Offline guildies appear in Guild Hall as NPC

Offline guildies appear in Guild Hall as NPC

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zodian.6597


This is a suggestion for the Guild Hall feature coming in HoT
I think it might give the space an added sense of community if the characters of random offline guild members (instead of NPC’s) appeared to walk around, chill in the tavern, ect… obviously there would be a limit to the number of them (some guilds have hundreds of ppl offline all the time).

Here’s a rundown of how this would look:

  • The characters of random offline guild members appear in Guild Hall as NPC’s, walking around and chilling in the tavern.
  • Online players (who see the “NPC” guildies) can interact with them to thumbs up their look, inspect armor skins, leave them notes (re-skin the mail UI).
  • Player with most compliments on their look at the end of the month unlocks a title and has their portrait displayed in the guild tavern for the following month (default character portrait, can be replaced with screen shot by winning character).