Not getting all 4 chests for Teq.
Which of the 4 chests are you not getting?
sometimes its the exotic, and sometimes its the rare chest. also i only do teq. once a day, at reset. so it cant be that i already did it that day.
Happened to me too yesterday. Got the exotic and 2 others. I did all batteries and did defense of a turret, then ran in to hit the dragon in between the battery phases.
Experienced this as well. I’ve participated on every defense and for 4 times now I didn’t got the full reward. All the times when I missed the chest was the rare or the exotic one.
My last attempt to Teq I decided to test it out how would turn if I skipped the defenses, though I only tried one time so far, but I did, in fact, received the exotic chest, needless to say I missed the other 3 chests from the events since didn’t completed them.
One thing I noticed is in the last couple of months, I think since September patch, I hardly get the medal from the defense events. I am unsure if am not contributing enough with DPS as sometimes I go alone, so I don’t meet the requirements, or there is a problem with the game recognizing the data you are sending about participating on the event. In case of the later, might the reason why it is not giving the reward chests properly.
Thief / Mesmer / Elementalist / Warrior / Necromancer / Ranger / Engineer / Revenant
Crystal Desert – Eredon Terrace – Fort Aspenwood – Stormbluff Isle
Pick up an ice bow if you see one, they tend to help fulfill the DPS requirement on any boss.
Also I’m sure ya’ll already know this, but if your group fails the last defense phase but still downs tequatl, you will not get the 3rd defense chest.
It’s not about Boss DPS.
Exotic chest along with big one is for dpsing teq.
Yellow, Green are for defending Batteries.
To get Yellow chest you need to have at least 1 Gold medal for Defending phase.
And better not get bronze.
There is no dps requirement since damage scales differently depending on class.
I sometimes go as Condi Necro with staff and Get full time Gold medals while killing and dpsing much lower than my Warrior which wipes everything like an avalanche.
I would say it depends how much XP you get from kills, and that’s how Medal Event contribution is scaled probably.
If your not getting the Exotic chest you’ve already done Teq that day, keep in mind resets are at 1AM CEST time
If your not getting smaller chests which you can get over and over then you are slacking at defense
Don’t run Teq every day, no chance to do it more than once; all events were successful; I usually run with my warrior, kill plenty of creeps, attack from the start to pretty much near the end, get xp from kills, usually by myself, but hardly been getting the any medal, be bronze, silver or gold, still get chests tho.
The problem is for 4 times didn’t got a full reward. Same mechanic, same thing done on all runs yet different rewards. Despite of most of my teq runs be solo, I also do it with a party on occasion. At least 2 of the times when I didn’t got all chests I was with a party and I wasnt the only one missing the reward. Another player in the party missed the exotic chest while I, at the time, missed the rare, yet the 3rd player got all 4 chests.
Thief / Mesmer / Elementalist / Warrior / Necromancer / Ranger / Engineer / Revenant
Crystal Desert – Eredon Terrace – Fort Aspenwood – Stormbluff Isle
If you think it is a bug…report it on the bug thread.
Do you park your character there, or do you go off and do other things with him between Teq encounters?
Sometimes leaving a character on a map for too long (even between logins) will cause their event progress to get bugged which will deny you rewards.
If you get credit for all 3 def events and do some dmg on tequatl you should get all chests.
I’ve had the same thing happen at least twice in the past week. One time only got 2 chests, the other only 3 chests.
Character is not parked there, and I participate in the entire event. I couldn’t say for sure what ‘medal’ I received for each defend event.
I’m sure there are more players out there this is happening to. Not just an isolated incident.
It’s bad enough I have to turn all my graphics settings to low to keep from getting kicked at Taco. Especially when my machine will handle just about anything else in game fine. Now I am not getting all the rewards.
well i dunno what medal rewards i get for the defend phases but i dont park my character there either. i guess i will put a bug thread up in the bugs section and see what happens
If you get credit for all 3 def events and do some dmg on tequatl you should get all chests.
Not always, I intermittently not get the exotic one for reasons I can’t work out.
Haven’t seen a connection between medal colour on defences either. Seems random at the moment
If you get credit for all 3 def events and do some dmg on tequatl you should get all chests.
I did all 3 defenses, got credit each time, did damage on Teq and that one time only got 3 chests. The only thing I can think of is a got a bronze on one defense on that day for some reason, in spite of killing several mobs.
Do the chests possibly require silver or gold?