Ok , now 20 stacks of confusion is just crazy
Just met a thief- within one second had hit me for 6k, and applied TWENTY stacks of confusion with 15 second duration and covered it with another condition or two.
Of course my grenades were already in flight so nothing I can do about it, boom boom HP almost gone, can’t run away as immobilised/crippled and he can whack away to his hearts content.
Just another fine example of devs favouring thiefs.
And if anyone can come up with a counter to this on any of a range of classes except those with huge armor, regen and aegis then let’s hear it. And bear in mind this is out of the blue in mid fight when he pops up after he has hit you and many of your skills are already on cooldown.
I think he’s using those new runes that stack confusion, not a thief specific thing per se. If I had to take a guess he had offhand pistol and spammed headshot Also, the last part is kinda invalid since what a thief does best if burst down people who are spent from a previous fight. It’s kinda their thing.
There are only 2 ways that I know of that a thief can apply confusion. Throw gunk which is a steal skill from and inflicts a single random condition (possible but unlikely for this situation) and Rune of Perplexity which in order to have the duration your talking about means that he interrupted you 4 times in 20 seconds, they didn’t just all appear at once.
For the record since the confusion duration in crease on the rune is currently bugged to get to 20 seconds the player would need 100% condition duration from other sources which I’m not even sure is possible.
(edited by gaspara.4079)
How would a Thief do that, out of curiosity?
The only way I know of a Thief applying Confusion is through Runes of Perplexity, and they require Interrupts (5 stacks) and chance (3 stacks, 15 sec cooldown), and Pain Inverter if it was an Asuran.
Time is a river.
The door is ajar.
(edited by TheDaiBish.9735)
Run stability. Confusion thief now useless. Enjoy the easy kill.
Run stability. Confusion thief now useless. Enjoy the easy kill.
He’s an engineer, which has unreliable stability access.
Run stability. Confusion thief now useless. Enjoy the easy kill.
why do people keep posting this kitten? The ease for some classes to add confusion via the perlexity runes greatly outpaces the cooldowns on stability, not to mention the methods of stripping boons.
Don’t auto attack vs confusion builds like Headshot thief and tool kit Engi.
Run stability. Confusion thief now useless. Enjoy the easy kill.
why do people keep posting this kitten? The ease for some classes to add confusion via the perlexity runes greatly outpaces the cooldowns on stability, not to mention the methods of stripping boons.
Because for them it is easy to smash a perplexity build. I have 3 primary characters I play. A Celestial Ele, a DPS guardian, and a Perplexity Engineer. And I can say from experience that my Elementalist has never not once, lost a duel to a Perplexity anything. they are almost a non issue and very easy to defeat My guardian however has a lot more trouble and more often than not loses. From the other side of the fence my engineer is not undefeated not even close. Warriors, elementalist, guardians, and more have had long battles with me that ended with me dead.
I know it seems impossible if you only have one perspective. some classes are weaker to it than others. But it’s not god mode.
perplex runes are broken, anet knows about it but too lazy to change anything because its not on their “priority list”
Run stability. Confusion thief now useless. Enjoy the easy kill.
why do people keep posting this kitten? The ease for some classes to add confusion via the perlexity runes greatly outpaces the cooldowns on stability, not to mention the methods of stripping boons.
to sound smart and experienced.
they are broken, otherwise they would be implemented in pvp, but they are not^^
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fixing things don’t cash-in
money money money money money money money
Turn off auto-attack, evade, cleanse, stability, run -condition duration gear/food.
Being owned mid fight by a thief who attacks you when your abilities are on CD isn’t really a balance issue.