Omnomberry pie: long overdue change
Luckily there are cookie cutter builds anyone can fall to.
The fact that so many people are complaining about this deserved nerf to life-steal food tells me there are indeed cookie cutter builds that anyone can fall back on.
Honestly, I don’t think any other nerf in the game got as much attention as this one.
from you? probably not, youve posted like 100 times. get over having magic pies give you a I WIN BUTTON and learn to play your class the right way
Actually if you look I too posted to this thread. As for the "I WIN’ button, do you play a leech necro? If not then please don’t tell us how to play our class, and if you do please tell us exactly how you get into melee range within a dungeon with a dagger and last more than a few seconds even with dodging. You see the necro has no vigor/endurance granting abilities so after you dodge twice your hooped till it recharges.
I agree that nerfing the food was good idea for cleave classes, however, for one build in particular, it basically cut out a fair bit of our healing ability. If they had nerfed the food and given a better vitality/healing/vigor to our class then that would have been a fair trade, but just nerfing it hurts. I’m gonna remake my necro as a condi scepter/dagger like every other necro now, as having vampire leeching was never meant to be (apparently) used in melee even though the main dagger auto attack is 130 range.
Sad really as I have invested heavily into my daggers, and the build is generally fun in PvE, but in dungeons you may as well be ranged now.
(edited by Tommyknocker.6089)
Luckily there are cookie cutter builds anyone can fall to.
The fact that so many people are complaining about this deserved nerf to life-steal food tells me there are indeed cookie cutter builds that anyone can fall back on.
Honestly, I don’t think any other nerf in the game got as much attention as this one.
from you? probably not, youve posted like 100 times. get over having magic pies give you a I WIN BUTTON and learn to play your class the right way
Actually if you look I too posted to this thread. As for the "I WIN’ button, do you play a leech necro? If not then please don’t tell us how to play our class, and if you do please tell us exactly how you get into melee range within a dungeon with a dagger and last more than a few seconds even with dodging. You see the necro has no vigor/endurance granting abilities so after you dodge twice your hooped till it recharges.
I agree that nerfing the food was good idea for cleave classes, however, for one build in particular, it basically cut out a fair bit of our healing ability. If they had nerfed the food and given a better vitality/healing/vigor to our class then that would have been a fair trade, but just nerfing it hurts. I’m gonna remake my necro as a condi scepter/dagger like every other necro now, as having vampire leeching was never meant to be (apparently) used in melee even though the main dagger auto attack is 130 range.Sad really as I have invested heavily into my daggers, and the build is generally fun in PvE, but in dungeons you may as well be ranged now.
the way im getting within melee range should be the way everyones getting in melee range, i attack from the back cuz the bosses cleave doesnt hit me. my guilds are normaly good that when you get aggro back up slowly so others can get behind and dps. i fell your pain my necros a axe/focus necro so my range is also poo. 360 i think it was?
the way im getting within melee range should be the way everyones getting in melee range, i attack from the back cuz the bosses cleave doesnt hit me. my guilds are normaly good that when you get aggro back up slowly so others can get behind and dps. i fell your pain my necros a axe/focus necro so my range is also poo. 360 i think it was?
Thanks for understanding our class (axe range is 600 btw). I do find that getting behind most dungeon bosses is easier said than done when most people I have done dungeons with, both pug and guildies, WANT the bosses against a wall. I do try to maneuver behind the bosses when possible, but it is safer to just stay range now. I only commented originally because ANet recently said it wanted all professions to have many (5 or 6 I think) viable build options and making our class even worse at melee was, to me, a contradiction.
the way im getting within melee range should be the way everyones getting in melee range, i attack from the back cuz the bosses cleave doesnt hit me. my guilds are normaly good that when you get aggro back up slowly so others can get behind and dps. i fell your pain my necros a axe/focus necro so my range is also poo. 360 i think it was?
Thanks for understanding our class (axe range is 600 btw). I do find that getting behind most dungeon bosses is easier said than done when most people I have done dungeons with, both pug and guildies, WANT the bosses against a wall. I do try to maneuver behind the bosses when possible, but it is safer to just stay range now. I only commented originally because ANet recently said it wanted all professions to have many (5 or 6 I think) viable build options and making our class even worse at melee was, to me, a contradiction.
sadly d/d necros do seem to be left out in the dark when it comes to play options. tho if your realy set on using a dagger main hand, maybe try a focus off hand the regen from #4 should help a bit more with surviablity, and the weakness should also buff the damage and healing from dagger #2. you could take the weakness evan higher with spectral wall, and well of suffering to up the life steal even more if thats the mechanics you wanna work around? and specral wall can also be crossed when going into melee range to prevent that first hit you take within 5 seconds.
As for the "I WIN’ button, do you play a leech necro? If not then please don’t tell us how to play our class, and if you do please tell us exactly how you get into melee range within a dungeon with a dagger and last more than a few seconds even with dodging. You see the necro has no vigor/endurance granting abilities so after you dodge twice your hooped till it recharges.
Try doing what just about every other class does when faced with a hard hitting melee boss…dodge the hard-hitting attacks or weapon swap to a ranged weapon.
As for the "I WIN’ button, do you play a leech necro? If not then please don’t tell us how to play our class, and if you do please tell us exactly how you get into melee range within a dungeon with a dagger and last more than a few seconds even with dodging. You see the necro has no vigor/endurance granting abilities so after you dodge twice your hooped till it recharges.
Try doing what just about every other class does when faced with a hard hitting melee boss…dodge the hard-hitting attacks or weapon swap to a ranged weapon.
Yep dodge exactly twice then pray the red circles stay away till I can recharge; I guess the part about necro’s getting no vigor/endurance enhancements got missed by you. And weapon swap works well, but if I am going to spend more time using a scepter then what is the point of necro’s getting dagger skill (130 range) in the first place?
Quizotic, thanks, I’ll try to incorporate the focus and spectral wall into my utilities and see if it helps.
Warriors can’t survive now? Really?
I believe that is an overstatement and maybe a certain niche of warriors (full zerker warriors) will have a harder time surviving but certainly not all warriors as a whole.
Yes, yes we will. Warrior sustain is horrible. Getting hit by random cleave from melee mobs will be a lot worse.
You could dodge. Or stand behind the enemy as it starts its big wind up attack and then it cant hit you. It really works. I run a full zerker and almost never die in open world and dungeons.
Supposedly necromancers are to compensate by applying Death Shroud as a damage sponge.
Now if that thing had a defensive mode (meaning it only absorbed damage, and didn’t take over the whole interface) that may make more sense…
As for the "I WIN’ button, do you play a leech necro? If not then please don’t tell us how to play our class, and if you do please tell us exactly how you get into melee range within a dungeon with a dagger and last more than a few seconds even with dodging. You see the necro has no vigor/endurance granting abilities so after you dodge twice your hooped till it recharges.
Try doing what just about every other class does when faced with a hard hitting melee boss…dodge the hard-hitting attacks or weapon swap to a ranged weapon.
There is a food that gives +40% endurance regin. Bowl of beef stew or something like that.