Oceanic users suffering
I get horrible lag from about 5pm onwards GMT +10
It is fine during the day.
Space Marine Z [GLTY]
:/ sadly I cannot gain a good connection at any time of the day. Only a recent problem though.
ran the -diag command line and this is what it’s been stuck on for the past 2 hours…..
Actually it appears it has finished but I did notice this
= Checking server connectivity
Section completed in 0.00 seconds
Diag.ArenaNetworks.com – connect succeeded – connect succeeded – connect succeeded – connect failed
Section completed in 10.19 seconds
I tend to only experience lag when there are several other players around, but it’s not consistently bad.
What you’re describing sounds more like something’s gone wrong on your end of the connection.
When this started happening, were there any changes to your modem/router? Did you switch ISPs or plans? Did you install any firewall or IP filtering software (e.g. PeerBlock) at the time?
Seeing as you reinstalled the OS, I’m assuming you probably didn’t install any other software in which case that last question won’t apply.
What DNS servers are you using?
Wtb Torrent Download Option.
Hi, Anet! o/
Tao this was my first google search lol…..wouldn’t be a bad idea tbh.
Virtualtourist I was anticipating a post like this. No not on my end. Speed test is 94.9Mbit/s Uown/ 67.3Mbit/s Up. Ping to Usa (SA) is 37Ms with 0Ms jitter.
This has been a problem since before I reset my PC to factory (Which I only did today) and there have been no changes to my ISP or my router and DNS server.
I don’t have any problems connecting to any other game server or or site yet I experience huge issues connecting to Gw2 servers and forums. I downloaded Archeage today (all 9.8Gb of it) in under 14 minutes (less than an hour ago) so there is deffo no issue on my end. As I said I tried all the command line arguments and I also did a diagnostic of the Gw2 launcher, added exceptions in my firewall for ports 80, 6112, 433 and 6600 (both UDP & TCP).
Cool, probably should have mentioned that other game servers/sites don’t give you the same problem in the first post :-)
Something you might want to do is change DNS servers to the Google public servers as an experiment (unless you are already using them). If you are currently using your ISPs DNS servers, this is worth a try but still unlikely to be the problem.
It’s also still unlikely to be a problem on ANet’s end because no one else is having the same problem…
As I posted in my original comment, A lot of my Oceanic friends are having the same problem. but Ill try swapping to google’s DNS just to make sure I have checked all the avenues. I just opened all the ports on my router but that had no effect.
Don’t open the ports on your router! That’s “pants down” configuration. >.<
Let us know how you go with the DNS change, and whether it makes any difference.
Are your friends using the same ISP? Which country(ies) are we talking about?
Playing out of the Oceania region and rarely have any problems, the last Christmas period being the exception. In general over almost two years of play, things have been fine 90% of the time.
Virtualtourist I ain’t no scrub!! lol I only port forwarded the ports that I mentioned above.
I am with Spark (telecom), New Zealand.
Friends are using Spark & Vodafone, no difference between the ISP as far as connectivity to the server. I had a friend around yesterday and we tried many different methods but none seemed to work. Both of us experience the same sort of connectivity issues but only to Gw2 servers.
Johnnymiller Where are you located may I ask?
Heh, sorry mate, just checking. Kia Ora!
You might want to send the diagnostics log to ANet customer support since there seems to be a very specific issue here.
Might also be worth checking with Spark as well.
Can’t think of anything else for you to try at the moment…
Johnnymiller Where are you located may I ask?
New Zealand
Vitualtourist Aye, well. I will be talking to Spark and sending my diagnostic reports to ANet. Tena koe my friend.
Jhonnymiller May just be an issue with my town’s connection then :/
Vitualtourist Aye, well. I will be talking to Spark and sending my diagnostic reports to ANet. Tena koe my friend.
Jhonnymiller May just be an issue with my town’s connection then :/
Could be. I had an issue earlier this year & it turned out my phone was the problem. Replaced it and all is well. Check your phone line for crackling sounds.
I’m playing out of the South Island on a 10mbps connection.
No lag here. Most lag free mmo I’ve ever played.
Would you like some hard cheeze with your sad whine?
Vitualtourist Aye, well. I will be talking to Spark and sending my diagnostic reports to ANet. Tena koe my friend.
Jhonnymiller May just be an issue with my town’s connection then :/
Could be. I had an issue earlier this year & it turned out my phone was the problem. Replaced it and all is well. Check your phone line for crackling sounds.
I’m playing out of the South Island on a 10mbps connection.
I’m playing out of the south island also on 10Mb/s, will check my phone line for static and will unplug any filters plugged into non used jacks
I don;t understand why it is only gw2 having the issues…….No idea why this started happening to me & my friends all of a sudden.
Attached is my Archeage download speed.
Well….Ill get back to you guys in 400+ hours once my download is done lol. Thanks for the help.
Not getting much lag here in Australia either.
I am east coast US on Borlis pass world never get Lag… I would tend to think your ISP is having issues….. Have you run a speed test while the game is running????
I am east coast US on Borlis pass world never get Lag… I would tend to think your ISP is having issues….. Have you run a speed test while the game is running????
Read the previous posts, while running the game my connection stays at maximum speed and downloading other games is just fine. Gw2 is the problem. Nothing else
I am east coast US on Borlis pass world never get Lag… I would tend to think your ISP is having issues….. Have you run a speed test while the game is running????
Read the previous posts, while running the game my connection stays at maximum speed and downloading other games is just fine. Gw2 is the problem. Nothing else
Does your PC have any older components in it? I was having a poor time earlier this year due to a couple of ageing bits and pieces, leading to issues with this game but not any others. Having read a few other posts with similar experiences I’m wondering if this game somehow manages to bring some little issues to the front that would otherwise be hidden for longer.
Edit: just went back over the thread and saw that its happening to your friends as well so probably no anything I typed.
Would you like some hard cheeze with your sad whine?
I do get lag here in Aussie land, but it’s usually for one of two very specific reasons:
- when I run a pathping command (eg. pathping -w 500 -q 25 -4 to Anet, usually Level3 is acting up which is the point at which the signal from overseas lands in the US, or not far from it. Level3 has a lot of issues with it on a high regularity.
- my exchange runs at ADSL2+ speeds (24Mb/sec), but I get the feeling it shouldn’t be able to do it. During peak times (4:30pm – ~11pm) the connection speeds take a nosedive, sometimes not even getting 2Mb/sec. I don’t live that far away from the exchange so I’m usually pulling 17-18Mb/sec speeds outside of those times. This severely hampers my play times.
Bring on the NBN.
“Obtaining a legendary should be done through legendary feats…
Not luck and credit cards.”
Bring on the NBN.
Its pretty sweet.
Would you like some hard cheeze with your sad whine?
Something I noticed about connecting to ANet’s servers is that during my scheduled periods of lag (always get lag after UTC10AM and during the weekend), all of my speed tests return normal and I don’t have any problems downloading, however the ping indicator in GW1 (wish we had it in GW2) showed me an odd bit of behavior:
I would have the same ping I do during the non-lag times (200ms), but every few minutes it would spike to 24,000ms and stay like that for around 30 seconds, then drop back down to slightly worse ping (400ms) and work its way back to my usual ping. This isn’t behavior I could never catch with a speed test and wouldn’t reflect in downloads because it would only increase my download time by a couple minutes (which is hardly noticeable in an hour-long download).
It could very well be Oceanic players are suffering a similar problem, just that the spike is high enough to cause a disconnect.
I tried to do a ping test through CMD to the Trading post URL just to test what is going on there……came back at 12,833MS :/. Testsed the same address 3 months ago and it came back at 320~Ms 0.o. I don’t understand why it is taking 12 seconds to get a response from the server, will be testing the game client’s download IP very shortly.
Can anyone else perform a ping test so that I can have some comparisons?
I do get lag here in Aussie land, but it’s usually for one of two very specific reasons:
- when I run a pathping command (eg. pathping -w 500 -q 25 -4 to Anet, usually Level3 is acting up which is the point at which the signal from overseas lands in the US, or not far from it. Level3 has a lot of issues with it on a high regularity.
- my exchange runs at ADSL2+ speeds (24Mb/sec), but I get the feeling it shouldn’t be able to do it. During peak times (4:30pm – ~11pm) the connection speeds take a nosedive, sometimes not even getting 2Mb/sec. I don’t live that far away from the exchange so I’m usually pulling 17-18Mb/sec speeds outside of those times. This severely hampers my play times.
Bring on the NBN.
I was having roughly the same connection as you (Nearly maximum DL speed at offtime hours but greatly reduced to 1-2Mb/s between 2:30-10pm) until my connection to gw2 servers completely jacked out on me, making the game unplayable. I could still do PvP to some extent but I was having to write shopping lists for my friends because I couldn’t access the trading post (My main source of income). Even simple things like buying transmutation charges I can’t do and TBH I can’t even remember what the TP window looks like, it’s been that long.
I’m on a 100Mbit connection (Just for those who needed to know)
Ping to Usa (SA) is 37Ms with 0Ms jitter.
37ms to the US from where again?
I’m on a 100Mbit connection (Just for those who needed to know)
Keep in mind when your ISP advertises 100Mbit, that’s generally local speeds, but there’s going to be a bottleneck in the international trunk. So even if you get blazing speeds while accessing websites (which generally have their content mirrored in CDNs across the world, so it’s fast because you’re actually accessing a foreign site locally), you’re likely to get a different experience when the data you’re trying to access exists only overseas.
Like data from an MMO server.
I’m on a 100Mbit connection (Just for those who needed to know)
Keep in mind when your ISP advertises 100Mbit, that’s generally local speeds, but there’s going to be a bottleneck in the international trunk. So even if you get blazing speeds while accessing websites (which generally have their content mirrored in CDNs across the world, so it’s fast because you’re actually accessing a foreign site locally), you’re likely to get a different experience when the data you’re trying to access exists only overseas.
Like data from an MMO server.
Again…..Please read my previous comments regarding me downloading Archeage less than 5 hours ago at 11.2Mb/s.
Ping to Usa (SA) is 37Ms with 0Ms jitter.
37ms to the US from where again?
37MS was supposed to be 370Ms*
I get horrible lag from about 5pm onwards GMT +10
It is fine during the day.
Your connection is being throttled somewhere in the path to the GW Server. ISPs often throttle data during peak evening hours (to limit bandwidth costs with THEIR providers).
Run TRACERT when you get the lag spikes to find out where and present the reports to your ISP for explanation / correction. Note that many ISPs require a higher tier service to NOT throttle you but some just require that you ASK for it to be removed (they enable it by default).
Fate is just the weight of circumstances
That’s the way that lady luck dances
(edited by Brother Grimm.5176)
I’m on a 100Mbit connection (Just for those who needed to know)
Keep in mind when your ISP advertises 100Mbit, that’s generally local speeds, but there’s going to be a bottleneck in the international trunk. So even if you get blazing speeds while accessing websites (which generally have their content mirrored in CDNs across the world, so it’s fast because you’re actually accessing a foreign site locally), you’re likely to get a different experience when the data you’re trying to access exists only overseas.
Like data from an MMO server.
Again…..Please read my previous comments regarding me downloading Archeage less than 5 hours ago at 11.2Mb/s.
I’m just explaining that saying “I have a 100M line” is largely irrelevant for the given reasons.
And yes, I am aware of your comment, but (as I mentioned in an earlier post) download speed is also irrelevant. You can still have good download speed with unstable ping, because you won’t notice the download pausing for a couple seconds at a time across a multi-hour download (though you would notice it if the downloaded has a network activity graph, like Steam does). However you will notice unstable ping while playing a MMO, because that’s what causes lag spikes/disconnects.
I am in a guild full of australians, they don’t complain of lag often at all o.o
your best solution is to use ping reduction service, it will reduce ping for online gaming greatly and even some people with no problem use it to have better and smoother game play, the only problem is, it cost like 5 euro a month. but with this ping reduction service play all online games with no lag issue.
Game Support Lead
GM Talon asked me to just leave this here…
Twitter: @ANetCSLead
GM Delicious Intent.5928