Not very rewarding?

Not very rewarding?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Koberius.7190


I’ve been playing since late Beta and for a while it looked like this was “The Game” for me. Lately with a lot of the Meta-achievements being un-inspiredly grindy I’ve begun to lose what focus I had in the game.
For the longest time I’ve worked towards the Flameseeker Shield as a goal of sorts, but after being away for the last two weeks I’ve kinda lost that focus and actually wonder wtf I’m even logging in for. Rewards from Champions or World-Bosses seem pretty crap, and it seems like I’m on a Treadmill that feels pointless if I stop looking at the Legendary items.
Is it just me, or is the reward system in this game as crap as I think?

Not very rewarding?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: FuriousPop.2789


everything requires effort and time….

they can’t just give u all the loot u want, then u would complain about having everything and nothing to do….

i’ve been playing since 3 days before launch – still no legend, just been doing as much as i can since im a casual player (every day 1 – 2 hours). and due to this i cannot attain what some players who play 4+ hours per day get….

Not very rewarding?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zanshin.5379


The RNG is kind of killing the notion of reward. You can play the game for a year and get nothing, while another will play a month and get a precursor drop.

Also, ArenaNet are so scared of people farming (abusing) things that give better rewards that they prefer to have everything give crappy rewards.

Not very rewarding?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blude.6812


The RNG is kind of killing the notion of reward. You can play the game for a year and get nothing, while another will play a month and get a precursor drop.

Also, ArenaNet are so scared of people farming (abusing) things that give better rewards that they prefer to have everything give crappy rewards.

Exactly!!!! and I don’t believe for a second that RNG isn’t flawed when all players don’t have an equal chance of getting rewards. I fall in to the rarely get a rare drop as well as never seen a precusor.

Not very rewarding?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Koberius.7190


I dunno, I don’t expect Epic freebies on a plate or anything like that. I just feel that for the amount of time I put into the game I don’t seem to get much in the way of decent rewards.
Maybe I’m burned out on the game and need to seek greener pastures.


Not very rewarding?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: FuriousPop.2789


can always do what most do – farm dungs and buy stuff

Not very rewarding?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TheRainbowKnight.3651


You should run the difficult dungeons (Arah, Fractals) or do WvW or sPvP. The game is a lot more than champions and world bosses and those are not even close to the most profitable activities. I have played a few hours a day for 7 months and have 2 legendaries…making money isn’t difficult and if you are doing challenging content and not the mindless zerg train it doesn’t feel like a grind.

Not very rewarding?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AzzaCin.3691


In many mmos that I play I get the short end. Ex: in wow im always the last of my friends to get epic gear from a dungeon because of bad luck drops. But this game takes it to a whole other level of crappy drops. It took me 6 months or farming dungeons, champ trains, world bosses, guild missions, and some fractals to get my first exotic drop. 6 months and I get an exotic that sells for 1 gold at best. I remember the first few weeks of the game people could farm gold in dungeons or out in the world if they were u to the grind. Now you need to grind to just get some silver.

Not very rewarding?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Travis the Terrible.4739

Travis the Terrible.4739

In many mmos that I play I get the short end. Ex: in wow im always the last of my friends to get epic gear from a dungeon because of bad luck drops. But this game takes it to a whole other level of crappy drops. It took me 6 months or farming dungeons, champ trains, world bosses, guild missions, and some fractals to get my first exotic drop. 6 months and I get an exotic that sells for 1 gold at best. I remember the first few weeks of the game people could farm gold in dungeons or out in the world if they were u to the grind. Now you need to grind to just get some silver.

If you’re grinding and barely making anything you’re doing something wrong. I can get 20 gold in a matter of just playing over 3/4 hours and that’s not even playing the trading post.

Follow the darkness into the depths, it’s more fun than the light can provide.