Open Crown Pavilion until HOT launches
It would had been nice if they planned things out better to keep us busy, anyways just another missed opportunity IMHO!
“ANet. They never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity to not mess up.”
Mod “Posts created to cause unrest with unfounded claims are not allowed” lmao
I would also really like the pavilion to open so I can finish my gauntlet achievements and hopefully more farming achieves and rewards will be added with it to keep me and others interested for longer.
I suspect it will return before HoT because suriel the blazing light is running around LA ‘training for the next gauntlet’. I may be reading to much into that, but maybe suriel will become the new hardest boss and a tier 4 will be introduced with a ‘the concealing dark’ title for killing suriel. Probably not but that would be awesome.
PvE- Grolex (Warrior)
PvP rank: 20 Rating: 1864 (season 7)
While I agree something going on in the mean time would be nice, they probably have most all hands working on Hot, they may not be able to spare the hands it would take to launch/manage an event.
I was gone for a while so I have plenty to work on myself, but events are always fun to have. Assuming they can fit it into the world’s current lore state (at least roughly)
There is absolutely no evidence to support that it would.” -AnthonyOrdon
There’s not much to do lately and it would be nice to have Crown Pavilion up until the expansion arrives. So pretty please anet!
If they won’t bring back SAB, they certainly won’t bring back CP. Although, I’d rather much have CP than SAB.
There’s not much to do lately and it would be nice to have Crown Pavilion up until the expansion arrives. So pretty please anet!
If they won’t bring back SAB, they certainly won’t bring back CP. Although, I’d rather much have CP than SAB.
from anoher thread
They’ve already stated ALL of their staff is on HoT . They probably did pre purchase so early so people will buy it while still hyped, which will bring them back (when xpac releases) after they leave from total boredom.
This is about SAB, but in the second paragraph Collin explains:
“We’re all focused on expansion – both the announced details, and the un-announced details and simply can’t peel anyone off a team to work on it right now without it effecting expac. . . simply put our focus right now is on making the expansion amazing”
“ANet. They never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity to not mess up.”
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