November Monthly on Oct. 31st?

November Monthly on Oct. 31st?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zoris.5870



Just realized that I dont have tonite ( halloween ) to finish off my monthly. My server is Sorrow’s Furnace and we’re on PST. Right now its around 5:20pm servertime…shouldn’t I have 6 hours left to finish???

November Monthly on Oct. 31st?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Anlos.1920



Nope. It resets the same time of day as the dailies do, which is midnight GMT.

November Monthly on Oct. 31st?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: poopdood.6821


Yeah it’s frustrating. I just started a similar topic

November Monthly on Oct. 31st?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: poopdood.6821


That information should be available in the game client.

November Monthly on Oct. 31st?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zoris.5870


Whats GMT in relation to PST then? +6 hours? wha?

November Monthly on Oct. 31st?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chorel.1720


Are we seriously going to do this every month that it resets? It always resets at GMT+0 I believe. So that means it will reset the day BEFORE the first of the month.

November Monthly on Oct. 31st?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: poopdood.6821


I have absolutely no doubt that people will have this problem until they fix the issue. There’s nothing expected about having a date-dependent feature reset using a different time-zone from the server.

So yes, you will seriously see these kinds of posts every month. It’s clearly a bug in the UX.

November Monthly on Oct. 31st?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gluebag.7845


Oh screw off about “are we going to do this every month.” If it was made clear somewhere that made sense, like the achievement page, people wouldn’t complain. It’s a reasonable assumption that you have until the END OF THE MONTH to finish a monthly achievement until you have been screwed out of it by this.

This is one of the few things in this game that has really irritated me given that I spent a bunch of money on stuff to finish the salvage achievement thinking I could do it when I got home from work. Come on, Arenanet, this is stupid.

November Monthly on Oct. 31st?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ryth.6518



Well I just wasted disenchanting 500+ things. I thought I had till the…wait for it…


Considering I just started playing NO WHERE does it say in the achievement that it ends a day early. Everyone I play with that just started thought we had till midnight tonight on our time zone server.

What a joke. My first real complaint with ANet…whoever designed it this way…it needs to be changed and people need to be given something for their wasted efforts.

(edited by Ryth.6518)

November Monthly on Oct. 31st?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bonefield.9813


Yeah, I have to agree that it’d be really nice to either have it explicitly stated somewhere that it ends on the last day of the month, or to have it reset on the actual first day of the month. My wife didn’t know the reset time and neither did I; I had my monthly done already, and she had about five salvages left to go when I checked my achievement tab and noticed that the monthly was on November. She was really upset, because she’d planned on using the karma to get an armor piece she’d been wanting, and she’d been looking forward to it all day. She feels like she wasted all of the work she’d put into it up to that point, since she’d been working on it bit by bit when she had time over the month.

I’m sure there are people who will say, “Well, you should have it done earlier,” or “You should inform yourself as to what time it resets,” but honestly the easiest thing to do would be to just make it clear or make it update on the first. I do think it’s reasonable for people to expect that they have until it actually is November to finish the October achievement.

November Monthly on Oct. 31st?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Unpredictability.4086


This is the dumbest thing in the game and yes, I’m extremely pissed about it too. Already posted about it once but I’m doing it again. Doing the WvW part is not fun and now all that time was wasted. I only had 100 or so salvages to do and could have easily done that before the server time became midnight. I could have even bought a bunch of crap and salvaged that in a minute that if I was running out of time. Now I have a bunch of salvage kits in my inventory ,all wasting space, that will take forever to be used up, and salvage isnt’ even part of this month’s monthly.

There better be an official response on this.

(edited by Unpredictability.4086)

November Monthly on Oct. 31st?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Anlos.1920


Daily and Monthly achievements — they reset back to zero at the start of each day and month respectively, at midnight UTC (4:00 PM PST/5:00 PM PDT).

From the Guild Wars 2 Wiki.

November Monthly on Oct. 31st?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mulch.2586


On a positive note, I haven’t seen a thread complaining about the daily-achieve reset time in a long time. And to be fair, this is only the 3rd time a month has ended in GW2.

November Monthly on Oct. 31st?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tolunart.2095


On a positive note, I haven’t seen a thread complaining about the daily-achieve reset time in a long time. And to be fair, this is only the 3rd time a month has ended in GW2.

Yes, it’s been a long time since anyone complained about this… 31 days to be exact. And 30 days from now there will be more complaints… especially when Daylight Savings Time ends this weekend (?) and the whole thing happens an hour earlier…

November Monthly on Oct. 31st?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Clem.2963


The world is not flat, people.

November Monthly on Oct. 31st?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Slark.1263


People already get confused enough with how timezones work. Using Midnight GMT for the reset is not the real problem. The problem is they use GMT to do resets, Pacific time to do updates, and Anet time to do random updates.

To solve this everything should be based on one time zone, either PST or GMT, not mixing differ time zones for game updates and events.

November Monthly on Oct. 31st?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ryth.6518


The Wiki is not in the game…nor should you have to look on it to figure out something that makes no sense.

A monthly is a monthly…it ended a day early and is not common knowledge.

That is not good game design..lots of people got really shafted with the 500 disenchanted items…talk about a waste.

ANET needs to make that up to people.

November Monthly on Oct. 31st?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tolunart.2095


It ended a few HOURS earlier than people thought it would… but only people who weren’t around a month ago, or a month before that… the same complaints happened those times, too, and nothing has changed. Arenanet isn’t going to rewrite their systems when people already know the “reset button” happens at 0:00 GMT.

If you don’t want to get caught by this, make sure you finish the monthly list a few days before the end of the month, not a few hours… You can complain all you want, but that is the only answer.

November Monthly on Oct. 31st?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ryth.6518


It ended a few HOURS earlier than people thought it would… but only people who weren’t around a month ago, or a month before that… the same complaints happened those times, too, and nothing has changed. Arenanet isn’t going to rewrite their systems when people already know the “reset button” happens at 0:00 GMT.

If you don’t want to get caught by this, make sure you finish the monthly list a few days before the end of the month, not a few hours… You can complain all you want, but that is the only answer.

A few hours…its more like 12+ hours for most.

November Monthly on Oct. 31st?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Melana.8345


The Wiki is not in the game…nor should you have to look on it to figure out something that makes no sense.

A monthly is a monthly…it ended a day early and is not common knowledge.

The wiki is directly accessible from in-game. Type “/wiki <topic>” and you’ll load it.

It only seemed to “end early” if you live in the US – the game is worldwide. Players are worldwide. Daily/Monthly resets are done worldwide at the same time for everyone, which meant that for me, the monthly ended about 11am Nov 1st in my local time. But it started at 10am Oct 1st in my local time (we had a daylight-savings timezone change during Oct), so we DID get a full month to do it.

Seriously, for a globally-played game, tying resets to GMT/UTC is the most sensible time I can think of. That time DOES NOT adjust for daylight savings (it’s a specific time constant), and all timezones are defined in reference to that time – i.e. “PDT -7:00” means “PDT is 7 hours behind UTC”. Having it in UTC/GMT means that calculations to work out your own local time are made a lot easier for everyone who DOESN’T live where the company is located…because you’re only needing to do one time conversion instead of two (otherwise you convert to GMT, then convert to the other timezone).

It also means that daylight savings timezone changes are not cumulative for people in the Southern Hemisphere. When we move our clocks forwards, the US is generally moving them back. The time difference between my local time and the local time at ArenaNet varies between 17h, 18h, and 19h (if I have calculated the times right) depending on the time of the year and the exact dates that the two areas change into/out of daylight savings (since not all countries/areas changes clocks on the same date).

So, you didn’t notice it last month, you missed the forum announcments/discussion about it a few weeks ago (last time it changed), you have never read the wiki, and you got caught out this month with an incorrect assumption. I’m sorry that has happened for you, I understand that it sucks – but you know now for future, and you can share that information amongst your guild/etc so that they know too.

Despaired Ranger: Crafted The Dreamer, lost range, lost GS condi damage for synergy.
Pet AI awful. Sword root+Aussie latency unmanagable. Lost playstyle, lost legendary, given up.
Mell: 80 Asura Guardian (+7 other 80s) | Aus Serenity [AUS] | Jade Quarry

November Monthly on Oct. 31st?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CrypticClout.9048


You’ve had a month to complete it, simple as that. The october monthly started the exact same time as the september, which was on the last day of the month on reset. It’s really not too difficult to grasp that it will be reset on the last day, when they chose to reset a daily part way through the day. Why take the time to set a seperate hour to reset the monthly, when they can easily enough attach it to the same reset as they already have in place?

November Monthly on Oct. 31st?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pennry.9215


I agree with and have no issues with the timing of the achievement resets. But as a courtesy they could add a simple timer to the dailies, monthly and event achievements. Just so anyone could know at-a-glance that they have X amount of time left to complete it.

November Monthly on Oct. 31st?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ryth.6518


You’ve had a month to complete it, simple as that. The october monthly started the exact same time as the september, which was on the last day of the month on reset. It’s really not too difficult to grasp that it will be reset on the last day, when they chose to reset a daily part way through the day. Why take the time to set a seperate hour to reset the monthly, when they can easily enough attach it to the same reset as they already have in place?

It’s not as simple as that.

I had a day to finish up…like many others believed they did also.

Like many others have posted…they need to add a timer to the monthly so people know about this.

And many of us just started playing in late Sept or early Oct…so we were in the dark about this. It’s been a month and a half obviously since they’ve known about this…ANet could have added something to clarify this in the game for people looking at the monthly ach.

They should add something like the timer so new players don’t get screwed over like many of us did with the 500 salvaged items.

And the /wiki doesn’t matter. Most players DO NOT visit sites for information. They expect it to be on the main GW2 site or in the game itself.

So, you didn’t notice it last month, you missed the forum announcments/discussion about it a few weeks ago (last time it changed), you have never read the wiki, and you got caught out this month with an incorrect assumption. I’m sorry that has happened for you, I understand that it sucks – but you know now for future, and you can share that information amongst your guild/etc so that they know too.

I started playing the last week of Sept and barely played that first week. Even people in my guild who have played since release didn’t know it reset like that tonight. Many thought that the monthly could be done at your pace and whenever you finish would reset in a months time for that individual so there was no rush.

GW2 doesn’t do a good job of educating the player ‘in game’…WoW had that issue for years and one of the things they’ve done a good job with over the last 2 years since Cataclysm is explaining all mechanics and other things in the game with prompts and explanation windows.

(edited by Ryth.6518)

November Monthly on Oct. 31st?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lorana.2468


people leaving everything till the last minute? reminds me of my school homework…

get the hard stuff out the way as quickly as possible, it’s good practice.

November Monthly on Oct. 31st?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kyias.1845


It has always been this way. The fact it ended 12 hours early for you means you also had +12 hours at the beginning of the month. Just like for all my dailies/monthly I get extra time to do them the night before.

Everyone just needs to accept that they calculated their time wrong, take it as a lesson in procrastination and simply move on. You know better than to wait until they very last minute next time.

Kyias Lightsun
Myrmidons of Kryta (MOK)
Blackgate Server

November Monthly on Oct. 31st?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jairlyn.1429


Why does it need to be explicitly stated when you can just look at the server time and tell. Why exactly would it be every players personal time when it resets? No server based game does that.

Jairlyn: Guardian- Yak’s Bend

November Monthly on Oct. 31st?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jairlyn.1429


A few hours…its more like 12+ hours for most.

Most people live west of the international date line and live in Asia/Oceania?

Jairlyn: Guardian- Yak’s Bend

November Monthly on Oct. 31st?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jairlyn.1429


I have absolutely no doubt that people will have this problem until they fix the issue. There’s nothing expected about having a date-dependent feature reset using a different time-zone from the server.

So yes, you will seriously see these kinds of posts every month. It’s clearly a bug in the UX.

If by issue you mean people failing to understand how a calendar and time zones work together then yes it will continue.

Jairlyn: Guardian- Yak’s Bend

November Monthly on Oct. 31st?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gluebag.7845


Why does it need to be explicitly stated when you can just look at the server time and tell. Why exactly would it be every players personal time when it resets? No server based game does that.

I don’t know where the server time is in game. The clock on my minimap said 8pm and it was 10/31. I think it’s a reasonable assumption that October hasn’t ended yet when your in-game clock says it’s 8pm on 10/31.

There are so many smug replies in this thread from people who knew when it would cut off previously and have now somehow decided that everyone who assumed a month that hadn’t ended yet wasn’t over in-game either are lazy idiots or something.

November Monthly on Oct. 31st?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jairlyn.1429


There are so many smug replies in this thread from people who knew when it would cut off previously and have now somehow decided that everyone who assumed a month that hadn’t ended yet wasn’t over in-game either are lazy idiots or something.

1: Options, User Interface, in-game clock. setting can be local time or server time.
2: The month did end for those the realize there are more countries in the world then their own.

Unless this is your first day playing then why exactly do some of you think the daily achievements resets in the middle of your day?

The replies some are getting are probably because the attitude around here is that there is some bug or a problem that needs to get fixed on ANets part.

Jairlyn: Guardian- Yak’s Bend

November Monthly on Oct. 31st?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: fungihoujo.8476


Remember when online games went by the time on my watch? No? Ya, me neither.

November Monthly on Oct. 31st?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tolunart.2095


“There are so many smug replies in this thread from people who knew when it would cut off previously”

Not being smug, I have seen the exact same outbursts and arguments three times now and know that I will see it again in a month. Every night at 8 pm (my time) – boom! – it’s tomorrow and the game resets the daily reward. Last night of the month, 8 pm (my time) – boom! – it’s tomorrow. It’s not hard to figure out.

When the server resets every single night at, say 5 pm if you’re on the US west coast, why would you think that one time every month it wouldn’t reset at 5 pm?

November Monthly on Oct. 31st?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Safari.3021


you’ve had a whole month to do this achievement and you failed because you left it all until the last day.

November Monthly on Oct. 31st?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: orci.5019


This is nothing new. Monthlies reset at the same time as dailies (8PM EDT). Just because some players left finishing it to the very last minute and failed to check the time doesn’t mean there is an issue here.

Server: Yak’s Bend.
Main: Hunter.

November Monthly on Oct. 31st?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ryth.6518


Remember when online games went by the time on my watch? No? Ya, me neither.

I do…it’s called World of Warcraft.

Server times were based on their location. Everyone I played with played on an east coast server.

And implementation of events was by country/location. Not one general location/TZ.

And to add more confusion to this…what time did the Mad King Event happen in LA…oh…12 pm PST….based on west coast time where ANET is located..just like WoW did it all their stuff.

If by issue you mean people failing to understand how a calendar and time zones work together then yes it will continue.

The only people who fail to understand how a calender and time zone works is ANET. Any person can tell you the Oct 31st falls in the month of….OCTOBER.

And the time on the clock in game is local time.

They either need to make this based on the country or the server time or add a countdown in your achievement because this is going to happen every month because honestly it’s back —-wards.

November Monthly on Oct. 31st?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ryth.6518


“There are so many smug replies in this thread from people who knew when it would cut off previously”

Not being smug, I have seen the exact same outbursts and arguments three times now and know that I will see it again in a month. Every night at 8 pm (my time) – boom! – it’s tomorrow and the game resets the daily reward. Last night of the month, 8 pm (my time) – boom! – it’s tomorrow. It’s not hard to figure out.

When the server resets every single night at, say 5 pm if you’re on the US west coast, why would you think that one time every month it wouldn’t reset at 5 pm?

Lots of people are not on during ‘resets’ of dailies.

Most of us thought dailies reset at 3AM EST because ANET is west coast and just like WoW, resets were done at 12AM PST.

When many of us play maybe 1-2 hours tops a play session and a few times a week, it’s not hard to understand that we wouldn’t be on during this…so really, your logic isnt a good reason for people to know when dailies reset.

The real question is again…why is ANET allowing this to happen?

If you guys saw this confusion last month at the end of Sept and even at the end of August, then OBVIOUSLY there is a underlying communication issue between ANET and the players and when things reset.

(edited by Ryth.6518)

November Monthly on Oct. 31st?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: munkiman.3068


I would say it’s best practice not to wait till the last night to finish off your monthly’s. Dailies obviously reset at 5pm, so it’s always the same there. It’s not convenient for everyone, but it does give you plenty of time to do them (and in some cases you can even get both the day of and the next days dailies). Everyone has equal time, which makes the best possible scenario for the game as a whole.

[TAO] Founder/Owner and Administrator for the NSP Server Website

November Monthly on Oct. 31st?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ryth.6518


Dailies obviously reset at 5pm

This isn’t obvious..considering when I told a bunch of my guild mates last night that they thought they reset at 12AM PST.

So for the bunch of you continually saying ‘obvious’…it’s not…otherwise there wouldn’t be posts about this issue.

BTW the definition of obvious is: easy to see or understand; plain; evident

Obviously, this server reset time and monthly reset time is not.

November Monthly on Oct. 31st?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DoctorOverlord.8620


Unfortunately, this critical information should be provided in the game where it belongs rather than expecting every player to research wikis or whatever to find esoteric pieces of non-intuitive information like this.

Regretfully ArenaNet did much the same thing in GW1 and while it is much less noticeable in GW2, this method of design is still lingering around and still can be problem.

A visible timer/clock/countdown seems like it could be easily coded on the Monthly Achievements page. That would be just one way to provide the appropriate information in the game where players are can be expected to find it.

Check my GW2 Comic Dynamic Events (Short Google Link to Fan Content Forum here)

(edited by DoctorOverlord.8620)

November Monthly on Oct. 31st?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: munkiman.3068


Dailies obviously reset at 5pm

This isn’t obvious..considering when I told a bunch of my guild mates last night that they thought they reset at 12AM PST.

So for the bunch of you continually saying ‘obvious’…it’s not…otherwise there wouldn’t be posts about this issue.

BTW the definition of obvious is: easy to see or understand; plain; evident

Obviously, this server reset time and monthly reset time is not.

I’m not sure how they could make them obvious more than it is. If your a daily person, you will notice pretty quickly when they reset. Aside from posting signs all over Tyria what could they do to make it more obvious?

While i completely get where many of you are coming from (there is a lack luster info system in place), if you are doing your dailies, you have to notice they reset on you at a certain time every day. That to me seems obvious.

[TAO] Founder/Owner and Administrator for the NSP Server Website

November Monthly on Oct. 31st?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ryth.6518


Munkiman, it’s not obvious, otherwise there wouldn’t be this recurring theme.

Obvious would be putting some sort of countdown/timer or thing that tells you IN GAME when the ‘reset’ occurs each day.

Like DoctorOverlord says above, there are many simple solutions for this. And remember this…GW2 is a casual MMO. People who are doing dailies daily are far and few between at least from my circle of friends. Some play 1 times a week for 3 hours..that is their ‘game’ night.

November Monthly on Oct. 31st?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: swanhaven.6720


I would say it’s best practice not to wait till the last night to finish off your monthly’s. Dailies obviously reset at 5pm, so it’s always the same there. It’s not convenient for everyone, but it does give you plenty of time to do them (and in some cases you can even get both the day of and the next days dailies). Everyone has equal time, which makes the best possible scenario for the game as a whole.

I have a full-time job, I don’t have infinite time to get things in-game done.

I worked really hard to try to get it finished and I was like…five salvages away from being done when I went to check how many more I needed and I saw it was reset. This needs to be fixed. Monthly achievements should end on the end of the month, and not before.

November Monthly on Oct. 31st?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drede.4701


I’m pretty sure that most people casual or not look at the wiki. You can access it in-game plus there is a link from the main page. I got screwed by this as well since I had assumed ANet did everything based on pacific time since most the game is based that way. But having it end GMT also makes perfect sense for a WORLDWIDE game. Oh well, now we know and sitting here arguing about it isn’t solving anything. Its not a bug or a problem, you just assumed incorrectly. Not their problem IMO.

The many different ways I can spell Regnilond xD
Guardians of the Creed [HATE]
Yak’s Bend

November Monthly on Oct. 31st?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: munkiman.3068


I too have a full time job, and i’m certainly not suggesting it can’t be addressed. I think a timer would be a great addition to the daily window, however that’s not going to change the fact that you may not be able to get your dailies done in that time frame. I certainly don’t make mine every day, even knowing when they do reset.

Monthlies should and do reset @ the same time as dailies, it makes perfect sense to me that they reset @ 12 GMT. It’s not ideal for my schedule, but it’s not ideal for a lot of others either. Which is why i suggested, if it’s important to you, not to wait till the last night of the month to complete them. I’m just not sure making them reset midnight server time is really going to help that many complete them any easier.

I’ve been close quite a few times and they’ve reset on me, sure extending the time frame for me would be ideal, but certainly unfair to other time zones. There are often other, more pressing priorities that i typically tend to rather than finishing my daily or monthlies in game.

Yes i agree there should be better info (not just achievement based either), but as far as the reset timer, it’s midnight somewhere at the top of every hour, why would mine be anymore important then any others.

[TAO] Founder/Owner and Administrator for the NSP Server Website

November Monthly on Oct. 31st?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: swanhaven.6720


I too have a full time job, and i’m certainly not suggesting it can’t be addressed. I think a timer would be a great addition to the daily window, however that’s not going to change the fact that you may not be able to get your dailies done in that time frame. I certainly don’t make mine every day, even knowing when they do reset.

Monthlies should and do reset @ the same time as dailies, it makes perfect sense to me that they reset @ 12 GMT. It’s not ideal for my schedule, but it’s not ideal for a lot of others either. Which is why i suggested, if it’s important to you, not to wait till the last night of the month to complete them. I’m just not sure making them reset midnight server time is really going to help that many complete them any easier.

I’ve been close quite a few times and they’ve reset on me, sure extending the time frame for me would be ideal, but certainly unfair to other time zones. There are often other, more pressing priorities that i typically tend to rather than finishing my daily or monthlies in game.

Yes i agree there should be better info (not just achievement based either), but as far as the reset timer, it’s midnight somewhere at the top of every hour, why would mine be anymore important then any others.

It’s called a monthly achievement, not a 29.566 days achievement. If they want it to end before the month is up where I live, then a timer would be appropriate as to when it actually ends, because the way it’s set up now is nonsensical to people who live in timezones that are not GMT. I don’t really care if this is a worldwide game, that doesn’t help me in my timezone.

There’s no such thing as ‘waiting’ until the end of the month to complete something when you have limited time to budget, and if a monthly achievement is going to reset before the month is finished I’d like a heads up.

November Monthly on Oct. 31st?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dinks.2478


It resets on the first of every month in GMT time. This has happened every time since launch. These posts are annoying.

November Monthly on Oct. 31st?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dinks.2478


I too have a full time job, and i’m certainly not suggesting it can’t be addressed. I think a timer would be a great addition to the daily window, however that’s not going to change the fact that you may not be able to get your dailies done in that time frame. I certainly don’t make mine every day, even knowing when they do reset.

Monthlies should and do reset @ the same time as dailies, it makes perfect sense to me that they reset @ 12 GMT. It’s not ideal for my schedule, but it’s not ideal for a lot of others either. Which is why i suggested, if it’s important to you, not to wait till the last night of the month to complete them. I’m just not sure making them reset midnight server time is really going to help that many complete them any easier.

I’ve been close quite a few times and they’ve reset on me, sure extending the time frame for me would be ideal, but certainly unfair to other time zones. There are often other, more pressing priorities that i typically tend to rather than finishing my daily or monthlies in game.

Yes i agree there should be better info (not just achievement based either), but as far as the reset timer, it’s midnight somewhere at the top of every hour, why would mine be anymore important then any others.

It’s called a monthly achievement, not a 29.566 days achievement. If they want it to end before the month is up where I live, then a timer would be appropriate as to when it actually ends, because the way it’s set up now is nonsensical to people who live in timezones that are not GMT. I don’t really care if this is a worldwide game, that doesn’t help me in my timezone.

There’s no such thing as ‘waiting’ until the end of the month to complete something when you have limited time to budget, and if a monthly achievement is going to reset before the month is finished I’d like a heads up.

By your logic, you still get the whole months worth of time. As it starts “before” the month begins.

November Monthly on Oct. 31st?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sarisa.4731


People look to the end, and how it rolls over “early”. They forget that it also started the same amount of time before THEIR interpretation of 1 Oct. You had the same amount of time you “lost” before when the month started.

Simply don’t procrastinate, and you won’t have to deal with this issue as much.

As said, UTC is an International standard. For an international game, it’s the best choice of time zones to use (and I say this as a US resident in EDT).

Others mentioned how to see server time. It displays rather prominently in the mini-map, and thus you can always tell when dailies, dungeons, and monthlies reset.

Lille of the Valley [WHIP]

November Monthly on Oct. 31st?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: munkiman.3068


Again, I completely agree with the info needed part (even if it’s just a line that says “resets 5PM server time”). But I’m curious, now that you know when it resets, does it make a huge difference in when you can budget your time? I mean it resets at 12GMT every time, it’s the same amount of time anyone else has to do them. If your going to wait till the last day of the month to complete them, you may not make it, regardless what time it ends for your timezone.

[TAO] Founder/Owner and Administrator for the NSP Server Website

November Monthly on Oct. 31st?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ryth.6518


I’m pretty sure that most people casual or not look at the wiki.

I know 8 people playing this. 2 knew about the wiki. So obviously that isn’t even obvious to people.

Things should be in-game…you shouldn’t need to visit other websites to learn things that should be apparent in the game interface or UI or tutorials.