Not enough actual bi-weekly content

Not enough actual bi-weekly content

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


The content releases as of late have become minor grindfests. I say minor because the grind in GW2 is little compared to other traditional MMOs.

The latest update with the Tower of Nightmares only had one story mission that was short. After completing that I couldn’t bare to do the achievements because it meant having repeat super easy content over and over again. also having to wait on things to pop up in certain zones was not fun either.

What I would like to see in Living Story is more mission instances that are soloable.

Living Story should have been presented just like Personal Story. There should also be choices in the missions that players make that can change the outcome of where the story will be going. (the ellen and evon vote tally system could be implemented) I know that some players would be upset if their choice didn’t get majority pick but at least actual player interaction is involved.

So far it doesn’t matter if players choose whether or not to participate in Living Story. There is no real motivation to participate other than a single backslot skin, node, or AP.

The players should be making decisions provided options given from the developers. It should be the developer’s job to create the path that the majority of players pick. There is just no interaction or consequence for players pertaining to lore.

Scenario :

Players choice: Kill or Capture Scarlet
Certain rewards are given depending on the choice made. Maybe a good NPC gets killed because of the choice.

Not enough actual bi-weekly content

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: generalraccoon.3857


I do agree to this but i’ll have to comment on the ‘solo’ part.

A bunch of us were kinda unhappy when presented with solo only instances. Dont get me wrong, i dont think we must force group only content, but rather allow for people to go either way. And another note, this is NOT because of content too hard etc. It has little to do with difficulty (although challenging content, skillwise and not because grind or rng, is always welcome) but because we just find it more fun to do stuff together with friends.

Not enough actual bi-weekly content

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xae Isareth.1364

Xae Isareth.1364

I do think we need more solo content. Sometimes personally I don’t want to party with anyone and just wanna blow through content on my own, and there isn’t enough solid content to accommodate that at the moment.

The problem at the moment seems to be that Anet can’t actually produce content of such a quality as the PS within the time frame they’re given.

Not enough actual bi-weekly content

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blude.6812


More solo content please.

Not enough actual bi-weekly content

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dante.1508


More serious Content please, Tyria is a big world and we need to explore it..

Not enough actual bi-weekly content

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dr Ritter.1327

Dr Ritter.1327

NO NO NO, NO MORE SOLO kitten, this is an mmo we should be playing with other people. if you don’t want to group up then go play a singleplayer rpg. this game is supposed to push boundaries and while it has in some ways we should NOT be going back in time by making stuff soloable

The Paragon
[KICK] You’re out of the Guild

Not enough actual bi-weekly content

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Paulytnz.7619


NO NO NO, NO MORE SOLO kitten, this is an mmo we should be playing with other people. if you don’t want to group up then go play a singleplayer rpg. this game is supposed to push boundaries and while it has in some ways we should NOT be going back in time by making stuff soloable

What if we did stuff solo together? Don’t know what that means tbh but I’m sure if someone thought about it long enough they could figure it out lol…..

Personally I would like a solo-able RANDOM generated mini dungeon, kind of like some other game that I used to play had, it’s awesome but I wont mention the game, and no it’s nothing like Fractals. You enter the entrance, and a single room, it randomly spawns mobs, or some puzzle room that you have to get past to enter the next room, rinse and repeat all the way to the end to the reward chest. Each and every time you enter can be a totally different experience with all the different room types/challenges they could add and the random layouts they also turn out being.

Basically just something fun to do whenever just as time filler when I want to have fun and just can’t be bothered being “sociable”. And NO that dose not make me “anti social”, the term is “unsociable”. I think some people need to learn the difference between those 2 words. :P

Since when did this business of being a hero become being a business?