Nothing upcoming

Nothing upcoming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vespero.6180


I’m here, looking for answer…..

You know, since 90% of players were playing this “beta” waiting for a real game… i wonder what will you tell them now to keep them involved?

Nothing upcoming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vespero.6180


For those too lazy to read..

-Clan Hall
-New weapon types and expansion of current weapon types to more professions
-New legendary weapons.
-New types of legendary equipment (possibly a trinket).
-New precursor acquisition methods.
-New map types (spvp)
-Objectives other than conquest. (spvp)
-More variations to creatures
-Dueling: The ability to duel other players in world
-New regions and dragons, not during 2013.

-New legendary weapons.
-New types of legendary equipment (possibly a trinket).
-New precursor acquisition methods.

Here’s your future with gw2…

Nothing upcoming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dusty Moon.4382

Dusty Moon.4382

There is something upcoming – May release in China – the largest MMO market in the world. A.Net said that after the release in China they will work on new content. One could just give it a rest.

You could have just posted in the other thread instead of making ANOTHER NEW ONE.

(edited by Dusty Moon.4382)

Nothing upcoming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kaz.5430



Did you actually read that wiki page? Because with exception of Dueling and a comment that was specific to things that wont happen in 2013 (which is no longer relevant, being 2014) it’s all still there.

- Housing and Guild Hall were listed in the ‘mentioned’ section in Jan and are still listed in the same section
- New weapon types and new profession weapons were listed in the ‘mentioned’ section in Jan and are still listed in the same section
- New sPVP map types and objectives were previously listed in ‘mentioned’ and are still listed, but the objectives was moved to the ‘cdi’ section suggesting it’s coming up.
- More variations to creatures is still listed in ‘mentioned’, as it was before.
- Dueling, actually seems to have been removed.
- New regions and dragons, not during 2013 is irrelevant because it’s 2014

Monarchy - 15 year old browser-based game and roleplay community
Table Warfare Miniatures - Armatures, Custom Miniatures, Moulds etc.

Nothing upcoming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Draknar.5748


Agree with Kaz here I don’t see the issue.

I won’t stop because I can’t stop.

It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….

Nothing upcoming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vespero.6180


oh you are right, by the way a point of the situation would be appreciated since in an entire year barely nothings relevan has been done.

Mentioned or not, many players are still here just because they hope that this beta, one day, will have an END. That mentioned things would really help to get out of this situation, but each time someone asks, nobody answer, neither in the AMA (ask me anything) they answered about chanta or any other things related to “new content”
The developer was just sitting there smiling like “i know but i can’t tell” and then nothing happened

Nothing upcoming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kaz.5430


There has been plenty of permanent ‘relevant’ content added for free since the game stopped being a Beta and was released. You just seem to be concentrating on what hasn’t been added and conveniently ignore everything that HAS been.

New Permanent Zone: Southsun Cove
New Permanent World Bosses : Karka Queen & Evolved Jungle Worm
New Permanent Weapons : Multiple weapons including some that are Gem Store, some that are crafted, some that are forged, some from achievements
New Permanent Armour : Multiple armours including some that are Gem Store, some that are crafted, some that are forged, some from achievements
New Permanent Dungeon : Fractals of the Mists
New Permanent Mini-Games : Belchers Bluff, Costume Brawl, Crab Toss, Sanctum Sprint, Southsun Survival
New Permanent Traits : 5 grandmasters per class
New Permanent Skills : 1 new healing per class & 1 healing for any class
New Permanent Pet : Reef Drake
New Permanent Mobs : Karka
New Permanent WvW Map : Edge of the Mists
New Permanent WvW Features : WvW Mastery Abilities
New Permanent PvP Arenas : Temple of the Silent Storm, Spirit Watch, Skyhammer
New Permanent PvP Features : Reward Tracks
New Permanent Features : Skin Locker

Other stuff I’ve no doubt forgotten to add.

Plus there has been LOADS of temporary content added frequently throughout the last year and a half.

You can complain about nothing new being added all you like, but it’s not actually true.

Monarchy - 15 year old browser-based game and roleplay community
Table Warfare Miniatures - Armatures, Custom Miniatures, Moulds etc.

Nothing upcoming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vespero.6180


There has been plenty of permanent ‘relevant’ content added for free since the game stopped being a Beta and was released. You just seem to be concentrating on what hasn’t been added and conveniently ignore everything that HAS been.

New Permanent Zone: Southsun Cove
New Permanent World Bosses : Karka Queen & Evolved Jungle Worm
New Permanent Weapons : Multiple weapons including some that are Gem Store, some that are crafted, some that are forged, some from achievements
New Permanent Armour : Multiple armours including some that are Gem Store, some that are crafted, some that are forged, some from achievements
New Permanent Dungeon : Fractals of the Mists
New Permanent Mini-Games : Belchers Bluff, Costume Brawl, Crab Toss, Sanctum Sprint, Southsun Survival
New Permanent Traits : 5 grandmasters per class
New Permanent Skills : 1 new healing per class & 1 healing for any class
New Permanent Pet : Reef Drake
New Permanent Mobs : Karka
New Permanent WvW Map : Edge of the Mists
New Permanent WvW Features : WvW Mastery Abilities
New Permanent PvP Arenas : Temple of the Silent Storm, Spirit Watch, Skyhammer
New Permanent PvP Features : Reward Tracks
New Permanent Features : Skin Locker

Other stuff I’ve no doubt forgotten to add.

Plus there has been LOADS of temporary content added frequently throughout the last year and a half.

You can complain about nothing new being added all you like, but it’s not actually true.

Kaz, new weapon types means things like “cannon” or something similar (they talked about that) not new SKINS.
New relevant Update means something you remeber and you look for, an exemple is southsun cove: a new map, a new boss. nobody goes there enymore, the only things that makes you remember of its existence is the fact that you farm the champion there. Standing on the much you care of that map, they could have implemented a simple room with a karka queen inside.
New permanent mob, pets, healing skills are just a joke compared to other’s game’s patches. … i mean… come’on, have you ever played something different from gw2? those are not content… that’s just adjustment to the game with some few new moving textures which nobody cares of.

New Permanent Dungeon : Fractals of the Mists.
okay… that’s okay. it’s even better structured than the other dungeons. it looks like if they were testing a new way to pve but then nothing happened.

New Permanent WvW Map : Edge of the Mists
What? lol
That’s ANY WAY the same as wvwvw. tell me the difference. they just copy/paste an existing things into a new map.

other stuff are totally irrelevant on your monthly routine
Wanna know why?
Because since 25 Aug 2012 all you can do is still the same.
1-Dungeon (mindless when you have a weapond and an armor, so after 1 week you can stop doing dungeon)
2-WvW (if you don’t like zerg you are out)
3-Spvp (they are somehow working on this but nothing changed yet.)

So tell me. what big changes has been made in your routine?

Nothing upcoming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lankybrit.4598


Because since 25 Aug 2012 all you can do is still the same.
1-Dungeon (mindless when you have a weapond and an armor, so after 1 week you can stop doing dungeon)
2-WvW (if you don’t like zerg you are out)
3-Spvp (they are somehow working on this but nothing changed yet.)

So tell me. what big changes has been made in your routine?

That’s irrelevant. The fact that someone doesn’t regularly participate in content doesn’t mean the content isn’t there, or that others aren’t participating in it.

My Life in Tyria:
Updated every Monday

Nothing upcoming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dusty Moon.4382

Dusty Moon.4382

Some people would complain no matter what…

I think this is the case here.

Nothing upcoming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: uknortherner.2670


Some people would complain no matter what…

I think this is the case here.

Pretty much this.

I stole a special snowflake’s future by exercising my democratic right to vote.

Nothing upcoming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nGumball.1283


Some people just have to understand the difference between wasting their time in a forum for a year and un-installing and going forward with life.

If $50 made you wait a year for something, I can tell you with comfort that you won’t get anything in life.

Nothing upcoming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TheJokester.4672


There has been plenty of permanent ‘relevant’ content added for free since the game stopped being a Beta and was released. You just seem to be concentrating on what hasn’t been added and conveniently ignore everything that HAS been.

New Permanent Zone: Southsun Cove
New Permanent World Bosses : Karka Queen & Evolved Jungle Worm
New Permanent Weapons : Multiple weapons including some that are Gem Store, some that are crafted, some that are forged, some from achievements
New Permanent Armour : Multiple armours including some that are Gem Store, some that are crafted, some that are forged, some from achievements
New Permanent Dungeon : Fractals of the Mists
New Permanent Mini-Games : Belchers Bluff, Costume Brawl, Crab Toss, Sanctum Sprint, Southsun Survival
New Permanent Traits : 5 grandmasters per class
New Permanent Skills : 1 new healing per class & 1 healing for any class
New Permanent Pet : Reef Drake
New Permanent Mobs : Karka
New Permanent WvW Map : Edge of the Mists
New Permanent WvW Features : WvW Mastery Abilities
New Permanent PvP Arenas : Temple of the Silent Storm, Spirit Watch, Skyhammer
New Permanent PvP Features : Reward Tracks
New Permanent Features : Skin Locker

Other stuff I’ve no doubt forgotten to add.

Plus there has been LOADS of temporary content added frequently throughout the last year and a half.

You can complain about nothing new being added all you like, but it’s not actually true.

Hey guess what….. Skin Locker was there lol it was just a pvp locker now it’s avaliable to pve too cause I mean if you did pve and made a legendary dontcha wanna use it in pvp? no ok why did you waste 3 or 4 months maybe more? world boss LOL ok that’s a joke I can tell pet reef drake ok so now you have what 4 or 5 just their breath is different? good job healing skill ok? SKINS OOOO SKINS they are always being released argument invalid it’s a source of income for them not real content same for armor WvW is zerg fest or stealth fest if you dont have a highly mobile class shows the real pet classes of anet coughcough thief and pvp sucks compared to gw1 I liked the gw1 pvp aspect far more plus a year and a half in with gw1 you had tons of permanent content you should check out it’s history and 2 new classes with how many skills added and brought in with the 2 new classes? oh and pets someone want to get numbers on all of that? weapons armor etc lets get statistics on how far behind gw2 is on gw1 giving it’s live time frame

Nothing upcoming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dusty Moon.4382

Dusty Moon.4382

There has been plenty of permanent ‘relevant’ content added for free since the game stopped being a Beta and was released. You just seem to be concentrating on what hasn’t been added and conveniently ignore everything that HAS been.

New Permanent Zone: Southsun Cove
New Permanent World Bosses : Karka Queen & Evolved Jungle Worm
New Permanent Weapons : Multiple weapons including some that are Gem Store, some that are crafted, some that are forged, some from achievements
New Permanent Armour : Multiple armours including some that are Gem Store, some that are crafted, some that are forged, some from achievements
New Permanent Dungeon : Fractals of the Mists
New Permanent Mini-Games : Belchers Bluff, Costume Brawl, Crab Toss, Sanctum Sprint, Southsun Survival
New Permanent Traits : 5 grandmasters per class
New Permanent Skills : 1 new healing per class & 1 healing for any class
New Permanent Pet : Reef Drake
New Permanent Mobs : Karka
New Permanent WvW Map : Edge of the Mists
New Permanent WvW Features : WvW Mastery Abilities
New Permanent PvP Arenas : Temple of the Silent Storm, Spirit Watch, Skyhammer
New Permanent PvP Features : Reward Tracks
New Permanent Features : Skin Locker

Other stuff I’ve no doubt forgotten to add.

Plus there has been LOADS of temporary content added frequently throughout the last year and a half.

You can complain about nothing new being added all you like, but it’s not actually true.

Hey guess what….. Skin Locker was there lol it was just a pvp locker now it’s avaliable to pve too cause I mean if you did pve and made a legendary dontcha wanna use it in pvp? no ok why did you waste 3 or 4 months maybe more? world boss LOL ok that’s a joke I can tell pet reef drake ok so now you have what 4 or 5 just their breath is different? good job healing skill ok? SKINS OOOO SKINS they are always being released argument invalid it’s a source of income for them not real content same for armor WvW is zerg fest or stealth fest if you dont have a highly mobile class shows the real pet classes of anet coughcough thief and pvp sucks compared to gw1 I liked the gw1 pvp aspect far more plus a year and a half in with gw1 you had tons of permanent content you should check out it’s history and 2 new classes with how many skills added and brought in with the 2 new classes? oh and pets someone want to get numbers on all of that? weapons armor etc lets get statistics on how far behind gw2 is on gw1 giving it’s live time frame

GW1 PvP was so unbalanced due to the dual professions. It really made it hard to balance the game.

In GW1 – you would have bought 3 separate games (GW:Prophecies; GW:Factions; GW:Nightfall) – all 3 could be bought or not. They were separate games.

Nothing upcoming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vespero.6180


Some people would complain no matter what…

I think this is the case here.

Pretty much this.

Here where i live we use to say:
There’s only one thing worst than blindness, and it’s when you don’t want to open your eyes and see yourself.

Here where i play we call this person: fanboy.

Anet could throw you eggs and kitten and you would sit there waiting for it.
and the more someone complain, the more you protect your beloved game.

To be honest, i can say what i said because i’ve been away for over a year, and now, coming back i can see the difference but.. nothing changed… that’s why guild are dying and new players are just a legend.
Probably you got so stuck in that game that you forgot how’s the world outside and how/what other games are doing.

(edited by Vespero.6180)

Nothing upcoming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dusty Moon.4382

Dusty Moon.4382

Some people would complain no matter what…

I think this is the case here.

Pretty much this.

Here where i live we use to say:
There’s only one thing worst than blindness, and it’s when you don’t want to open your eyes and see yourself.

Here where i play we call this person: fanboy.

Anet could throw you eggs and kitten and you would sit there waiting for it.
and the more someone complain, the more you protect your beloved game.

To be honest, i can say what i said because i’ve been away for over a year, and now, coming back i can see the difference but.. nothing changed… that’s why guild are dying and new players are just a legend.
Probably you got so stuck in that game that you forgot how’s the world outside and how/what other games are doing.

There are many things that I don’t like about the game. It is not worth coming on this forum to whine about it, it just doesn’t do anything. Not a FanBoy and you using that term already shows where you stand. I am neither a fanboy or a hater. I just play game to have fun. If I have to whine about fun, that is NOT FUN.

You seem to be the type of person that complains about his head hurting while continually hitting his head against the wall. The easiest thing to do is stop – complainers don’t.

I have a life outside the game, thank you very much. It is the complainers that don’t seem to have one. Incessant complaining doesn’t get you anywhere but ignored – like the boy who cried wolf. Here in the US we say, ‘People like this would complain with a loaf of bread under each arm’.

Think about the below quotes and move on.

“Complaining does not work as a strategy. We all have finite time and energy. Any time we spend whining is unlikely to help us achieve our goals. And it won’t make us happier.”
- Randy Pausch, The Last Lecture

“The truly patient man neither complains of his hard lot nor desires to be pitied by others. He speaks of his sufferings in a natural, true, and sincere way, without murmuring, complaining, or exaggerating them.”
- Francis de Sales

(edited by Dusty Moon.4382)

Nothing upcoming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: uknortherner.2670


Here where i live we use to say:
There’s only one thing worst than blindness, and it’s when you don’t want to open your eyes and see yourself.

Here where i play we call this person: fanboy.

Yeah, this is the moment where I stop paying any attention to what you have to say really. I could say more, but I would probably get infracted for my troubles.

I stole a special snowflake’s future by exercising my democratic right to vote.

Nothing upcoming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CMstorm.8679


Upcoming changes and features and content stuff like that which Anet has said they’d like to incorporate into GW2 “in the future” means that they’re still true to their word. We have had new features and some pretty good QoL improvements, along with the new World Boss spawn schedules and the huge feature pack…
and lots of other things to, but let me say this:

When Anet announces upcoming things they’d like to introduce, that isn’t 100% set in stone, just like how the leaked patch notes were for the new grandmaster traits and some skill reworks, actually that goes for any patch notes. Don’t rely on what the notes say, because it is subject to change. What they say is just an outline of some things they’d like to get to. And if they aren’t able to for whatever reason, that’s entirely fine…

Nothing upcoming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kurrilino.2706


Can we actually stop calling each other fanboys or complainers ????

It leads nowhere and makes it difficult for the mods to keep everything calm with 5.000 new post about fanboys or complainers every day.

What is true though, there is a huge comunity in GW2 that is ignored since day1.
We have happy pvp, we have happy wvw, we have happy dungeon runners and farmers……..

But there is one group left out.
The mystery and fantasy story loving role gamer. People who doesn’t hunt
for the newest shiny armor, who couldn’t care less about zerker fests.
It’s people who love their character and want to experience a wonderful magic time
with friends or alone.Epic storys to be told, epic fights to be fought and sad defeats to be experienced. people who want something else than constantly pushing button 2.
They want to roam around in shiver peaks and interact with dwarfen ruins or discover anicient continents.

For these people nothing changed since 2012.
All contend so far is meaningless for these people. They don’t want minipets in gem store or incredible ugly armors. They want adventures.

With that said, it is really time to do something for these brave community who are here since GW1 when adventure still ment something.
Cantha is to discover, Palawas dead hordes are waiting to be massacred in Elona…

I understand that Pvp or WvW kids saying… wait a moment i couldn’t care less…
but even if we are a small group we deserve to be heard.
Or at least pretend we are welcome here without being called complainers

Nothing upcoming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vespero.6180


that would work if i were an actual player, I’m here looking for evidence, evidence that would prove i’m wrong and that something on this game is actually coming or is under work.
I agree… if something makes you complain, than that’s not funny and that doesn’t deserve to be played. and by fact, we are not playing anymore.

Sadly all what had to be said to produce something good was said. and nothing happened. it’s normal for a person to complain. would you rather turn your back and stuck your head under the ground each time something is not fine? i think that trying to bring their attention here would be a better idea.

I won’t lie. I already told you I was hoping to find someone knowing something about the state of the development, someone able to tell what’s going on and if it’s worth waiting for something good or we better watch out.
but that didn’t happened. sadly, none knows that.

PS: “I have a life outside the game, thank you very much. It is the complainers that don’t seem to have one. Incessant complaining doesn’t get you anywhere but ignored – like the boy who cried wolf. Here in the US we say, ‘People like this would complain with a loaf of bread under each arm’.”

I’m here while working, i have nothing really better to do atm, that’s why i can lose some mins looking for answer… what about you? what brings you here losing time with a whiner?

Nothing upcoming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vespero.6180


Can we actually stop calling each other fanboys or complainers ????

It leads nowhere and makes it difficult for the mods to keep everything calm with 5.000 new post about fanboys or complainers every day.

What is true though, there is a huge comunity in GW2 that is ignored since day1.
We have happy pvp, we have happy wvw, we have happy dungeon runners and farmers……..

But there is one group left out.
The mystery and fantasy story loving role gamer. People who doesn’t hunt
for the newest shiny armor, who couldn’t care less about zerker fests.
It’s people who love their character and want to experience a wonderful magic time
with friends or alone.Epic storys to be told, epic fights to be fought and sad defeats to be experienced. people who want something else than constantly pushing button 2.
They want to roam around in shiver peaks and interact with dwarfen ruins or discover anicient continents.

For these people nothing changed since 2012.
All contend so far is meaningless for these people. They don’t want minipets in gem store or incredible ugly armors. They want adventures.

With that said, it is really time to do something for these brave community who are here since GW1 when adventure still ment something.
Cantha is to discover, Palawas dead hordes are waiting to be massacred in Elona…

I understand that Pvp or WvW kids saying… wait a moment i couldn’t care less…
but even if we are a small group we deserve to be heard.
Or at least pretend we are welcome here without being called complainers

finally someone got the point, i was losing my hopes.
Sadly, the new community (or new generation of mmo players) seems to care less than nothing about real content and only care of numbers and letters reported on the patch notes page.

I think that gw2 is totally not the game where we should look for this kind of things.

In the last few patches we saw how they’re trying to make you fell like you are just 1 on a million players. you can do nothing special, and having you instead of another running a dungeon couldn’t change less the result.
That’s just an exemple…

I wonder is something important is under developement on this side or not.
I don’t think somone will cry if the answer is “NO”..

Nothing upcoming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kaz.5430


blah blah … but content only counts if I say it does … blah blah … fanboy … blah blah … I don’t even play … blah blah … yawn

Monarchy - 15 year old browser-based game and roleplay community
Table Warfare Miniatures - Armatures, Custom Miniatures, Moulds etc.

Nothing upcoming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Thaddeus.4891


Sadly all what had to be said to produce something good was said. and nothing happened.

No, you mean that you said all you wanted in the game, but none or only a small portion of what you find the more interesting was done. So you feel that the game suck and it’s not worth playing.

And that’s ok. Its a game, after all, with millions of people that played it at some point (for 5min or for 18 months). Its not designed to be perfect for everybody, and It can’t be designed that way anyway. Some people find it perfect for them, other like it even if they would prefer to have several things done differently, and for other this game it really not right for them.

Now complaining about something particular its something that is interesting. I don’t like the megaserver because that make my life harder when i try to do Tequalt, but they could fix that by several ways and you can have a discussion about which way is the best. Its an interesting discussion.

But when you come in the forum and say, its a freaking beta game, so much things is missing in this game and 90% of the players are just waiting for the real game. They done NOTHING in the game to improve it. Then you don’t sound like someone looking for answer or to engage in a discussion. You just sound like you need to shout your frustration with the game on the forum. If you don’t enjoy the game because some stuff that you want is not in it, or you feel that the game don’t get enough new content, then you can complain about that in particular. If after 18 months nothing change and the game is still not going in the direction you would like it to go, then let it go and change of game.

Thaddeauz [xQCx]- QC GUILD

Nothing upcoming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kreslin.6832


The problem with a game is that we have very poorly implemented role-playing, storytelling, journey. What we do have is farming legendaries, farming dungeons, achievements, farming gold for buying crystals, so we can buy things in the game store.
Farming, farming, and again – farming.

What else can we do in the game? I’m not talking about PvP and WvW because it’s another topic.

So what else you can do in the game except of farming and mindless killing mobs?

Why don’t we have more Personal Stories? It’s been 20 months since GW2 release, and we still don’t have any storytelling improvements. We still have the same locations.
Origin Guild Wars after 20 months have already had Cantha, and Elona! The two new continents for journey! In GW2 we don’t even have access to Crystal Desert, Far Shiverpeaks and Maguuma Jungle yet! I’m afraid of thinking when we’re gonna have an access to Elona and Cantha. In five years maybe? We have only one new location. And Fractals. That’s all.

Living Story? Living Story was an achievement farming (another farming). Temporary content is not the content by the way. It’s a temporary EVENT like Wintersday.

The problem with GW2 is that it’s not different with other previous mmo games. Yes, you don’t have to grind so much like in other mmo, and? We still have lot of farming, and we have almost nothing else to do.

We will see what we’ll have when access to Crystal Desert and other lands will open, but I highly doubt that it will change the situation.

I feel like GW2 is not the game, which can bring you the feeling of adventures. Farming is the core of this game, not adventures.

Seize the day.

Nothing upcoming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drakenvold.9761


^this sadly..+1 man for saying it like it is

Nothing upcoming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sharky.5024


…It’s been 20 months since GW2 release, and we still don’t have any storytelling improvements…

04/2005 Prophecies
09/2005 Sorrow’s Furnace update
04/2006 Factions
10/2006 Nightfall
03/2007 GW2 officially announced
08/2007 Eye of the North expansion
08/2012 GW2 release

So if there comes an official announcement within the next 3 months for Guild Wars 3 being in development, everything will be on schedule…

Nothing upcoming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Luke.4562


Definetly no focus on the build/traits/skills system:

  • the new healing was a waste for most of the classes;
  • the new traits show again how much smartness and dedication they put on them ( =0);
  • there haven’t been any rework for the less used skills, there are a lot of skills unused because they’re subpar;
  • there haven’t been new skills helping to raise the build variety and change the actual meta;
  • there haven’t been a new single set of armor worth buying, the armor and weapon design on this game is a total fail: over 50 armor sets, the most appealing would be 2-3 (and just some pieces).
ALPHA, BETA, several months, … 1 Year later…“When it’s ready”[cit.]

(edited by Luke.4562)