Nov. Monthly Achievement Alienates Casuals
Yeah not sure on this one. If it doesn’t cater to your play style, then don’t go for it. If you don’t like the game, don’t play it.
It goes the same for the whole ‘ascended’ argument. I’m not sure why people complain so much now. Guild Wars is not a game that is meant to be finished in a day. They have added TONS of content, and yet people complain about that. If you don’t like ‘the grind’ or supposed ‘gear treadmill’ please find another gaming forum to clutter up with all the negativity.
Karma Jugs and Mystic Coins — casual players need them too!
I have a bank full of karma jugs and mystic coins from dailies…which i seem to get without even trying… I haven’t found a need for them yet.
edit – or maybethey came from map completions. I don’t know I don’t pay much attention.
“Nov. Monthly Achievement Alienates Casuals”
Good, they belong in the arcade hack and slash beat em up genre anyhow.
What’s the point of having something if “EVERYONE” has it?
Making MMO’s casual friendly usually means dumbing down the game so no poor fella feels left behind. Which isn’t what MMO’s are about. If everyone is 100% equal whats even the point of gear? Different costumes? You don’t need an MMO for that type of gameplay.
Also if you’re dead set on this game and “fair play” 8 vs 8’s are right up your alley. Everyone has the same stuff and access to the same skills. Win/Win for everyone.
WvWvW will NEVER be “fair” because there is always one side who has more people anyhow. A lesser manned squad with all the best gear could change that though, variables, it makes battles on a large scale more interesting.
(edited by DegoLocc.5976)
You said…
Then I said…
What I see is that you don’t like snobs (me neither), you consider yourself a noob (which is the equivalent of “not too competitive” player, to put it in a friendly manner) and that you play a lot (hardcore gamer by the time you invest), although you’re not a farmer/grinder neither pull too much from your Credit Card by the amount of gold you have (a thing that imo honours you).
Just to clarify one point: casual/hardcore terms are usually used in relation with the amount of TIME you commit to a particular game. Which are as valid as any etiquettes can be (don’t forget that we (EU and USA at least) live in a rationalistic culture that is fond of clasifying and putting etiquettes
((EDIT: typos))
Ok cool. I’m a hard core player that doesn’t accomplish much.
Reminds me of that line from “The Last Starfighter” (pulled that one right out of the bargain bin): “A mobile home that never went anywhere. Fascinating.”
I’ve posted this in similar threads, and I’ve seen other make the same suggestion.
Daily and Monthly achievements should be a grab bag of items, and you choose a subset to complete it. Here’s 10 things you could do, finish any 5 and you are done. Mix and match things you enjoy doing.
The sad thing is I ‘hate’ dungeons, but early this month I gritted my teeth and went and did the 5 needed. I figured the two ‘surprise’ ones were going to be some fun, cute event-y type thing, much like the Mad King monthly was (certain number of events or something?). One of them was, kill lots of karka. I got some doing the first and second one time events. I skipped the third, I didn’t feel like it, and the rewards didn’t seem like they were going to go in the direction of actually getting something useful, guess I lost out there. The other one is fractals. I have no interest in that sort of testosterone-filled activity, so I won’t be doing my monthly. And that’s fine. Hopefully next month.
I will be sad not to get that 60 copper though.
I’m sorry that may be your and some opinions but that does mean that is what it needs to be. Monthly achievements are something that they set out that requires work and time (hence achieving…). Not something you get to pick and choose to do. They do this to help encourage people to try things.
Some people will be surprised they actually had fun doing something while working toward their achievement, things they had pre conceptions on not enjoying.
I can say it took 2 nights to get the fractals done. A few hours to get the kill the karkas done (especially during the events). WvWvW took me two nights but some of my guildies got it done just on a friday night. The dungeon one will probably take 2 nights for me and some guildies.
I think they are using them to encourage people to try things they feel are under utilized or that they want to stress. For instance many people stopped running dungeons bc they felt the loot wasn’t worth it. They have changed the loot tables and now they are hoping to bring those people back to it.
I can only say that the monthly is an achievement and if you don’t want to do what’s on the list, just wait for next month.
My opinion is if you don’t feel the reward is worth the work then don’t do it.
If there was something that took 10 minutes to get credit for, people would complain they have a busy life and only can play 7-8 minutes max.
It is a MONTHLY achievement. Even a casual should have the time for this in a month, should they be interested in pursuing it.
This is the first monthly achievement I’m actually going to get
only 4 wvw kills left! I really suck at wvw and even I am almost there.
As a casual I can say this does not alienate us. We are not forced to do monthlies and if we do wan to achieve it, just run some fractals and 5 story mode dungeons. Go get some Karka kills and call it a month which is plenty of time to complete these.
If not, wait for December and see what they have to offer. For me it was a nice way to see content I would have normally not seen as I usually engage in WvW.
Not everyone plays like everyone else, Id like to see some options in that list.
Like 5 dungeons and 7 Fractals “OR” 100 Dynamic Events …. things like that keep more people happy.
They have to start looking for ways to give players incentive to participate in the open world or there group Dynamic events just fail.
agree. This funnelling people out of the world and into little boxes is getting out of hand. Dungeons were supposed to one part of the game and now we have LA as a lobby with constant lfg chat spam while the rest of the world dies on its backside.
The other lovely addition since this update is an increase in the hardcore v casual chatter. I swear that only in mmos do you find the feckless lecturing hard working people about putting more effort in. Boggles the mind.
This will be the first monthly since release I will not be able to complete.
I know they wanted to promote the Fractals and making a dungeon requirement directs players to that content. I am not pleased about the requirement, but so long as they do not make a regular dungeon requirement I will not get overly upset.
I would much rather see dynamic events and open world bosses as requirements, so we see more players work at these large scale events.
I laugh at this supposed community we have here. Everything is spouted out as being optional if you don’t want to do something don’t do it, play the game the way you want to. Yet when a player decides that dungeons are an option they don’t want to do, the other side wants to stick it down their throat oh they’re easy they only take 10 20 30 mins, oh I get groups in a minute, find a pve guild, I run with good groups all the time! No respect for a player and their choice not to do dungeons, if they don’t want to do dungeons then they don’t deserve the monthly right. Wish they would make bigger wvw objectives in the monthly so that it’s fair for both sides at least.
You know the monthly achievement is intended to give you different goals for the month so that you keep playing the game, it’s not a legendary achievement kitten If we the players don’t want the devs to add more options to the monthly so that we all may enjoy the content the way we want to, then so be it. Continue on berating your fellow community members, keep making them unhappy, and see how well that works out for the game in the long run.
I like this option, not bothering to do monthly because it has something I don’t want to do, not bothering to “donate” to the cash shop anymore because I now don’t enjoy the game as much, not bothering to log in as much because the devs don’t care so why should I, not bothering with this community anymore because they’re quickly becoming the same elitist group from other games.
North Keep: One of the village residents will now flee if their home is destroyed.
“Game over man, Game Over!” – RIP Bill
I really really hope ANet doesn’t listen and respond to this post. The monthlies are perfect how they are. Casuals are casuals… meaning they play casually and don’t have time to worry about things like monthlies.
They’re also the ones who keep the game running. They’re the ones who spend cash on cosmetics.
Show some respect to the people who fund your content.
It is a MONTHLY achievement. Even a casual should have the time for this in a month, should they be interested in pursuing it.
Assuming your dungeon doesn’t bug out constantly because ANet won’t fix the bloody things.
Yeah not sure on this one. If it doesn’t cater to your play style, then don’t go for it. If you don’t like the game, don’t play it.
It goes the same for the whole ‘ascended’ argument. I’m not sure why people complain so much now. Guild Wars is not a game that is meant to be finished in a day. They have added TONS of content, and yet people complain about that. If you don’t like ‘the grind’ or supposed ‘gear treadmill’ please find another gaming forum to clutter up with all the negativity.
So you’re offering to return all the money to people who purchased the game based on the designers’ stated goals?
What happened to like, putting in an effort, working hard, and getting rewarded as a result of it?
There’s many people in real life who persevere under circumstances they hate. But they persevere nonetheless, and sometimes, they get rewarded.
This is just a game, and rewards are guaranteed for your efforts. Seriously, stop being lazy. If you want to be rewarded, prepared to work hard towards that goal. Not every step of the way will be fun.
Once you get used to it, a fractal map takes about 20 min to finish on the short ones, and at level 1 most are extremely easy. Now you dont have to complete all three and advance to next level to get credit. Even if you only did one map you get credit for it. And if level two happens to be too hard for you, just keep doing it at lvl1 for credit.
Edit: So for seven maps itll probably take you like 3-4 hours out of the whole month (as long as you dont run into the awful dredge one ughh)
(edited by Penguin.5197)
What happened to like, putting in an effort, working hard, and getting rewarded as a result of it?
There’s many people in real life who persevere under circumstances they hate. But they persevere nonetheless, and sometimes, they get rewarded.
This is just a game, and rewards are guaranteed for your efforts. Seriously, stop being lazy. If you want to be rewarded, prepared to work hard towards that goal. Not every step of the way will be fun.
Rewards are in no way guaranteed. I’ve yet to get anything useful from a dungeon. Or any other chest in the game, really, aside from the Karka end-of-event chest.
I laugh at this supposed community we have here. Everything is spouted out as being optional if you don’t want to do something don’t do it, play the game the way you want to. Yet when a player decides that dungeons are an option they don’t want to do, the other side wants to stick it down their throat oh they’re easy they only take 10 20 30 mins, oh I get groups in a minute, find a pve guild, I run with good groups all the time! No respect for a player and their choice not to do dungeons, if they don’t want to do dungeons then they don’t deserve the monthly right. Wish they would make bigger wvw objectives in the monthly so that it’s fair for both sides at least.
You know the monthly achievement is intended to give you different goals for the month so that you keep playing the game, it’s not a legendary achievement kitten If we the players don’t want the devs to add more options to the monthly so that we all may enjoy the content the way we want to, then so be it. Continue on berating your fellow community members, keep making them unhappy, and see how well that works out for the game in the long run.
I like this option, not bothering to do monthly because it has something I don’t want to do, not bothering to “donate” to the cash shop anymore because I now don’t enjoy the game as much, not bothering to log in as much because the devs don’t care so why should I, not bothering with this community anymore because they’re quickly becoming the same elitist group from other games.
I hardly think me saying…if I see something as a goal but I don’t like the work I won’t do it as being elitist… I call it rational.
I see them put up a monthly. I look at the goals. If I find them something I am willing to work towards I do them to get the monthly. If I don’t then I don’t. I don’t come on and complain I don’t get all upset that the monthly this month doesn’t meet MY criteria of what I WANT to do to get it done. I can do daily achievements and get the goal 3x the amount.
I am simply saying is that they do this to encourage activity for the long term health of the game.
Yes an occasional person is going to get upset that the monthly requires them to do something they didn’t think they wanted to do.
I just don’t see the issue. Maybe I am being obtuse here but missing a month or two in the scheme of things is that really a gamebreaker?
I seem to see guildies not getting dailies done and not getting upset about it. I see guildies not getting monthlies done and not complaining. They keep playing and enjoying the game.
That isn’t elitism.
What happened to like, putting in an effort, working hard, and getting rewarded as a result of it?
There’s many people in real life who persevere under circumstances they hate. But they persevere nonetheless, and sometimes, they get rewarded.
This is just a game, and rewards are guaranteed for your efforts. Seriously, stop being lazy. If you want to be rewarded, prepared to work hard towards that goal. Not every step of the way will be fun.
Rewards are in no way guaranteed. I’ve yet to get anything useful from a dungeon. Or any other chest in the game, really, aside from the Karka end-of-event chest.
I thought this topic was about the monthly achievement?
What happened to like, putting in an effort, working hard, and getting rewarded as a result of it?
There’s many people in real life who persevere under circumstances they hate. But they persevere nonetheless, and sometimes, they get rewarded.
This is just a game, and rewards are guaranteed for your efforts. Seriously, stop being lazy. If you want to be rewarded, prepared to work hard towards that goal. Not every step of the way will be fun.
I bought this game to pvp, I work hard in that area of the game, where’s my monthly rewards? Just because a player does not put in the effort in the same areas of the game as you does not mean they do not “work” for their rewards in other areas. Because I don’t want to do a dungeon I must be lazy and a freeloader and want everything for free! again the elitist way of thinking.
You are right this is a “game” and it caters to a broad range of players, the rewards are being pushed to one segment of players, so we’re here to give feedback, if you don’t like it you can always optionally not read these threads.
North Keep: One of the village residents will now flee if their home is destroyed.
“Game over man, Game Over!” – RIP Bill
I really dislike the dungeons in this game.
I won;t get my monthly this time around.
Guess what, that is my problem, nobody else’s. The requirement is pretty easy to get. I just rather not pug it up 5x in a dungeon (in a smaller guild, folks spread out time wise). So I miss this one. No big deal.
What happened to like, putting in an effort, working hard, and getting rewarded as a result of it?
There’s many people in real life who persevere under circumstances they hate. But they persevere nonetheless, and sometimes, they get rewarded.
This is just a game, and rewards are guaranteed for your efforts. Seriously, stop being lazy. If you want to be rewarded, prepared to work hard towards that goal. Not every step of the way will be fun.
I bought this game to pvp, I work hard in that area of the game, where’s my monthly rewards? Just because a player does not put in the effort in the same areas of the game as you does not mean they do not “work” for their rewards in other areas. Because I don’t want to do a dungeon I must be lazy and a freeloader and want everything for free! again the elitist way of thinking.
You are right this is a “game” and it caters to a broad range of players, the rewards are being pushed to one segment of players, so we’re here to give feedback, if you don’t like it you can always optionally not read these threads.
I believe they just added dailies and monthlies to PvP so now I don’t believe you should have an issue any longer.
Yes I agree it would have been nice for them to get this in place but I guess they needed to look at what to put in after a few months of crunching to complete a system. On the bright side they got it in.
What happened to like, putting in an effort, working hard, and getting rewarded as a result of it?
There’s many people in real life who persevere under circumstances they hate. But they persevere nonetheless, and sometimes, they get rewarded.
This is just a game, and rewards are guaranteed for your efforts. Seriously, stop being lazy. If you want to be rewarded, prepared to work hard towards that goal. Not every step of the way will be fun.
Rewards are in no way guaranteed. I’ve yet to get anything useful from a dungeon. Or any other chest in the game, really, aside from the Karka end-of-event chest.
I thought this topic was about the monthly achievement?
It is. However, the prior poster said “guaranteed.” The Monthly items are only a “reward” when combined with other items obtained through farming.
As far as i understand – noone forces you to do the achievements. I play for 1-2 hours a day if i have time, so you can call me pretty casual – and i am not stressing as much about not being able to complete everything.
Not everything should be designed for casuals ONLY.
The monthly being “optional” was a stronger argument before the introduction of karma jugs. Now that karma jugs are basically the best source of karma, without grinding tons of events, the daily’s and monthly’s are closer to mainline content than “optional”
Before this month, the monthly’s could always be completed solo. Fractals and dungeons are required group content. Anet can’t claim the game is both friendly for group and solo players if the major source of karma is now gated for group only.
Honestly, the daily achievement of killing 15 diff types of mobs is more difficult than the monthlies >_> had to change chars 3x just to finish it (or go to wvw)
What happened to like, putting in an effort, working hard, and getting rewarded as a result of it?
There’s many people in real life who persevere under circumstances they hate. But they persevere nonetheless, and sometimes, they get rewarded.
This is just a game, and rewards are guaranteed for your efforts. Seriously, stop being lazy. If you want to be rewarded, prepared to work hard towards that goal. Not every step of the way will be fun.
I bought this game to pvp, I work hard in that area of the game, where’s my monthly rewards? Just because a player does not put in the effort in the same areas of the game as you does not mean they do not “work” for their rewards in other areas. Because I don’t want to do a dungeon I must be lazy and a freeloader and want everything for free! again the elitist way of thinking.
You are right this is a “game” and it caters to a broad range of players, the rewards are being pushed to one segment of players, so we’re here to give feedback, if you don’t like it you can always optionally not read these threads.
If you PvP only, why do you want to the monthly achievement? All the monthly achievement gives is a little bit of achievement points (completely cosmetic, worthless), some silver (barely any. If you purely PvP though, you don’t need it anyways), some mystic coins (Not used in any PvP recipes if I’m not mistaken), and some karma (not used in PvP at all).
So yea, I’m confused. You’re essentially saying you want these mainly PvE rewards (karma, mystic coin…). But you say you mainly PvP. You do get PvP monthly rewards you know. Tourney tickets and glory boosters I believe.
Wait…So why do you want the PvE monthly rewards again?
What happened to like, putting in an effort, working hard, and getting rewarded as a result of it?
There’s many people in real life who persevere under circumstances they hate. But they persevere nonetheless, and sometimes, they get rewarded.
This is just a game, and rewards are guaranteed for your efforts. Seriously, stop being lazy. If you want to be rewarded, prepared to work hard towards that goal. Not every step of the way will be fun.
Rewards are in no way guaranteed. I’ve yet to get anything useful from a dungeon. Or any other chest in the game, really, aside from the Karka end-of-event chest.
Rewards are guaranteed as long as you finish (and there’s no glitch).
First run of any path gets you 60 tokens. Each fractal pays off, too. Plus there’s the loot, which really doesn’t suck. Always get a pile of vendor items and just about always something to break for ectos.
The GW2 system is a nice break from dungeons in other games where the item you want may never drop, and/or you get out-rolled. Here it’s much less emphasis on loot, but you get currency instead.
(now the fact there’s no line of upgrades to buy once you have the basics…)
A misconception up above a dozen posts or so: Story mode dungeons are not easier. IME they’re always longer than an explorable path. And, of course you don’t get the currency for story-mode, just a one-time quest item (plus a wad of cash, xp, karma)
What happened to like, putting in an effort, working hard, and getting rewarded as a result of it?
There’s many people in real life who persevere under circumstances they hate. But they persevere nonetheless, and sometimes, they get rewarded.
This is just a game, and rewards are guaranteed for your efforts. Seriously, stop being lazy. If you want to be rewarded, prepared to work hard towards that goal. Not every step of the way will be fun.
Rewards are in no way guaranteed. I’ve yet to get anything useful from a dungeon. Or any other chest in the game, really, aside from the Karka end-of-event chest.
I thought this topic was about the monthly achievement?
It is. However, the prior poster said “guaranteed.” The Monthly items are only a “reward” when combined with other items obtained through farming.
I’m very confused at your post. “combined with other items obtained through farming?” What the heck do you mean? When you do everything from the monthly, you get some exp, karma, mystic coins, and some silver, guaranteed.
So…no. The monthly items are a reward, period. It’s a reward which you get from doing a set number of things. Again, maybe I’m misunderstanding your post, and if I am, forgive me. But my original point was that, if you don’t like some of the set things required for the monthly, then put in some hard work and do things you don’t like if you really want that reward.
Karma Jugs and Mystic Coins — casual players need them too!
So you think everyone like yourself, casuals, should get the rewards because you are just too casual to put the time in to earn them, like participation trophies, correct?
As far as i understand – noone forces you to do the achievements. I play for 1-2 hours a day if i have time, so you can call me pretty casual – and i am not stressing as much about not being able to complete everything.
Not everything should be designed for casuals ONLY.
The monthly being “optional” was a stronger argument before the introduction of karma jugs. Now that karma jugs are basically the best source of karma, without grinding tons of events, the daily’s and monthly’s are closer to mainline content than “optional”
Before this month, the monthly’s could always be completed solo. Fractals and dungeons are required group content. Anet can’t claim the game is both friendly for group and solo players if the major source of karma is now gated for group only.
Doing the dailies nets you 28-31 jugs which will give you nearly enough for an entire set of karma armor. With just 1 karma boost. Pumping all the karma boosts you can get in the game it will net you more karma than the full suit and give you plenty to spare.
Not to mention you can still farm karma in orr to boost your karma.
Arenanet trying to get people to work in a group is a bad thing? Really? Really really?
I am simply saying karma is given out quickly and easily now with dailies let alone the monthly so Yes I am saying it’s optional.
I won’t be able to do next months because I will be out of town doing work related things that will occur during the winterfest events. Am I upset in the least? no.
Will they have things relating to winterfest…. I am fairly certain of it. Why? Because they want to encourage participation in the events. Does it upset me that it will be tied to something I won’t be able to do? No again not in the least because I understand the goals of the achievement.
The game is friendly to solo and group players. This particular Monthly just happens to not be “friendly” to the way you want to play. That makes it neither a fault or wrong.
Unfriendly to casual players — I include here wvw exotics, T3 cultural items, legendaries, Greatsaw Greatsword, Mad King tower puzzle, 100% map completion, cute/sexy/kitten outfits (in both regular and pvp), and complete dungeon sets.
The monthly is hard, but my son, who’s a 3 sport athlete, in 2 music groups, honors student, active in clubs… even he got the monthly done, just this weekend. He’s not casual about anything he does, but his playtime is very limited. I guess he’s kick-butt-casual.
I hardly think me saying…if I see something as a goal but I don’t like the work I won’t do it as being elitist… I call it rational.
I see them put up a monthly. I look at the goals. If I find them something I am willing to work towards I do them to get the monthly. If I don’t then I don’t. I don’t come on and complain I don’t get all upset that the monthly this month doesn’t meet MY criteria of what I WANT to do to get it done. I can do daily achievements and get the goal 3x the amount.
I am simply saying is that they do this to encourage activity for the long term health of the game.
Yes an occasional person is going to get upset that the monthly requires them to do something they didn’t think they wanted to do.
I just don’t see the issue. Maybe I am being obtuse here but missing a month or two in the scheme of things is that really a gamebreaker?
I seem to see guildies not getting dailies done and not getting upset about it. I see guildies not getting monthlies done and not complaining. They keep playing and enjoying the game.
That isn’t elitism.
Ok so we don’t want to finish the monthly because of dungeons, but we should not come in here to express our feelings and ask for change so that I could get better options for our area of the game? I have no problems with the daily, because in fact you can do the dailies in pve OR wvw, that is an option that works for all sides. I don’t know why they don’t give you a list of 10 choices and let you pick 5 to do.
The monthly achievement is a goal that every player would like to work at and complete according to their play style of this game, in fact it’s to the games best interest to have all it’s players interested in doing the monthly, so they keep playing the game, hell they even put in dailies and monthly now for spvp to keep players interested there.
Not every player likes to do dungeons, or wvw, or spvp, people need to start respecting that, I left 8 years of dungeon and raiding in wow to come to gw2 to wvw, if I wanted dungeons and raids I would have stuck to wow because frankly they do it better. I wouldn’t even have a problem if they had the salvaging option because I can complete that too while in wvw, in fact I did for september and october, people complained but I didn’t say anything they had a right to voice their displeasure with it.
You do not encourage activity for the long term health of the game if you are making players feel unhappy playing your game. Instead of working to make the game better I see players actively just trying to get players to stop playing the game instead, how is that good for long term health.
North Keep: One of the village residents will now flee if their home is destroyed.
“Game over man, Game Over!” – RIP Bill
Yes I took one look at the new monthly achievement and made a mental note to not even bother trying.
The sad thing is I love GW2, and yet somehow am beginning to feel excluded from some of the higher-level content. Quite unexpected. I hope ArenaNet remember that they said people who don’t want to do dungeons will have the opportunity to get equal gear as well. Well I see no alternatives as yet to getting Ascended gear, so I hope it will happen relatively soon.
The game is awesome however, I do worry that I am going to be so far behind on being able to obtain the latest shinies that unless I keep leveling alts, the 80 content will become unreachable, and I’ll just stop playing from lack of motivation.
I don’t know…I’m a ‘casual’ and I don’t think the monthly is that hard.
1. WvW 50 kills.
2. 5 dungeon runs
3. 200 karka killed — easy if you did the event.
4. 7 Fractals run (only having trouble with this one because someone always dc’s in our group so I’ve only gotten credit for 2 completions despite running around 10 times)
Oh snap, I may have 25 dailies done and not hit one of those above. Marks Monthly goal off the to do list.
And by the way, I’m with Polaris.
I hardly think me saying…if I see something as a goal but I don’t like the work I won’t do it as being elitist… I call it rational.
I see them put up a monthly. I look at the goals. If I find them something I am willing to work towards I do them to get the monthly. If I don’t then I don’t. I don’t come on and complain I don’t get all upset that the monthly this month doesn’t meet MY criteria of what I WANT to do to get it done. I can do daily achievements and get the goal 3x the amount.
I am simply saying is that they do this to encourage activity for the long term health of the game.
Yes an occasional person is going to get upset that the monthly requires them to do something they didn’t think they wanted to do.
I just don’t see the issue. Maybe I am being obtuse here but missing a month or two in the scheme of things is that really a gamebreaker?
I seem to see guildies not getting dailies done and not getting upset about it. I see guildies not getting monthlies done and not complaining. They keep playing and enjoying the game.
That isn’t elitism.
Ok so we don’t want to finish the monthly because of dungeons, but we should not come in here to express our feelings and ask for change so that I could get better options for our area of the game? I have no problems with the daily, because in fact you can do the dailies in pve OR wvw, that is an option that works for all sides. I don’t know why they don’t give you a list of 10 choices and let you pick 5 to do.
The monthly achievement is a goal that every player would like to work at and complete according to their play style of this game, in fact it’s to the games best interest to have all it’s players interested in doing the monthly, so they keep playing the game, hell they even put in dailies and monthly now for spvp to keep players interested there.
Not every player likes to do dungeons, or wvw, or spvp, people need to start respecting that, I left 8 years of dungeon and raiding in wow to come to gw2 to wvw, if I wanted dungeons and raids I would have stuck to wow because frankly they do it better. I wouldn’t even have a problem if they had the salvaging option because I can complete that too while in wvw, in fact I did for september and october, people complained but I didn’t say anything they had a right to voice their displeasure with it.
You do not encourage activity for the long term health of the game if you are making players feel unhappy playing your game. Instead of working to make the game better I see players actively just trying to get players to stop playing the game instead, how is that good for long term health.
Yet again I can only say. If you don’t want to do the monthly THIS MONTH then don’t. The next month if you see you want to then do so. If I don’t want to do the stuff a particular month then guess what? I won’t! Coming on to say THIS MONTH you gave options that I didn’t like so now I feel excluded seems a tad bit extreme.
They are trying to encourage people to try all aspects of the game. If you don’t like or are unwilling to try those aspects you simply lose out on the monthly. However you can get the dailies done and you get 3 times the reward from those.
You are not being excluded. Simply put those that are willing to participate in more aspects of the game are being rewarded more.
Daily and Monthly achievements should be a grab bag of items, and you choose a subset to complete it. Here’s 10 things you could do, finish any 5 and you are done. Mix and match things you enjoy doing.
Ding-ding. This is not about feeling obligated to earn extra rewards, it’s having to trudge through game play modes you do not like or want to do in order to earn them. While things like salvage are common to all players, dungeons/WvW are absolutely personal. Woe to those that see 75% completion and debate participating in activity that otherwise provides zero benefit or fun. Telling people they then don’t “need” that reward is just adding insult to dilemma.
Every player should be able to play “their” game and have it contribute to rewards.
Sidebar: As much as people want WvW to blend PvE and PvP, this will never happen and I do have sympathy for hardcore PvPers who have to suck it up and play through content that offers them nothing. I groan over the thought of running around like a fiend for my “world” while hardcore players agonize over my noob experience in WvW. I say let the people who want to be there play it; the required achievement throws in people that have no dedication to the objectives and are there because Kill 10 rats.
I understand the intent is to get everyone jumping across content, but instead it comes off to many as having a nice meal with a certain food they dislike, yet have to eat before dessert. Come on, now. Give up the notion that any participation is good participation.
nobody runs fractal level 1 any more so its now nearly impossible to complete the monthly.
Do you think they could give 10 choices that have an equivalent amount of effort to achieve?
I don’t. Then I would think people would simply complain that 1 way of getting the achievement done is easier than another. Why does their method of gameplay get the advantage.
My point being is that the 10 choice can’t be balanced and would relegate the achievement to simply a give me my reward. The daily already does that.
nobody runs fractal level 1 any more so its now nearly impossible to complete the monthly.
That is so untrue.
nobody runs fractal level 1 any more so its now nearly impossible to complete the monthly.
That is so untrue.
it took me an hour to find a party and we could only do 1 floor because of a play dcing. Getting to level 2 now will be nearly impossible unless you have people to help you.
In all seriousness, I have to agree that monthly achievements probably just weren’t designed with casuals in mind. They are not for me, I do not enjoy doing them – so I just ignore them. Once I did complete a monthy achievement, but saw that the rewards really didn’t justify the annoyance it brought me – so I stopped caring. Should I mention that I also don’t care about Legendaries?
I am casual. I have not completed any monthly achievement. I also do not care because I play what I want to play when I want to play it.
Khazad Fundinul [KF] – Tarnished Coast
The 5 dungeons a month is fine. It’s easy to get done.
The fractals requirement is just for this month. It will change next month (possibly to something wintersday related..)
My personal philosophy is that I will do the monthly achievement if it requires me to do 1-2 things outside of my normal play preference.
I’d have to say that this month all 4 were outside of what I would normally do, but while it’s not worth it to me to do the achievement (and get the rewards), I don’t see the point in getting mad about it.
That said, WvW has been in the monthly each month while everything else has rotated. It would be nice if that dropped out, or even if they mixed it up. Amassing PKs isn’t supposed to be the primary point of WvW as a strategic battle, and I think it would be nice if the achievements at least rotated to reflect that. Kill/escort caravans, capture/defend strategic points, etc.
(edited by voyager.4982)
Do you think they could give 10 choices that have an equivalent amount of effort to achieve?
I don’t. Then I would think people would simply complain that 1 way of getting the achievement done is easier than another. Why does their method of gameplay get the advantage.
My point being is that the 10 choice can’t be balanced and would relegate the achievement to simply a give me my reward. The daily already does that.
I already think the kill 50 players is too low, while you others think the doing 5 dungeons is fine, so what’s the difference? The 10 offers and choice of picking 5 to do you actually end up with the OPTION to play the game you want, numbers can be tweaked as well.
In game already.
1. KIll 50 players.
2. Complete 5 Dungeons.
3. Salvage 500 items.
4. 100 Events completed.
5. 100k experience without death.
6. Complete 5 jumping puzzles.
7. Kill 100 of whatever mob of the month.
8. Capture 10 wvw towers.
9. Capture 5 wvw keeps.
10. Capture 1 wvw castle.
11. Capture 100 Supply Camps.
12. Mine 250 Ore(any type!)
13. Complete 50 Trading post transactions.
14. Explore 10 Vistas.
15. Win 5 Keg brawl games.
16. Score 10 Kegs.
17. Earn 300 points in a Trade Skill.
18. Consume 100 Food.
19. Consume 100 Water.
20. Create 5 Exotic items.
Special Events.
S. Complete 7 Fractals.
S. Kill 200 Karka.
S. Eat 150 Candy corn.
S. Throw 100 snowballs.
S. Collect 50 toys.
S. Create 50 Chocolate Cherries.
There are tons of stuff you can add, and guess what the daily actually helps in obtaining the monthly numbers too, and other achievements.
North Keep: One of the village residents will now flee if their home is destroyed.
“Game over man, Game Over!” – RIP Bill
I believe they just added dailies and monthlies to PvP so now I don’t believe you should have an issue any longer.
sPVP is completely separate from wvw the entire game for that matter. I sPVP a few times, but that offers no rewards for the outside game just makes you look better in the lobby and spvp maps, I’m more of a mass area pvp person than arena type. Glad for those players though, they get something to do along with tournament play, which they can earn gems from….
North Keep: One of the village residents will now flee if their home is destroyed.
“Game over man, Game Over!” – RIP Bill
Honestly, the daily achievement of killing 15 diff types of mobs is more difficult than the monthlies >_> had to change chars 3x just to finish it (or go to wvw)
Here’s a helpful hint, you know that big complex northwest end of the 1-15 asuran area, where the big fire elemental event spawns. If you go in there, there’s like 10-12 different mobs roaming in there. All you need to do is take the port north of the zone, kill a couple mobs on the way to the complex, then kill the rest in there, done. Then go south through the skritt caves you get enough stuff to harvest 20. I usually have problems with the events because that zone is pretty dead, but then I just hop into wvw and finish it up there instead.
North Keep: One of the village residents will now flee if their home is destroyed.
“Game over man, Game Over!” – RIP Bill