On inconsistent and paradoxical game design
Farming should be an option, but it shouldn’t be required. And currently, it isn’t! It needs to be allowed, but it also needs to be controlled (lest it destroy the economy).
This is where the problem lies. For a lot of players, the way the game is set up makes farming required. Having some players telling a very large portion of your player base to leave because “this is not the game you are looking for” is detrimental to the health and longevity of the game, and I don’t think that’s the answer Anet is looking for anyway. I’m sure they want a way to make every player happy.
This is their chance to make it possible for goal oriented people to be happy with the game and keep the log in and run around crowd happy as well, because it will have no affect on them personally.
Like we were talking about earlier in the post, it’s almost like people are playing 2 separate games and my whole point is it does not need to be this way. We can all play the same game and not hurt anyone in the process.
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.
LEARN how to do it instead of spending all your time here arguing that Anet should hand you everything on a silver platter.
Patronising much? I have a full set of T3armor and have crafted and equipped Volcanus, so I know about gathering cash and mats. My point is that is now MUCH harder than it was pre-November and has been getting worse with every patch.
Thats nerfs. Nerfs that havent been announced and aren’t welcome.
And in addition, flipping the TP? Really? I bought an action based MMO not a frickin’ futures trading simulator.
This is where the problem lies. For a lot of players, the way the game is set up makes farming required. Having some players telling a very large portion of your player base to leave because “this is not the game you are looking for” is detrimental to the health and longevity of the game, and I don’t think that’s the answer Anet is looking for anyway. I’m sure they want a way to make every player happy.
No Anet employee is going to say so, but they don’t care if you quit. These games are designed with the idea that X% of the players will leave after a few weeks, Y% will leave after a few months, and Z% of the players won’t leave until the last server shuts down. It’s just part of the business.
That said, they do want to give you the game you want to play, but there are limits. I don’t go to McD’s when I want chinese food, I go to a chinese restaurant. Walk into McD’s and demand they make you some hunan beef because you’re the customer and it’s their job to serve you. The manager will explain they don’t serve that here and will ask you to order something they do make, or leave. If need be they will have you removed from the property.
It’s the same here, if you want to rush to max level, gear up and join 19 other people in an instance where you spend hours bashing virtual monsters while collecting better gear to bash bigger monsters, this isn’t the game for you. And I have no problem telling people that they would be better served by playing the game they want to play instead of demanding that THIS game become the game they want to play, when clearly that will never happen.
Having some players telling a very large portion of your player base to leave because “this is not the game you are looking for” is detrimental to the health and longevity of the game,
But quite typical of the fanboy / hater split on these forums and nothing to worry about, because according to the fanboys there aren’t any problems…so soon they’ll be the only ones left and then they’ll be quite happy. Albeit a bit lonely.
LEARN how to do it instead of spending all your time here arguing that Anet should hand you everything on a silver platter.
Patronising much? I have a full set of T3armor and have crafted and equipped Volcanus, so I know about gathering cash and mats. My point is that is now MUCH harder than it was pre-November and has been getting worse with every patch.
Thats nerfs. Nerfs that havent been announced and aren’t welcome.
And in addition, flipping the TP? Really? I bought an action based MMO not a frickin’ futures trading simulator.
LOL we are not playing the same game. My loot’s fine.
You of all people should be defending this line of thinking, as it will get rid of the people you so fight here on this forum today. Why do you want people playing your game that are just there for the grind and not the content?
I don’t. I’ve repeatedly said that if you’re not having fun, find another game to play. People just don’t listen.
Of course, part of human nature, or at least cultural conditioning in western Europe and America, has been that humans are unworthy sinners who deserve to be punished and therefore we are supposed to be miserable. Seems like some people just aren’t happy unless they’re unhappy.
LEARN how to do it instead of spending all your time here arguing that Anet should hand you everything on a silver platter.
Patronising much? I have a full set of T3armor and have crafted and equipped Volcanus, so I know about gathering cash and mats. My point is that is now MUCH harder than it was pre-November and has been getting worse with every patch.
Thats nerfs. Nerfs that havent been announced and aren’t welcome.
And in addition, flipping the TP? Really? I bought an action based MMO not a frickin’ futures trading simulator.
LOL we are not playing the same game. My loot’s fine.
Therein lies the crux of a pretty big problem. There are quite a few people playing a very different game in far to many ways. I almost feel at this point this game is trying to be everyones game and it’s hurting them pretty badly.
This is where the problem lies. For a lot of players, the way the game is set up makes farming required. Having some players telling a very large portion of your player base to leave because “this is not the game you are looking for” is detrimental to the health and longevity of the game, and I don’t think that’s the answer Anet is looking for anyway. I’m sure they want a way to make every player happy.
No Anet employee is going to say so, but they don’t care if you quit. These games are designed with the idea that X% of the players will leave after a few weeks, Y% will leave after a few months, and Z% of the players won’t leave until the last server shuts down. It’s just part of the business.
That said, they do want to give you the game you want to play, but there are limits. I don’t go to McD’s when I want chinese food, I go to a chinese restaurant. Walk into McD’s and demand they make you some hunan beef because you’re the customer and it’s their job to serve you. The manager will explain they don’t serve that here and will ask you to order something they do make, or leave. If need be they will have you removed from the property.
It’s the same here, if you want to rush to max level, gear up and join 19 other people in an instance where you spend hours bashing virtual monsters while collecting better gear to bash bigger monsters, this isn’t the game for you. And I have no problem telling people that they would be better served by playing the game they want to play instead of demanding that THIS game become the game they want to play, when clearly that will never happen.
The problem with this whole post is no one that I know of is trying to change the game in any way. No one is making it about loot, max level, raids, or anything of the sort. We just want a goal that we can work towards with reliable progress.
What I’m trying to prevent is the attitude that 2 of my RL friends who bought the game had and countless guild mates of “Well there is no guarantee if I play 2 years I’ll ever get x or y item, so forget this I’ll play something that I know my time won’t be wasted on.”
This doesn’t change the game at all for anyone who is happy with it now. It would just give goal oriented players a reason to be here in a game and that pushes you to be goal oriented. The only difference between the goals in this game and other MMO’s is the goals are cosmetic. This game is not unique in PvE, it’s just more of the same, and at the moment it’s less of more of the same if you follow me A lot of us have realized this, and a lot of us have not.
I’m not begrudging anyone on how they like to play a game, but my point is don’t look down upon those that don’t view the world through the same glasses, especially when it wouldn’t affect others that don’t play that way at all.
I’m not saying there aren’t people out there that want this game to become another dungeon grinder treadmill, I’m sure those goofs exist, but what I’m asking for wouldn’t affect anyone negatively.
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.
(edited by Aeonblade.8709)
Therein lies the crux of a pretty big problem. There are quite a few people playing a very different game in far to many ways. I almost feel at this point this game is trying to be everyones game and it’s hurting them pretty badly.
Oh, yes, very much so. Anet and GW2 are victims of success.
You see, they sold a lot more copies of the game than they thought they would. Something like 3 million in the first two months or so. A lot of these were GW players who wanted to play GW with better graphics. But a million or so were WoW players who wanted to play WoW with better graphics.
This game is neither.
But rather than let GW2 be GW2 and enjoy the game for what it is, people started demanding that they replicate GW/WoW game play, and Anet listened. As a result the game is pulled in several directions and instead of finding its own identity is currently isn’t quite any one game, but a mix of several.
At this point there is no easy fix. But I’d be really, really happy if the WoW kiddies went back to WoW.
I haven’t read all through the past 5 pages, skimmed it mostly, but just to add my thoughts to it…
Farming is acceptable, i believe, because devs have said this and thru the use of 200% MF on southsun, shows this. But I do believe they don’t want people to excessively, obsessively farm to the point that it is almost all they ever do. Certain grindy goals, like legendary for example, i believe the devs intend for players to get it after a looooong time, not even a matter of a few months. As always the playerbase defies this projection; as in almost any other games, we often find ways to astonish devs.
Now, I dislike RNG but i concede to its use in some issues. Legendaries are one such. We should have to farm to get it, but not as much as some are doing now. Take ur time. Though having said that there is one aspect in what the devs did that I would and do complain about. RNG on RNG for a content that’s temporary. Yea, u know it, the new weapon skins. A double RNG (as if one wasnt bad enough) on something with a time limit means that unless you gotten superbly lucky (i did, but i still protest in principle), you have to farm FEVERISHLY… or spend cash on it FEVERISHLY in hopes of getting it. The worse off ur luck is, the more insanely u have to farm.BEcause unlike legendary ur window of opportunity to get it is VERY limited, depending (again) on luck.
Now I know some people say, it’s just skin. doesnt affect stats. optional stuff. I can’t buy into that because the cosmetics i believe are part of what we (some of us at least)do in game. Also note this is a game, so technically its ALL optional, but for me, whether or not it affects stats/gameplay or just skins, or whatever else tht u wud say is not “necessary”, it is a goal that anyone can set and is their right to set it, hence i avoid saying “it’s optional” to ppl, coz i think thats for them to decide ultimately and should be respected as such.
Therein lies the crux of a pretty big problem. There are quite a few people playing a very different game in far to many ways. I almost feel at this point this game is trying to be everyones game and it’s hurting them pretty badly.
Oh, yes, very much so. Anet and GW2 are victims of success.
You see, they sold a lot more copies of the game than they thought they would. Something like 3 million in the first two months or so. A lot of these were GW players who wanted to play GW with better graphics. But a million or so were WoW players who wanted to play WoW with better graphics.
This game is neither.
But rather than let GW2 be GW2 and enjoy the game for what it is, people started demanding that they replicate GW/WoW game play, and Anet listened. As a result the game is pulled in several directions and instead of finding its own identity is currently isn’t quite any one game, but a mix of several.
At this point there is no easy fix. But I’d be really, really happy if the WoW kiddies went back to WoW.
You and me both Tol
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.
The problem with this whole post is no one that I know of is trying to change the game in any way. No one is making it about loot, max level, raids, or anything of the sort. We just want a goal that we can work towards with reliable progress.
Then you haven’t been reading the complaints that I have been. This goes all the way back to the beginning of the game, there’s no endgame, there’s no sense of progression, there’s no raids, no gear treadmill, etc.
Dozens of individuals have flooded the forums with demands that the game become something it’s not because that’s what THEY want to play. And when I say, go play that game, they complain because they only criticize the game to make it better. Which is to say, to make it the game they want to play and not the game it is.
I accept the game for what it is. I find the attitudes of these people to be dishonest, to put it as politely as possible. They pretend they love the game when all they do is bash the game because it isn’t (MMO the poster likes).
Anyway, there’s a red post in one of the threads about Legendaries. The gist of the message is, Anet is working on the kind of content that you want to play. It’s not something they can just toss into the game in a few weeks, they have already started laying the groundwork for this but it is a long term process. So you will eventually get the goal-oriented path to a precursor that you want. But making threads about it every day isn’t going to speed up the process at all.
whoever says that most part of getting a legendary is playing the game normally except for lodestone, i want to know how normally playing you can get 750 pile of crystalline dust to craft bifrost…
because in my normal gameplay i managed to have 100ish and this when loot and farming weren’t nerfed…
after the nerf i had to buy all of it and/or had it from friendsBut you’ve made gold and you can buy mats. That’s what most people do. Most people don’t farm all the mats they need themselves. They play the game however they want, slowly building up the money they need to buy the mats they want. They keep an eye on the prices of mats, because they do fluctuate, and they try to buy when the price is lower.
So some people love dungeons and run them for money. Or Fractals. Some people hate them and just run dynamic events, which takes longer, but they do it anyway. Some people follow the world events around and make money doing that.
I do a bit of everything and though I didn’t need 750 crystalline dust for my lengendary, I did need 100 onyx lodestones, which by today’s prices works out to roughly the same price. And Crystalline dust has gone up. It’ll go down again after the Southsun event when more people are farming in Orr.
The point is, you don’t have to farm the mats, you just play the game, save your gold, and buy your mats. That’s what I did.
I am trying to make sense of all of your posts in this thread, but I am soooo confused.
You are telling people to slow down and play for fun, and that legendary weapons were meant to be “Ultra long term goals”, yet you have 3000 hours played by your admission, and a legendary already.
Its pretty easy to tell other people to relax and just play the game, when you are already afforded that luxury due to you achieving your "Ultra long term goal’ already. While others who either do not have your luck, your time, or your playing prowess want to achieve the same thing you have done already.
You are like the guy who quits smoking, then preaches to other people they should quit, and its easy. No one wants to hear it to be honest.
If half of these people had their legendary already, you would not see them in here complaining, unless of course it was about the lack of endgame/content.
I am happy you achieved your goal, and you did it YOUR way, but that does not give you the right to come in here and tell people THEIR way is wrong just because it is different than yours.
I am one of the players who enjoys mindless grinds ( Job is mentally tasking, and coming home to a mindless activity is nice) , and getting rewarded for spending my time doing what I find fun. I enjoy talking to my friends while grinding, and maybe listening to music while doing so, point is … to me, while I do enjoy the content Anet has put in the game, and I have tried most of it, farming is my bread and butter, and the content I find the most rewarding.
The good thing is that whenever Anet shuts down a farming spot, another one opens, so I will not freak out about losing skelks. I moved on from skelks a while ago, and making my money elsewhere, but as I see people moving in on that as well now, I know I need to start looking for another spot again. So I will .. and I will continue to play the game the way I want, as you so did it your way.
You Sir, are my new hero! Well said. :-)
Therein lies the crux of a pretty big problem. There are quite a few people playing a very different game in far to many ways. I almost feel at this point this game is trying to be everyones game and it’s hurting them pretty badly.
Oh, yes, very much so. Anet and GW2 are victims of success.
You see, they sold a lot more copies of the game than they thought they would. Something like 3 million in the first two months or so. A lot of these were GW players who wanted to play GW with better graphics. But a million or so were WoW players who wanted to play WoW with better graphics.
This game is neither.
But rather than let GW2 be GW2 and enjoy the game for what it is, people started demanding that they replicate GW/WoW game play, and Anet listened. As a result the game is pulled in several directions and instead of finding its own identity is currently isn’t quite any one game, but a mix of several.
At this point there is no easy fix. But I’d be really, really happy if the WoW kiddies went back to WoW.
You and me both Tol
Well, to be fair to the WoW folks, they did sell this game to be everyones game. It made me nervous to hear them say it, since it’s really an impossible goal. I think that there are valid gripes about broken stuff as well as some points about features missing that really should be there. I was much more excited to see them adding things like begin able to craft out of your storage account than i have been for most of the buggy content they’ve released lately. I’m almost embarrassed when i bring new players to see some content that doesn’t work. This, after i’ve touted how great the game is.
Well, to be fair to the WoW folks, they did sell this game to be everyones game. It made me nervous to hear them say it, since it’s really an impossible goal..
My most valuable life lesson ever learned: don’t believe the marketing hype. Ever.
Hmm, except personally I am bashing the game because it is extremely boring. Boring, dishonest, broken and greedy. And once you have achieved Level 80 and done every fractal, every dungeon, every map, every DE and every world boss many many times, there really is no point in playing, unless you count logging on for the two hours it takes to complete any of the so called content patches they’ve been releasing.
Or to do your daily…..yaaaaaaaaaawn.
Well, to be fair to the WoW folks, they did sell this game to be everyones game. It made me nervous to hear them say it, since it’s really an impossible goal..
My most valuable life lesson ever learned: don’t believe the marketing hype. Ever.
This about any game, any product in the world.
If I didn’t have my legendary, I wouldn’t have it. I have 3000 hours in game due to the fact that I enjoy playing the game. I wasn’t even TRYING for a legendary until the precusor dropped. But my point in the same. I didn’t run CoF path 1 to get it…occassionally with the guild, never twice on the same day. I didn’t farm Orr to get it..occassionally I’d go there if I needed like omnom berries to make bars. I never farmed any area over and over. Honestly it would bore my senseless.
I’ve spent a lot of time in lower zones, hanging out with and helping guildies. Done some PvP, some PvE. In no game do I ever focus on loot. I see no reason to. I think the focus on loot has ruined the RPG genre completely and made it something it was never supposed to be.
Do you know what you are in WoW when you’re all geared up? A coatrack for greatness. I never wanted to be that. I want to be powerful, I don’t want my armor to be powerful. I don’t want to put on a coat to be awesome. The coat isn’t me.
So yeah, even if I didn’t have a legendary, none of what I said would have changed. I didn’t buy it, I didn’t farm it. I got it by playing. And if it took me two years…it would take me two years. Why should I care. I’m having fun.
People who aren’t having fun should play a game where they can have fun. I would think that would be self-evident. Maybe I’m wrong.
Another “I don’t think you understand the game” or “Should play a different game” post. Please, keep on, don’t let us interrupt your 24/7 soap box. 3000 hours played and wonders why everyone else is complaining about the game. Priceless.
Being able to have goals in the game wouldn’t hurt players like you. You can keep on wandering around low level zones not worrying about a thing. You could keep on picking flowers for 3000 hours or whatever it is you do. It would just give the rest of a us a full game to play.
I’ve played every game like this for years, even when I’ve had no time to play. I just don’t see what the big rush is. Maybe it’s an age thing. Maybe younger people need everything faster, because the world has spread up, but I’m quite happy to take my time.
This has nothing to do with how many hours I’ve played.
Then why mention that you have 3000 hours played? And this point I’m more inclined to believe you zealously defend every aspect of the game because it’s a learned behavior from playing 10+ hours a day since release.
I mean, how could you hate something if it’s all you have done and all you have known for 10 months? Obviously you are going to love it just how it is, because it’s all you know anymore.
And don’t pull the age card, I’m hitting my late 20s now and I have a family and a job of my own. Age isn’t even relevant, but I would say spending all your time on a game changes how you feel about the game and life in general.
Yes, you’re hitting you’re late 20s. You’re a kid. I’m 51. I’ve changed a lot of my views of the world since my late 20s. The age card is quite appropriate.
I worked as an editor professionally and I’ve written professionally as well. I’ve lived with a piece of work for years and years and still had to look at it critiqually. How much time I spend on something doesn’t make me blind to its faults.
But that doesn’t mean I’m going to see the same faults as you are. Are you really that blind? Can you not see that there are different TYPES of players who play this game. You’re one type of player, looking for one type of experience and I’m different type of player looking for a different experience, and that alone can explain everything about what we’re looking for in a game. It’s not being a blind fan boy. It’s that this game was made for players like me and NOT made for players like you. Not all games will please everyone.
Tons of people love World of Warcraft. I never have and I never will. Not because it’s a bad game, but because it’s not made for players like me.
You’re looking to try to explain why my opinion is so different from yours. It’s because we’re different people, born in different time, sculpted by different experiences, and so we want different things from our entertainment.
It’s really not that hard.
You are just dancing around again. There is no reason why both experiences can’t be in the game and be relevant. All you are proving to us is that you are set in your ways and too stubborn to think about anyone else’s opinions. Call me a kid all you want, I’m not spending 10+ hours a day in a video game.
You are correct. Age is not an issue. I’m 48 and feel exactly as you do. Fanatics will be fanatical…..just saying.
Filled with excessive and single-minded zeal.
Obsessively concerned with something.
Well, to be fair to the WoW folks, they did sell this game to be everyones game. It made me nervous to hear them say it, since it’s really an impossible goal..
My most valuable life lesson ever learned: don’t believe the marketing hype. Ever.
This about any game, any product in the world.
Sorry just figured this thread needed some humor since we all disagree with each other haha.
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.
Well I’m 42 and I think this game is boring beyond belief…..so hey, not all old people like this stuff. Just saying.
The problem with this whole post is no one that I know of is trying to change the game in any way. No one is making it about loot, max level, raids, or anything of the sort. We just want a goal that we can work towards with reliable progress.
Then you haven’t been reading the complaints that I have been. This goes all the way back to the beginning of the game, there’s no endgame, there’s no sense of progression, there’s no raids, no gear treadmill, etc.
Dozens of individuals have flooded the forums with demands that the game become something it’s not because that’s what THEY want to play. And when I say, go play that game, they complain because they only criticize the game to make it better. Which is to say, to make it the game they want to play and not the game it is.
I accept the game for what it is. I find the attitudes of these people to be dishonest, to put it as politely as possible. They pretend they love the game when all they do is bash the game because it isn’t (MMO the poster likes).
Anyway, there’s a red post in one of the threads about Legendaries. The gist of the message is, Anet is working on the kind of content that you want to play. It’s not something they can just toss into the game in a few weeks, they have already started laying the groundwork for this but it is a long term process. So you will eventually get the goal-oriented path to a precursor that you want. But making threads about it every day isn’t going to speed up the process at all.
Actually I am one who does like the game for what it is. I did not come in here to “bash” the game. I came in here to tell one individual that it was not fair for him to tell people to play the game the way he does, as he flashes his legendary in their face. Yes Vayne that is you. Someone who averages 10 hours a day in a game is grinding/farming in their own way whether he likes it or not. Im just saying in my shorter time of playing, I still manage to play the content provided, and farm the materials off to the side to obtain my goal, and it keeps getting nerfed for Anets purposes of making these people have to play longer so they have a shot at spending real life money on gems.
So the goal path I was on was going to take a long time as it was just because I do not play as much, but now its going to take longer, and the people who have their legendary come in here to tell me to “just play the game like they did” .. well Anet has made sure that I cannot as they have changed the game 100’s of times to make sure I dont. And I dont blame them for that, as I know what they are trying to achieve, but it does not take away the frustration of them taking away my toys every time I find a new one.
In fact I played games back in the 80’s that were more addictive than this one.
“There is a door to the left and one to the right”
a) Turnaround
b) Open the left door
c) Open the right door.
“You have chosen(Open the Right Door)”
“A goblin has stabbed you in the face”
“You are dead”
In fact I played games back in the 80’s that were more addictive than this one.
“There is a door to the left and one to the right”
a) Turnaround
b) Open the left door
c) Open the right door.“You have chosen(Open the Right Door)”
“A goblin has stabbed you in the face”
“You are dead”
MUDs still exist. If you are so bored with the game why? Just why? Do you really need to stress yourself over a game?
In fact I played games back in the 80’s that were more addictive than this one.
“There is a door to the left and one to the right”
a) Turnaround
b) Open the left door
c) Open the right door.“You have chosen(Open the Right Door)”
“A goblin has stabbed you in the face”
“You are dead”
Sigh … so much fun. I played Adventure Land on the Commodore Vic 20 .. those were the days.
In fact I played games back in the 80’s that were more addictive than this one.
“There is a door to the left and one to the right”
a) Turnaround
b) Open the left door
c) Open the right door.“You have chosen(Open the Right Door)”
“A goblin has stabbed you in the face”
“You are dead”
MUDs still exist. If you are so bored with the game why? Just why? Do you really need to stress yourself over a game?
I’m not. Honestly, I’m smoking a cigarette and drinking a Whisky. Im merely pointing out how poor I think the game is in the vain hope that someone will come fix it so I can get back to playing it.
In fact I played games back in the 80’s that were more addictive than this one.
“There is a door to the left and one to the right”
a) Turnaround
b) Open the left door
c) Open the right door.“You have chosen(Open the Right Door)”
“A goblin has stabbed you in the face”
“You are dead”
MUDs still exist. If you are so bored with the game why? Just why? Do you really need to stress yourself over a game?
I’m not. Honestly, I’m smoking a cigarette and drinking a Whisky. Im merely pointing out how poor I think the game is in the vain hope that someone will come fix it so I can get back to playing it.
Don Quixote? Is that you? I just saw you in this other game I am playing!
Is it “Advanced Windmill Tilting for the Eternally Hopeful”? Im playing that right now.
I’m 39 and I think it’s naive to believe that people just want to login to games to simply look at the scenery or to watch replays of the NPC dialog. There needs to be rewards and the problem is that if you want to get a legendary there’s a massive grind involved. If you want Runes and sigils to be crafted then there’s a massive grind involved because I’ve never had a single stone drop from any of the Orr boxes I’ve bought or the T6 baggies bought with laurels.
There has to be a viable means to keep these things flowing in the economy as well as make them readily available for crafters otherwise why have crafting at all if you’re just going to have a mystic toilet.
Other game titles had alternative activities to get the materials you needed. I’ve played about 15 mmos in my time and there were some great designs for things like this. Mobile apps lotteries scratchoffs fishing rewards bloated fish Vendorfish and boxes fished up filled with crafting supplies the list is very long.
These devs really aren’t showing me that they are the gamers they claim to be unless it’s all console which even then wouldn’t explain why they haven’t done things that are part of mmo history as far back as UO
Actually I am one who does like the game for what it is. I did not come in here to “bash” the game. I came in here to tell one individual that it was not fair for him to tell people to play the game the way he does, as he flashes his legendary in their face.
Except he’s not, the devs are. It just happens that he (and myself) already play the game the way the devs intended it to be played, and it turns out that when you do that you tend to be a lot happier with the game than when you expect it to work like every other MMO ever.
The economy wasn’t ruined nor was it heading toward ruin prior to the drop rate changes.
I’m not speaking about specific changes. There’s an objective question to be asked about whether a given set of changes accomplished what it wanted to effect. My point was more general: farming cannot be allowed to continue without control or inflation will set in and currency will become meaningless for everyone who farms and unreachable for everyone who doesn’t, forcing everyone to farm whether they want to or not.
A certain amount of farming is necessary for the economy to function. Too much is bad. Since the Invisible Hand theory is nonsense in a made-up world, this means Anet needs to do their best to keep farming at the appropriate level.
They really do need to focus on fixing/adding stuff that make the base of the game feel better and maybe hold off on pushing out more buggy content.
I agree. I was elated when they announced they were going to do two bug fix patches, and then let down when those patches weren’t anywhere near as complete as I’d hoped.
This is where the problem lies. For a lot of players, the way the game is set up makes farming required.
This confuses me. How does the game require farming? For whom?
Having some players telling a very large portion of your player base to leave because “this is not the game you are looking for” is detrimental to the health and longevity of the game, and I don’t think that’s the answer Anet is looking for anyway. I’m sure they want a way to make every player happy.
Sure, but if we sit down to play a game of chess and you start complaining that the pieces can’t do anything except move squares and demand that chess is changed so that each piece has a different type of laser gun and their own statistics and hit points and such, I don’t think anyone would disagree that maybe you’d be better off with a different game.
GW2 can’t be everything to everyone. It’s not a first-person shooter, it’s not a piece of tax preparation software, it can’t walk your dog, and it can’t fix your upstairs toilet that doesn’t flush right. It has done an admirable job of supporting a wide variety of playstyles, but there are limits to how far it can stretch. I happen to think it can support farmers as well as other types of players, but not nearly as well as some other games in the genre which focus on farming to a greater extent.
How to Condi Reaper on a budget
Everything I say is only in reference to PvE and WvW.
Actually I am one who does like the game for what it is. I did not come in here to “bash” the game. I came in here to tell one individual that it was not fair for him to tell people to play the game the way he does, as he flashes his legendary in their face.
Except he’s not, the devs are. It just happens that he (and myself) already play the game the way the devs intended it to be played, and it turns out that when you do that you tend to be a lot happier with the game than when you expect it to work like every other MMO ever.
There is never a wrong way to play a game that is supposed to be a living world. Yes there are simple moral rules you must follow, but the game is open to play like you want, or at least it was suppose to be. If I choose to mine copper from level 1 – 80, that is my right to do so, but with the way things happen with this game, mining copper would get nerfed so as not to be helpful in my quest to be the Copper King.
I am happy you happen to fit the mold the devs want. You are apparently one of the chosen ones when it comes to this game, as you have nailed it. (applause)
I will state this once again so you might understand it this time. Please read this part carefully, as I truly mean every word of it. I …… LIKE ….. THIS …… GAME!!!!!!!
I do not expect it to be like every other MMO, and is the reason I am here. And I am here trying to make sure it does not turn into every other MMO. Because sooner or later they will introduce more legendary skins, and maybe legendary armors, and the grind will be back on again. And if things are not learned now, on how players play this game in all ways and forms, we will run into the same thing again, and that is something I know we all want to avoid.
The problem here is you are NOT typical. I’m not typical either. What is typical is people get a goal, they get what they want and they stop playing. You talk about the Dreamer. My son got the dreamer. A couple of weeks after he got it, he stopped playing. This is the reality for most people. The goal keeps people going.
I’ve said this before. It’s a line from the original Star Trek. Spock says, “Ston, you may have her. After a time you may find that having, is not always so pleasing a thing after all as wanting. It is not logical, but it is often true.” I’ve found this to be true in my life as well.
You want the bow for what you want, but if it was easier to get, and everyone could have it, or most people could get it A) would you still want it and
would those people still be playing the game.
You would. I would. But a whole lot of people wouldn’t. Anet is doing what every MMO does. They’re playing the waiting game. They’re working on more content. Building up to something. Until there is enough content, they have to keep people playing. They’re doing that by slowing down progress. In this case, slowing down the progress to making a legendary.
If you really want one it sucks. But I truly believe that if they made them easier to get and people could get them, a decent chunk of people would stop playing.
So yeah, I’m in favor of them doing what they’re doing. As more content gets released, it will be easier and easier to get legendaries, just as it is in all games.
Although i agree with your logic and your take on it, I would say however, that i’m a much happier person being with the person i want to be with than wanting to be with someone. I tend to appreciate what i have over what i might get down the road. But this isn’t really about life situation, since there is a pretty dramatic difference between what a person might expect from a game.
I think the point is that the game should reward in a way that doesn’t seem like it becomes a chore. I really can’t even count anymore how many people i know that left the game based entirely on this premise. You’re right, we aren’t typical, since we are still here, putting up with these somewhat irrational (or maybe knee-jerk is better) changes.
The real question and probably for Anet the ONLY question is how many people left the game, really left, because of the farming changes, as compared to how many people would leave once they had no goal to work for. It’s not an easy question to answer.
Clearly Anet believes that the farming issue and the difficulty of getting a lengedary is lest costly playerwise than making it too easy.
I’m thinking they’re probably right. Knowing that makes it easier for me, because I understand why they’re doing it. And you know, after seeing my son, a typical player (or more typical than me) get his legendary and leave, I actually believe they’re doing the right thing for the game, even though a percentage of people WILL feel disenfranchised.
Actually I am one who does like the game for what it is. I did not come in here to “bash” the game. I came in here to tell one individual that it was not fair for him to tell people to play the game the way he does, as he flashes his legendary in their face.
Except he’s not, the devs are. It just happens that he (and myself) already play the game the way the devs intended it to be played, and it turns out that when you do that you tend to be a lot happier with the game than when you expect it to work like every other MMO ever.
There is never a wrong way to play a game that is supposed to be a living world. Yes there are simple moral rules you must follow, but the game is open to play like you want, or at least it was suppose to be. If I choose to mine copper from level 1 – 80, that is my right to do so, but with the way things happen with this game, mining copper would get nerfed so as not to be helpful in my quest to be the Copper King.
I am happy you happen to fit the mold the devs want. You are apparently one of the chosen ones when it comes to this game, as you have nailed it. (applause)
I will state this once again so you might understand it this time. Please read this part carefully, as I truly mean every word of it. I …… LIKE ….. THIS …… GAME!!!!!!!
I do not expect it to be like every other MMO, and is the reason I am here. And I am here trying to make sure it does not turn into every other MMO. Because sooner or later they will introduce more legendary skins, and maybe legendary armors, and the grind will be back on again. And if things are not learned now, on how players play this game in all ways and forms, we will run into the same thing again, and that is something I know we all want to avoid.
Very good post. You nailed exactly how I feel about this game. Keep it up.
Actually I am one who does like the game for what it is. I did not come in here to “bash” the game. I came in here to tell one individual that it was not fair for him to tell people to play the game the way he does, as he flashes his legendary in their face.
Except he’s not, the devs are. It just happens that he (and myself) already play the game the way the devs intended it to be played, and it turns out that when you do that you tend to be a lot happier with the game than when you expect it to work like every other MMO ever.
There is never a wrong way to play a game that is supposed to be a living world. Yes there are simple moral rules you must follow, but the game is open to play like you want, or at least it was suppose to be. If I choose to mine copper from level 1 – 80, that is my right to do so, but with the way things happen with this game, mining copper would get nerfed so as not to be helpful in my quest to be the Copper King.
I am happy you happen to fit the mold the devs want. You are apparently one of the chosen ones when it comes to this game, as you have nailed it. (applause)
I will state this once again so you might understand it this time. Please read this part carefully, as I truly mean every word of it. I …… LIKE ….. THIS …… GAME!!!!!!!
I do not expect it to be like every other MMO, and is the reason I am here. And I am here trying to make sure it does not turn into every other MMO. Because sooner or later they will introduce more legendary skins, and maybe legendary armors, and the grind will be back on again. And if things are not learned now, on how players play this game in all ways and forms, we will run into the same thing again, and that is something I know we all want to avoid.
Very good post. You nailed exactly how I feel about this game. Keep it up.
Every game has parameters. Every game has boundaries. What you’re obviously looking for is a sandbox game, not a themepark game. Guild Wars 2 is clearly themepark and thus will have more boundaries than a game that is sandbox.
But you know, with the exception of Eve, most sandbox games have done very badly. There are reasons for it. In a sandbox game, you have to entertain yourself. Most people today need to be entertained.
The free thinker in online games is the exception, not the rule. And, as mentioned before, Anet has reasons for making the changes it makes. Whether you like or agree with them, they don’t do things for zero reason. So if you don’t know the reasons, you either believe Anet is doing stuff just to kitten you and players like you off, or maybe there’s a method to their madness.
I don’t think they do things randomly. I think that some people simply want things there way, and that’s not always possible. Things don’t always go my way either.
Except he’s not, the devs are. It just happens that he (and myself) already play the game the way the devs intended it to be played, and it turns out that when you do that you tend to be a lot happier with the game than when you expect it to work like every other MMO ever.
There is never a wrong way to play a game that is supposed to be a living world. Yes there are simple moral rules you must follow, but the game is open to play like you want, or at least it was suppose to be. If I choose to mine copper from level 1 – 80, that is my right to do so, but with the way things happen with this game, mining copper would get nerfed so as not to be helpful in my quest to be the Copper King.
I am happy you happen to fit the mold the devs want. You are apparently one of the chosen ones when it comes to this game, as you have nailed it. (applause)
I will state this once again so you might understand it this time. Please read this part carefully, as I truly mean every word of it. I …… LIKE ….. THIS …… GAME!!!!!!!
I do not expect it to be like every other MMO, and is the reason I am here. And I am here trying to make sure it does not turn into every other MMO. Because sooner or later they will introduce more legendary skins, and maybe legendary armors, and the grind will be back on again. And if things are not learned now, on how players play this game in all ways and forms, we will run into the same thing again, and that is something I know we all want to avoid.
Very good post. You nailed exactly how I feel about this game. Keep it up.
Every game has parameters. Every game has boundaries. What you’re obviously looking for is a sandbox game, not a themepark game. Guild Wars 2 is clearly themepark and thus will have more boundaries than a game that is sandbox.
But you know, with the exception of Eve, most sandbox games have done very badly. There are reasons for it. In a sandbox game, you have to entertain yourself. Most people today need to be entertained.
The free thinker in online games is the exception, not the rule. And, as mentioned before, Anet has reasons for making the changes it makes. Whether you like or agree with them, they don’t do things for zero reason. So if you don’t know the reasons, you either believe Anet is doing stuff just to kitten you and players like you off, or maybe there’s a method to their madness.
I don’t think they do things randomly. I think that some people simply want things there way, and that’s not always possible. Things don’t always go my way either.
Yeah I just think GW2 devs are just not that bright, and bit off way more than could chew or comprehend, given their last game was of a much smaller scope and more similar to Diablo than an mmo.
They want to get all the casual players by making no vertical progression, but they found these casual players buy the game and just leave and don’t stick around to spend money in the gem shop, so now you’re given this muddled compromise and no real endgame. Endgame essentially becomes, “do what you want to do unless its X, y, z, and not for too many hours, but not for too little hours, and not on Saturdays”. Obviously this type of endgame appeals to only a very small subset of players hence the population crash and the lumping of GW2 with the plethora of other mmo’s which had a booming start only to come crashing down in a few months as everyone went back to WoW.
Except he’s not, the devs are. It just happens that he (and myself) already play the game the way the devs intended it to be played, and it turns out that when you do that you tend to be a lot happier with the game than when you expect it to work like every other MMO ever.
There is never a wrong way to play a game that is supposed to be a living world. Yes there are simple moral rules you must follow, but the game is open to play like you want, or at least it was suppose to be. If I choose to mine copper from level 1 – 80, that is my right to do so, but with the way things happen with this game, mining copper would get nerfed so as not to be helpful in my quest to be the Copper King.
I am happy you happen to fit the mold the devs want. You are apparently one of the chosen ones when it comes to this game, as you have nailed it. (applause)
I will state this once again so you might understand it this time. Please read this part carefully, as I truly mean every word of it. I …… LIKE ….. THIS …… GAME!!!!!!!
I do not expect it to be like every other MMO, and is the reason I am here. And I am here trying to make sure it does not turn into every other MMO. Because sooner or later they will introduce more legendary skins, and maybe legendary armors, and the grind will be back on again. And if things are not learned now, on how players play this game in all ways and forms, we will run into the same thing again, and that is something I know we all want to avoid.
Very good post. You nailed exactly how I feel about this game. Keep it up.
Every game has parameters. Every game has boundaries. What you’re obviously looking for is a sandbox game, not a themepark game. Guild Wars 2 is clearly themepark and thus will have more boundaries than a game that is sandbox.
But you know, with the exception of Eve, most sandbox games have done very badly. There are reasons for it. In a sandbox game, you have to entertain yourself. Most people today need to be entertained.
The free thinker in online games is the exception, not the rule. And, as mentioned before, Anet has reasons for making the changes it makes. Whether you like or agree with them, they don’t do things for zero reason. So if you don’t know the reasons, you either believe Anet is doing stuff just to kitten you and players like you off, or maybe there’s a method to their madness.
I don’t think they do things randomly. I think that some people simply want things there way, and that’s not always possible. Things don’t always go my way either.
You can’t have a themepark endgame without progression. Period. Remember GW 1 had progression from Factions onward. It can be progression that resets every time there’s an expansion or something, but there needs to be a treadmill. Otherwise you have the problem Anet is having now that ppl run through content and then there is nothing for them to do. Other than “make your own goals”, lol, you can do this with literally any game that’s not meant to have an endgame, including single player games, that’s just a pathetic copout.
Just muddled core game design is all I have to say, devs want to have their cake and eat it too.
(edited by the uprising.6317)
“There is a door to the left and one to the right”
a) Turnaround
b) Open the left door
c) Open the right door.“You have chosen(Open the Right Door)”
“A goblin has stabbed you in the face”
“You are dead”
I prefer games that make you use logic instead of memorizing a line of random events and answers.
You can’t have a themepark endgame without progression. Period. Remember GW 1 had progression from Factions onward. It can be progression that resets every time there’s an expansion or something, but there needs to be a treadmill.
Not everyone likes treadmills. Install one and a huge part of the population will suddenly drop. “You can’t have a themepark without a treadmill” – well this is one of the first ones. The same way that you couldn’t have platformers in 3D, the same way that nobody would ever like a sandbox space simulator (kerbal space program) and the same way that MMO shooter wouldn’t attract anyone’s attention (planetside 2). You don’t have to have something, just because of the genre. In fact the more variety we see the better.
(edited by Mirta.5029)
And once you have achieved Level 80 and done every fractal, every dungeon, every map, every DE and every world boss many many times, there really is no point in playing, unless you count logging on for the two hours it takes to complete any of the so called content patches they’ve been releasing.
So after playing 100+ hours of content, you don’t see the point of playing more beyond the monthly content ArenaNet keeps adding to the game?
And you think that’s a bad thing because…?
Actually, don’t answer. I’ll answer for you:
In fact I played games back in the 80’s that were more addictive than this one.
Guild Wars 2 is a game. It’s not trying to be an addiction. That’s what all the other MMOs are (they’re also mediocre games). The fact GW2 isn’t addictive isn’t a flaw – it’s one of the best design decisions in the game. Besides…
Honestly, I’m smoking a cigarette and drinking a Whisky.
…Don’t you already have too many vices, anyway?
treadmill, of being in that obvious pattern of every time I catch up you are going to
put another carrot in front of me” – Mike O’Brien right before Ascended weapons
LEARN how to do it instead of spending all your time here arguing that Anet should hand you everything on a silver platter.
Patronising much? I have a full set of T3armor and have crafted and equipped Volcanus, so I know about gathering cash and mats. My point is that is now MUCH harder than it was pre-November and has been getting worse with every patch.
Thats nerfs. Nerfs that havent been announced and aren’t welcome.
And in addition, flipping the TP? Really? I bought an action based MMO not a frickin’ futures trading simulator.
LOL we are not playing the same game. My loot’s fine.
No kidding your loot is fine. This is exactly what I was talking about. The total value of the loot you’ve had drop is probably twice as good as mine (since October) just based on the precursor alone.
There is never a wrong way to play a game that is supposed to be a living world.
It is easy to say that, and it makes everyone feel better, but that doesn’t make it true. A game is not a living world. Games can’t be living worlds; it is a technological impossibility. All a game is is a list of rules and systems, and countless mathematical formulas. You can say “there is no wrong way to play” but by the very nature of the thing there is a way to play the game that it was balanced for. A way that it was designed to be played. And as such it is pretty easy to assume that if a game was designed around a given play-style, then the developers intended for the community to play that. And if you make the choice to intentionally play in a way that was not intended by the developers then it certainly isn’t the right way to play. So if it isn’t the “right way” what does that make it?
“There is a door to the left and one to the right”
a) Turnaround
b) Open the left door
c) Open the right door.“You have chosen(Open the Right Door)”
“A goblin has stabbed you in the face”
“You are dead”
I prefer games that make you use logic instead of memorizing a line of random events and answers.
You can’t have a themepark endgame without progression. Period. Remember GW 1 had progression from Factions onward. It can be progression that resets every time there’s an expansion or something, but there needs to be a treadmill.
Not everyone likes treadmills. Install one and a huge part of the population will suddenly drop. “You can’t have a themepark without a treadmill” – well this is one of the first ones. The same way that you couldn’t have platformers in 3D, the same way that nobody would ever like a sandbox space simulator (kerbal space program) and the same way that MMO shooter wouldn’t attract anyone’s attention (planetside 2). You don’t have to have something, just because of the genre. In fact the more variety we see the better.
The game is already almost devoid of life, the only time Anet will see casual money again is when they introduce and expansion, and they have a grind reset when an expansion comes along so its all cool, best of both worlds. Really what’s WRONG with progression in a freaking PVE GAME. Let them hit boars and giraffe’s as hard as they want WHO CARES? Its progression in PvP that becomes the problem.
The game is already almost devoid of life, the only time Anet will see casual money again is when they introduce and expansion
Last quarterly report states 36 million profit from both sales and gem sales. That’s far from unprofitable and devoid of life.
Really what’s WRONG with progression in a freaking PVE GAME. Let them hit boars and giraffe’s as hard as they want WHO CARES?
1. No alts if you want to keep up with the treadmill.
2. No playing any other games if you want to keep up with the treadmill.
3. No doing new content if you don’t keep up with the treadmill.
Essentially play heavily on one character only or accept the fact that everything that comes out will be something that you won’t be able to participate in. And when MMO sets such a harsh rule it’s just simpler to leave it and go to an MMO without such gear progression (Gw2 already is not the only one on the market).
The game is already almost devoid of life, the only time Anet will see casual money again is when they introduce and expansion
Last quarterly report states 36 million profit from both sales and gem sales. That’s far from unprofitable and devoid of life.
Really what’s WRONG with progression in a freaking PVE GAME. Let them hit boars and giraffe’s as hard as they want WHO CARES?
1. No alts if you want to keep up with the treadmill.
2. No playing any other games if you want to keep up with the treadmill.
3. No doing new content if you don’t keep up with the treadmill.
Essentially play heavily on one character only or accept the fact that everything that comes out will be something that you won’t be able to participate in. And when MMO sets such a harsh rule it’s just simpler to leave it and go to an MMO without such gear progression (Gw2 already is not the only one on the market).
So GW2 lets people play their way, unless that way is how most people play mmo’s?
Anet should thank the stars they already got our money.
Really what’s WRONG with progression in a freaking PVE GAME. Let them hit boars and giraffe’s as hard as they want WHO CARES?
Everyone looking for a good PvE game.
Again, progression grind is not part of a good game. It’s part of an addiction. I’m sure most MMORPG players don’t even remember it, but in old RPGs the level cap was not something players were meant to achieve, just part of a levelling system made as an addendum to the game, not as its core. The goal of Final Fantasy 6 was not to reach the level cap (and it was actually pointless to do so), rather to experiment the story.
“But that’s a single player game, all MMOs are focused on level grind!” – that’s because all MMOs are mediocre games trying to be addictions, in order to keep players eternally paying a monthly fee. They won’t become actual games, much less good games, as long as all they try to be is huge grinds. And MMORPGs won’t ever become good games if MMO players continue to accept mediocre farming as their favourite addiction.
So the answer to the question “WHO CARES?” is, “everyone who’s trying to find a good massive multiplayer online roleplaying game, instead of the sick jokes that Skinner rats love so much”.
So GW2 lets people play their way, unless that way is how most people play mmo’s?
Exactly. I would phrase it a bit differently, though – it’s “unless that way is how the Skinner hats like to press their levers”.
treadmill, of being in that obvious pattern of every time I catch up you are going to
put another carrot in front of me” – Mike O’Brien right before Ascended weapons
So GW2 lets people play their way, unless that way is how most people play mmo’s?
I don’t understand you. You look at the game features and see
- no gear progression
you buy it. You turn it on and then complain that the game doesn’t allow you to play your way because there’s no gear progression?
So GW2 lets people play their way, unless that way is how most people play mmo’s?
Anet should thank the stars they already got our money.
No; it doesn’t. And no one ever said it did or would. Games are systems, they are math, and there is a right way and a wrong way to do that math. And it just so happens that the “typical” way to do that math in other MMOs is the wrong way here. Deal with it.
I think game isn’t the problem. The problem is players who want EVERYTHING AND NOW. I have 800 hrs and I never ran into such problems. I have exotic sets of armor and weapon with no farm gameplay at all. One week – few sets from dungeons with stats I want.
I’m really don’t get all those whining and crying.dont get? Think that way, the game has 1 big pve objective, Legendaries.
What do you need to make a legendary? Gold.
How do you get Gold? Farming.
Where? CoF or Flip the AH, if you try to farm T6 mats or lodestones you gonna waste your time.
You’re deluding yourself if you think PvE’s big objective is a legendary weapon. It’s not. It’s a carrot on a stick created my ANet for some imaginary sense of achievement. I have one. When I got it, it was like “…that’s it?” Legendary weapon is just a really expensive item. Period.
Sure we will find another way to get said goal, but the fact we have to work so hard to get that goal, is the reason why people quit after they get what they want. The sigh of relief when you press that button on the forge to make your legendary is also a dying last breath in my opinion, for people who do not enjoy the game to begin with.
If these people want to quit after getting their legendary, its easy to see they did not like the game in the first place, and were playing for the shiny stuff and not the content.
Seriously now?
There are people who farm (don’t know maybe 6-12h a day) to get the final price and then quit? Nobody told them, that they could could quit before doing that and maybe live a life or having fun or … or… or… idk everything sounds more interesting than that!
I am so not having any sympathy for such fools…