Noob Warrior needing advice.

Noob Warrior needing advice.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Deathstroke.9258


Hey guys, im rather new to GW2, so far i have been really enjoying the game. The community is pretty sound and friendly. I have been running a warrior and recently reached level 80. I managed to get berserker gear and what not….

I was wondering if you guys could tell me what a good build is for a warrior…for pve and dungeons i guess as from what i gathered pvp is wvw and zerging everywhere so it doesnt seem to matter what i play there lol before i get a hit in…they’re all dead lol. I have tried man build i have found but they all seem rather outdated espically when it came to traits.

I am looking for something that i can shell out some damage and not die as much as it seems so far in dungeons i excel at starring up at the ceiling from the ground lol. If someone could link some builds or whatever i would really appreciate it and any advice is more then welcome thanks in advance guys

also correct me if im wrong but i read alot of ppl said to use signet of healing or whatever its called. Mine says it does a mere 547 points of healing…seems rather useless or is it sometihng im doing wrong cuase seems it can’t outheal a slap to the face lol … but i see some ppl using it on youtube vids and they heal pretty nicely.

(edited by Deathstroke.9258)

Noob Warrior needing advice.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kyban.4031


Your healing signet scales off your healing power, increasing that will make it more effective. As for not dying as much I think PVT gear might help but I’m not sure if that’s the best way to go, I know it used to be popular. Try the Warrior forum for more specific info.

Noob Warrior needing advice.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azrael.4960


Healing signet is not used for its active healing but its passive. You may notice that green numbers tick up after you’ve taken damage, that is the passive regen of Healing signet. Makes it one of the most effective heals in the game. With it, Warriors can dive in to a fight, hack stuff, take a load of damage (warriors have the highest HP pool in the game), then back off to regen.

Most people point to for builds in various arenas.

Most people start with the Greatsword / Longbow build
Strength traits: III, IX, XI
Arms traits: I, X
Discipline traits: III
All zerk equipment.

Without any defensive traits or equipment, this requires knowing the mobs, watching for telegraphs and making the best use of your dodges and greatsword #3 skill Whirlwind Attack.

You’ll take a fair few hits. When you do, back away and switch to longbow, shoot for a while until your HP regens then switch back to greatsword.

Noob Warrior needing advice.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Unforgiven Azrael.6203

Unforgiven Azrael.6203

Run knights/soldiers equipment till you get to know the class then full zerker, healing, might, and fury signets, with a banner of strength (if you are the only War in the party change out fury for a banner of discipline). Weapons wise the standard is Greatsword, with the second set being axe/mace, with a longbow in your inventory for long-ranged fights. As for traits ^Azrael had that covered.

Noob Warrior needing advice.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tarasicodissa.7084


Basically you will need to adapt. In order to maximize group damage, you will have to evaluate your teammates’ ability to provide necessary buffs. If there are less than 2 eles in your party (or they suck), you may want to swap to PS build (usually something like 0/6/0/6/2). If your party fails to maintain 25 vuln stacks, you want either rending strikes (my personal favorite) or fast hands, so that you can swamp to axe/mace often and apply extra vuln. If your party lacks fury, take for great justice, signet of fury otherwise. Both banners (= strength and discipline) are obligatory.
If you are in a good group and have enough of everything, feel free to go for maximum personal DPS, that’s your primary task anyway.

Noob Warrior needing advice.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: IndigoSundown.5419


The trick to Healing Signet is to use dodge, Endure Pain, blocks (if you’re running one), kiting, LoSing, etc. to give the passive regeneration time to heal you up.

Noob Warrior needing advice.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Unforgiven Azrael.6203

Unforgiven Azrael.6203

The trick to Healing Signet is to use dodge, Endure Pain, blocks (if you’re running one), kiting, LoSing, etc. to give the passive regeneration time to heal you up.

I would not run Endure pain unless you are in a situation in which you just keep dying to, its a waste of a skill slot otherwise

Noob Warrior needing advice.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Noob Warrior needing advice.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Arkinos.7245


To be honest, all you will get here are links to meta build and advice to run like Soldier or Knight gear if you die with Zerk.

All things considered you should just take a look at your traits and try to find something that will help you more directly. That might be different than what the guides say but those guides arent worth much, especially if you are new to the class.

Noob Warrior needing advice.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: dace.8019


you may want to swap to PS build (usually something like 0/6/0/6/2).

A Phalanx Strength build is highly recommended in PvE land, often the only reason not to run it is the presence of another Warrior already running it.

Stick with your zerker gear and just practice dodging (and using the in-built Dodge on Greatsword 3). Bosses/mobs have tells/animations for their (big) attacks and once you have these figured out everything else will fall into place.

If you need a bit more help staying alive, couple the warriors high HP & latent toughness and the regen of Healing Signet with Adrenal Health, it heals you based on your Adrenaline level. Also buy some Omnomberry Pie for even more regen. Warrior can almost be too forgiving, so keep your eyes open and don’t be lulled into autopilot. Good luck.

(edited by dace.8019)

Noob Warrior needing advice.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: NumenorLord.6539


Warrior Phalanx Strength Build . Keep Zerker, don’t mix gear up. Learn to time your dodges (GS #3 will also evade attacks). You might want to run with Axe/Warhorn for the extra dodges you get with Vigor at first. If you’re having a hard time surviving, you can boost your Healing Signet with Mango Pies that are pretty cheap to craft/buy from the TP.

Gratz on Level 80 and welcome to Tyria!

Noob Warrior needing advice.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Deathstroke.9258


wow guys thanks so much for the pointers. Im going to try these builds out right away. you guys have no idea how much i appreciate the info and heads up on all of this

Noob Warrior needing advice.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Deathstroke.9258


hey guys, with this PS build…is it normal for that healing signet to heal a horrible 83? i dunno it just seems like it’s utter garbage…that kinda heal couldn’t outheal a dirty look much less an attack… what am i doin wrong here or is this the norm?

Noob Warrior needing advice.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dovienya.6597


hey guys, with this PS build…is it normal for that healing signet to heal a horrible 83? i dunno it just seems like it’s utter garbage…that kinda heal couldn’t outheal a dirty look much less an attack… what am i doin wrong here or is this the norm?

Are you in a low level area/town? Your stats/skills reflect down-leveled values.

Noob Warrior needing advice.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Deathstroke.9258


ah yeah ok makes sense now… ported into DR, its over 3K….alot better..thnka for the heads up there on that