Not Fun
Do you use LFG? Do you have any toons to level 80? Do you have a guild? Have you been to SW? Do you do world bosses? If you gave up at the first door of the first dungeon you did, I strongly recommend trying again, or trying something different. If I am trying a new dungeon path I list my party under LFG and say “first timer” and usually my party fills immediately with others wanting to learn together, or someone who wants to help me learn.
((helping out non-thinkers since 1989))
Wrong party… You want a casual run, looking for things like “not meta” “all welcome” etc. in the LFG description. Or join a guild, most people are pretty talkative when doing guild stuff including dungeon runs.
Also, about your toons did I get this right: you have 5 toons between levels 21-65 ?
Do you use LFG? Do you have any toons to level 80? Do you have a guild? Have you been to SW? Do you do world bosses? If you gave up at the first door of the first dungeon you did, I strongly recommend trying again, or trying something different. If I am trying a new dungeon path I list my party under LFG and say “first timer” and usually my party fills immediately with others wanting to learn together, or someone who wants to help me learn.
Yeah theres plenty resources int he game, like finding a guild, the LFG …
I supose a tutorial will help people like the OP. Even in the forums theres some guilds for newcomoners.
In any case, at risk of been unfriendly, reading this confirm to me why they changed the leveling in september.
(edited by Lucius.2140)
By the sounds of it he tried to solo the dungeon, got confused and just gave up…..
If people are not answering your questions in game it could be you were in a dead zone or the opposite, a zone too busy with so much chatter that people soon miss your chat off the screen. You could ask your questions here and they will usually always be answered, I mean you did manage to find the forum to post this post right?
On a more productive note:
You needed to talk with the npc Ritlock Brimstone, after that and confirmating you want to continue, the door will open.
(edited by Lucius.2140)
Wrong party… You want a casual run, looking for things like “not meta” “all welcome” etc. in the LFG description. Or join a guild, most people are pretty talkative when doing guild stuff including dungeon runs.
Also, about your toons did I get this right: you have 5 toons between levels 21-65 ?
Wrong post… You readed it wrong lol.
He must have used the LFG after that or ask help for another channel.
Apropiate reading comprension of his post:
Low level went to his first dungeon, the first one in the game: AC, story mode → he couldnt pass the door: He didnt speak to Ritlock and confirm he was ready to continue: Door contineud to be closed.
Were you inside the dungeon, alone, when you asked for help in chat? If so, nobody can see that except your party while you’re inside a dungeon.
I was in AC and a new player mentioned “the door is locked.” We went back and showed them where to go, they did the rest of the dungeon with us, and then quit the first time they died in the run to the boss. Was that you? I always assume someone knows a path if they don’t speak up and say otherwise.