Opened 88 Exotic Tequatl Chests at once
if i may ask on what server are u doing the dragon? and do u know how much that mini is on tp?
Some guy in the RNG thread calculated the odds of getting an Ascended weapon drop from Teq at about 700-1. So an exotic at around 70-1 sounds right.
RNG is broken, people can say random is random all they want but in this game random is not random. There are people with acounts which have permanent good luck, guaranteed to always get good drops. My friend passed 20k gold, so far he got total of 59(sic!) precursors. I play more than him and got 0 lol. Whenever we go to dungeons or do events together it is guaranteed he’ll get better rewards than me. You can talk about lotery all you want but if same people keep wining the lotery over and over and over and over and……. I can’t helpbut doubt RNG.
(edited by Lucyfer.9517)
Come back with a noteable sample size to make such strong claims as favored accounts. But bear in mind you’ll need at least 5 figures of chests.
“Dear ANet, nerf Paper, Scissors is fine. Sincerely, Rock”
Elysaurus | Warrior | [LOL] | League of the Legendary | Gandara (EU)
it’s true, basic gw2 edition = kitten drops
heroic and above edition = good drops
RNG is scam
it’s true, basic gw2 edition = kitten drops
heroic and above edition = good drops
RNG is scam
For what reason? How does that even make any sense? If it’s not advertised that way, it makes no sense to do it, because it’s not an incentive to buy. Anyway, I get crap drops and I bought the collectors edition.
Be glad you can at least get Tequatl down…. on Gandara it is almost always a failure. I still miss turret defender achiev so bye bye for the title which others got during the bugged easy mode period at the revampedTequatl launch.
And 1790 dragonite ore and karma sips are very nice loot too. I would gladly give you my exotics for that DrO.
By the way, I used to get bad loot all the time. Then I quit playing hardcore and play only let’s say 1 day per week. Sometimes less sometimes more. And now I get lots of exotics, lots of rares, I even got ascended weapon chest from Scarlet’s chest in her secret lair.
I really think there is some rested bonus for those who come back to the game after longer period of time.
Maybe you can try it
(edited by Mortifer.2946)
Be glad you can at least get Tequatl down…. on Gandara it is almost always a failure. I still miss turret defender achiev so bye bye for the title which others got during the bugged easy mode period at the revampedTequatl launch.
And 1790 dragonite ore and karma sips are very nice loot too. I would gladly give you my exotics for that DrO.
If you care about it, join TTS as a second guild and get your achievement. Or guest to one of the servers that does it every day at reset time. It’s not impossible to do this if you want to.
I kill Tequatl with TTS several times a week.
If you care about it, join TTS as a second guild and get your achievement. Or guest to one of the servers that does it every day at reset time. It’s not impossible to do this if you want to.
I kill Tequatl with TTS several times a week.
Thank you, I’ve googled up your guild and it sounds great, but I didn’t learn from there if you are from EU or US region. I’m from EU….
Edit: I just did… so NA and oceanic… well, nevermind
By the way, I used to get bad loot all the time. Then I quit playing hardcore and play only let’s say 1 day per week. Sometimes less sometimes more. And now I get lots of exotics, lots of rares, I even got ascended weapon chest from Scarlet’s chest in her secret lair.
I really think there is some rested bonus for those who come back to the game after longer period of time.
Maybe you can try it
I’ve come back after months of break and whatnot, I got the collector’s edition and the like…I still only get blue and greens and the occasional rare every now and then. This is even running with 300% MF when that coloseum patch was running and following the zerg. I just came back after a long long break aswell and still, blue and greens and the occasional yellow.
Anet can say anything they want, but there’s something fishy with the loot in this game regardless of what they say and it’s sickening.
Be glad you can at least get Tequatl down…. on Gandara it is almost always a failure. I still miss turret defender achiev so bye bye for the title which others got during the bugged easy mode period at the revampedTequatl launch.
I’m doing it between 2 and 5 times per week on Gandara, and I think in total it’s done even more times.
Try applying for DV guild, they have regular kills on Gandara.
1 mini in 88… Seems reasonable.
Still better than my experience. I put around 800 hours into this awful game and could count the number of rares I got on one hand. Oh and I got zero exotics, of course zero ascended, and no precursors. No minis either. This is the most unrewarding garbage I’ve ever played.
RNG is RNG dude. Its dumb and sucks sometimes but it happens, deal :/
Still better than my experience. I put around 800 hours into this awful game and could count the number of rares I got on one hand. Oh and I got zero exotics, of course zero ascended, and no precursors. No minis either. This is the most unrewarding garbage I’ve ever played.
that’s what happens when an entire reward system is designed around getting players to use the trading post as a gold sink and to encourage gem purchases and conversions.
221 hours over 1,581 days of bank space/hot pve/lion’s arch afk and some wvw.
Be glad you can at least get Tequatl down…. on Gandara it is almost always a failure. I still miss turret defender achiev so bye bye for the title which others got during the bugged easy mode period at the revampedTequatl launch.
And 1790 dragonite ore and karma sips are very nice loot too. I would gladly give you my exotics for that DrO.
If you care about it, join TTS as a second guild and get your achievement. Or guest to one of the servers that does it every day at reset time. It’s not impossible to do this if you want to.
I kill Tequatl with TTS several times a week.
I thought you were done with the official forums? Lol
Assuming you are vayne. You write like vayne and have the same username as vayne on reddit.
We knew you couldn’t resist posting here.
(edited by Fernling.1729)
Still better than my experience. I put around 800 hours into this awful game and could count the number of rares I got on one hand. Oh and I got zero exotics, of course zero ascended, and no precursors. No minis either. This is the most unrewarding garbage I’ve ever played.
that’s what happens when an entire reward system is designed around getting players to use the trading post as a gold sink and to encourage gem purchases and conversions.
I know. It’s one of the reasons I left this game because I find this gouging of the playerbase to be reprehensible.
If you care about it, join TTS as a second guild and get your achievement. Or guest to one of the servers that does it every day at reset time. It’s not impossible to do this if you want to.
I kill Tequatl with TTS several times a week.
Thank you, I’ve googled up your guild and it sounds great, but I didn’t learn from there if you are from EU or US region. I’m from EU….
Edit: I just did… so NA and oceanic…well, nevermind
There is an EU called TxS which is similar to us and kinda of our cousins that you can join.
Thank you guys for suggestions about TxS and DV guilds
RNG is broken, people can say random is random all they want but in this game random is not random. There are people with acounts which have permanent good luck, guaranteed to always get good drops. My friend passed 20k gold, so far he got total of 59(sic!) precursors. I play more than him and got 0 lol. Whenever we go to dungeons or do events together it is guaranteed he’ll get better rewards than me. You can talk about lotery all you want but if same people keep wining the lotery over and over and over and over and……. I can’t helpbut doubt RNG.
I wonder when and how will they make an admission on broken RNG…
I know same kind of guys. Always an exotic drop in the end of a dungeon or world event, or in the first level of fractial…
And hows that I’m getting minimum of an Undefinied Dye EVERY DAY in the first some kills? Or that whenever I write a complain ticket about RNG, my loots getting boosted for a week? Or the guy who posted in this forum somewhere, and had 7th precursor drop, playing 1-2 hours when he has time, under 5k AP / ~600 hours played?
P.s.: Whoever knows the universe deep also knows “random” not existing at all.
Its just an illusion of ours, and being have rules to have rules preventing randomism.
“A man chooses; a slave obeys.” | “Want HardMode? Play Ranger!”
People has said it again and again. Anet has a defense mechanism against hoarding, and that is the diminishing return when you open the same chest in a set interval.
People has said it again and again. Anet has a defense mechanism against hoarding, and that is the diminishing return when you open the same chest in a set interval.
Strange, I find I get better loot when saving and opening more stuff in one go than when I get them.
Remember to buy the officially endorsed GW2 Steel Series Keyboard, it supports macros!
WvW, we only care if it affects the servers we play on.
it’s true, basic gw2 edition = kitten drops
heroic and above edition = good drops
RNG is scam
i’ve technically got heroic addition, which was previously known as ‘digital deluxe’ and my luck is total garbage. the only solid amounts of gold i get are from farming things.
As true as Odin’s spear flies,
There is nowhere to hide.
Goes to show the awesomeness of the rewards in this game and the gem store rewards are barely any better.
Mud Bone – Sylvari Ranger
Still better than my experience. I put around 800 hours into this awful game and could count the number of rares I got on one hand. Oh and I got zero exotics, of course zero ascended, and no precursors. No minis either. This is the most unrewarding garbage I’ve ever played.
What did you do.. only fight random spawns?
One world boss kill is going to get you a rare every time… its the base reward. With 800 hours of play you should of had plenty of rares… now exotics I can see maybe only have a couple and if your MF is low doesn’t help. Rares are not hard to come by at all.
Still better than my experience. I put around 800 hours into this awful game and could count the number of rares I got on one hand. Oh and I got zero exotics, of course zero ascended, and no precursors. No minis either. This is the most unrewarding garbage I’ve ever played.
What did you do.. only fight random spawns?
One world boss kill is going to get you a rare every time… its the base reward. With 800 hours of play you should of had plenty of rares… now exotics I can see maybe only have a couple and if your MF is low doesn’t help. Rares are not hard to come by at all.
Before I stopped, I was doing Orr temple events, jumping puzzles, and Queensdale champs. Never bothered with Teq or world bosses because the events either fail most of the time or I get dumped in overflow.
RNG is RNG dude. Its dumb and sucks sometimes but it happens, deal :/
Yeah, people don’t understand probability. Just because you and I have the same probability of something happening to us doesn’t mean it will happen to me if it happens to you.
The only real way to tell is actually for someone to do the leg work and start gathering data, from as many sources as possible and then start running some statistical analysis over it.
If you care about it, join TTS as a second guild and get your achievement. Or guest to one of the servers that does it every day at reset time. It’s not impossible to do this if you want to.
I kill Tequatl with TTS several times a week.
Thank you, I’ve googled up your guild and it sounds great, but I didn’t learn from there if you are from EU or US region. I’m from EU….
Edit: I just did… so NA and oceanic…well, nevermind
There’s definitely guilds in EU that do this too. Sorry mate!
rng being rng.
~Sincerely, Scissors
Still better than my experience. I put around 800 hours into this awful game and could count the number of rares I got on one hand. Oh and I got zero exotics, of course zero ascended, and no precursors. No minis either. This is the most unrewarding garbage I’ve ever played.
What did you do.. only fight random spawns?
One world boss kill is going to get you a rare every time… its the base reward. With 800 hours of play you should of had plenty of rares… now exotics I can see maybe only have a couple and if your MF is low doesn’t help. Rares are not hard to come by at all.
Before I stopped, I was doing Orr temple events, jumping puzzles, and Queensdale champs. Never bothered with Teq or world bosses because the events either fail most of the time or I get dumped in overflow.
the ore temple events have the same rewards as world boss’s so you should of had plenty of rares
Still better than my experience. I put around 800 hours into this awful game and could count the number of rares I got on one hand. Oh and I got zero exotics, of course zero ascended, and no precursors. No minis either. This is the most unrewarding garbage I’ve ever played.
What did you do.. only fight random spawns?
One world boss kill is going to get you a rare every time… its the base reward. With 800 hours of play you should of had plenty of rares… now exotics I can see maybe only have a couple and if your MF is low doesn’t help. Rares are not hard to come by at all.
Before I stopped, I was doing Orr temple events, jumping puzzles, and Queensdale champs. Never bothered with Teq or world bosses because the events either fail most of the time or I get dumped in overflow.
the ore temple events have the same rewards as world boss’s so you should of had plenty of rares
Not in my case. And I didn’t even play that much for diminishing returns to take effect.
Still better than my experience. I put around 800 hours into this awful game and could count the number of rares I got on one hand. Oh and I got zero exotics, of course zero ascended, and no precursors. No minis either. This is the most unrewarding garbage I’ve ever played.
Mindlessly run FG Champ Trains and DE blues… You’ll get the MF you need.
Personally, I catch up on some Netflix while I do.
Or there’s also the LA event going on, too.
Not saying it will affect your Mystic Forge chances, but it will certainly affect your raw rare drops (outside of bags).
I have a heroic edition and my drops are fairly terrible, sometimes the border on average.
if i may ask on what server are u doing the dragon? and do u know how much that mini is on tp?
It´s the EU-Server Riverside.
The mini was sold in the TP for aprox. 22 Gold.
I am really, really disappointed seeing this as I actually had a dream last night of me opening about 100 exotic dragon chests at once. I expected amazing rewards in the dream, but never actually opened them in the dream. You basically lived my dream and made me realize the dream would have actually been a nightmare if I opened the dragon chests.
No ascended Teq weapons… so disappointed.
I am disappointed too. And yes it was a nightmare.
you have to wait aprox. 1h for Tequatl … if you would play on the home Server !
I am only doing the Tequatl event for an ascended Teq weapon. … i love the Skin.
Not for the gold, not for the stones for the Vision Crystal …. i am fully ascended.
And my hope was this patch note: increase the ascended weapons in the teq. chests
But now i am finished with this.
Who do ArenaNet think I am?
GW2 is one of the worse rewarding mmo’s out there, that’s why I won’t bother spending much time on big events like Tequalt or Marionette, just not worth the time doing repeats. Opening 88 chests from one of the big raid bosses in the game deserves more than just 1 exotic, that’s beyond pathetic. RNG is RNG blah blah blah increase the drop rates, happy customers are more willing to spend money on your product customers.
North Keep: One of the village residents will now flee if their home is destroyed.
“Game over man, Game Over!” – RIP Bill
One per day since when? I quit in October.
(edited by Moderator)
Extreme RNG or Gemstore.
I can’t believe how a person gets 3 precursors from mf in a day, and some others spend hundreds of gold and get nothing. Sometimes when I don’t play for a long time, I get more exotic drops from wvw and dungeons, when I play with everyday routine, I get noticably less drops even no exotic for 1-2 weeks. I don’t wanna put a conspiracy theory here but, I think gameplay frequency is one of these “variables” for “luck”(I won’t say rng) with some other variables. One of my friends was playing seldomly(like 1-4hours per week) he got a dusk from karka event chest. I played for more than 2.6k hours and the most valuable drop I’ve ever got is 50g worth. If it was determined by a fixed rng % chance we would see similar drop rates per 2000 hours of gameplay. Some people get 3-4 precursors in a day with a low investment, while some people haven’t even seen a valuable drop in 2-3k hours of gameplay.
If I was wearing my tin foil hat, I’d wonder if those people who spend a lot of real life money on gems have more “lucky” accounts. :P I know one person who has gotten loads of precursors from the forge. He gambles a lot of money, but always comes out on top. I know he’s also spent tons of money on the game for lots of gemstore stuff. Then there’s me, who has far too many hours played since launch who has never seena precursor drop. But again, tin-foil-hat stuff as I said. :P
I have spent a ton as well Loth and do not have this luck. RNG is RNG. :/
Yes put to rest the idea that spending real money makes any difference. I have spent hundreds on gems and thrown many hundreds of gold worth of weapons into the MF and gotten zero precursors. No precursor drops. About 1400 or so hours played also. Best things dropped for me were two ascended armor chests in the FGS champ train. One was a drop. One came from a gilded champ box. Both within one week.
Keep the RANDOM part in front of your thoughts. I find my drops come in groups and i have never felt particularly lucky given some of the stories i’ve read on the forums. You should just do what you like in game. Give up on thinking “if i do X so many times something good will happen” …or “i will get the awesome drop if i play enough”. You WILL be frustrated. That is all.
I don’t know what to think regarding RNG in this game.
It’s easy to say that some accounts are luckier than others or it’s broken because you can come up with one or two examples of people that you know.
It’s also just as easy to say “RNG is RNG” and that anet says it really is random so it must be true. We will never know either way, so no sense in dwelling on it.
My own experience with RNG: I get exotics once in a while and a fair amount of rares. Never got a precursor. Had one ascended weapon chest drop in fractals that I can’t use anyway. Funny thing is, I ran 100’s of fractals and struggled to get enough mist essence to infuse the two rings I have on my main. As soon as I got enough mist essence for those two rings, I got 6 shards in the next 10 runs that I don’t even need now. Go figure.
I think I’d be somewhere around 50 opened, and believe you have had better luck than I. I have had 3-4 exotics with each ranging in the 1-2 gold area, and no minis or anything ascended.
It’s just how the ball rolls. I am running with 165% base magic find, and just do not feel all that lucky. Everything ‘good’ I received just buying it off the Trading Post, because I am at least guaranteed success with gold.
Not sure if others do the same, but every unique exotic I get is stored in my personal guild “Treasure Trove”. It has about 80 slots used out (plus about 10 duplicates sold) of the 100 in around 2100 hours, so that puts it close to 23 hours play per exotic dropped. An interesting way of measuring luck perhaps.
I dont have any Dragon Chests because we always fail it.
But I have been farming LA heavily since Tuesday. Dont know how many hours but I have 277 Scarlet Slaying potions and 150 Hierlooms (( I dont farm rubble )) and at least 25 of each normal quaggan potion So opened more than my share of event bags and looted more than my share of mobs. I have gotten ONE exotic. Came from the 1200 rescue bag. But my MF is pretty bad only like 175% since I think MF is worthless in every game that has it so I refuse to use food and boosters for it.
Still better than my experience. I put around 800 hours into this awful game and could count the number of rares I got on one hand. Oh and I got zero exotics, of course zero ascended, and no precursors. No minis either. This is the most unrewarding garbage I’ve ever played.
that’s what happens when an entire reward system is designed around getting players to use the trading post as a gold sink and to encourage gem purchases and conversions.
Having a really hard time taking this seriously.
Still better than my experience. I put around 800 hours into this awful game and could count the number of rares I got on one hand. Oh and I got zero exotics, of course zero ascended, and no precursors. No minis either. This is the most unrewarding garbage I’ve ever played.
that’s what happens when an entire reward system is designed around getting players to use the trading post as a gold sink and to encourage gem purchases and conversions.
Having a really hard time taking this seriously.
Not me. 4k hours, 16k ap with slayer achieves almost complete. I run dungeons. Do metas. Do living story events. Have many 80’s. Open jp chest.
With that, have had 1 exotic in the past month. 2 precursors since launch from the mystic forge.
Can’t farm anything reliably in this game beyond:
1. Low tiered mats
2. Karma
3. Dungeon tokens
4. Gold
5. ore/veggie/tree nodes.
Don’t remember the last time I seen a lodestone drop.
Want to craft anything? Easier to buy items from TP than it is to get anything in a reasonable amount of time and that isn’t with any certainty.
I personally like farming for particular items in the games I play. Here, I have to farm gold to get the items I want from the TP. In most games, a creature will most of the time net the item needed for crafting. Here, that item is the rare drop whereas a grey/blue/green item is the norm.
A big part of that problem I think is that the mats drop less because they are used for legendaries.
Ascended weapons is probably the only thing done right when it comes to the materials. Beyond the time-gates, I can get every mat needed at a reasonable pace. Exotics on the other hand, I can’t say I want 30 destroyer lodestones, 100 charged lodestones, 250 vicious claws, 250 ectos and go out and get them without getting the TP involved.
Doing that without the TP would take a ludicrous amount of time.
it’s true, basic gw2 edition = kitten drops
heroic and above edition = good drops
RNG is scam
I bought Deluxe. I have pretty bad drops. Began playing with the head start, never got precursor and got less than 20 exotics in nearly a year and a half of playing.
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.
I usually never doubt rng.
But when i see a player forging 11 dawn/dusk with little effort
And when i enter fractal having the exact same paths 11 times in a row of wich 3 times in a row i get the exact finaoll chest with the same ascended ring and stuff i can only suspect rng is extremely broken.
Unfortunately its something hard to prove….but after a year its clear “lucky streaks” and unlucky streaks are far too common whereas a normal distribution is the mpost rare thing in this game.
A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.
Returning into GW2 at Wintersday, I’ve done all worldbosses daily (Teq and Triple Trouble excluded) on various chars. Best I ever got was a random-named exotic worth 17g and a ascended weapon box both from Shatterer (weapons look cool but have kitten stats (pwr, h/pwr, toughness), still haven’t decided which to pick).
My MF has approached 100% now but drops aren’t getting any better, I wonder if it’s really worth to scavenge anything for Luck anymore.
I have spent over 200$ on Gems, hasn’t improved much in terms of my drops either.
(edited by iFruit.6190)