One way to progress. :c

One way to progress. :c

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kietay.2345


I have recently read a statement that has my hopes up but also has confused me even more. A lot of people have different opinions on Ascended items, but the biggest awkward poker in them is that the only way you can obtain them is through one specific dungeon.

This is insane to me seeing as how they are the new top tier gear. Many people only like to PvP or WvW and while this wont affect PvP it will have a big affect on WvW. If you want this gear to only be obtained through one specific dungeon, at least let people sell it. There is no way I am going to play PvE content for 600 hours to get a set of this gear.

Now the statement I was talking about was Anet saying they will eventually have multiple ways to gain ascendant items. Why not now? It takes nothing to change this. Put them into regular drop tables. If you are worried people will get them too fast, make them extremely super rare in regular drop tables to be comparable with the 60-100 hours of gameplay in the dungeons to get one. But make it so people playing wvw only at least are working towards one by doing the content they like right now. Not two months later.

Thank you I look forward to this immediate hotpatch!

One way to progress. :c

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Turtlemilk.1064


ArenaNet said something about making the ascended gear available through WvW. They just haven’t implemented it yet.

One way to progress. :c

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: gamefreak.5673


O they will have ways, for wvwvw you will need 1000 tokens atleast for each piece of gear. Crafting you will need to buy some super rare mate from the trading post from players who progressed far enough down into the instance. O and the instance will make it almost impossible for new comers to the game to progress because even now players do not want todo lower lvled instance to help someone out.

One way to progress. :c

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ASP.8093


ArenaNet said something about making the ascended gear available through WvW. They just haven’t implemented it yet.

It’s likely to take them months to get around to it, though.

Also, the current WvW token system is kinda busted: it’s far more effective for a WvWer to get exotic gear is actually to just craft/buy exotics using WvW gold rewards instead. So just adding stuff you can buy for, like, 1000 Badges of Honor wouldn’t necessarily make acquiring the ascended items that much less frustrating.

Nemain The Eyeless · [JOY] · Tarnished Coast ·

One way to progress. :c

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kietay.2345


I think if you solo someone you should be guaranteed a badge of honor. Then I would have probably 50 a day and we could all be happy. (me)