(edited by Namu.5712)
SAB: Ok what kind of game is this?
It’s not hated, it’s actually going over quite well. This is one thread.
Really…What an odd thing to complain about. I mean really, how DARE they add new content! Makes me chuckle, there is just really no pleasing everyone even when they are not taking away anything, but are adding something with no effect on the game! People will complain about anything won’t they…As many have said before in this thread, lighten up. Seeing something silly inside a video game should not be as offensive as some of you are making it out to be.
It’s just a bit of fun for April. And judging by the Super Adenture Box forum, it’s extremely popular with many calling for it to be permanent.
It’s fair if you don’t like it, but just ignore it
I don’t think its that people hate it persay.
But when you put things like this in a game where it really has no place instead of developing some new dungeons or something I can see how it would irritate people.
Because it did take a good amount of resources to put in and time, it could be argued that time could have been used to improve endgame and add things that fit the lore/style of the game.
I personnally like it, however I can see why some hate it. And its probably because they know that instead of adding something to endgame that fits they added a mini game that took alot of dev time and resources.
And to top it off its only a month long… thats alot of wasted time for a temporary event dont you think?
You have got to be kidding me. Like I’ve said before….people in this world just amaze me. And yeah, I’m talking about the REAL world for all you “immersion” freaks.
Gads, there are some uptight people in this thread.
Whoa reading way too much into my post, I am saying people are expressing their discoord and that is a possible reason why.
I personally love the update, but I can see why people are not loving it. And that is probably a reason.
Calling me up tight? look at your over reaction post lol.
This event is the death of even the little immersion that GW2 had left.
I can’t take this game seriously anymore.
They created a beautiful fantasy world,and then they’ve done everything
they could to make you remember in every step you take,that this is a game
and not a world.
What a waste.
lose a pip,win 2 pips,lose a pip,lose a pip…………..-
-Go go Espartz.-
<chuckle>This event is the death of even the little immersion that GW2 had left.
I can’t take this game seriously anymore.
They created a beautiful fantasy world,and then they’ve done everything
they could to make you remember in every step you take,that this is a game
and not a world.
What a waste.
It’s just a bit of fun for April. And judging by the Super Adenture Box forum, it’s extremely popular with many calling for it to be permanent.
It’s fair if you don’t like it, but just ignore it
I don’t think its that people hate it persay.
But when you put things like this in a game where it really has no place instead of developing some new dungeons or something I can see how it would irritate people.
Because it did take a good amount of resources to put in and time, it could be argued that time could have been used to improve endgame and add things that fit the lore/style of the game.
I personnally like it, however I can see why some hate it. And its probably because they know that instead of adding something to endgame that fits they added a mini game that took alot of dev time and resources.
And to top it off its only a month long… thats alot of wasted time for a temporary event dont you think?
You have got to be kidding me. Like I’ve said before….people in this world just amaze me. And yeah, I’m talking about the REAL world for all you “immersion” freaks.
Gads, there are some uptight people in this thread.
Whoa reading way too much into my post, I am saying people are expressing their discoord and that is a possible reason why.
I personally love the update, but I can see why people are not loving it. And that is probably a reason.
Calling me up tight? look at your over reaction post lol.
Sorry, was using you as an example, wasn’t calling you uptight personally. Was directed at the “I’m not a 35-year old gamer” crowd in this thread.
Ah well, continue on then
I would, but now you’ve ruined my “immersion.” :P
This is about as gamebreaking as roller beattle racing in GW1…
Seriously no pleasing this community what-so-ever.
I’ll answer your question. This is the best mmorpg where you see the minority (whiners on the forums) being unhappy while the majority are enjoying the game.
Certainly, before this came out, there were zero examples in Guild Wars 2 of game culture eating itself, such as “For great justice!”, “Roll For Initiative”, or “Shatter your foe’s dreams of becoming an adventurer with a single arrow to the knee.”
I don’t mind this sort of thing and it can be fun. Not everything has to be serious and its April fools. Although I think Guild wars 2 is getting a little too far on the silly side for my taste. I would prefer the humor a bit more subtle than this I guess.
(edited by Demented Sheep.1642)
What kind of game is this? It’s an MMORPG.
I never understood why people complain about something that they’re not forced to do. If I find a game lousy enough to complain this hard about it… i’d simply not play it. And if there’s an aspect of the game that I don’t enjoy…. I don’t do it.
There is a small difference between two things: Complaining at an aspect of the game that makes it unplayable or makes the game play SEVERELY detrimental such as botters, character/class bugs.
OR, complaining at an aspect of the game that you dislike according to personal opinion.
This april fool event is entirely a matter of personal taste/opinion and so far I can’t see why it would be detrimental to someone’s gameplay whatsoever. Yes: the chests appearing in open world are silly in nature, but does it affect you being able to do everything else that you would be able to do? No. It has zero impact whatsoever other than your own eyes telling you that something doesn’t fit, similar to how it’s a matter of personal opinion whether pink and green go together.
Everyone should know by now that ANet is pretty bad at doing something in a serious tone. They only truly shine when they let loose and get goofy.
I got a simple answer that can solve all your problems. Actually I got two answers that can help.
1) Uninstall Guild Wars 2, this is the simplist one
2) Dont go to Rata Sum and continue doing what you’ve been doing
Don’t play Guild Wars 1, the game this is a sequel to, then. It has grinches running around on Christmas, your inventory filling with things like candy canes or Easter eggs depending on the date. Oh, and a techologically sophisticated race known as the Asura, who have access to technology such as artificial intelligence, portal networks, and hardlight constructs capable of rendering an entire virtual world.
Big Differences. The two console inspired instances were set in GW era, using GW art, landscapes, graphics. You did Pac Man on a Worm in the Sulfurous wastes, and Polymock was Asuran themed.. even though pokemon. At no time in GW1 did you enter some cheesy knockoff of another platforms graphics and music. The commando stuff was instanced, and no commando skins, weapons, etc ever reached the open game world. There were no Pac Man minis, no Pac Man boxes of fun, nothing like that.
This is very different. Imperial Tie fighters strafing charr might be “fun” too, but I don’t think we need Battlefront here. 3rd Reich Zombies might be “fun”, but we don’t need Wolfenstien. I don’t want to see the Master Chief either. Or Lara Croft, for that matter.
A game that doesn’t take itself too seriously.
Some people in this topic really need to learn to compartmentalize, I can enjoy this update for a time and then go straight back to killing the risen in Orr with a periodic dragon for a change of pace (sarcasm) because I like it so much better, or alternatively spend time in WvW for the 5 extra supply I might have some day (more sarcasm).
As for the minipets, it will quiet down in time, they are super popular right now because they are the new shiny for the people who care for them. The login music is temporary and the weapon skins — well how many pop guns or wooden swords you see now? How about halloween pumpkin rifles?
This general complaints thread with 0 focus really helps… sure other areas need attention but most people don’t even bother to name one of those areas, to be fair the sPvP people are the only ones that have a legitimate reason to complain about not having “resources” since wasting resources on this seems to be the elephant right now. Every other area of the game has received notable additions since launch.
Granted starting with 2 holiday events back to back and then this, we have only had 3 months or so of “business as usual” since launch.
(edited by Crise.9401)
This isn’t your father’s fantasy MMO…
I mean, we have bows that shoot unicorns. I’m looking forward to the next serious fantasy MMO being released. GW2 is just a time killer until then.
I usually don’t say this…but thank god maybe getting rid of the people like you will bring the devs into making this game more fun. Just like how this minigame is.
I like many aspects of GW2. They had some great ideas that should be implemented in all MMO’s from here on out. When it actually has some competition, we’ll see how solid the foundation.
You may find that when the next AAA MMO’s are released, and you get rid of “people like me”, that you’ll be having “more fun” while consolidating servers and trying to find enough people to play with.
Since you threw the first punch, I could wish to get rid of “people like you” and see this game become what it could, and should have been. Just like mine, your version of “fun” is opinion, and we all paid the money to have one, even if it doesn’t mirror yours.
Actually, people who somehow didn’t like the new content and wishes it isn’t in GW2 makes up a very very very small minority.
I’m actually surprised it offends people.
I have 6 RL friends that still play GW2, and none of which post on the forums. All think the new content is silly and don’t care for it. That being said, we’re all older. Maybe the appeal is within the teen/tween community?
Not saying your wrong, just wondering where you get your statistics from?
An event… in ONE city… where it is OPTIONAL to join… breaks your immersion in 99% of the other maps? :| Please tell me more how the existence of such a small part breaks your immersion of killing undead in orr, or killing sons of svanir in frostgorge, or inquest in metrica province. LFLogic please.
This isn’t your father’s fantasy MMO…
I mean, we have bows that shoot unicorns. I’m looking forward to the next serious fantasy MMO being released. GW2 is just a time killer until then.
I usually don’t say this…but thank god maybe getting rid of the people like you will bring the devs into making this game more fun. Just like how this minigame is.
I like many aspects of GW2. They had some great ideas that should be implemented in all MMO’s from here on out. When it actually has some competition, we’ll see how solid the foundation.
You may find that when the next AAA MMO’s are released, and you get rid of “people like me”, that you’ll be having “more fun” while consolidating servers and trying to find enough people to play with.
Since you threw the first punch, I could wish to get rid of “people like you” and see this game become what it could, and should have been. Just like mine, your version of “fun” is opinion, and we all paid the money to have one, even if it doesn’t mirror yours.
Actually, people who somehow didn’t like the new content and wishes it isn’t in GW2 makes up a very very very small minority.
I’m actually surprised it offends people.
I have 6 RL friends that still play GW2, and none of which post on the forums. All think the new content is silly and don’t care for it.
Not saying your wrong, just wondering where you get your statistics from?
Simple. We just do a sample. We take the percentage of people who liked it, then compare it with the people who didn’t like it. The sample is taken from various GW2 related forums.
So far, I’ve seen like maybe 2 or 3 people (including you) out of hundreds who aren’t even indifferent to it, but actually doesn’t want it in the game?
Uh, yeah you did:
“They created a beautiful fantasy world,and then they’ve done everything
they could to make you remember in every step you take,that this is a game
and not a world.”
Not whining. Is it wise to keep doing things to satisfy one portion of the playerbase while turning off another portion and potential players as well? In reference to another thread, this isnt a revolutionary feature that people will buy this game for.
As a GW2 player, idc. I have a lot of apathy towards GW2 since 26/03 and if devs want to devote resources (hopefully not the main dev team) to this new feature so be it.
As a long time consumer of video games in general, my viewpoint is this: I understand everyone’s concept of fun is different. But isnt that why there are a literally a million games out there, with their own particular hook and their fanbase? Even a Flash based game could produce hours of fun, not to mention the IPhone and Android mini games competing for consumers’ time. The lack of focus doesnt seem to be a good decision to me and I really dont understand the need for filler content in the video game industry at all.
Trying to claim what the “silent majority” likes or dislikes is fail, considering they are silent.
I will always remember John Smedly, CEO of SOE, stating that “people who like the NGE are playing the game, not posting on the forums” Shortly after that, they lost massive numbers of subscribers, and were forced to refund an expansion purchase to anyone that asked for it.
No one knows what the silent majority is doing. Silently playing the game, or Silently uninstalling it.
GW2 is getting pretty goofy with these teddy bear backpacks, ginger bread swords, candy canes and hoodies.
Sometimes I feel like I’m in a kids game. For 6 year olds.
then back packs and hoodies came out in the store…..really ?
Just because people in earth’s history didn’t start digging hoodies and plush backpacks until after the industrial revolution doesn’t mean the order of fashion would play out the same in Tyria. Earth history fantasy is just a subset of Fantasy as a whole. This stuff is still completely within the realm of fantasy.
There already ARE motorized vehicles in the game, just look at the war engines that the charr have. Fantasy just means magic. It doesn’t mean everything has to be identical to Middle Earth.
Trying to claim what the “silent majority” likes or dislikes is fail, considering they are silent.
I will always remember John Smedly, CEO of SOE, stating that “people who like the NGE are playing the game, not posting on the forums” Shortly after that, they lost massive numbers of subscribers, and were forced to refund an expansion purchase to anyone that asked for it.
No one knows what the silent majority is doing. Silently playing the game, or Silently uninstalling it.
Thank you.
Trying to claim what the “silent majority” likes or dislikes is fail, considering they are silent.
I will always remember John Smedly, CEO of SOE, stating that “people who like the NGE are playing the game, not posting on the forums” Shortly after that, they lost massive numbers of subscribers, and were forced to refund an expansion purchase to anyone that asked for it.
No one knows what the silent majority is doing. Silently playing the game, or Silently uninstalling it.
Thank you.
But do remember that his statement also cuts both ways. It’s like doing a sample of a jar containing pennies and nickels. If you take part of the jar’s content out and get 3 pennies for every nickel, chances are that jar has a 3:1 penny to nickel content. Far more likely that is the case than the contrary.
Trying to claim what the “silent majority” likes or dislikes is fail, considering they are silent.
I will always remember John Smedly, CEO of SOE, stating that “people who like the NGE are playing the game, not posting on the forums” Shortly after that, they lost massive numbers of subscribers, and were forced to refund an expansion purchase to anyone that asked for it.
No one knows what the silent majority is doing. Silently playing the game, or Silently uninstalling it.
Ahh, such a true post.
What I find baffling about this thread are the people who, as entitled to their opinions as they may be, are shocked at the “kind of game” this is.
How could you have not done a little homework and clearly seen this was not a grimdark or Tolkien high fantasy game. It doesn’t really suggest “traditional fantasy” at all. I think it was very obvious that this game was not going to be a serious affair.
If you’re asking for a surrogate world that also just so happens to be fantasy in setting, then this has never been a stop on the train ride worth getting off for. It’s a fine world, but it is not deeply immersive, making me forget reality, and extremely serious. It has never been portrayed as such.
The people in this thread who seem to feel almost betrayed astound me.
No one knows what the silent majority is doing. Silently playing the game, or Silently uninstalling it.
Except that one party does know what they are doing, and will make choices based on that. Namely ArenaNet, obviously.
Stop being so grumpy, it’s a bit of harmless fun!
If you really don’t enjoy it do not take part in it, avoid Rata Sum, do not open the mysterious boxes!
Sure we aint taking part in it.
We avoid Rata Sum.
We dont even wanna see that mysterious boxes.
But could ARENANET remove those PvE mission indicators on our screen?
What a LAME tactic on their part to force us to do it so that it will be cleared.
They want it. They do it. And paste it on THEIR screens.
Their = Arenanet.
Ahh, such a true post.
What I find baffling about this thread are the people who, as entitled to their opinions as they may be, are shocked at the “kind of game” this is.
How could you have not done a little homework and clearly seen this was not a grimdark or Tolkien high fantasy game. It doesn’t really suggest “traditional fantasy” at all. I think it was very obvious that this game was not going to be a serious affair.
I suppose I watched a few reviews (as well as the ads and the manifesto) describing the gameplay graphics etc but not actually the theme and the premise on which GW2’s overall future gameplay development was going to be. I am not going to ask for my money back but I mean if Anet wants MORE of my money …
No one knows what the silent majority is doing. Silently playing the game, or Silently uninstalling it.
Except that one party does know what they are doing, and will make choices based on that. Namely ArenaNet, obviously.
Arenanet can certainly track acct usage, or lack of. In the absence of input, they cannot know why. If a person stops logging in, that is all they know, not why, if that person is “silent”. They cannot know if a person continues to play in spite of undesired aspects of the game in absence of input. If a customer is silent, they cannot track “why”, neither pro or con. Developers make disastrous decisions as well as good ones based upon their perceptions. All businesses do. None are omnipotent.
Trying to claim what the “silent majority” likes or dislikes is fail, considering they are silent.
I will always remember John Smedly, CEO of SOE, stating that “people who like the NGE are playing the game, not posting on the forums” Shortly after that, they lost massive numbers of subscribers, and were forced to refund an expansion purchase to anyone that asked for it.
No one knows what the silent majority is doing. Silently playing the game, or Silently uninstalling it.
Ahh, such a true post.
What I find baffling about this thread are the people who, as entitled to their opinions as they may be, are shocked at the “kind of game” this is.
How could you have not done a little homework and clearly seen this was not a grimdark or Tolkien high fantasy game. It doesn’t really suggest “traditional fantasy” at all. I think it was very obvious that this game was not going to be a serious affair.
If you’re asking for a surrogate world that also just so happens to be fantasy in setting, then this has never been a stop on the train ride worth getting off for. It’s a fine world, but it is not deeply immersive, making me forget reality, and extremely serious. It has never been portrayed as such.
The people in this thread who seem to feel almost betrayed astound me.
I think you may have hit the nail on the head. If GW2 is true to it’s roots, then I think a lot of people are having an identity crisis with it. I really didn’t play the original GW, but if GW2 follows in its foot steps, I’m sure I would have had issues with it as well.
Again, there are many things about GW2 that I do like and enjoy, but in the end, it is a time filler until something a bit more rooted in the traditional fantasy genre is released.
To those people who like the silly/my little pony stuff, I’m not putting you down. Different strokes for different folks. But, everyone that paid the money for the game, has a right to their opinion.
Yeah… i don’t like this kitten too, im not a 35 year old gamer who wants to “remember his childhood”, 8bit sounds are anoying as kitten and the kitteny models aren’t better.
35 y.o too and I have to be honest, when listened this login music, had to log off immediately. I ’ll try to get back in a couple of days hoping this bad joke is over. I ’ll go play some Skyrim I think, to get a taste of epicness and try to forget about it. Goodnight all!
35 y/o too, and I love the music. You must have have not been a true gamer.
35 y/o too, and I love the music. You must have have not been a true gamer.
Side scolling or top down 2D GW2 shooter next pls. Would be very cool if you have 8 different classes to choose from, each with their own strengths but not 1 super powerful and 1 super weak. Would be even cooler if you have many many boss fights with different mechanics and awesome animations on bosses. Totally awesome if you actually have varying ways to get to the bosses.
Epic is when you have 5 coop play to take down SUPER MEGA UBER ULTRA ULTIMATE Badkitten Boss with your attacks instead of a scripted Mega Laser.
(edited by Khal Drogo.9631)
GW1 turned everyone into stick figures for April Fools, had gun toting commandos for 2 years…
…yall make me giggle.
“A release is 7 days or less away or has just happened within the last 7 days…
These are the only two states you’ll find the world of Tyria.”
Ok sure you win, im sure it can be explained however you want, at the end of the day, some people will love it, some will hate it, me I play fantasy mmo’s for the fantasy, If i want Scifi I will play a scifi mmo (defiance tomorrow woooo) (wild star hell yeah)
But looks like this game is losing the fantasy for cheap nonsensical garbage.whats funny is im so annoyed now, Ive actually went and signed up for the new neverwinter game….i mean really cryptic theyve never made a good game.
But I like my fantasy fantasy.
It’s just a joke dude, an April Fools joke-spirited event. It will be gone soon enough.
It’s all celebratory, no need to get all grumpy because of it. I love that ANet likes to celebrate the holidays with the players too. Loosen up and give it a try, no reason to get all bent out of shape dude, sheesh.
guessed ppl will be mad at this.. if I gave a kitten about the storyline I’d prolly be too, thing is, gw2 story isn’t all that special or innovative or anything, it’s just some generic fantasy bs. but yeh lore fans gonna rage
It’s just a joke dude, an April Fools joke-spirited event. It will be gone soon enough.
It’s all celebratory, no need to get all grumpy because of it. I love that ANet likes to celebrate the holidays with the players too. Loosen up and give it a try, no reason to get all bent out of shape dude, sheesh.
Actually the devs have reminded me of older better games in terms of design and “balance”. Off to play them on my Android phone. Have fun beating more monkeys.
guessed ppl will be mad at this.. if I gave a kitten about the storyline I’d prolly be too, thing is, gw2 story isn’t all that special or innovative or anything, it’s just some generic fantasy bs. but yeh lore fans gonna rage
There’s no such thing as a feature that will not make anyone mad. Asides from that, the lore already strays from “fantasy fantasy” with the Charr and the Asura.
guessed ppl will be mad at this.. if I gave a kitten about the storyline I’d prolly be too, thing is, gw2 story isn’t all that special or innovative or anything, it’s just some generic fantasy bs. but yeh lore fans gonna rage
It’s not ENTIRELY outside the realm of possibility in regards to the lore. People like playing games, it’s a product of civilization. Free time is as well.
The Asura are innovators and love technology, it’s not beyond the realm of possibility that they would come up with a video game. Not at all.
Now there are obvious pop culture references, like the Asura being named Moto, but the machine itself existing doesn’t seem too crazy. No crazier than us inventing video games once we were able to.
Civilizations love to play. It’s one of the luxuries of being civilized and not a hunter/gatherer tribe.
There are hours upon hours of content that sticks to the original aesthetic and feel of the game. When you add in content, it doesn’t detract from the original content. If this content isn’t up your alley, then don’t play it.
I like that ANet is doing something fresh and different.
Also, please don’t be ageist. Age does not necessitate a person’s interests.
+1 agree with the OP. This isn’t what I had in mind for my next MMO. I appreciate the hard work put in to this, but it really doesn’t belong. I started feeling this way back in beta with the baseball hat and sunglasses, a little more with backpacks, and now this…
Huh I don’t see the issue.
I can’t even remember the last time I was in Rata sum prior to this update.
There was pretty much zero reason to be in Rata sum to worry or give a rats behind about immersion.
Not that it mattered since everyone knew from day 1 Asura were a what’s it called “Deus ex machina?” race. They can do anything. They’re a magi-tech race. Charr are industrial and humans stuck in their castles.
Hell just looking at it, it looks like another Asura thing until you pop in.
So if you don’t like it, you never have to actually stop in, to see the change of direction.
Don’t see me up in Southside Cove.
There are hours upon hours of content that sticks to the original aesthetic and feel of the game. When you add in content, it doesn’t detract from the original content. If this content isn’t up your alley, then don’t play it.
I like that ANet is doing something fresh and different.
Also, please don’t be ageist. Age does not necessitate a person’s interests.
Not doing it does not solve anything. Simply seeing other people with this sort of stuff ruins the atmosphere of the game. I can not participate in that stuff from now til the game shuts down, but someone running by with an 8 bit skin or a goofy backpack ruins the feel of the world. You can’t simply not do the content or ignore the items. How would you feel if, in the next Hobbit movie, one of the dwarves was just an 8 bit cartoon? Would you just not look at him and it would be ok?
I’m all for funny stuff and minigames and holiday events, but let’s keep them consistent with the world we are in!
It is lore-compliant, and the implications of the boxes/sprites showing up in the overworld are frankly… horrifying, if you take time to grasp why they are showing up in the ‘real’ world of Tyria.
There are hours upon hours of content that sticks to the original aesthetic and feel of the game. When you add in content, it doesn’t detract from the original content. If this content isn’t up your alley, then don’t play it.
I like that ANet is doing something fresh and different.
Also, please don’t be ageist. Age does not necessitate a person’s interests.
Not doing it does not solve anything. Simply seeing other people with this sort of stuff ruins the atmosphere of the game. I can not participate in that stuff from now til the game shuts down, but someone running by with an 8 bit skin or a goofy backpack ruins the feel of the world. You can’t simply not do the content or ignore the items. How would you feel if, in the next Hobbit movie, one of the dwarves was just an 8 bit cartoon? Would you just not look at him and it would be ok?
I’m all for funny stuff and minigames and holiday events, but let’s keep them consistent with the world we are in!
It was an Asuran invention. Done.
I do agree with the sentiment that this world doesn’t feel cohesive at all. It feels like it doesn’t know what kind of world it wants to be in terms of lore, feel, atmosphere, setting and story.
I’m just plodding along from one event to another really for fun, or to get chests. I really don’t care why I’m doing what I’m doing, or who is asking me to do it.
That being said, the new event IS fun. I do enjoy doing it and that I appreciate. This game as it is now, is really just a collection of things to do and enjoy, rather than a world to be a part of. Nothing wrong with that of course, there’s room for all sort of games. I would suggest to Anet to just pick a direction of what they want the game and the world to be and stick with it.
This isn’t like a monthly update. This month we had the WvW update The lack of culling makes WvW a much better experience. We’ve had new instances with the personal story, new weapon skins from guild missions and black lion chests, and now a bit of fun for April Fools day.
There’ll be a lot of updates to come and not all of them are going to fit every single person. How about being a bit open-minded to what other people are interested in, and not think that every update has to be for you.
There’s plenty of updates to come. Some will be Pve, some will be PvP, some will be WvW and some will just be for fun. If you want ALL the updates just for you, you’re probably going to be very disappointed.
If you don’t think more armor updates are coming, or more weapons updates, or more dugneons, or whatever, you’re mistaken. But other people play games for other reasons.
This game offers a lot of content to a lot of different people. My guess is, that will continue to happen.
There are hours upon hours of content that sticks to the original aesthetic and feel of the game. When you add in content, it doesn’t detract from the original content. If this content isn’t up your alley, then don’t play it.
I like that ANet is doing something fresh and different.
Also, please don’t be ageist. Age does not necessitate a person’s interests.
Not doing it does not solve anything. Simply seeing other people with this sort of stuff ruins the atmosphere of the game. I can not participate in that stuff from now til the game shuts down, but someone running by with an 8 bit skin or a goofy backpack ruins the feel of the world. You can’t simply not do the content or ignore the items. How would you feel if, in the next Hobbit movie, one of the dwarves was just an 8 bit cartoon? Would you just not look at him and it would be ok?
I’m all for funny stuff and minigames and holiday events, but let’s keep them consistent with the world we are in!
It was an Asuran invention. Done.
You could use that excuse to put anything in the game. Why not just say a wizard did it?
Don’t play Guild Wars 1, the game this is a sequel to, then. It has grinches running around on Christmas, your inventory filling with things like candy canes or Easter eggs depending on the date. Oh, and a techologically sophisticated race known as the Asura, who have access to technology such as artificial intelligence, portal networks, and hardlight constructs capable of rendering an entire virtual world.
Big Differences. The two console inspired instances were set in GW era, using GW art, landscapes, graphics. You did Pac Man on a Worm in the Sulfurous wastes, and Polymock was Asuran themed.. even though pokemon. At no time in GW1 did you enter some cheesy knockoff of another platforms graphics and music. The commando stuff was instanced, and no commando skins, weapons, etc ever reached the open game world. There were no Pac Man minis, no Pac Man boxes of fun, nothing like that.
This is very different. Imperial Tie fighters strafing charr might be “fun” too, but I don’t think we need Battlefront here. 3rd Reich Zombies might be “fun”, but we don’t need Wolfenstien. I don’t want to see the Master Chief either. Or Lara Croft, for that matter.
Actually, theres no difference at all. We got banana scythes and candy cane weapons in GW1. How can it be different from Super Weapons in GW2? Half the people at Kamadan were on tonics as Kuunavang, bettles, rabbits, snowmen, gnomes or whatever, to get the title.