(edited by Anchoku.8142)
Offer a Map Booster in Gem Store?
InB4 ANet adds to the gem store… “Buy World Completion for only 9,000 Gems!”
As someone with obsessive completion disorder I kind of agree… I have done map completion over probably 10 times or more because I can’t stand not completing it..
I believe this is totally unnecessary after receiving the boost to level 80.
This alone makes map completion very simple.
Most players with map completion started on a low level character so this was a huge boost.
Add in the fact that the WvW stuff isn’t even required anymore and I find this suggestion pretty absurd.
It’s just more pay to win .
I don’t think it’d be a good idea to offer such a thing in the gem store. However, for PvP players, perhaps add something to that effect as part of reward tracks. Maybe make it a five different reward tracks or Kryta, Maguuma, Shiverpeaks, Ascalon and Orr. At the end of each track, unlocks all Wayponts for that region. And something similar to the Hero Challenge thing that’s currently out now for WvW players.
Play for map completion, not pay for map completion.
Playing for map completion would be actually going to all areas of the map.
Your suggesting playing PvP for map completion.
Where’s the sense of adventure? Or cheat, chat with someone to join up with on where you want to go and use Teleport to Friend.
What is the point of giving players free access to a content they are not interested in in the first place? If I want the pvp backpiece, I need to play pvp, fractal backpiece, I need to go to fractals, wvw armor, I need to play vwv….It is fair to assume that if you want a legendary, you need to complete the maps
I think as a gem store item that’d be kind of lame. But I kind of wish they had more way points unlocked with the insta 80. Not all of them but maybe the ones closest to a dungeon entrance would have been nice.
I believe this is totally unnecessary after receiving the boost to level 80.
This alone makes map completion very simple.
Most players with map completion started on a low level character so this was a huge boost.
Even with level 80 toons, map completion can become quite a grind. From my own experience, character levels have very little impact on the overall chore of mapping. Completing some of the maps can be very time-intensive due to certain hearts (here’s just one example). Also, some players find reaching certain vistas to be extremely difficult if they involve even a tiny bit of JP-style jumping or dexterous movement.
I’ve done map completion on 7 characters, but I would definitely consider buying a full-map unlock for other toons, such as my revenant (who is level 80, but only has a tiny percent of map completed.) or even my engineer (who is level 80 with about 70% map completion). At this point, it has just become too time-consuming for me to waste my heavily time-constrained playtime to get map completion on any more toons.
I have 3 with map completion and I agree that after several successes, a way to speed up the process would be nice. This suggestion isn’t about getting some kind of credit for past effort in map completion.
Map completion is a big part of the journey to legendary weapons. You can buy everything else in that journey but map completion should be earned, period.
When I started my Revenant, I spent 20 minutes unlocking the WPs for key destinations: guild missions, world bosses, and a few JP.
I know. It’s simple with the Asura gates to have access to most of the map areas. Then it’s just taking different routes to do events. After that 20 minutes, there’s little effort until you are most of the way and need to grab the more out of the way spots. And this way surprisingly, when it’s done, it wasn’t that hard.
Where’s the sense of adventure?
Burned out on the first three to four World Completion runs for most people, I suspect.
Where’s the sense of adventure?
Burned out on the first three to four World Completion runs for most people, I suspect.
Right but vets really struggle with getting around?
What is the point of giving players free access to a content they are not interested in in the first place? If I want the pvp backpiece, I need to play pvp, fractal backpiece, I need to go to fractals, wvw armor, I need to play vwv….It is fair to assume that if you want a legendary, you need to complete the maps
Right on. If the player made the decision not to run the way points or do world comp; they should have to deal with the consequences of their decision. They should not be given a free pass or a reward track for something they decided to skip. Put the big person armor on and get it done.
Crystal Desert: 1/13/2017
I know there are a few players out there that do mostly PvP or WvW and do not have waypoints mapped for many areas of Tyria.
Please consider offering a map booster that will unlock all waypoints in specific maps or regions and nothing else.
As long as you can’t get legendary gift rewards I would be okay with that. In other words, if you want to get Gifts of Exploration, and other sorts of world completion rewards, you have to do the game the way it was designed. There is no reason to nerf legendary journey rewards. To you it may just be a skin, to many others it is like your PvP or WvW rank, don’t mess with that.
Even with level 80 toons, map completion can become quite a grind. From my own experience, character levels have very little impact on the overall chore of mapping….
….I’ve done map completion on 7 characters, but I would definitely consider buying a full-map unlock for other toons, such as my revenant (who is level 80, but only has a tiny percent of map completed.) or even my engineer (who is level 80 with about 70% map completion). At this point, it has just become too time-consuming for me to waste my heavily time-constrained playtime to get map completion on any more toons.
As long as you didn’t get the legendary Gifts I wouldn’t mind you unlocking map completion. I still think you should have to do map completion to get those, add to that, if you unlock the map on any character that character cannot ever get Gifts, want to get a legendary Gift, make a new character.
Well if Anet gives map booster minimizing the gift of exploration, Then I suppose those who are for this must also be for gift of war booster and gift of battle booster. No need for anyone to earn, just buy them. Or even better how about a booster for the pvp legendary backpiece. There’s people who don’t pvp that would like the item without actually earning it so why not a booster for them?
(edited by danielrjones.8759)
Or better yet: Character Booster Bundle Package.
Start a character, and you instantly get everything explored and unlocked, 1 ascended gear set of choice (but not more than one), 1 ascended weapon of choice, 1 legendary of choice (non HoT, account bound), 10 Black Lion Chest Keys, 50 Unidentified Dyes (account bound), 1 Random Ascended Backpack, 1 of each random ascended trinket/rings, 1 Speciality Outfit, 1 Speciality Glider.
You can buy 2 more at this price.
This is awfully close to the “pay to win” line. Anet has been pretty good (at the very least, better than everyone else) At keeping paid content purely aesthetic. This thing you’re talking about actually provides an in game benefit, and it’s kind of a slippery slope that all “F2P” games fall into very easily. Now it’s just “oh I saved 30 minutes mapping when everyone else had to suffer”. But a year from now its "oh I’m level 90 because I bought the extra levels pack from the gem store ".
Maybe add a consumable option to the Gift of Exploration? Eat the gift to unlock the entire map for that character. Map and World Completion achievements no longer attainable on said character.
Maybe add a consumable option to the Gift of Exploration? Eat the gift to unlock the entire map for that character. Map and World Completion achievements no longer attainable on said character.
That actually seems pretty fair. It gets rid of the “pay to win” issue by making you actually work for it in game. The character specific sacrifice is a nice touch too.
i disagree . Paying cash for instant finishing content such as waypoints in areas your character isnt in pair with its lvl, or even buying gift of explorations is not a good idea to have for sale.
Whats next? Gem shop dungeon box with RNG exotic dungeon weapon/armor?
Precursor crafting collection achievement booster?
Please stop this madness. Anet has been doing a great job keeping such items from the gem shop so far. Lets keep it that way.
Oh no, not in the gem store. You’d have to obtain them like now, through actual wolrd completion. It just gives you the choice between using it as a Legendary component or using it to unlock the map for an alt.
When I posted, I was thinking about only unlocking waypoints, not POIs, hero points, vistas, heart quests, etc. Players would still need to put in time for map completion but would no longer be blocked from joining friends in PvE just because it would take too long to run there.
Some maps might not be for sale, too, like HoT areas.
If players could purchase a map or way point booster that was account bound and a player could select which map areas to unlock on a toon, at least that gives them an option for quick access to far-away areas.
I kind of wished there was a Legacy Map that we could buy with Gifts of Exploration.
Once people have completed the basic game, and got 100% exploration on their account for ONE character you would be given this option.
It’s basically what the Op is talking about, but if a person has extra Gifts of Exploration, they could go to “Vendor” (something like the special merchant like WVW has named Heroics Notary) that would sell a Legacy map. This map would be clear of the exploration and Way Points (you could see where to go and how to get there) BUT need Hearts, Vistas, POI’s and Hero Points. This map would be on any future charaters that you make, because it part of your Legacy…
Now, the only way to have a Legacy Map is to FULLY COMPLETE the map in the first place, but it makes it a little easier to get around on any OTHER characters that you create on your account. So this way it’s not a “cash shop buy” but you have to do the “work” on at least one character to be able for this to happen.
(edited by Steven.7534)
If the desire for waypoints is to more easily go play with your friends, would a better gemstore option be to purchase the Teleport To Friend stones? That way you can grab any waypoints closeby where your friend is at when you teleport. I don’t know if they are currently available in the gem store but they seem like a reasonable addition if not.
I respect everyone’s opinion to each their own. This is just something I am completely against. I feel like if people want the way points they should go get them. There are so many things in game that the, Well I did it on one character I should have access to (fill in the bank) this is as said a very slippery slope.
(edited by danielrjones.8759)
Completing some of the maps can be very time-intensive due to certain hearts (here’s just one example).
That one is soooo much faster if you think outside the box. Literally. Get stealthed, turn left, walk around the outside of the area to the end flag. You never get near one of the detector Ashes. I think you complete the heart in one trip that way, two at the most.
But yes, the hearts are the slowest part of the map once you know where everything is, and usually the last thing I finish when completing a zone. On the other hand it can be a rather zen thing to do thanks to having so many safe places to stand if you need to afk or just pause to chat to people, and you can combine it with gathering mats that you’re going to need anyway if you’re making a legendary.