On open world loot

On open world loot

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Duke Blackrose.4981

Duke Blackrose.4981

It’s no secret that most of the game’s content – the majority of open world maps – are grossly underplayed. And this is a shame, because a lot of said content is really good. The problem is that there is not enough incentive to play these maps – other than for the joy of experiencing that content. Unfortunately, because most players are reward-driven, the low populations in these maps reduces the enjoyment to be had in playing them. Group events go undone. Waypoints remain contested. The journey through GW2’s beautiful world often feels like a solo experience.

Now, how can we fix that?

The tricolor chest in Kessex Hills was a step in the right direction. It represents a form of map-specific loot. That’s a great idea, but it doesn’t go far enough. Not nearly far enough.

Give every map its own equivalent to the tricolor chest.

And you don’t even need a massive living story arc to do so. Even a single LS update would suffice. “Priory explorers have discovered hidden treasure chests all over the world. Help them retrieve them.” Next.

These chests could contain map-exclusive rewards. Weapon skins, miniatures, armor skins, etc.

Give every map at least one unique exotic weapon skin for each weapon type.

These skins would come from random drops and the map chest. More could be added with time – but don’t tell us about them. Let us discover them for the Hell of it.

Edit – Options for reducing the skin workload

Option 1: Make that 1 exclusive REGION exotic skin per weapon. Each map in that region offers a few weapons in that region’s line up (IE: Queensdale offers the Sword, Scepter, and Shield while Harathi Hinterlands offers the GS, Shortbow, and Torch). You can eventually, if you wish, expand on these to eventually become 1 exclusive skin for each weapon type for each map.

Option 2:
Use Guild Wars 1 weapon skins (for the applicable weapon types) to save effort. Many of these skins looked good AND would would be popular among GW1 enthusiasts.
(Credit Tobias Trueflight).

Up karma rewards for dynamic events.

Making DE’s the main source of karma was a step in the right direction, but it needed to be accompanied with a general increase to all karma rewards from events.

Edit – Chain Multipliers For Karma Rewards

Participating in events in rapid succession (such as in a chain) will award significantly more karma.

Completing a dynamic event rewards a temporary buff that increases your earned karma by 5%. This stacks up to 3-5 times and refreshes with each successive dynamic event completion within that time. The close proximity and relation of events in a chain make event chains a natural way to optimize this buff.

(Modified from Galen Grey’s suggestion).

One exclusive ascended armor skin per region.

Ascalon, Kryta, Orr, the Shiverpeaks, and the Maguuma Jungle should each offer one exclusive ascended armor skin. You earn the pieces (very rarely) from drops and (rarely) from map chests in that region.

You can also earn pieces of this armor (at high karma prices) through region exclusive karma vendors.

Edit – Save effort by using popular legacy (GW1) skins for these armors.

The artwork for these already exists. Just bring it up to date, put it in the game, and give us a way to earn it. Again, this should reduce effort on the devs while pleasing GW1 enthusiasts. Pick the right skins, and their great aesthetics would please fans too.

Region-exclusive karma vendors.

Each map should have one or more (depending on the number of maps in that region) elite karma vendor associated with that region (Ascalon, Orr, etc.)

These vendors could offer:
One piece of the region-exclusive ascended armor per vendor.
Ascended weapons.
Ascended trinkets.
Map exclusive exotics.
Various other rewards.

Orr already has suitable vendors in the form of its temple karma merchants.


Attach region/elite karma vendors to quest chains.
(Tobias Trueflight).

Edit – Expand the rewards system to include WvW and PvP.

Earn Zaishen Keys (for winning) or Zaishen Key Pieces (for losing) sPvP/tPvP matches. Use them to open the Zaishen Chest in the Heart of the Mists.

Earn Garnet, Sapphire, or Emerald Key Pieces at random for killing opposing players in the appropriate borderland. Earn guaranteed Key Pieces for capturing towers or supply camps. Earn a guaranteed full key for capturing a keep.

Earn Obsidian Key Pieces at random for killing opposing players in the EB. Earn guaranteed pieces for towers or supply camps. Earn 1 full key for capturing a keep. Earn 3 full keys for capturing Stonemist.

(Modified from Tobias Trueflight’s suggestions).

All guaranteed key rewards have a 3 hour cooldown (to help prevent cross-server abuse through flipping). May need to be extended or the rewards adjusted.

(My addition to the suggestion).

Thanks for reading.

(edited by Duke Blackrose.4981)

On open world loot

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azure.8670


didnt read most of what you wrote but I agree with what I did read

On open world loot

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azure.8670


felt like a kitten and decided to read the entire thing, +1
I agree

On open world loot

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kitrine.5913


Love this idea, great way to get people interested in exploration and really great but ignored areas. Plus any armor/skins that are not in the cash shop and are fun and unique are always a good idea.

On open world loot

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gatharin.2674


I like what the OP said but I would take the tri-color chest idea one step further. There is no guarantee that adding the chest will open the maps back to their full potential. I would guess that if key parts only dropped from random loot, you would have players automatically just hitting the best farming locations on each map.

Accordingly, I suggest that (in addition to the idea above) that certain events must be done on the map for the chest to appear. These events could be spread across the map so as to require people to explore beyond the bare minimum. You may even add a champion event to spawn the chest after these sub-events are done (because champions are drawing a lot of player attention right now).
This plan isn’t perfect for a few reasons (people might farm the events, people might map-hop if the events/chest aren’t up, etc.) but I couldn’t think of a better way of doing it (maybe have certain key parts only drop in certain areas of the map?).

I think we should keep this thread on the first page because it is definitely a huge problem with the game right now and needs addressing. Thoughts?

Maguuma WvW

On open world loot

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Duke Blackrose.4981

Duke Blackrose.4981

I like what the OP said but I would take the tri-color chest idea one step further. There is no guarantee that adding the chest will open the maps back to their full potential. I would guess that if key parts only dropped from random loot, you would have players automatically just hitting the best farming locations on each map.

Accordingly, I suggest that (in addition to the idea above) that certain events must be done on the map for the chest to appear. These events could be spread across the map so as to require people to explore beyond the bare minimum. You may even add a champion event to spawn the chest after these sub-events are done (because champions are drawing a lot of player attention right now).
This plan isn’t perfect for a few reasons (people might farm the events, people might map-hop if the events/chest aren’t up, etc.) but I couldn’t think of a better way of doing it (maybe have certain key parts only drop in certain areas of the map?).

I think we should keep this thread on the first page because it is definitely a huge problem with the game right now and needs addressing. Thoughts?

It could work. But if this happens, the same should happen to the Tricolor chest.

And these events should probably spawn a good number and variety of mobs that could drop keys for said chest.

On open world loot

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Duke Blackrose.4981

Duke Blackrose.4981


I mean, I know it will take a lot of work to implement such a system – and it might need tweaks to be plausible (like possibly spreading out the exclusive weapon skins over regions instead of adding a new skin for everything to each map), but I feel that we need something similar to this to really bring people into the open world for content that doesn’t involve mindless champ trains.

On open world loot

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Valandil Dragonhart.2371

Valandil Dragonhart.2371

Definitely a good idea for lots of reasons, gets people out and about exploring abandonned maps again, and something that should go into an appropriate CDI so that Chris Whiteside can see it.

+1 from me as well.

The old-school Arrow-Key warrior.
“Obtaining a legendary should be done through legendary feats…
Not luck and credit cards.”

On open world loot

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Maximum Potato.5923

Maximum Potato.5923

What if they did something like they did in Southsun Cove, where you’ve got the Karka Queen (Which I’m sure we all know is a popular event) that only appears after you’ve freed the settlements? You could add something like this to the Cursed Shore, and open up the Heart of Orr, where you could get Orrian armor skins. Not sure about the whole ascended gear thing, but certainly adding region-themed armors would be awesome!

Who’s a good boy? Not you, since you aggro’d the BLOODY CHAMP-

On open world loot

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tobias Trueflight.8350

Tobias Trueflight.8350

What if they did something like they did in Southsun Cove, where you’ve got the Karka Queen (Which I’m sure we all know is a popular event) that only appears after you’ve freed the settlements? You could add something like this to the Cursed Shore, and open up the Heart of Orr, where you could get Orrian armor skins. Not sure about the whole ascended gear thing, but certainly adding region-themed armors would be awesome!

You mean the Artesian Waters, where you can earn . . . say, ancient Orrian weapons, which are uncorrupted versions, as bestowed by the King’s ghost himself? I’m sure I could mock up several options but here’s a few extra revisions:

- In zones with a World Boss like Tequatl, Shatterer, Claw of Jormag, these events yield one full key guaranteed out of the Bonus Chest. Ditto for events which also yield a Bonus Chest.

- Open World chests (which aren’t a Skritt Burglar) always yield a random key piece.

- Dynamic Event chains with NPCs at the finish will allow you to trade Karma for one of each key piece for the zone, per day per account.

- Karma vendors in specific locations will offer one randomized key piece which reset on Daily reset. These also available once per day per account. (Note: I mean ones which have a reason to offer them.)

- WvW also get their key pieces. Sapphire keys for Blue Borderlands, Ruby keys for Red Borderlands, Emerald keys for Green Borderlands, Obsidian keys for Eternal Battlegrounds. You win key pieces off loot bags at random, as well as from capturing keeps or Stonemist. Due to the difficulty, Stonemist’s Castle Lord drops a full key.

- PvP get Zaishen Key Fragments during matches, three of which are used from inventory to create a Zaishen Key. The key opens a chest in the Heart of the Mists.

Seeking assistants for the Asuran Catapult Project. Applicants will be tested for aerodynamics.

On open world loot

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Duke Blackrose.4981

Duke Blackrose.4981

What if they did something like they did in Southsun Cove, where you’ve got the Karka Queen (Which I’m sure we all know is a popular event) that only appears after you’ve freed the settlements? You could add something like this to the Cursed Shore, and open up the Heart of Orr, where you could get Orrian armor skins. Not sure about the whole ascended gear thing, but certainly adding region-themed armors would be awesome!

You mean the Artesian Waters, where you can earn . . . say, ancient Orrian weapons, which are uncorrupted versions, as bestowed by the King’s ghost himself? I’m sure I could mock up several options but here’s a few extra revisions:

- In zones with a World Boss like Tequatl, Shatterer, Claw of Jormag, these events yield one full key guaranteed out of the Bonus Chest. Ditto for events which also yield a Bonus Chest.

- Open World chests (which aren’t a Skritt Burglar) always yield a random key piece.

- Dynamic Event chains with NPCs at the finish will allow you to trade Karma for one of each key piece for the zone, per day per account.

- Karma vendors in specific locations will offer one randomized key piece which reset on Daily reset. These also available once per day per account. (Note: I mean ones which have a reason to offer them.)

- WvW also get their key pieces. Sapphire keys for Blue Borderlands, Ruby keys for Red Borderlands, Emerald keys for Green Borderlands, Obsidian keys for Eternal Battlegrounds. You win key pieces off loot bags at random, as well as from capturing keeps or Stonemist. Due to the difficulty, Stonemist’s Castle Lord drops a full key.

- PvP get Zaishen Key Fragments during matches, three of which are used from inventory to create a Zaishen Key. The key opens a chest in the Heart of the Mists.

Very nice. You’ve refined the idea to include PvP and WvW in a healthy way.

On open world loot

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tobias Trueflight.8350

Tobias Trueflight.8350

Very nice. You’ve refined the idea to include PvP and WvW in a healthy way.

It’s simple – you don’t want to alienate players when discussing something which is of benefit to only one when it could benefit all.

Plus, who here would not want to see the Zaishen Chest again?

To expand on your ideas next post . . . want time to elaborate.

Seeking assistants for the Asuran Catapult Project. Applicants will be tested for aerodynamics.

On open world loot

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Taku.6352


Also increase karma rewards from events based on the time when they were last completed.

On open world loot

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tobias Trueflight.8350

Tobias Trueflight.8350

Give every map its own equivalent to the tricolor chest.

And you don’t even need a massive living story arc to do so. Even a single LS update would suffice. “Priory explorers have discovered hidden treasure chests all over the world. Help them retrieve them.” Next.

These chests could contain map-exclusive rewards. Weapon skins, miniatures, armor skins, etc.

Oh, I would go one step further. Include a Karma vendor who is next to the chest selling the fragments (much like you can purchase Tricolor Key fragments) like I described. Each one can explain in a dialogue option (“Where did you find this chest?”) a short succinct explanation. Recovered from old dwarven ruins. Pulled out of the Dragonbrand at great risk. Hauled out of a sunken ship off the Krytan coast. Recovered from old Shining Blade encampments in Maguuma.

Every zone gets one chest, placed somewhere mostly safe for players to access it. No dropping a chest in Mount Maelstrom inside Mount Maelstrom please.

Give every map at least one unique exotic weapon skin for each weapon type.

These skins would come from random drops and the map chest. More could be added with time – but don’t tell us about them. Let us discover them for the Hell of it.

Make it easier on the design team, and nostalgic for the old veterans. Someone go dig out the GW1 models and translate them over. They drop from Champions in the area, but as rare skins. The exotic skins come from the chest. Only the exotic skins are able to be traded; the others are account bound on acquire.

Up karma rewards for dynamic events.

Making DE’s the main source of karma was a step in the right direction, but it needed to be accompanied with a general increase to all karma rewards from events.

If you use the idea of Karma vendors selling the keys/pieces, then definitely increase Karma Rewards.

One exclusive ascended armor skin per region.

Ascalon, Kryta, Orr, the Shiverpeaks, and the Maguuma Jungle should each offer one exclusive ascended armor skin. You earn the pieces (very rarely) from drops and (rarely) from map chests in that region.

This would solve the Ascended Armor acquisition problem, and the “but I hate the art” problem too.

Region-exclusive karma vendors.

Each map should have one or more (depending on the number of maps in that region) elite karma vendor associated with that region (Ascalon, Orr, etc.)

These vendors could offer:
One piece of the region-exclusive ascended armor per vendor.
Ascended weapons.
Ascended trinkets.
Map exclusive exotics.
Various other rewards.

Orr already has suitable vendors in the form of its temple karma merchants.

I’m semi-ambivalent on this one. I’d much rather vendors offer them post-DE chains and people have to actually complete chains to get access rather than “run to the merchant, they have everything”.

I also think if they added Ascended Armor available for Karma it would be incredibly expensive in comparison to the Exotic Temple Armor. It could not, legitimately, be less than 5-10x as expensive without making just about everyone who bought Exotic Temple Armor cringe or table-flip in an uproar.

Seeking assistants for the Asuran Catapult Project. Applicants will be tested for aerodynamics.

On open world loot

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wanze.8410


Maybe introduce map specific weekly or monthly achievements with an additional reward as an incentive to clear all hearts again in one map?

Tin Foil [HATS]-Hardcore BLTC-PvP Guild
Bloin – Running around, tagging Keeps, getting whack on Scoobie Snacks.

On open world loot

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Galen Grey.4709

Galen Grey.4709

great ideas I love them.

It would also be good if you’d get an extra reward for doing a whole event chain rather then singular events all over the place. Perhaps you’d get karma multiplers for the chain like say first event in the chain gives 500 karma, 2nd 1000, 3rd 1500 and 4th 2000

Event chains are awesome but I see so many people walking away the moment they get their reward and ignoring the rest of the chain that its really sad to watch.

On open world loot

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tobias Trueflight.8350

Tobias Trueflight.8350

great ideas I love them.

It would also be good if you’d get an extra reward for doing a whole event chain rather then singular events all over the place. Perhaps you’d get karma multiplers for the chain like say first event in the chain gives 500 karma, 2nd 1000, 3rd 1500 and 4th 2000

Event chains are awesome but I see so many people walking away the moment they get their reward and ignoring the rest of the chain that its really sad to watch.

S’why I suggested the event chains end in Karma vendors who would sell key pieces or skins. Seriously, Karma is almost an underused currency . . . I mean, I know why because I was around for launch and when Karma was so plentiful Lost Orrian Jewelry Boxes were put in to leech it.

I mean . . . it’s not hard to build Karma, and there’s very little to spend it on except some big ticket purchases.

Seeking assistants for the Asuran Catapult Project. Applicants will be tested for aerodynamics.

On open world loot

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lord Kuru.3685

Lord Kuru.3685

Sounds like way more work than Anet’s willing to put in.

Something that takes just about zero effort to implement is more up their alley:
Add weekly achievements. Each week, a different zone is chosen where you have to do a bunch of events, kill a bunch of mobs/champs, view a bunch of vistas, etc.

This way Anet gets people back into deserted zones and can keep their dev team mainly focussed on the gem store.

On open world loot

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tobias Trueflight.8350

Tobias Trueflight.8350

Sounds like way more work than Anet’s willing to put in.

Willing to put in? I’m not so sure.

Able to budget putting in? That’s the real question.

Seeking assistants for the Asuran Catapult Project. Applicants will be tested for aerodynamics.

On open world loot

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nightarch.2943


Outstanding proposition! I certainly hope ArenaNet considers it! +1

Guild Wars 2 is not a sequel to the original Guild Wars but merely an alternative story setting.

On open world loot

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CrossedHorse.4261


Brilliant ideas! I’d love this, and it satisfies far more wants than just repopulating lower levelled zones. It provides other ways to access Ascended, gives people more events, specific loot areas, objectives … so many things.

I really love the PvP and WvWvW inclusions as well, and think that it would be really popular with everyone.


On open world loot

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tobias Trueflight.8350

Tobias Trueflight.8350

Brilliant ideas! I’d love this, and it satisfies far more wants than just repopulating lower levelled zones. It provides other ways to access Ascended, gives people more events, specific loot areas, objectives … so many things.

I really love the PvP and WvWvW inclusions as well, and think that it would be really popular with everyone.


If you would, drop a +1 on my post with the PvP/WvW inclusions so it gets noticed

I almost wish this had shown up last week, to be linked over into the CDI thread which just wrapped.

Seeking assistants for the Asuran Catapult Project. Applicants will be tested for aerodynamics.

On open world loot

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Majic.4801


Now, how can we fix that?

A sensible, eloquent and constructive proposal which I hope the relevant devs will have a chance to read and consider.

Would +1 again.

“Not the same, real and true. True you feel inside.
Always follow what is true.” — Sentry-skritt Bordekka

On open world loot

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Galen Grey.4709

Galen Grey.4709

great ideas I love them.

It would also be good if you’d get an extra reward for doing a whole event chain rather then singular events all over the place. Perhaps you’d get karma multiplers for the chain like say first event in the chain gives 500 karma, 2nd 1000, 3rd 1500 and 4th 2000

Event chains are awesome but I see so many people walking away the moment they get their reward and ignoring the rest of the chain that its really sad to watch.

S’why I suggested the event chains end in Karma vendors who would sell key pieces or skins. Seriously, Karma is almost an underused currency . . . I mean, I know why because I was around for launch and when Karma was so plentiful Lost Orrian Jewelry Boxes were put in to leech it.

I mean . . . it’s not hard to build Karma, and there’s very little to spend it on except some big ticket purchases.

Well it doesnt make a difference to me personally, I still do dynamic chains cause they’re awesome but I think the game would benefit if it were to provide a carrot people are willing to pursuit and in turn get them to appreciate the chains which I suspect a lot of people arent even aware of them.

But yes you’re right, that might mean Anet need to make karma more useful by using it for more stuff.

On open world loot

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CrossedHorse.4261


Brilliant ideas! I’d love this, and it satisfies far more wants than just repopulating lower levelled zones. It provides other ways to access Ascended, gives people more events, specific loot areas, objectives … so many things.

I really love the PvP and WvWvW inclusions as well, and think that it would be really popular with everyone.


If you would, drop a +1 on my post with the PvP/WvW inclusions so it gets noticed

I almost wish this had shown up last week, to be linked over into the CDI thread which just wrapped.

T’is done! And this last one, just to reinforce my point!

On open world loot

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Galen Grey.4709

Galen Grey.4709

Sounds like way more work than Anet’s willing to put in.

Something that takes just about zero effort to implement is more up their alley:
Add weekly achievements. Each week, a different zone is chosen where you have to do a bunch of events, kill a bunch of mobs/champs, view a bunch of vistas, etc.

This way Anet gets people back into deserted zones and can keep their dev team mainly focussed on the gem store.

Is that really what you believe? You think these 2 weeks update we’re getting involve zero effort? Especially if you compare what they’re doing with what other MMOs do?

On open world loot

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Crespus.7405


+1 All day long.

Devs need to add map-specific rewards to get people into the world and out of Lion’s Arch/Queensdale, and this is by far the best suggestion I’ve seen.

On open world loot

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Junkpile.7439


It would be awesome if you could sometimes get some cool loot in this game.

Low quality trolling since launch
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch

On open world loot

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aeonblade.8709


Good idea, would be wonderful to have skins that weren’t locked by RL money costs and it would breathe life back into all the dead zones in the game!

Anarai Aeonblade [GASM] – Guardian – DB
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.

On open world loot

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seras.5702


+1 great idea for getting people into the open world more. I like that it incentivizes people to play not just the single most farmable zone, but all of them. Region and map specific rewards are a nice touch. And best of all, not 1 time are the phrases “gem store” or “random ticket vendor” mentioned.

Flixx Gatebuster, Orwynn Lightgrave, Seras Snapdragon
[TTBH] [HATE], Yak’s Bend(NA)

On open world loot

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Duke Blackrose.4981

Duke Blackrose.4981

I put in some edits to incorporate various suggestions throughout the thread (with due credit given).

Thanks for the support. Let’s keep this up.

On open world loot

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Naz.2607


The title of this thread threw me off. I was coming in ready to shoot you down lol
Then I read your post
+1 +1
The only pve maps that aren’t barren, are the ones running champ trains, & those still appear to be barren bcs the ppl are localized to the train.

Naz ©

On open world loot

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Duke Blackrose.4981

Duke Blackrose.4981

It would be awesome if you could sometimes get some cool loot in this game.

The first game was so full of cool, rare skins that had just as much loot excitement as the vertical progression that has caused so many issues in the game.

And that’s part of the reason why I drafted this up: to simultaneously make loot more exciting while allowing for more ways to earn ascended gear and bringing some life into the open world.

Honestly, I would love to get out of dungeons and champ trains and just earn good money for doing my own thing and exploring the world or playing WvW.

On open world loot

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DarkWasp.7291


This would have been perfect for the horizontal progression CDI.

I have always been saying that this game needs more to do solo.

^ Uses Guild Wars 2 character screenshots for desktop wallpapers.

On open world loot

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: imsoenthused.1634


Pretty phenomenal suggestions. +1 for you sir. I’d love to have that choice, being able to play my way, wherever I want in the game, and get awesome unique rewards for which ever area I’ve picked.

All morons hate it when you call them a moron. – J. D. Salinger

On open world loot

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ren.5842


Definitely agree with all of this. Map specific content is the only way to repopulate empty areas +1!

Leader of Varshen, a BDO Guild

On open world loot

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Devata.6589




Attach region/elite karma vendors to quest chains.
(Tobias Trueflight).

Edit – Expand the rewards system to include WvW and PvP.

Earn Zaishen Keys (for winning) or Zaishen Key Pieces (for losing) sPvP/tPvP matches. Use them to open the Zaishen Chest in the Heart of the Mists.

Earn Garnet, Sapphire, or Emerald Key Pieces at random for killing opposing players in the appropriate borderland. Earn guaranteed Key Pieces for capturing towers or supply camps. Earn a guaranteed full key for capturing a keep.

Earn Obsidian Key Pieces at random for killing opposing players in the EB. Earn guaranteed pieces for towers or supply camps. Earn 1 full key for capturing a keep. Earn 3 full keys for capturing Stonemist.

(Modified from Tobias Trueflight’s suggestions).

All guaranteed key rewards have a 3 hour cooldown (to help prevent cross-server abuse through flipping). May need to be extended or the rewards adjusted.

(My addition to the suggestion).

Thanks for reading.

Does not seem to go far enough. Just make specific rewards for specific stuff. One type of mob in a specific area of cave has the possibility to drop x.
Some champion has the possibility to drop y.
Dungeon x bos 1 can drop Z while bos 2… and so on.

On open world loot

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Duke Blackrose.4981

Duke Blackrose.4981



Attach region/elite karma vendors to quest chains.
(Tobias Trueflight).

Edit – Expand the rewards system to include WvW and PvP.

Earn Zaishen Keys (for winning) or Zaishen Key Pieces (for losing) sPvP/tPvP matches. Use them to open the Zaishen Chest in the Heart of the Mists.

Earn Garnet, Sapphire, or Emerald Key Pieces at random for killing opposing players in the appropriate borderland. Earn guaranteed Key Pieces for capturing towers or supply camps. Earn a guaranteed full key for capturing a keep.

Earn Obsidian Key Pieces at random for killing opposing players in the EB. Earn guaranteed pieces for towers or supply camps. Earn 1 full key for capturing a keep. Earn 3 full keys for capturing Stonemist.

(Modified from Tobias Trueflight’s suggestions).

All guaranteed key rewards have a 3 hour cooldown (to help prevent cross-server abuse through flipping). May need to be extended or the rewards adjusted.

(My addition to the suggestion).

Thanks for reading.

Does not seem to go far enough. Just make specific rewards for specific stuff. One type of mob in a specific area of cave has the possibility to drop x.
Some champion has the possibility to drop y.
Dungeon x bos 1 can drop Z while bos 2… and so on.

I rather disagree with that on principle. It encourages grinding of specific mobs, which, as evidenced by the champ trains, isn’t exactly healthy for the open world as a whole.

In other words – it’s counter-productive. The game was designed to be “play your way,” not kill 10k Risen in -insert swamp here- for a Sword of Something Special.

(edited by Duke Blackrose.4981)

On open world loot

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fluffball.8307


ANY way to get ascended gear other than the unpleasant experience of crafting is ok with me.

A lot of us don’t like crafting Anet!! Let us play your beautiful game and earn our gear!

On open world loot

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ettanin.8271


Make ascended materials purchasable with Karma (the basic ones: Dragonite Ore, Empyreal Fragments, Bloodstone Dust). This would, besides Obsidian Shards, give more reason for farming Karma.

Perhaps for these prices:
10 Bloodstone Dust = 500 Karma (100 equals about 20 Events)
10 Dragonite Ore = 750 Karma (100 equals about 30 Events)
10 Empyreal Fragments = 1000 Karma (100 equals about 40 Events)

20/30/40 Events are a reasonable amount for one craftable stack and are quickly done.

Why? Not everyone likes to do Dungeons, Chestruns or WvWvW (Empyreal Fragments) and not everyone can snipe World Bosses flexibly (Dragonite Ore)

(edited by Ettanin.8271)

On open world loot

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tobias Trueflight.8350

Tobias Trueflight.8350

ANY way to get ascended gear other than the unpleasant experience of crafting is ok with me.

A lot of us don’t like crafting Anet!! Let us play your beautiful game and earn our gear!

This was said back when rings were only available through Fractals. Lo and behold, now they can be got other ways. I expect Armor will follow suit soon enough.

Seeking assistants for the Asuran Catapult Project. Applicants will be tested for aerodynamics.

On open world loot

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tobias Trueflight.8350

Tobias Trueflight.8350

Make ascended materials purchasable with Karma (the basic ones: Dragonite Ore, Empyreal Fragments, Bloodstone Dust). This would, besides Obsidian Shards, give more reason for farming Karma.

Perhaps for these prices:
10 Bloodstone Dust = 500 Karma (100 equals about 20 Events)
10 Dragonite Ore = 750 Karma (100 equals about 30 Events)
10 Empyreal Fragments = 1000 Karma (100 equals about 40 Events)

20/30/40 Events are a reasonable amount for one craftable stack and are quickly done.

Why? Not everyone likes to do Dungeons, Chestruns or WvWvW (Empyreal Fragments) and not everyone can snipe World Bosses flexibly (Dragonite Ore)

I would somewhat agree with this, but tweak the cost a bit. Either that or add it in to Lost Orrian Jewelry Boxes at 10-40 amounts.

Seeking assistants for the Asuran Catapult Project. Applicants will be tested for aerodynamics.

On open world loot

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gulesave.5073



There are some good ideas here. They fall somewhat in line with things I’ve been considering for a while.

I have a critique to offer on how it is presented, though:

  • Macro over micro. At this point, the details don’t matter. Things like balance and exact rewards have to tie in with other projects and schemes, and it’s much better to let those chips fall into place later. Readers’ eyes will skim past these parts, trying to find the top-level concepts.
  • Hide the archive. We don’t need to see both old and new versions of points when you edit. The unnecessary information is confusing.

I recommend cutting it all down to a couple paragraphs and few bullet points. Briefly tell us the problem, (a sentence would do), and outline only the critical points of your solution.

You have an interesting central idea, but it’s hard to see the tree through all these leaves.

I should be writing.

(edited by Gulesave.5073)

On open world loot

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tael.5432


I love your ideas! I hope ArenaNet considers them. More armour and weapon skins is always good and the way you elaborate how to give people an incentive to do dynamic events and just play in the open world is fantastic.

Another thing I would add is that each dynamic event you complete you gain 1 achievement point, or maybe 1 achievement point every 5 or 10 events you complete. That would increase the incentive to complete events in the open world. In a way of horizontal progression because Achievement Points don’t actually increase your ability in combat, they’re just a way of showing people your dedication to Tyria!

Fairy Tael – Elementalist

On open world loot

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Miss Sugarific.8471

Miss Sugarific.8471

I love all your suggestions. +1 I hope anet reads this

On open world loot

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Disruptive.8039


+1 I like this idea you suggested.

One Idea that I have been playing around with, which I will suggest in more detail later, is adding Champion loot rarity colors to their name as more time goes on that they haven’t been killed. So over time if a zone hardly sees many players then the champions in that zone as they get older begin to undergo color change for their name.

For instance you have this champ called “Champion Risen Juggernaut” in Sparkfly fen that hasn’t been killed in 2 hours, his name text now becomes blue and he has increased loot drop rates, be it money, karma, items, skins etc., rewards can also be done in stages of rarity.

So now its been 4-6 hours since he has been killed and his rarity becomes green, increased rewards. He survives 6-12 hours and now becomes yellow, 12-16 hours and hes orange, then 24hrs + and he becomes purple.

You can also toy around with the timers to cause a chance of reset so people won’t just let them age, then go on world wide farming train tours. I would also recommend variable timers for when they age so as not to make it predictable. Achievements and titles could be added to this as well.

This system could be applied to temples or events that haven’t been done in a while. Including random dynamic events.

People would now be more encouraged to explore the world and check on all champs, temples, events.

I’m sure seeing “Temple of Balthazar” in purple letters would entice people to attempt that event more often, or even the random smaller dynamic events going on around the world.

In fact you could tie this in with the OP suggestion.

As you kill champs or do events with more rarity color you get the chance to get tricolor keys that can be used in that zones key chest. You would then be able to create skins themed for that zone that are in those chests.

I would love nothing more than to see players running about doing things in every zone as this would make the world feel more lively.

(edited by Disruptive.8039)

On open world loot

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tobias Trueflight.8350

Tobias Trueflight.8350

+1 I like this idea you suggested.

One Idea that I have been playing around with, which I will suggest in more detail later, is adding Champion loot rarity colors to their name as more time goes on that they haven’t been killed. So over time if a zone hardly sees many players then the champions in that zone as they get older begin to undergo color change for their name.

For instance you have this champ called “Champion Risen Juggernaut” in Sparkfly fen that hasn’t been killed in 2 hours, his name text now becomes blue and he has increased loot drop rates, be it money, karma, items, skins etc., rewards can also be done in stages of rarity.

So now its been 4-6 hours since he has been killed and his rarity becomes green, increased rewards. He survives 6-12 hours and now becomes yellow, 12-16 hours and hes orange, then 24hrs + and he becomes purple.

You can also toy around with the timers to cause a chance of reset so people won’t just let them age, then go on world wide farming train tours. I would also recommend variable timers for when they age so as not to make it predictable. Achievements and titles could be added to this as well.

This system could be applied to temples or events that haven’t been done in a while. Including random dynamic events.

People would now be more encouraged to explore the world and check on all champs, temples, events.

I’m sure seeing “Temple of Balthazar” in purple letters would entice people to attempt that event more often, or even the random smaller dynamic events going on around the world.

Not a bad idea, but there’s a potential social issue with this. Basically it’d be the case to get players to just down events every 24 hours and either complain about or shame players “doing it out of turn” since it “spoils the rewards”. This gets worse if you assume as the event/champion climbs the progression it gets substantially increased chances of Exotic/Ascended drops.

Seeking assistants for the Asuran Catapult Project. Applicants will be tested for aerodynamics.

On open world loot

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Disruptive.8039


Yeah I agree with you. I would suggest a possible random reset and variable timer so people couldn’t just let them age and then farm. Best setup would be to have players just take whatever color they see the champion/event with.

On open world loot

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Duke Blackrose.4981

Duke Blackrose.4981

Yeah I agree with you. I would suggest a possible random reset and variable timer so people couldn’t just let them age and then farm. Best setup would be to have players just take whatever color they see the champion/event with.

Unfortunately, this kind of thing is the exact kind of toxic design that Arenanet sought to avoid with this game. I don’t mean to call it a bad idea on principle. It’s interesting. It has potential in some regards. But it’s very similar to the long-respawn competitive boss camping that plagues many more traditional MMOs.

To highlight why such a thing is impossibly unhealthy, I’ll use an example of my time from Forsaken World. There were mini-bosses that spawned on timers in the open world. Once killed – and they could be quickly solo-killed – they would take hours to respawn, but their rewards (in the form of rare pets) were potentially valuable. Wanting one of these, I went for it, only to find that another, higher level and better geared, player appeared out of nowhere – they had the timers memorized – and scored the last hit while quickly out-damaging me, stealing the mob and its rewards. Obviously, that was a bad experience for everyone. It was a bad experience for me – as I was robbed. It was a bad experience for anyone who would have liked to kill the mob at a later time. It was even a bad experience for the farmer – who was forced to abuse a nonsensical system to effectively grief other players for his own benefit (though he may not have seen it as a bad experience for his own sake). Similar “contested content” has appeared in a number of traditional MMOs, including Everquest, but it’s really hard to defend as good design (because it isn’t).

Despite the wonderful individual loot system of Guild Wars 2, such a mechanic would cause terrible community interactions. Players would once again dread to have other players show up to start their precious champ farm early and would likely go to such extents as sending in wasted reports on players for “griefing” mob spawns.

To be fair, it’s a well-conceived idea. It has good intentions and it certainly would be an interesting way to break champ trains apart and give players rewards for doing underplayed content. I would like to see such a thing work, but it, unfortunately, doesn’t take into account that players are a) often out to optimize their rewards and b) often toxic when said optimization is threatened.

On open world loot

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Disruptive.8039


Yeah I agree with you. I would suggest a possible random reset and variable timer so people couldn’t just let them age and then farm. Best setup would be to have players just take whatever color they see the champion/event with.

Unfortunately, this kind of thing is the exact kind of toxic design that Arenanet sought to avoid with this game. I don’t mean to call it a bad idea on principle. It’s interesting. It has potential in some regards. But it’s very similar to the long-respawn competitive boss camping that plagues many more traditional MMOs.

To highlight why such a thing is impossibly unhealthy, I’ll use an example of my time from Forsaken World. There were mini-bosses that spawned on timers in the open world. Once killed – and they could be quickly solo-killed – they would take hours to respawn, but their rewards (in the form of rare pets) were potentially valuable. Wanting one of these, I went for it, only to find that another, higher level and better geared, player appeared out of nowhere – they had the timers memorized – and scored the last hit while quickly out-damaging me, stealing the mob and its rewards. Obviously, that was a bad experience for everyone. It was a bad experience for me – as I was robbed. It was a bad experience for anyone who would have liked to kill the mob at a later time. It was even a bad experience for the farmer – who was forced to abuse a nonsensical system to effectively grief other players for his own benefit (though he may not have seen it as a bad experience for his own sake). Similar “contested content” has appeared in a number of traditional MMOs, including Everquest, but it’s really hard to defend as good design (because it isn’t).

Despite the wonderful individual loot system of Guild Wars 2, such a mechanic would cause terrible community interactions. Players would once again dread to have other players show up to start their precious champ farm early and would likely go to such extents as sending in wasted reports on players for “griefing” mob spawns.

To be fair, it’s a well-conceived idea. It has good intentions and it certainly would be an interesting way to break champ trains apart and give players rewards for doing underplayed content. I would like to see such a thing work, but it, unfortunately, doesn’t take into account that players are a) often out to optimize their rewards and b) often toxic when said optimization is threatened.

Yeah I could see them abusing it. That is why I would suggest the random reset to the loot color, not the mob, also variable timer is for when the mob color changes not when the mob spawn.

They would still spawn at the rate they already do in the game. champs or events that have gone undone for a while have a chance gain rarity color.

With a random reset to their loot rarity color people couldn’t plan on making the mobs age for their exploitation. With a good variable timer on when it ages it would be impossible to predict when it flips, especially if its a random variable timer.

Best option for the players is to run around the world and doing the event no matter the color as instead of it ticking from orange to purple it could just reset back to white.