Officer of Power Overwhelming[ZERK].
First term Forum PvE Specialist.
I felt they were a little lack luster. Only ones I liked were the pony tails for male and female humans. I did not see Asura hairs fyi.
Can you tell me which ones are the new hair for female human? There’s no new tag..
It is generally the far most left hair styles.
Or look here.
Thanks. 15chars
So asura girls get Katara loopies. Could be fun.
One of the female Charr hairstyles completely breaks your character’s eyes.
kewl hairstyle anet
I am absolutely in love with the dreads for male humans. Not super thrilled with female hairs but not unhappy. The male styles are great though!! Finally a good not ovely long hyper-styled mohawk, and with great patterns in the sides, and the dreads.. omg the dreads..
Can we get women dreads pleeeaaase?
I’m glad we finally got some new customization options period. Its been a while.
As for the specific hairstyles themselves…
Asura – There’s some nice variety, so I definitely appreciate that. Male hairs are kind of hit and miss. First style looks more like a bad rug than actual hair. Second style is… funny (if you like having brains on the outside of your head) but not something I’m a particular fan of. Third is alright, quite different from most Asura hairstyles. Won’t be switching my male Asura to any of them. Females fare a bit better. First one quite nice looking, very ornate. Second one is… strange. Tentacle hair? Third one is again pretty nice. I probably won’t be switching my female Asura to any of them, but I haven’t ruled it out entirely just yet, still considering the 1st or 3rd as a possibility as I’m not 100% happy with her current style.
Charr – Most of the hairstyles are entirely too samey, both within the set of 3 as well as Charr hair in general. And is there some rule where Charr hairs have to be the hugest things on the face of the planet? I mean, the new batch isn’t quite as huge as the last couple, but they’re still pretty ridiculous. Also not happy with the fact that 2 of the 3 are just copy-pasted between the two genders with slight adjustments in position / size. About the only hairstyle of the whole bunch I actually like is the 3rd female style, which is pretty nice (bugged eyes not withstanding). Won’t be using it since I love my female’s current style though.
Sylvari – Sylvari hairstyles are almost always my favorite, and this batch is no exception. Basically all of them range from good to great. First male style is great, a unique slicked-back style and cat tails. I love cat tails. Second style is kind of basic, but not bad other than the lack of glow. Third one is really nice as well, love the variety of leaves and the shape. For females, first one is nice enough. Not my personal cup of tea, but not bad or anything. 2nd is great, love the flower type chosen, different from the other flower styles. The one complaint I have though is that the glow on the flower is just basically the whole flower and it kind of washes it out and doesn’t look that great. Third isn’t too good on the top, but I do really like the bits hanging down. Definitely will be considering possibly swapping my male or female Sylvari’s styles, though none of them are quite amazing enough for me to switch instantly.
Don’t really have strong opinions about the Norn or Human styles as I don’t play those races, but they look decent enough at a glance on Dulfy.
(edited by Electro.4173)
Wow, the Norn female styles look like a complete cop-out. It’s pretty much the same style with slightly different bangs and band decorations. The base style is nice, but we didn’t need three of it.
I had to buy another kit shortly after finding the Charr eye bug was not a glitch that would go away… Glad to see more braids instead of dreads for the Charr, but not very happy about the bugged eyes.
I’m really happy they added Jora’s hairstyle for Norn females.
I’m really happy they added Jora’s hairstyle for Norn females.
I am too.
But did they have to add it 3 times??? Why not once, and 2 other completely different hairstyles.
I’m really happy they added Jora’s hairstyle for Norn females.
I am too.
But did they have to add it 3 times??? Why not once, and 2 other completely different hairstyles.
Yeah, one looks like a low(er) quality version of her hair. Ah well.. I’m rocking that Jora look atm, so I’m content.
FYI Anet still haven’t release these “hidden” hairstyles for both Human/Norn female.
Wow, the Norn female styles look like a complete cop-out. It’s pretty much the same style with slightly different bangs and band decorations. The base style is nice, but we didn’t need three of it.
This is how I feel towards the last batch of new “faces” we got in the total makeover kits. It’s the exact same face (in most cases), but with different make-up or effects. It’s stupid.
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