Observations of a Nuub

Observations of a Nuub

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blaqwolf.1264


Yes, I’m still quite new to the game and I’ve run into a few things that leave me scratching my head.

Crafting progression… quite wasteful, pushing you to buy what you can’t ‘farm’; after a certain degree your exp just stops dead because you’ve consumed those difficult to acquire mats. It needs some more… impetus; more reward for even refining those silly low level mats.

Voice acting… ugha… wow, abysmal. How many voice actors did A’net have?? Three? four, at most?
The charr males have a basso growl; kinda. The females all sound identical; just one lady doing all of the voices; and not a growl or even purr to be heard. Come on, these are beasts! At least make them sound a bit more beastly.
Same goes for the other races… they all sound pretty much identical. Hire some more voice actors, A’net, and patch in some more appropriate voice modifiers for each race & character.

Then there are the cut-scene voiceovers… well, about half of them. The rest of the time you’re left reading and watching the character’s move, but not speak, like a bunch of mimes.

As for the gameplay I haven’t really run afowl of anything truly game breaking. The ability to dodge is quite nice, but it should not expend so much stamina.
Targeted AOE is a complete pain in the butt because you’re holding the right mouse button to keep the camera on target, so the mouse pointer disappears!!! This needs to be changed, drastically! At least have it default to firing your targeted attacks at the target if the right mouse button is being held down.
And the mouse pointer in hectic combats is flat out invisible.

Observations of a Nuub

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blaqwolf.1264


Ahh, and another thing that sticks in my craw… targeting loss!
Nothing irritates me more when I’m attacking a target and suddenly they’re no longer targets and I’m just wasting my time running around doing nothing.