It’s no secret that most of the game’s content – the majority of open world maps – are grossly underplayed. And this is a shame, because a lot of said content is really good. The problem is that there is not enough incentive to play these maps – other than for the joy of experiencing that content. Unfortunately, because most players are reward-driven, the low populations in these maps reduces the enjoyment to be had in playing them. Group events go undone. Waypoints remain contested. The journey through GW2’s beautiful world often feels like a solo experience.
Now, how can we fix that?
The tricolor chest in Kessex Hills was a step in the right direction. It represents a form of map-specific loot. That’s a great idea, but it doesn’t go far enough. Not nearly far enough.
Give every map its own equivalent to the tricolor chest.
And you don’t even need a massive living story arc to do so. Even a single LS update would suffice. “Priory explorers have discovered hidden treasure chests all over the world. Help them retrieve them.” Next.
These chests could contain map-exclusive rewards. Weapon skins, miniatures, armor skins, etc.
Give every map at least one unique exotic weapon skin for each weapon type.
These skins would come from random drops and the map chest. More could be added with time – but don’t tell us about them. Let us discover them for the Hell of it.
Edit – Options for reducing the skin workload
Option 1: Make that 1 exclusive REGION exotic skin per weapon. Each map in that region offers a few weapons in that region’s line up (IE: Queensdale offers the Sword, Scepter, and Shield while Harathi Hinterlands offers the GS, Shortbow, and Torch). You can eventually, if you wish, expand on these to eventually become 1 exclusive skin for each weapon type for each map.
Option 2:
Use Guild Wars 1 weapon skins (for the applicable weapon types) to save effort. Many of these skins looked good AND would would be popular among GW1 enthusiasts.
(Credit Tobias Trueflight).
Up karma rewards for dynamic events.
Making DE’s the main source of karma was a step in the right direction, but it needed to be accompanied with a general increase to all karma rewards from events.
Edit – Chain Multipliers For Karma Rewards
Participating in events in rapid succession (such as in a chain) will award significantly more karma.
Completing a dynamic event rewards a temporary buff that increases your earned karma by 5%. This stacks up to 3-5 times and refreshes with each successive dynamic event completion within that time. The close proximity and relation of events in a chain make event chains a natural way to optimize this buff.
(Modified from Galen Grey’s suggestion).
One exclusive ascended armor skin per region.
Ascalon, Kryta, Orr, the Shiverpeaks, and the Maguuma Jungle should each offer one exclusive ascended armor skin. You earn the pieces (very rarely) from drops and (rarely) from map chests in that region.
You can also earn pieces of this armor (at high karma prices) through region exclusive karma vendors.
Edit – Save effort by using popular legacy (GW1) skins for these armors.
The artwork for these already exists. Just bring it up to date, put it in the game, and give us a way to earn it. Again, this should reduce effort on the devs while pleasing GW1 enthusiasts. Pick the right skins, and their great aesthetics would please fans too.
Region-exclusive karma vendors.
Each map should have one or more (depending on the number of maps in that region) elite karma vendor associated with that region (Ascalon, Orr, etc.)
These vendors could offer:
One piece of the region-exclusive ascended armor per vendor.
Ascended weapons.
Ascended trinkets.
Map exclusive exotics.
Various other rewards.
Orr already has suitable vendors in the form of its temple karma merchants.
Attach region/elite karma vendors to quest chains.
(Tobias Trueflight).
Edit – Expand the rewards system to include WvW and PvP.
Earn Zaishen Keys (for winning) or Zaishen Key Pieces (for losing) sPvP/tPvP matches. Use them to open the Zaishen Chest in the Heart of the Mists.
Earn Garnet, Sapphire, or Emerald Key Pieces at random for killing opposing players in the appropriate borderland. Earn guaranteed Key Pieces for capturing towers or supply camps. Earn a guaranteed full key for capturing a keep.
Earn Obsidian Key Pieces at random for killing opposing players in the EB. Earn guaranteed pieces for towers or supply camps. Earn 1 full key for capturing a keep. Earn 3 full keys for capturing Stonemist.
(Modified from Tobias Trueflight’s suggestions).
All guaranteed key rewards have a 3 hour cooldown (to help prevent cross-server abuse through flipping). May need to be extended or the rewards adjusted.
(My addition to the suggestion).
Thanks for reading.
(edited by Duke Blackrose.4981)