Obsession with trench coats

Obsession with trench coats

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SirWarriant.2319


Anet for the sake of my sanity and I’m sure a very large portion of the adventure profession playing PLEASE NO MORE TRENCH COATS.

I am literally going to cry if the medium legendary is a trench coat or any kind of long coat or some over the top god set like the bladed that looks like it ways 900 pounds. Thieves and Rangers are pretty much supposed to be the most agile classes but for most armor options they are stuck with long coats and trench coats that would only hinder their movement in every way possible. Not to mention most of them really just look flat out bad. What happened to your armor design from gw1.

Look at the armor design from the Witcher series for example. Geralt and Witchers in general are very agile fighters but they need to be able to take some hits. The armor is a great blend of protection and mobility while still looking awesome. You don’t need massive, long over the top coats with tons random stuff thrown on them to make good medium armor. I know you guys are fully capable of making some great armor that doesn’t involve trench coats, a lot of the gw1 ranger armor for example.


Ullr Thorgislwulf: 80 Ranger Yaks Bend sPvP & WvW
Eladan of Greenwood: 80 Ranger
Elemir Swiftblade: 80 Thief

Obsession with trench coats

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Crimson Clouds.4853

Crimson Clouds.4853

You’re not the only one. I agree, there needs to be more variation amongst medium chest pieces. The sad thing is, armour sets are fairly different design-wise, just the “trench-coat” look dominates the whole design of the armour.

For example, you can make a bunch of different looking armours with parts from a “trenchcoat” armour, but using non-trenchcoat chest pieces (Krytan Jerkin and Strider’s Chest on humanoid females, Glorious Brigandine for everybody, ).

Funny how the majority of these non-trenchcoat armours are on the gem-store. Obviously they go for the unique/added variety angle for gem-store items, but this difference is really striking regarding medium armours available in-game and in the cash-shop. It’s possible that this is entirely on-purpose to drive up gem-store armour sales.

Obsession with trench coats

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: sephiroth.4217


Too many buttflaps too.

I mostly play for the new Free-For-All arena in PvP lobby.
….. And Elementalist.

Obsession with trench coats

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tigaseye.2047


Yeah, I know.

I get that it’s supposed to be in the style of the time the game is set in, but there have always been people who have bucked trends.

Especially people who felt forced to do it for practical reasons.

It’s the same with light armour for females – it’s all frilly skirts, with the only alternative being underwear-like.

“Turns out when people play the game, they don’t admire your feet at all.” sephiroth

Obsession with trench coats

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Snow.2506


Maybe I am the minority, but I actually like them. It just feels better. Speaking from a historical armour standpoint, a leather brigadine or gambeson that stopped at the thighs was very common among footsoldiers. Brigadines/gambesons that reached past the knee were reserved for those of high rank or those that rode on horseback. The reason is simple: more material=higher cost. So, by all means, if you wish to look like a footsoldier, do so. A lot of the armour you see that appears short is really under armour. Cloaks and long gambesons would the be worn over the armour.
What they should do is take out the horrid backpieces, and add cloaks, long coats, and gambesons, that can go over your armour.

For the love of the high damage, high mobility, glass cannon. Thief to the bitter end.

Obsession with trench coats

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DietPepsi.4371


The armour design in The Witcher is an example of a far more mature approach to design, which in turn is an example of a very mature and skilled design team. To be able to make something look good without throwing frilly bits and spikes all over it is something that I feel the Anet design team should aspire to do. If Anet stopped making all heavy armour trenchcoats they wouldn’t have to throw frilly bits and spikes on to make it standout.

You stand to benefit more from making friends than making enemies.

Also I hate my user ID.