Madness Rises [Rise] – Banners Hold.
Don’t argue with idiots, they pull you down their level and own you with experience.
Seriously, can we get an open/consume all option on bags/karma/chests whatever?
This kittened spamclick to open everything manual gets old really fast.
I have put it here as they seem to have closed the suggestion subforum which makes me think Anet sick and tired of people like me asking for stuff that provides alot of convenience.
If you just open the bag/karma/chest once you get each of them it isn’t bad.
It get pretty bad when you get say a few stack of 250 karma jug.
Seriously. I’m to the point where I hate essences of luck. They don’ t seem to have as amazing an effect I was lead to believe they do(300 and never get anything worth mentioning), and I hate clicking through the stacks.
Yeah we need an option to open/consume all, it gets boring fast clicking the same thing over and over. The option could even be like crafting, open how many you want and it does it automatically for you. Either way we need it.
Seriously. I’m to the point where I hate essences of luck. They don’ t seem to have as amazing an effect I was lead to believe they do(300 and never get anything worth mentioning), and I hate clicking through the stacks.
Get an artificer to lvl 100 and you can combine them
Clicked through so much luck today thought I’d break my mouse! /signed
Agree…who the hell likes clicking through stacks of 250 ? And noo..“dont save them up” doesnt count,its a simple basic future that approx Every mmo including f2p mmo’s of the lowest quality have implemented…
I used to be able to click like you. Then I got RSI to the wrist.
Seriously. I’m to the point where I hate essences of luck. They don’ t seem to have as amazing an effect I was lead to believe they do(300 and never get anything worth mentioning), and I hate clicking through the stacks.
Get an artificer to lvl 100 and you can combine them
You can? Any penalty involved or the like?
Nope, and it seems like it was actually lvl 0.
You simply craft them from the menu.
Five blue ones become one green.
Two greens one yellow.
Two yellows one orange.
Yeah this game has already broke one mouse for me with the sheer number of clicks. I made the mistake of buying a lot of orrian chests with karma and got a boatload of karma items back. By the time I clicked em all my mouses left click had become unsprung. And it wasn’t a cheap mouse either.
The game desperately needs a “use all” option for stacks of consumables. The fact that the devs keep ignoring this is one of the reasons people are dismayed at Anet’s approach to so called “quality of life” updates.
Nope, and it seems like it was actually lvl 0.
You simply craft them from the menu.
Five blue ones become one green.
Two greens one yellow.
Two yellows one orange.
Huh… and I was saving the few orange I got just in case a recipe came out in the future for them. Thanks for the info!
yeah I agree, some of the clicking is out of hand. Maybe all a consume all, but make it just consume one ever second or something. Just like others mentioned with the crafting
Not saying I use one, but auto-clickers might help with this situation. Set it to 1 millisecond clicking so it might go through a stack of 250 in a matter of seconds.
Not saying I use one, but auto-clickers might help with this situation. Set it to 1 millisecond clicking so it might go through a stack of 250 in a matter of seconds.
that’s a bannable action, do not use those
Yeah, ArenaNet prefers their gamers get ouchies instead of shinies.
Seriously. I’m to the point where I hate essences of luck. They don’ t seem to have as amazing an effect I was lead to believe they do(300 and never get anything worth mentioning), and I hate clicking through the stacks.
Get an artificer to lvl 100 and you can combine them
That only partially helps (and I’m glad they put at least those recipes into it). have almost 2 stacks of the exotic ones (200luck ones). I don’t really look forward to having to click that many times to go through them (thats 1,000 clicks to go through the two stacks).
Please work on this. At work, I work on a PC. At home, I play on a PC. A lot of people are in the same situation. Please, help us. This is a serious issue.
I can’t be unemployed. But I can leave gaming. And that is something I dont wanna do.
Not saying I use one, but auto-clickers might help with this situation. Set it to 1 millisecond clicking so it might go through a stack of 250 in a matter of seconds.
Wouldnt surprise me if some people actually use auto click programs to avoid spamclick in this game, im almost at the point of considering to use 1 myself even thought i may get hit by the banhammer
Surely a right click option for ‘use all’, with further confirmation to avoid accidents, would fix this?
I believe temporarily binding mouse wheel to click works. Also, for actions that require confirmation, drag your window so that the buy/sell (etc.) box and the confirmation box lie in the same position.
(Yes, a very hacky solution that should be unnecessary.)
I get the feeling RSI was dropped in kind of jokingly, but as someone suffering from joint hypermobility syndrome made ten times worse by repetitive activity, I support this as well as propose:
Having to holding keys down for prolonged periods of time does my fingers in as easily a repetitive clicking, sometimes more so. Additional options like auto-run make my life a hell of a lot easier already but there’s still room for improvement when it comes to making GW2 more accessible.
Speaking of which, colour-blind options are a long time coming.
Truth is that there is no reason for Karma jugs or any size to exist in the game anymore. They were only good for transferring karma from one character to another. With currencies being account wide we should just be awarded with the karma as the “physical” object serves no purpose other than filling up your bags and making you click.
Heh yeah I wish there was a right click consume all option. Opening 13 thousand jade dragon coffers was quite the hurt to my wrist/fingers during the Dragon Bash event xD
This should really be a priority.
Anet can we get new mice?
I concur that for luck especially, and other items, it would be a great QoL improvement. I hope ANet gives this some consideration, even though there are way more pressing ISSUES in the game.
Truth is that there is no reason for Karma jugs or any size to exist in the game anymore. They were only good for transferring karma from one character to another. With currencies being account wide we should just be awarded with the karma as the “physical” object serves no purpose other than filling up your bags and making you click.
This would be ok IF they upped karma rewards a little.
Just think of all of the ppl out there now buying stacks of obsidian shards with karma….
We should still get karma jugs with Monthly completion AND we should have a chance to get karma jugs of a larger size with our Daily completions.
I also think it would be a nice addition to some chest rewards & would like to see badges tradeable for karma & visa versa.
Don’t think that Anet won’t throw in more uses for karma in the future. They will fill that void.
This has been a problem since the launch of the game, and to my knowledge has never been responded to officially in any way. Due to this, I can only assume that they purposefully intend to make using stacks of items as painful as possible to discourage people from doing it. Maybe it’s to discourage farming, who knows (“gee, opening all those bags I farmed would be so annoying, maybe I just won’t”)?
There are, however, ways to deal with the problem without breaking the “one button, one action” rule. One option was already mentioned: bind the “click” action to the “click” of your mouse’s scroll wheel as it turns. It is physically much easier to activate that button many times than it is the left or right click buttons, and it still performs just one action per each unit of physical input (rotating the wheel a certain number of degrees). You could also bind “click” to multiple different buttons at once, such as every single key on your keyboard, and then go to town on it with both hands and your face.
In the last patch they introduced the option to buy 10 obsidian shards from the vendor at the Balthasar temple. It’s a quick and dirty fix, but an improvement nonetheless. Still I’d rather be able to buy multiple ones of any item with a click of a button. The same goes for consuming items.
I would like a consume all and be able to buy thing in bulk instead of constantly clicking from a merchant until I get the desired amount.
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