Okay People, So it has been a Week
Reaper has made me hang up my warrior. It just does everything so much better than that profession now. Faster might stacking, faster stacking vulnerability, better shouts, interupts, survivability….there is just no reason to play a warrior anymore.
Its really really sad.
Umh. It has only been a week. A week filled with temporary Halloween content. I suppose I could have unlocked a couple of specializations, but never all nine. So I’ll have to reserve my judgement for now.
I have unlocked all elite specs and Reaper comes up tops, that is until ANET nerfs it. :P
I have unlocked all elite specs and Reaper comes up tops, that is until ANET nerfs it. :P
Oh, I can see it coming. But most of the problem is, the reaper just meshes so well with the other trait trees, just as Daredevil does too. Some professions with their new specializations fit so nicely, but when I look warrior…its such a mess
I only have one character, my ranger. But I really enjoy the Druid.
Barely unlocked 2 elites (chrono and dragonhunter) but didn’t have time to play them yet. If what i remember from beta is still valid, Chrono will remain but DH will not be used.
Remember, remember, 15th of November
I only play warrior, but I can say that I am really liking berserker, there is still so much of it I have to try too, namely the torch. I played it on my condi sw/sh + longbow warrior and berserk mode and the new burst skills were great. I think torch would be fantastic with my build.
PvE- Grolex (Warrior)
PvP rank: 20 Rating: 1864 (season 7)
Unfortunately I only play one profession, so I can only really vouch for one. Despite that, there’s no doubt in my mind that having just seen other specs play out, the chronomancer feels bland.
I admit it’s useful in some ways, yet overall it leaves a dry taste in my mouth.
I’m not sure if herald really counts, but i do like the revenant in general.
i just wish we had a full set of underwater legends.
So it has been a week since HoT was launched! I know a lot of people who pre-purchased the game got to do Beta, but that was only a weekend or three.
Now that you had a full week to mess around with the Specializations, The real question is now, Which one is your Favorite???
WAS druid until nerfed
Reaper has made me hang up my warrior. It just does everything so much better than that profession now. Faster might stacking, faster stacking vulnerability, better shouts, interupts, survivability….there is just no reason to play a warrior anymore.
Its really really sad.
Reapers, just like base Necromancers, still provide little to no support to their team. All of that might stacking you’re hyping up is self only, as opposed to a Warrior being able to actually support their teamates. If anyone steps on a Warrior’s shoes in parties I’d expect it to be a Revenant.
I am using Beserker but just because it is new and shiny and want to give a chance to it. But basically it is not fitting at all to the current build and it forces you to drop something that is more valuable. I’m not impressed at all with Beserker at the current status.
Desolation – [TEU]
I left HoT maps on Monday and may return in the future if something new calls me back. I just really really hate jumping puzzles and mazes so it’ll need to be something worthwhile to drag me back.
That aside, I maxed out a Reaper thanks to the hero point u-turn and have been trying that out. Not decided if I’ll keep it yet as it feels a little slow.
Welcome to the Internet, exposing characters since the early 80’s.
I’ve only tried dragonhunter so far, but I’m really liking it. F2 is an on-demand heal/daze, procession of blades, and longbow 4 are great for condi builds(basically burn guard with 3-4 burn stack AA + an extra 2 stacks of burning overall from longbow. Plus, the range is amaaaaazing)
I really enjoyed reaper in the betas, though I haven’t gone out and unlocked it yet on my necros. Its on the ‘to do’ list.
Since ele is my main, I have been playing around with tempest a bit, and I think its ok, but I’m still not certain it’s something I’m going to love.
I’ll spend more time with the elites after Halloween is over.
There was never any doubt I was going to love Dragonhunter, but Reaper came out of nowhere to say “I am fun incarnate”. I am shocked how giddy the greatsword skills make me. I don’t even bother with the shouts. Just GS and a wall of hungry minions…
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.
OK, alone I shall stand..head held high, but I have absolutely loved playing…
Reaper and herald, or they will be when I get them unlocked anyway.
There is absolutely no evidence to support that it would.” -AnthonyOrdon
I still don’t know. Reaper really appeals me, but I havent unlocked it yet. I’m mostly playing around with my main, a little asura engie. Since scrapper doesn’t really convince me, I’m simply using my old FT permaswift build to burn and overrun stuff in the jungle.
So far I’m having lots of fun… without the elites.
that it makes every other class in the game boring to play.”
I have just played one, daredevil. But i love it. Feels really acrobatic and fast.