Attach region/elite karma vendors to quest chains.
(Tobias Trueflight).Edit – Expand the rewards system to include WvW and PvP.
Earn Zaishen Keys (for winning) or Zaishen Key Pieces (for losing) sPvP/tPvP matches. Use them to open the Zaishen Chest in the Heart of the Mists.
Earn Garnet, Sapphire, or Emerald Key Pieces at random for killing opposing players in the appropriate borderland. Earn guaranteed Key Pieces for capturing towers or supply camps. Earn a guaranteed full key for capturing a keep.
Earn Obsidian Key Pieces at random for killing opposing players in the EB. Earn guaranteed pieces for towers or supply camps. Earn 1 full key for capturing a keep. Earn 3 full keys for capturing Stonemist.
(Modified from Tobias Trueflight’s suggestions).
All guaranteed key rewards have a 3 hour cooldown (to help prevent cross-server abuse through flipping). May need to be extended or the rewards adjusted.
(My addition to the suggestion).
Thanks for reading.
Does not seem to go far enough. Just make specific rewards for specific stuff. One type of mob in a specific area of cave has the possibility to drop x.
Some champion has the possibility to drop y.
Dungeon x bos 1 can drop Z while bos 2… and so on.I rather disagree with that on principle. It encourages grinding of specific mobs, which, as evidenced by the champ trains, isn’t exactly healthy for the open world as a whole.
In other words – it’s counter-productive. The game was designed to be “play your way,” not kill 10k Risen in -insert swamp here- for a Sword of Something Special.
It does exactly the opposite. Champ trains are there because of open world drops. Not because one specific group of mobs in a specific area drop one specific item (or a dungeons does, or a quest does or a boss does and so on).
And that “play your way” is exactly what now means you can buy everything with gold (well more a good excuse for it, has more to do with gem-sales) so people farm for gold (champ trains) What is not the way I want to play by the way, and then buy it. In my example the item will still get on the AH so you will still be able to pay it with gold if you want to. But at least you can set goals to work towards. I want that skin, I want that mini. Not just some random drop from a chest. What is really more like the stuff we see with champ trains. It are random ‘good’ drops only difference is that one map might drop one item. That will then keep people busy untill they have that one item.. gonna throw more then one item in it you would even more have the champ-train effect.
That will then keep people busy until they have that one item.. gonna throw more then one item in it you would even more have the champ-train effect. People will not get what they want but something somebody else wants so there will be many of those items on the TP making farming for gold once again more interesting then specifically going for an item.
People will then just try to find out what map is most rewarding and start farming there. Exactly as with the champ-train.
(edited by Devata.6589)