Okay yeah, so Anet here it is. . . .

Okay yeah, so Anet here it is. . . .

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kelly.5293


36 simple quality of life to very large suggestions, including some Gemstore ideas and options.

I cant thank you enough for how you have all evolved this game from it’s start. Anet you are all amazing and thank you so much!

1. A lvl 80 Quaggen and Krate Dungeon in South Sun cove. Completely underwater, Slightly modified Pearl weapons with an armor set for dungeon tokens. Maybe out of Southsun Cove
The fact that it is Underwater is what I feel is most important in this request.

2. Account Bound Mini pets specific to dungeons for 2k – 3k dungeon tokens. Who doesn’t want a mini Lupi they had to grind for? This creates more content with out creating that much and allows for people to show off their accomplishments.

3. When putting / taking things in the guild bank you should be able to double click like the regular bank

4. Permanent Guild Bank Access item. Gemstore or Black Lion chest item.

5. There doesn’t seem to be a point talking about precursors so I wont bother but I do feel that anything over 1000G is kind of .. .dumb. If you are working on something for this then thumbs up. If not then I’m sure you are using the time to bring us something else awesome and no worries.

6. An option to open the Gemstore from your wardrobe on items from the Gemstore with an anchor to the item.

7. An option in the Gemstore on finishers to bring you directly to your preview screen of the finisher.

8. Option for beginner mode for NPE and Veteran mode for those with at least one lvl 80 to fall back in part on the old system. This probably shouldn’t effect trait unlocks but traits should be account based unlocks or reworked to be cheaper. I get this is all a VERY big deal and I seem to think the traits is the biggest issue for most people. I specifically remember in Guild Wars 1 that you could buy an account based skill unlock kit for each expansion (which I did). I’ll leave it at that in the suggestion that i’m sure there is a compromising alternative. I think the new system is great but I also get that people in game already feel it’s a loss. Just remind them of the amazing Wardrobe you gave them

9. I really like this one on the harvesting tool end so hear me out! Account Unlocks so you don’t have to move Permanent items from character to character. This would be comparable to selecting an outfit or a finisher to use. (I love this system so far TY!)
Items I suggest:
Perm Bank access, Perm TP, Perm, Perm merchant and Perm hair kit,
Royal terrace ticket and Capitan’s Airship Pass, ALL Permanent harvesting tools. I still refuse to buy these harvesting tools because it’s more of a hassle because I play on multiple toons in a day and the cost value isn’t there. If the convenience was available account wide I would definitely consider this option. It shouldn’t be any different then selecting a mini pet or an outfit. I think a lot more people would consider buying them if they could select them and not have to move them from character to character every time they swapped toons. They click it once and are done.

10. Gemstore previews of harvesting tools. Just like finishers have changed to this, harvesting tools should also. I can’t preview them in the game and I couldn’t be bothered to go find and watch it on Youtube in order to be awe struck and want to buy it. At that point I have already lost interest or really I just wasn’t enthralled by a still cartoon drawing picture of what could be really awesome.

11. Up to 4 Weapon / trait and Skill sets for quick swapping out of combat. Or even One additional. More could be available as a Gemstore account upgrade.

12. A scroll bar for top 10 Nearly completed achievement points. 3 is barely a teaser and I have many times had things stuck on the top that I never wanted to finish making the system more of a waste.

Okay yeah, so Anet here it is. . . .

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kelly.5293


13. Better fractal rewards towards time investment. I don’t do Fratals anymore as I feel they are a waste of time. I use to do them daily up until the new patch last year and was level 40. I also gave up on the terrible RNG of non selectable weapons and went and found other things to enjoy and work towards. I was a huge fractal player and that patch kind of ruined it for me and made me realize it wasn’t going to get better. It seemed to be thrown together way way to fast. I appreciate the effort but I would rather do something else now. I like dungeons in this game because of the token reward system. I cant stand this RNG like from Guild Wars 1 for the good and desirable items. I can make easily triple or four times the gold doing daily dungeon runs in the same amount of time and work towards something nice. I wont even go into what needs to happen over this full bank tab of useless ascended rings but please help!

14. The ability to move Bank tabs up and down with items in them (resorting). Just like you can do with Bag Slots

15. Some type of a turn in for now excessively useless Queen Jennah Mini’s now that you only need one per account unlocked.

16. Crafting Level information on the filter and Crafting anchor points in the UI for titles. I love crafting and the new interface! I maxed all crafting. I really love you can break down to the sub items while crafting but there are a few more tweaks it could use to make it even more amazing!
So first on the filter next to the Tier name more information should be available like the Crafting Rating level and the item you makes use level. So for IE in the filter
Novice (0-74) Level 10-20 items
Initiate (75-149) Level 25-35 items
Apprentice (150-224) Level 40-50 items
Journeyman (225-299) Level 55-65 items
Etc and so on
Second there should be Anchor Points for titles in the huge list of recipe items. It can be a pain just to find the section you need to start looking for what you want to craft. This would make it WAY easier! Click on the title on the left and it brings up the list on the right. The quick easier alternative to this to make all categories collapsed by default so I can see the full list of titles right away and just open only the ones I need and close after. The first idea would be much nicer though. See image i attached

17. 500 crafting Jeweler and Chef. Just because XD

18. Account medals and AP progress bars on same Character Select screen. I like the info but I also like staring at my medals.

19. A completion list of what dungeon paths have been done for the day since last reset.

20. A competition list of what dungeon paths you have done once on account towards Dungeon Master title.

21. Better UI for events, rewards and AP you are working on to condense them on the side of the screen in a miniature version. These setting should stay on by default. The right side of my screen is forever cluttered with complete junk I don’t want to see or see that BIG.

22. Voting selection always shrinks to the left side after you pick one while waiting on others.

23. Accepting a Guild Banner Buff tells you the full name of what guild put it up, (future option to ask for guild invite to the Guildy who posted the banner would be way cool)


Okay yeah, so Anet here it is. . . .

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kelly.5293


24. Reduce silk back to 2 scraps per 1 bolt, increase gossamer to 3-4 scraps per bolt. The switch came when it was cheaper to sell silk to the merchant then on the TP. Those days are past and some of these changes should be reverted and updated accordingly as they were in the first place.

25. I love this one. With the new patch for Silverwastes it was hard not to notice a huge increase in junk items such as whiskey, rum and other items. I’m suggestion a Junk item eater or “Trash Compactor”. A Gemstore item that will compact and crush all of your junk inventory items into one new item of a combined value. It should have the option to compact (salvage) other items into it also like junk sigils (this should help increase some of their TP values also). A new NPC in each city could be the “Recycler” that will accept your compacted junk item for it’s value. The idea behind the NPC would be to force players to be immersed into an interaction over getting to easy of a convenience with no story connection. Should be a Gemstore item of course a free be for myself for the suggestion would be awesome.

26. The ability to Pre-make a character before buying an extra slot with a save option. It can save the character fully in it’s creation of all nine steps indefinitely. The 10th step of “Name” can not be reserved. The option to visit the character to modify it can be done at anytime before it’s finalized with the purchase of gems that will allow you to name it. This sounds like a small, small thing to ask for that may require a bit of resources to create but I feel like I have a good reasoning behind it. It can be fun to play around with the creation interface of what would be a cool new character idea on the fly. Unfortunately most people with full character slots will have to decide before playing with the creation interface that they want a new character. The idea is that creating a character might actually lead to them wanting to finalize the deal of buying the slot after they see how cool they look thanks to you’re current awesome design system. I’m hoping by making this an option to influence people to make more characters and give everyone the ability to make a test design look for a potential one. Additionally more people that make more new characters just adds to the over all longevity of people playing with more to work on and enjoy in your awesome game.

27. Craftable Ascended or Legendary luck. I currently have 210% MF and am approaching the 30k cap of increased amount of Essence of Luck required for the next percent level. I need roughly 135 Exotic Essence of Luck to advance just 1% Magic Find. Being able to craft a Legendary Essence of Luck would cut down on LOTS of clicking and add to the quality of life in the game. I don’t care if you need 400-500 artificer for this just as an option would be very nice. Alternately an Ascended Luck could be created at 300-400 Essences of Luck if you don’t want Legendary to be craftable.

28. With the last one in mind and many other things like the drinking achievement and the ability to select an option to consume all would be nice. Click on an item gives you the option to “Use”, but “Use All” would again add to the quality of life in the game in many areas. With this option I would suggest and highly recommend an “Are you sure you want to do that” Yes or Cancel prompt. It could do things like make you vomit or for drinking, just kill you. It could be fun and a nice feature.

29. The ability to use the Mystic Forge in multiple uses at once. It would be amazing to change the interface to allow for this “Forge All” option. Realistically this might be a big job for someone. Alternatively and easier option would be specific to making lodestones in blocks of 10, 20, 50 and 100 at a time by just adding the recipes to allow us to do so. That is where I have found most of my Mystic Forging is. I have 3 Legendaries, Mjolnir, Wings of Dwayna working on Feathers of Dwayna, made 12 or more corrupted weapons and i’m always making Lodestones for something. I know a lot of people would be very, very happy with this easy alternative upgrading the forge. I don’t think it should have a macro for throwing rares and exotics that don’t stack in. That could be tragic. I’m just looking for a recipe update. Maybe a Essence of Luck could be infused with 10 Mystic Forge Crystals to make the 10 recipe block of lodestones and so forth.

Okay yeah, so Anet here it is. . . .

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kelly.5293


30. World event timers! I really like this one – possible use of heralds for this. It seems odd that we should have to go to a 3rd party website to find out information out of game on things in game. I’m suggestion being able to talk to any of the cities Herolds to bring us news of what collective efforts are happening (World Events) where and when. It seems to just make sense that there would be an option to talk to them and ask about world events that will bring up some kind of a schedule or discussion one way or another. This will also help New players understand the game and what’s going on also. Hey sorry, I like a little Lore.

31. Maybe i’m an idiot but I have the occasional tendency in PVP to forget which color I am when I haven’t been killed and sent back to my base in awhile. When I look up at the score at the top of my screen I shouldn’t have to then look down at the map and try to figure this out and remember where I started. I have on rare occasion of close matches thought I won because I couldn’t tell after the fact. It would be easier if my team was more pronounced somehow in a very simple way directly next to the score. Half the time the enemies are Blue but the name tags are always Red and in a day I change colors so many times it’s like wait what was I? Maybe this is why I get owned so fast and sometimes run the wrong way.

32. WvW – /rank system specific to WvW not pvp. I don’t do WvW very often but i’m sure they would appreciate their own /rankwvw thing. That would be kind of cool, no?

33. Ability to sort dye colors by name and a search bar for them. I have all the common and uncommon dyes in the game and more then half I think of the rare. . . If I know a color by name and want to find it. . . .well good luck looking at over 500 colors .. If we can get a better UI for this to search a color by name it would be very helpful and or sort them alphabetically.

34. Golden title needs an upgrade 200G is kind of low now since launch in my opinion maybe a new something at 1000G

35. Skimpy Armor and Outfits for guys.

36. The Underworld and Hardmode Dungeons possibly scalable like Fractals. Maybe for LS at some point.

Thanks again for hearing me out and keep up the amazing work!
I’ll see ya in the field.

Okay yeah, so Anet here it is. . . .

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zavve.8205


Wow this is neat and I like so many of them. Here is my opinion.

I don’t agree with #34 I think that is unfair to increase.

I don’t really understand #24 so I will ignore that one.

For #8 I like the new system but having an option is never a bad thing imo.

I don’t understand #5.

There was alot to read so I probably missed one :P

Okay yeah, so Anet here it is. . . .

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Serophous.9085


you know you answered yourself in this on why precursors continue to go up in price. Your #34 basically tells how there is more gold in the system now, than at the beginning, and easier to acquire. Simple economics

Okay yeah, so Anet here it is. . . .

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Djinn.9245


Nice post. I would like to add:

-A UI bar for consumables

it’s this luck based mystic toilet that we’re all so sick of flushing our money down. -Salamol

Okay yeah, so Anet here it is. . . .

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wasbunny.6531


Jeez so many good ideas. Some I give a +2 and some I’d give +.5…so averaged out…


~An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way.~

Okay yeah, so Anet here it is. . . .

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wasbunny.6531


Nice post. I would like to add:

-A UI bar for consumables

Just saw this…such a great idea. No more slim-lined inventory opened at the side of your screen in dungeons. You get a +1 too.

Edit: I guess I should add my 2 cents too.
-Customizable UI.

~An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way.~

(edited by Wasbunny.6531)

Okay yeah, so Anet here it is. . . .

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wanze.8410


5. Nearly every precursor had its value decline for over 4 months now. Mainly due to t5 fine mat faucets from halloween lab, drytop/SW farm and now t5 snowflakes, so forging them has become cheaper.

I didnt read all your suggestions and I think you should have posted them in seperate topics because that way the Devs that are responsible for each part that your suggestions aim at, can easier find it.

Tin Foil [HATS]-Hardcore BLTC-PvP Guild
Bloin – Running around, tagging Keeps, getting whack on Scoobie Snacks.

Okay yeah, so Anet here it is. . . .

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: steveway.3167


I would like to add:

1. Please allow catagories for minis in the wardrobe. I would like to see which ones i am missing from each set, so I can work on my set completion. Before they were added to the wardrobe, they were broken down into the different catagories like series 1,2,3,special etc. I would like to also add the catagories for halloween, wintersday, and such to help make finding and selecting minis easier.

2. Please add items like blade shards to the materials tab, and geodes/bandit crests to the wallet. This would be a huge help to inventory management.

Okay yeah, so Anet here it is. . . .

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gnat.9405


I think #9 is the most important. Gathering tools should be an account-wide slot. I think we are beyond level gating tools. Wardrobe access to ascended gear is also incredible important. It’s account wide for a reason. Eliminate ascended gear as a wearable item and offer it as an upgrade to exotics through the wardrobe system. Got a warrior and guardian to 80 and geared, but only one ascended set? No problem. Click on gear, right click “ascend”. Same with accessories. The gear is account wide, so this process is for convenience sake.

Same with other items. Account accessible tab that houses unlockables: home teleport, royal/airship passes, etc.

Okay yeah, so Anet here it is. . . .

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ardenwolfe.8590


I love every, single idea you presented. +10 all around for you. Excellent suggestions.

Gone to Reddit.

Okay yeah, so Anet here it is. . . .

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Olvendred.3027


While many of your suggestions would be nice, there are existing threads on several of them, and it’s very difficult to actually discuss 36 different suggestions in one thread, especially when people keep adding more.

Okay yeah, so Anet here it is. . . .

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tom Gore.4035

Tom Gore.4035

I’ll add mine:

37. Completion list for Dive Master by location.
38. Completion list for Dynamic Events (gotta experience them all!).

One – Piken Square