Not liking the new zones and mastery system.

Not liking the new zones and mastery system.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ripr.8073


I don’t know about everyone else but I feel like I have no objectives in this map. Everyone keeps saying just run around and do whatever to get your masteries leveled but it is sooooo boring. Where is the questing from previous zones to get xp?

I have world completion on two toons from before and really enjoyed having objectives around the map. Now it’s just run to events as fast as possible (almost no waypoints in this zone) and do event until you are blocked from continuing because you do not have mushroom jumping mastered. And every single one of those banner things are always locked.

Having to grind xp just to be able to explore the world is dissapointing as well. I would love to go around and get all the poi and vistas. There is just no direction in these zones.

Basically, the way they have us farming xp in this expansion is very boring for me. I am sure there are people that enjoy this style more.

Not liking the new zones and mastery system.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: logan.5846


Agreed. The new zones are such a chore to navigate I don’t feel like playing anymore. I can appreciate how much work went into creating them, but locking everything behind masteries that will take millions of xp was about the worst decision they could possibly make.

Not liking the new zones and mastery system.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MashMash.1645


Agreed. The new zones are such a chore to navigate I don’t feel like playing anymore. I can appreciate how much work went into creating them, but locking everything behind masteries that will take millions of xp was about the worst decision they could possibly make.

They’ll realize this when 50% of players leave in a few weeks.

Pre-Ordered HoT | Recently started to get what I paid for – may spend $$$

Not liking the new zones and mastery system.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vyzare.3907


Agreed, was really excited at first to log in, since several of the elite specializations looked pretty cool. Now, as I’m not really much of a map completion type of of player when it hit me how much grinding I’d have to do to unlock them on the 5 classes I wanted to try them on… not happy I spent money on this.

Not liking the new zones and mastery system.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Paulytnz.7619


I knew it would be like this from the first beta I got to try. I am really surprised this is new to people. Really, people never thought that you would have to unlock this, to go there and then unlock that to go a little further?

Not saying I like it like this, but people could have brought this up months ago when they could still have done something about it, just saying….

Since when did this business of being a hero become being a business?

Not liking the new zones and mastery system.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ripr.8073


I knew it would be like this from the first beta I got to try. I am really surprised this is new to people. Really, people never thought that you would have to unlock this, to go there and then unlock that to go a little further?

Not everyone played the beta.

Not liking the new zones and mastery system.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: bLind.6278


I just really dislike how it turned into an obscene grind. I’m a fairly casual player, and it will probably take me weeks to unlock enough HP for ONE mastery, much less for the two characters I actually play.

On top of that, the new zones are just.. boring to play, and semi-frustrating. Because everything can do obscene damage now, I can’t just kinda log in and take an easy night of grinding. It takes effort.

I can honestly see a lot of people getting burned out on the new content incredibly quickly and virtually never returning to the new zones once their masteries are completed.

ANet succeeded in creating a forced grind that a lot of people will experience only as required and then never again. There is no replayability in Maguuma.

One foot out the door, yet again.

Not liking the new zones and mastery system.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dawdler.8521


I never did the beta other than the first story mission but honestly… I’m not really having a problem. Yes, the map is huge as all kitten and complicated to navigate, but then again so was Straights of Devastation my first time there. Now I go through that half asleep with my 6th world exploration char. I dont expect anything different from this zone, what I clumsily did in 2h when getting in the zone yesterday I could do in 15 minutes today.

The events will still take time, but the zone will feel alot smaller when you completed it on your 5th character.

Not liking the new zones and mastery system.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Setz.9675


The amount of experience needed for masterys has been discussed since BWE1 and how it was a chore and not fun to do.
Now in the actual game where my elite specc is locked behind a 400 hero point wall which is annoying to begin with is further locked behind not a grind but behind a chore. A really long and frustrating chore.
Unlocking masterys does not feel like meaningfull progression, it feels like a mandatory event grind which in all honesty is rather difficult if you look HOW EMPTY THE ZONES IN HoT ARE!!! Both players and events are incredibly hard to come by. The experience we gain in the jungle from enemys is close to null as well.

So yes Anet congratulations, you turned your extremely grindy game into an extremely annoying chore. Anet’s policy of no fun allowed is really shining down on HoT. Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me. I feel like a moron right now.

(edited by Setz.9675)

Not liking the new zones and mastery system.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ripr.8073


The events will still take time, but the zone will feel alot smaller when you completed it on your 5th character.

That’s the problem though, you have to do all of this on every character to unlock the specializations. I have spent maybe 10 hours now on my main and am almost lvl 3 mastery. This is terrible. Sure it would get somewhat shorter with experience but the fact it is mandatory to unlock a specialization is pathetic.

Atleast masteries are account wide.

Not liking the new zones and mastery system.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Grok.6714


The grind is real. Unlocking specs on 3 chars will take me months. Wasted money …

SFR Forum Warrior Academy

Not liking the new zones and mastery system.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Paulytnz.7619


I knew it would be like this from the first beta I got to try. I am really surprised this is new to people. Really, people never thought that you would have to unlock this, to go there and then unlock that to go a little further?

Not everyone played the beta.

Well maybe you should have? That was the point of them, for us to see what the content was like and if not wanted to comment on it so that it could be tailored more to what we want. Really I just don’t get some people….

Since when did this business of being a hero become being a business?

Not liking the new zones and mastery system.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ripr.8073


As one guy stated, apparently people have wanted it to change from first beta. Second, I never purchased the expansion until the night before due to some friends getting it so I did not have the oppurtunity to play in betas as far as I knew.

Not liking the new zones and mastery system.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Paulytnz.7619


As one guy stated, apparently people have wanted it to change from first beta. Second, I never purchased the expansion until the night before due to some friends getting it so I did not have the oppurtunity to play in betas as far as I knew.

Oh right, understandable. Tbh I am surprised there has not been more on the forums leading up to the release from players that did test. Maybe everyone was just all happy to be trying out all their new elite specs. But now they have to WORK for them the reality has set in….

Shame really.

Since when did this business of being a hero become being a business?

Not liking the new zones and mastery system.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: NorCalMtnBiker.9841


I agree with all of you. This new mastery system is a waste of time. They killed my dungeons and fractals. Now PvE in general is just a grind for just masteries. I don’t care about the new legendaries either as that is a nightmare grind. I have 3 legendaries and plenty of gold so you know what I had my fun and enjoyed GW2 while it was fun. Now it’s not and you Anet killed my favorite game. Thank god Fallout 4 comes out in 3 weeks plus SWTOR new expansion is awesome!!

Not liking the new zones and mastery system.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ZXC.9703


As one guy stated, apparently people have wanted it to change from first beta. Second, I never purchased the expansion until the night before due to some friends getting it so I did not have the oppurtunity to play in betas as far as I knew.

I did the same thing and man do I wish I never brought this expansion… I just can’t be stuff getting HP across 7 characters… And the new zone… well I kinda like it but there like no people in it making it impossible to do anything…

I don’t think you may not like something that could be the great next time I’ll cya!?

Not liking the new zones and mastery system.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PotatoCable.1425


I knew it would be like this from the first beta I got to try. I am really surprised this is new to people. Really, people never thought that you would have to unlock this, to go there and then unlock that to go a little further?

Not everyone played the beta.

Well maybe you should have? That was the point of them, for us to see what the content was like and if not wanted to comment on it so that it could be tailored more to what we want. Really I just don’t get some people….

What the… I’m so baffled by your post. Did you read it before you hit post? Whoever claims this is the nicest MMO community out there, clearly hasn’t met you.

The “beta” was behind a paywall, remember, not everyone blindly prepurchases without knowing what they get.

Potato Stick [Lion]
Muphasa’s Avenger
Gunnars Hold

Not liking the new zones and mastery system.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: yorick.1305


The amount of experience needed for masterys has been discussed since BWE1 and how it was a chore and not fun to do.
Now in the actual game where my elite specc is locked behind a 400 hero point wall which is annoying to begin with is further locked behind not a grind but behind a chore. A really long and frustrating chore.
Unlocking masterys does not feel like meaningfull progression, it feels like a mandatory event grind which in all honesty is rather difficult if you look HOW EMPTY THE ZONES IN HoT ARE!!! Both players and events are incredibly hard to come by. The experience we gain in the jungle from enemys is close to null as well.

So yes Anet congratulations, you turned your extremely grindy game into an extremely annoying chore. Anet’s policy of no fun allowed is really shining down on HoT. Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me. I feel like a moron right now.

When Halloween is over, one hopes it will be different. At the moment, it’s hard to get anything done there of value, for the time you spend ‘in it’.

Not liking the new zones and mastery system.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Khisanth.2948


I knew it would be like this from the first beta I got to try. I am really surprised this is new to people. Really, people never thought that you would have to unlock this, to go there and then unlock that to go a little further?

Not saying I like it like this, but people could have brought this up months ago when they could still have done something about it, just saying….

I would like to know how the devs and play testers were blind to this. It is a very stupid and unnecessary catch 22 situation. You need to do events to level your masteries but you need those masteries to actually get to those events in a way that doesn’t feel like chore. This could be alleviated by putting some more events near the starting area as far as I can tell they didn’t do this.

Not liking the new zones and mastery system.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sindex.9520


I still have not gotten the expansion. However I was wondering how long before “area/zone fatigue” would settle into the masses. The problem is Arena Net forgot they had the same problem with Orr. Where the content turned from becoming interesting to people absolutely hating Orr after a few weeks in. Especially if the small things become very tedious to get over.

Not liking the new zones and mastery system.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Khisanth.2948


I still have not gotten the expansion. However I was wondering how long before “area/zone fatigue” would settle into the masses. The problem is Arena Net forgot they had the same problem with Orr. Where the content turned from becoming interesting to people absolutely hating Orr after a few weeks in. Especially if the small things become very tedious to get over.

It is already very similar to Straits of Devastation.

Not liking the new zones and mastery system.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Avlaen.7241


Agreed. The new zones are such a chore to navigate I don’t feel like playing anymore. I can appreciate how much work went into creating them, but locking everything behind masteries that will take millions of xp was about the worst decision they could possibly make.

They’ll realize this when 50% of players leave in a few weeks.

ive allready stopped… what was the worse was finding a way to a skill point, and being told i dont have the right mastery to earn it

even though i spent 30 mins getting to the kittening place.

This is the reward for exploring in the new maps. Frustration followed by disappointment and lack of reward.

Not liking the new zones and mastery system.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shen Slayer.3058

Shen Slayer.3058

I have stop playing HoT too, I just can’t stand how boring it was…I went back to the old maps.

(edited by Shen Slayer.3058)

Not liking the new zones and mastery system.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jazzabelle.6531


HoT has been out a few days and everyone is screaming THE SKY IS FALLING, THE GAME IS GRINDY we cant get to full Mastery in a few days. This attitude is what is killing games as companies spend millions making them and then players expect to complete all content in a few hours or it is considered grindy.

Those people who play games to have fun and achieve things are in the game playing their characters and enjoying it. Those who expect everything to be easy and handed to them without putting in effort are here on the forums complaining.

I am thoroughly enjoying the new content, just taking my time and cruising around doing the new stuff on offer.

Not liking the new zones and mastery system.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shen Slayer.3058

Shen Slayer.3058

ok…so lets take out the grinding part…it’s still lack any direction, boring and frustrating, the grind is just on top of the other negative aspect.

Not liking the new zones and mastery system.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Paulytnz.7619


I knew it would be like this from the first beta I got to try. I am really surprised this is new to people. Really, people never thought that you would have to unlock this, to go there and then unlock that to go a little further?

Not everyone played the beta.

Well maybe you should have? That was the point of them, for us to see what the content was like and if not wanted to comment on it so that it could be tailored more to what we want. Really I just don’t get some people….

What the… I’m so baffled by your post. Did you read it before you hit post? Whoever claims this is the nicest MMO community out there, clearly hasn’t met you.

The “beta” was behind a paywall, remember, not everyone blindly prepurchases without knowing what they get.

Yes I read his OP. Nothing in it comes close to saying that he did not purchase HOT until the last minute. Being that he has HOT I would assume that he would have pre purchased it to see what it was like or in the least read up on the forums to get an idea of if it was worth it or what issues there could be with it.

“Being Nice” does not mean having to agree with everybody all the time either you know. Feel free to go through the many posts I have made in my time here and point out any specific cases where I am usually not nice or troll or whatever. I can assure you, you may find 1 out of about 100 if even that….

Yes there was a pay wall, but again, he purchased it in the end so that can’t have been an issue now could it?

Since when did this business of being a hero become being a business?

Not liking the new zones and mastery system.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrH.2591


I feel the same, there’s no real direction. I feel like I’m just running around looking for stuff to do and the mobs are very hard to solo and it feels like the new zone is dead. It’s not what I was expecting really.

Not liking the new zones and mastery system.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Liewec.2896


the maps, mobs and events are great, but the mastery system is freaking HORRIBLE.
if they want to make it a long term system then they shouldn’t hide content behind it.

i need 100 more hero points for my reaper grand master trait (without it my build wont work so i’m not even playing it until i get the grand master)
and i’ve decided to just go back to vanilla tyria… the only HPs i have left asre stuck behind toxic fields, impassable mordrem/chak walls ]
or the worst…over leyline bridges requiring rank 5 gliding!!!!

again, well done on the beautiful maps, the challenging mobs and the nice and busy events, but hero points hidden behind mastery grinds is a REALLY bad idea.

Not liking the new zones and mastery system.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Exylia.3814


Let’s complaint about the time we need to “waste” to achieve our HPs, because hey we cant get them in a couple of hours..and then let’s complaint about “this game has nothing to do!!!111oneone!!”

seems legit

Not liking the new zones and mastery system.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Swoo.5079


By the way, just to let everyone know masteries ares account bound, so it is a chore but only once.

Ascended items are Anet biggest mistake and a kneejerk reaction.

Not liking the new zones and mastery system.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Raven.1524


Sometimes I wonder if people are mad because they didn’t get everything when they started playing HoT or because they don’t really take their times to play it. It’s not a friggin race -.-

Not liking the new zones and mastery system.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: gennyt.3428


I knew it would be like this from the first beta I got to try. I am really surprised this is new to people. Really, people never thought that you would have to unlock this, to go there and then unlock that to go a little further?

Not everyone played the beta.

Well maybe you should have? That was the point of them, for us to see what the content was like and if not wanted to comment on it so that it could be tailored more to what we want. Really I just don’t get some people….

Yes because everybody pre-orders their games. I mean seriously? lol

Whispers with meat.

Not liking the new zones and mastery system.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Paulytnz.7619


I knew it would be like this from the first beta I got to try. I am really surprised this is new to people. Really, people never thought that you would have to unlock this, to go there and then unlock that to go a little further?

Not everyone played the beta.

Well maybe you should have? That was the point of them, for us to see what the content was like and if not wanted to comment on it so that it could be tailored more to what we want. Really I just don’t get some people….

Yes because everybody pre-orders their games. I mean seriously? lol

Well if you had intended to buy it why wouldn’t you being that you get extras for pre-ordering? Common logic really…..

Since when did this business of being a hero become being a business?

Not liking the new zones and mastery system.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Moonlit.6421


HoT has been out a few days and everyone is screaming THE SKY IS FALLING, THE GAME IS GRINDY we cant get to full Mastery in a few days. This attitude is what is killing games as companies spend millions making them and then players expect to complete all content in a few hours or it is considered grindy.

Those people who play games to have fun and achieve things are in the game playing their characters and enjoying it. Those who expect everything to be easy and handed to them without putting in effort are here on the forums complaining.

I am thoroughly enjoying the new content, just taking my time and cruising around doing the new stuff on offer.

Lol then when they complete it in a few hours they complain there’s nothing to do and no new content for them. I’ve seen people complain for a while now about the lack of challenging content, how dungeons and pve in General were just to easy, and now that we have actually cool more challenging stuff no one wants to play it lol.

I respect the quoted post as it’s someone who actually knows what this is, a game, and knows that it’s meant to be fun. Heck I’ve hiked up places quite a few times already to see I went the wrong way or couldn’t access what I wanted, so what lol I’ll get there eventually. Besides climbing all the way up there means I get to have a fun glide back down lol. People need to just chill and quit trying to find fault in everything

Not liking the new zones and mastery system.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jarvis.9540


I’m less troubled by content being locked behind a mastery system, but more troubled by the mastery system being locked behind mountains of xp that require very boring/remedial tasks to obtain.

Not liking the new zones and mastery system.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Liisjak.4509


Sometimes I wonder if people are mad because they didn’t get everything when they started playing HoT or because they don’t really take their times to play it. It’s not a friggin race -.-

It is if you cant play your “Elite” spec…sry I meant trait line, while doing new content.
Grinding for levels was supposed to be over when you hit 80, after you just grind for money like in every MMO.

So instead of raising the lvl cap and making new gear, they just added a new way of grinding for levels. Sry but I’d rather pop 10 Tomes of Knowledge and upgrade my ascended gear than grind for some masteries that have no real use outside those 4 maps which I’ll probably never visit again.

TL:DR – my grinding was over couple thousands of gold ago. I’d skip the whole bloody LS3 story if that was possible like in the old GW2. Mind you I never ever completed the original story line, always stopped at 60, that’s where you get the last BL key.

Not liking the new zones and mastery system.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: JonnyBigBoss.2071


I agree. I’m just not feeling this expansion. Some of it is me, and some of it is the game.

JonnyBigBoss – 80 Engineer
Fort Aspenwood
The Ancient Order [TAO]

Not liking the new zones and mastery system.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Windu The Forbidden One.6045

Windu The Forbidden One.6045

My only problem right now is that barely any of it is soloable.
If there aren’t a lot of players around you can’t get anything done..

Dear A-net: Please nerf rock. Paper is fine
~Sincerely, Scissors

Not liking the new zones and mastery system.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zoltar MacRoth.7146

Zoltar MacRoth.7146

Having to grind xp just to be able to explore the world is dissapointing as well. I would love to go around and get all the poi and vistas.

That’s a point I want to second. I’m an explorer by heart, and it was a joy in the core game to just walk about the world, visiting vistas and poi’s. That’s how I spent my first few weeks in the game and I loved it. Some areas were very dangerous but you could wander in and sneak around trying not to get killed. It was thrilling. If you saw a vista up on some cliff, you knew the only thing that you needed to get you there was your ingenuity. You didn’t need to take a short course in jumping.

Not liking the new zones and mastery system.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Archy.1046


My only problem right now is that barely any of it is soloable.
If there aren’t a lot of players around you can’t get anything done..

There is “Party” option in this game if you don’t know yet. You can have 5 people to group together. Try it. It’s not a single player game btw.

Not liking the new zones and mastery system.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrH.2591


My only problem right now is that barely any of it is soloable.
If there aren’t a lot of players around you can’t get anything done..

There is “Party” option in this game if you don’t know yet. You can have 5 people to group together. Try it. It’s not a single player game btw.

This post made you look really silly.

Not liking the new zones and mastery system.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: that baby stealing dingo.7216

that baby stealing dingo.7216

This is why I never buy day one, much less pre-purchase. I’ll wait a few months to see if Anet fixes any of this stuff before I even consider buying HoT.

So much hype.

Plus, I main thief and the Daredevil thing just looks lame to me. More dodging? Like thief doesn’t jump around enough already? I’ll stick with my base content thief until they actually address the real issues for this class.

I have a sword, a dagger, and an estimated life span of 2.47 seconds.

Not liking the new zones and mastery system.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RoRo.8270


I feel the same, there’s no real direction. I feel like I’m just running around looking for stuff to do and the mobs are very hard to solo and it feels like the new zone is dead. It’s not what I was expecting really.

What a shame seems like they stuck with the zerg train content from dry top and silver wastes. The biggest issue I find is the mobs probably don’t really start scaling after 3-5 people so with less it takes ages

Not liking the new zones and mastery system.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ihrga.8325


I burned out in first two hours. Just went from SWTOR new update and… BAM! Grind wall… and where??? In GW2! That was not supposed to happen. At the same time in SWTOR they gave ppl downlevel and ability to play together at any level and TP from anywhere where you want with no cooldown. =) Niceeee…. + housing, own spaceship, loads of mounts and simplier outfit system… Times they are changing.

Be Polite. Be Efficient. Have a plan to kill everyone you meet.

Not liking the new zones and mastery system.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kraggy.4169


My only problem right now is that barely any of it is soloable.
If there aren’t a lot of players around you can’t get anything done..

There is “Party” option in this game if you don’t know yet. You can have 5 people to group together. Try it. It’s not a single player game btw.

Which is 180 degree turn over the 1-80 game, leveling and exploring were NOT gated by 1990s group-or-GTFO content.