing and many don’t crit and many are not affected by traits that obviously should affect the healing when traited… they definitely do need to look into this on each class and make sure everything is working properly (because it’s definitely not, I could point out to you about five things easily on my engineer that don’t work right right now).

Balance Team: Please Fix Mine Toolbelt Positioning!

No place for gamers like me... (I am a healer)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Talyjta.9081


The game was designed for everyone to be self reliant to a pretty large extent. It actually forces every char to pack a burst self heal.

What I really ask myself now is:
What’s the sense of building groups for dungeons??
Why, why on earth should I group up with 4 others if everyone is doing his own stuff? What’s the sense of being together if… there’s nothing to do for each other?

In this setup, dungeons are really only worth farming, because that’s something a damage dealer can do best. Give everyone 1/5th of it and let them be done solo… or make them so hard that you need half an hour or more to detect all the most efficient combos and cross-reacting traits, boons and so on that allow a group to be more than five damage dealers, constipated by necessity.

(edited by Talyjta.9081)

No place for gamers like me... (I am a healer)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Amos.8760


Well ok, you can be a support elementalist, engi or guardian etc and do a lot of group healing.

But it’s not a dedicated healer, and will not keep alive dps who stand in fire etc.

Engineer will.

You can pump out 1500hp/sec if you try on an engi.

Ok, I’ll bite.

How is this done?

Elixir gun 5, Super Elixir, heals for about 400hp/sec base with no +healing. With Kit Refinement (10 points in tools tree) when you switch to Elixir Gun, you put down a Super Elixir.

The Super Elixir spawned by Kit Refinement stacks with the regular super elixir of the elixir gun. That’s 800hp/sec, again with no +healing.

Combined with the toolbelt skill of the elixir gun – 10 seconds of regeneration, (Which is about 170hp/sec)

That’s 970hp/sec.

Super Elixir scales very well with healing power. I’ve gone to the PVP room, and put on 1400 healing, and been able to heal for around 650+650+300 HP/sec with double elixir + regen.

That’s 1600 health/s for 10s. Now obviously unless you REALLY want to heal, that much healing power is a waste, but I think 1000hp/sec is a pretty kitten respectable number, and you can get that with <200 healing power.

Interesting. Doesn’t sound sustainable though. Maybe I’ll give it a go and see how it works!

My turret is so much better at this game than I am.

No place for gamers like me... (I am a healer)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ahlen.7591


Well ok, you can be a support elementalist, engi or guardian etc and do a lot of group healing.

But it’s not a dedicated healer, and will not keep alive dps who stand in fire etc.

Engineer will.

You can pump out 1500hp/sec if you try on an engi.

Ok, I’ll bite.

How is this done?

Elixir gun 5, Super Elixir, heals for about 400hp/sec base with no +healing. With Kit Refinement (10 points in tools tree) when you switch to Elixir Gun, you put down a Super Elixir.

The Super Elixir spawned by Kit Refinement stacks with the regular super elixir of the elixir gun. That’s 800hp/sec, again with no +healing.

Combined with the toolbelt skill of the elixir gun – 10 seconds of regeneration, (Which is about 170hp/sec)

That’s 970hp/sec.

Super Elixir scales very well with healing power. I’ve gone to the PVP room, and put on 1400 healing, and been able to heal for around 650+650+300 HP/sec with double elixir + regen.

That’s 1600 health/s for 10s. Now obviously unless you REALLY want to heal, that much healing power is a waste, but I think 1000hp/sec is a pretty kitten respectable number, and you can get that with <200 healing power.

Interesting. Doesn’t sound sustainable though. Maybe I’ll give it a go and see how it works!

No, the real challenge is getting people to actually stand in the field that heals them.

More often than not, I will see an injured party member, run and flip my way to them, throw down heals….and then they just run off at 10% health instead of getting healed up.

No place for gamers like me... (I am a healer)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Druitt.7629


The game was designed for everyone to be self reliant to a pretty large extent. It actually forces every char to pack a burst self heal.

What I really ask myself now is:
What’s the sense of building groups for dungeons??
Why, why on earth should I group up with 4 others if everyone is doing his own stuff? What’s the sense of being together if… there’s nothing to do for each other?

Each character is doing something for every other character: you can swap off aggro, throw down fields, throw out finishers, throw out AoE heals, debuffs, buffs, etc. All the while, contributing to DPS and crowd control. In other words, like a real team, not the artificially made-up teams that Sony made years ago.

No place for gamers like me... (I am a healer)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Minion of Vey.4398

Minion of Vey.4398

If your groupmates are playing properly and just taking normal amounts of damage while avoiding what is easily avoidable, the outgoing healing in this game is enough to top off their errant damage taken and keep them alive.

If healing was made more powerful, then avoiding damage would have to become more difficult as well, else the entire game would be trivialized. And if avoiding damage was made more difficult and heals were more powerful, having someone with good group healing would be necessary, rather than just “desirable” as is the case right now.

I like the way this game handles it.

No place for gamers like me... (I am a healer)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: EverythingXen.1835


There are many, many places for gamers like you OP.

They’re in every other MMO out there.

I’m thankful that there’s an MMO that I dont have my gametime wasted trying to recruit a healer to do what I want to do.

No place for gamers like me... (I am a healer)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Star Ace.5207

Star Ace.5207

because the classes are designed to be able to fulfill multiple roles

So no. Anet didn’t allow all professions to fill all the roles of the trinity, because they broke the back on “tanks” and “healers”. Leaving the only effective role being DPS, and relying on the players “skill” (mostly low reaction time and the focus to maintain a pattern for several minutes without fail) for anything else.

This is as I was saying, the flawed conclusion: that DPS as the only “role” because “math” doesn’t (THEORETICALLY) favor healing/support. I doubt that was what ANet intended, to be honest with you. It’s not just one DPS “role”-even if you like and prefer that playstyle-it’s more of a “free-of-roles” playstyle more than one thing or the other.

Some people do favor damage, other healing, and other buffs, but everything IS viable, because all will also be attacking, evading, healing themselves, and hopefully, at least minimally supporting their teammates with something other than “kill it as fast as possible” (yes, “kill it fast” works for some people, but why be so rude to want everybody to play like you do, know what I mean?)

No place for gamers like me... (I am a healer)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Raf.1078


There probably is no place for a true healer in this game. Best you can do is play support. But even then you’ll need to add to the overall dps of the group to make it efficient.

Hey….I played heal classes in almost all previous games. But I won’t pigeonhole myself into saying thats the only type of play I enjoy.

PF/ GOAT on Tarnished Coast (Semi-Retired)
Raf Longshanks-80 Norn Guardian / 9 more alts of various lvls / Charter Member Altaholics Anon

No place for gamers like me... (I am a healer)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Star Ace.5207

Star Ace.5207

There probably is no place for a true healer in this game. Best you can do is play support. But even then you’ll need to add to the overall dps of the group to make it efficient.

Hey….I played heal classes in almost all previous games. But I won’t pigeonhole myself into saying thats the only type of play I enjoy.

Even with minimal power, a healer/support “type” of player will still ALWAYS add DPS, however little, thus he/she will always be welcome in any party of mine. Efficiency will never trump having fun, and players only have fun when the game and playstyle suits them, not when forced to follow a “necessary” meta playstyle (such as “DPS”.)

I do not mean to argue/offend, though.

No place for gamers like me... (I am a healer)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mad.1932


theres actually some very powerful heal builds with ele, mix that with a guard or warrior stacking power touhness vitality gear and what you have there is your tank and healer, maybe not as powerful as they typically are in other mmos but it still works effectively in every dungeon

No place for gamers like me... (I am a healer)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Inkubus.7529


Supporting is still just as important a part of the game as in WoW, But in GW2 supporting is probably only 20% healing and 80% buffing/debuffing. Personally I like it better that way but to each his own.

Correction 30 water, 30 arcane, 10 earth and staff. Arcane line also increase duration of boons and that is exactly what healer needs. Here is the build.

Area of Healing rain and geyser will be quite larger. Amount of damage with basic attack would be small so will probably not pull agro but will heal all melee players. For quick revival if needed there is a Glyph of renewal. It can be exchanged for Arcane blast to make self combo on Geyser and Healing rain inflicting extra regeneration.

Regeneration remove condition, swapping element to let say earth, casting Shockwave and/or Unsteady ground to help party members then cast back to earth end they will gain regeneration again and remove conditions again.

Summoning Water elemental is encouraged as he also heals himself and all nearby party members with every hit.

From my point of view, ele can be easiest and obvious healer specced. Also, people say guardian can heal good too but haven’t played that profession yet.

Inkarius [ele] Inkores [war] Inkratos [ran] Inkariosa [nec] MaINK The Liar [thf] Inklusion [msmr]

No place for gamers like me... (I am a healer)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Raf.1078


There probably is no place for a true healer in this game. Best you can do is play support. But even then you’ll need to add to the overall dps of the group to make it efficient.

Hey….I played heal classes in almost all previous games. But I won’t pigeonhole myself into saying thats the only type of play I enjoy.

Even with minimal power, a healer/support “type” of player will still ALWAYS add DPS, however little, thus he/she will always be welcome in any party of mine. Efficiency will never trump having fun, and players only have fun when the game and playstyle suits them, not when forced to follow a “necessary” meta playstyle (such as “DPS”.)

I do not mean to argue/offend, though.

We are discussing the archetypes, not any particular person. As a casual gamer, I’ll not turn anyone away based on their build…but that said.

Speccing your character to pure heal in this game deprives any group of a fully functioning group and deprives yourself of the ability to solo. So why try to shoehorn another game’s playstyle into a game that operates differently?

Play how you want to, but there is no actual “need” in GW2 for 1/3 of the Trinity.

PF/ GOAT on Tarnished Coast (Semi-Retired)
Raf Longshanks-80 Norn Guardian / 9 more alts of various lvls / Charter Member Altaholics Anon

No place for gamers like me... (I am a healer)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nekroseth.5186


Totally fully agree.

The game needs ROLES.

I dont say give us trinity because it was a no go. But the current situation is bad.
Instead of making trinity, or taking it away. You taken out ALL COMBAT ROLES. Improving trinity does not mean 0 roles, but infinite roles like Gw1 had.

Basically you should have given all classes all roles if they want to, but still keep the current game play where we dont need to take any role at all. THis way all would be happy.
You could take up a role, but would not be forced to take any up at all. You could complete anything without any role still.

You say you dont want LFG and LF healer…..whell lad i am looknig for a party even with this “awesome system” for 1-2 hours…..

No place for gamers like me... (I am a healer)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Star Ace.5207

Star Ace.5207

There probably is no place for a true healer in this game. Best you can do is play support. But even then you’ll need to add to the overall dps of the group to make it efficient.

Hey….I played heal classes in almost all previous games. But I won’t pigeonhole myself into saying thats the only type of play I enjoy.

Even with minimal power, a healer/support “type” of player will still ALWAYS add DPS, however little, thus he/she will always be welcome in any party of mine. Efficiency will never trump having fun, and players only have fun when the game and playstyle suits them, not when forced to follow a “necessary” meta playstyle (such as “DPS”.)

I do not mean to argue/offend, though.

We are discussing the archetypes, not any particular person. As a casual gamer, I’ll not turn anyone away based on their build…but that said.

Speccing your character to pure heal in this game deprives any group of a fully functioning group and deprives yourself of the ability to solo. So why try to shoehorn another game’s playstyle into a game that operates differently?

Play how you want to, but there is no actual “need” in GW2 for 1/3 of the Trinity.

Having max healing power in no way constitutes playing a “healer role” ala GW1 and other games. I do not care for the so-called “trinity”, nor have any use of it, and actually welcome GW2’s system. I just don’t think it’s all about DPS EITHER, and if a player wants to heal/support me, I will respect his/her choice in playing whichever way he/she wants, not in a “must have”, “efficient”, “speedrunner” way, as I am sure he/she will still attack the enemy while providing superior buffs/heals (either direct or over time) to the whole party.

Again, I do not mean to offend, but this:

“Speccing your character to pure heal in this game deprives any group of a fully functioning group and deprives yourself of the ability to solo. "

is your opinion and own bias, not in any way a real assessment AT ALL. In fact, I soloed efectively all the time with such builds and gear, and made my teams better (of course, I probably would have been “deadweight” for you, but that’s another issue.)

I still have my Exotic Magi’s armor ready for use, though am using Knight’s armor with Cleric’s trinkets for a bit more power and toughness with just a bit of loss of healing power.

Note that I am not boasting of anything, just letting you know that your statement (I.E. personal preference) is not true for everybody out there. Just make sure to avoid me in your parties, so I don’t “slow you down” with my “inefficient”, “non-elite” playstyle. :P

In short, I do agree there’s NO need for a healer role, because it can’t be possibly fulfilled anyway (at least not in a strict, “trinity-esque” way)-that doesn’t mean that one cannot focus on Healing Power and buff builds, though, as one can keep attacking while supporting your allies.

Take care, let’s just agree to disagree, as I doubt we’ll convince each other, and it’s not worth the debate.

No place for gamers like me... (I am a healer)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Star Ace.5207

Star Ace.5207

Basically you should have given all classes all roles if they want to, but still keep the current game play where we dont need to take any role at all. THis way all would be happy.
You could take up a role, but would not be forced to take any up at all. You could complete anything without any role still.

Isn’t this how the game currently works anyway?

Are you unable to find a party due to GW2 no-roles system, or because few people were doing the dungeon you wanted at the time? I don’t understand how it relates to your concern about HAVING more roles.

I am being honest above, and do not mean to troll/offend you.

No place for gamers like me... (I am a healer)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: vvp.8512


Well ok, you can be a support elementalist, engi or guardian etc and do a lot of group healing.

But it’s not a dedicated healer, and will not keep alive dps who stand in fire etc.

Engineer will.

You can pump out 1500hp/sec if you try on an engi.

Ok, I’ll bite.

How is this done?

Elixir gun 5, Super Elixir, heals for about 400hp/sec base with no +healing. With Kit Refinement (10 points in tools tree) when you switch to Elixir Gun, you put down a Super Elixir.

The Super Elixir spawned by Kit Refinement stacks with the regular super elixir of the elixir gun. That’s 800hp/sec, again with no +healing.

Combined with the toolbelt skill of the elixir gun – 10 seconds of regeneration, (Which is about 170hp/sec)

That’s 970hp/sec.

Super Elixir scales very well with healing power. I’ve gone to the PVP room, and put on 1400 healing, and been able to heal for around 650+650+300 HP/sec with double elixir + regen.

That’s 1600 health/s for 10s. Now obviously unless you REALLY want to heal, that much healing power is a waste, but I think 1000hp/sec is a pretty kitten respectable number, and you can get that with <200 healing power.

Interesting. Doesn’t sound sustainable though. Maybe I’ll give it a go and see how it works!

That’s actually still short of your full potential.

Between the two ways of dropping the healing field it is possible to keep it up 100% of the time, and as you say at ~600 hp/s with the right gear. You have two tool sets to further increase AOE healing/mitigation which is the elixir gun’s regen field and the AOE mechanics of your chosen healing skill (turret or elixir pot). The regen will be another ~200 hp/s, stacking duration.

If you have a full set of water runes using your healing ability will be another 1000 hp in an aoe.

Then there are healing bombs which hit for another 250 hp an explosion. Then there is the supply drop which also lays down another heal and the associated healing pots.

Then with the bomb kit and a pistol equipped you have 2 blind mechanisms.

Then you have the elixir to get allies back up in a fight.

In a pinch the engineer can provide a lot of mitigation (blindness) in combination with a tremendous amount of burst healing.

As for on the engineer himself, because of how certain skills work you will often find yourself with >1 min of regeneration on you at the end of an extended fight. Using a kit with the right traits you also get another 125 hp/s.

The end effect is that I force a group through almost any content in the game. Even soloing alpha because kit switching isn’t disabled by the crystal so I can keep healing and laying bombs through the disable.

Plainview (80 Engineer) SoR

No place for gamers like me... (I am a healer)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Valentine.6529


i noticed the problem about searching for a healer or tank in raids and I don’t know how to fix that problem other than remove it. As dps (played that for a while too in WoW) i know the problem. But it’s a bit unfair to disable healers becouse of queues. just wanted to show my opinion

You liked being a Healer? When I played WoW I played as a healer class, and I hated it on there. I groups no matter what the Healer was always at fault, I’d be kittened at, even got sent death threats because a DPS player or a Tank couldn’t pull their own weight. At least on GW2 if I play a support class its helpful and fun! I dont get yelled at because even if I do support people are expected to pull their own weight. I love this! I hope you have fun searching for another game though. o3o

No place for gamers like me... (I am a healer)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gibson.4036


You can trait for rezzing and play a combat medic in WvW with a Guardian. Get defense/healy and run around rezzing other players inside your bubble.

No place for gamers like me... (I am a healer)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rukia.4802


No healers, no tanks. Don’t ask for stuff that would ruin the game.

LF2M healer and tank for hours and hours and hours and hours, no sorry, no.

We already have LF2M except without the healer and having them would actually attract more people but useless when everyone can just heal themselves. Needless to say they will never be in the game, current trinity is boring they would have to completely redo it. GW1 was fine with healers and no tanks.

So no, wouldn’t ruin the game lol. What they do need to do though is buff healing power with certain skills it’s just useless to some like thieves horrible HP scaling, I went pure heal gear and the trade off for damage isn’t even close to being worth it rofl horrible design I don’t even see the point of HP honestly.

“I find this rain quite pleasant, it feels as though raindrops are blessing our victory”

No place for gamers like me... (I am a healer)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Talyjta.9081


Each character is doing something for every other character: you can swap off aggro, throw down fields, throw out finishers, throw out AoE heals, debuffs, buffs, etc. All the while, contributing to DPS and crowd control. In other words, like a real team, ….

But it’s quite useless. Aggro control and foe control – why? For what good? Everyone can deal with an enemy as well as I can, so there’s no need. Buffs and debuffs? Every class has a good amount of possibilities to handle this. No need to intervene. Combos? How to avoid some random (so-to-say accidental) finisher thrown before my own signals has reached the server? You can’t plan any combo. So… what sense does it make?

Everything one could “do for others” they can do as good for their own, or just wait for random occurence. No need to intervene.

There are many, many places for gamers like you OP.
They’re in every other MMO out there.

Oh, funny you mention it. Could you just give one or two examples of MMOs where
- one has an environment with vivid NPC dialogs to listen,
- can achieve level with crafting, or gathering things for NPC, or whatever but without killing,
- can group or solo as you like?
No? None? NONE of all “the other MMOs out there”? Then… oncemore idle talk.