Odd Things I Would Pay Money For
I would like to see Blood Stones. In essence a Blood Stone would connect 2 players or a small group of players together, in that anyone sharing the item would be able to port to the holder of the stone. Have them high cost and usable once only, and mailable so the stone holder can send the shards to people in their guild and then use them for gathering at a guild event.
Just a thought though.
More silly dances! I like emotes And dance events, where everyone tries to make a dance line up and down LA!
Silly events like Charr Yoga (they’re stretchy like cats), Sylvari fighting giant venus flytraps, asurans on stilts, humans trying to pull off costumes of other races, Norn doing things with itty bitty pieces (I can see Norn Chess tournaments, and the pieces being so small the goal is to not knock them all over).
But um, just silly ideas
Yak’s Bend FO LYFE [AI] [AGI]
minipets will be the death of me
Quaggan fan service.
Quaggan fan service.
The Quaggans are so cute _
Yak’s Bend FO LYFE [AI] [AGI]
minipets will be the death of me
Dances, hands down. Cross race synchronized dancing ftw
3rd Flora Artillery Unit
Quaggan fan service.
The Quaggans are so cute _
“Senpai coo~”
An idea stolen from TF2 be able to buy interactive emotes.
Example: you type /highfive and your character puts his/her hand up in an expectant high five, any nearby players get a F interact pop up the first to hit it does a little scripted high five animation with the player.
LOL I would love to see that, people left standing there with their hand up cause no one wants to hi five them.
Login backgrounds? I think you’re alone there.
In tf2 if no one fives you after a few seconds they put their hand down slowly with a very disappointed look on their face.
I like Bastion ’s Blood Stones. Ways to reach friends faster is always good.
I agree with Omnia Wind, we do need more emotes and dances. I would hope these are already on anet’s ‘to do’ list. Swagman had a good idea with interactive emotes.
… Login Backgrounds would totally rock! An inexpensive item in the store would help to generate revenue.
Login Backgrounds would be what you see when you click on your character. Instead of that white city background wouldn’t it be cool to pick what you want? After deciding your location, then you could pick your character’s position (holding weapon, etc). These are like little statues before we log in and they are underestimated.
- Animated to loop
- Cool background
- Your Character
They should add player housing. That would open up an entire new category of things they could sell on the cash shop.
More skin-less cloth armors :P ( i know they cant do it)
Minipets and minipets game (control ur minipets , fight vs another in games like : jumping puzzle race/super mario cart(throwing random things at other pets)/chocobo race(maintain ur stamina)
(edited by Killthehealersffs.8940)
Heh, you call those odd? They are NEEDED!
I’d pay for new animations, dances, faces, styles, artworks and such.
Don’t you dare call these odd again!
I love a cross cultural barber shop- maybe with npc’s of different races where you can have your char get a make-over to wear your hair like another race. I would pay money to have Norn Hair on my humans
Player housing- but Anet said it is in the works. I would pay to put cool stuff in my house in a heart beat.
I would also love it if you could invite players to a party at your house- maybe buy a party pack, or even serve crafted food.
More dances- apparently we have dance vendors in the game, I have just no idea where
I would also dearly love it if you could see the jewelry you craft on your character- but that is not really something you could buy
Heh, you call those odd? They are NEEDED!
I’d pay for new animations, dances, faces, styles, artworks and such.
Don’t you dare call these odd again!
YEAH, I’m with you! These are needed features and ones they’ve probably already planned on.
These items should be priced as if you exchanged 5-10 gold into gem currency. Get players in the online store and looking around. We need smaller things to spend our money on; little is the new BIG.