Opinion: this game needs more "real" drops

Opinion: this game needs more "real" drops

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cezton.2415


This isn’t a thread just to solely suggest, so please don’t throw it to suggestions.

Now that I’ve been 80 for over a month and have gotten all my exotics, my favorite set from explorable runs and have bought the only thing I saw worth it, a corrupted avenger GS, I find that I’m at a loss and no longer want to really play my main.

Whenever I make 10g, I just blow it on gambling for a precursor weapon. What else can I really do with my gold? I could get larger bags I suppose, or could get crafting skills up on my alt. Other than that there’s really nothing that I want or need besides a legendary itself or things to toy around with from the gem store.

I actually wish there were much more items in the gem store than silly sunglasses and hats that nobody really wants. It’s just there.

Whenever I do a dragon run, I usually get blues and greens. It doesn’t matter if it takes 5 minutes or 25 minutes, the drops usually just suck. Doing Orr is a chore because of the aggro radius and the very limited opportunity to mine any of the small amount of ore that is available. The game is starting to feel too much about cosmetics and just having silly fun (which there is nothing wrong with!) and not enough about personal gain.

Dungeons and events very, very rarely will drop even an exotic.

There are no real loot tables in the game, and even if I could grind one enemy all day to go towards my legendary I would, but then comes in DR, and what exists of really scarce loot tables. I know I’m not the only one that feels this way.

I love the game, but I feel it has the potential for much more in terms of working for something. Legendary items are fine, but as it goes with them, it’s more about gambling and saving up for months than really playing the game.

Opinion: this game needs more "real" drops

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blutkrieg.1320


Agreed, but then again Anet wants you to have fun ‘their’ way.

Officer [VILE] – Desolation

Opinion: this game needs more "real" drops

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Flyfunner.2093


Each time you can send the 10g to me instead of wasting it on some useless yellows

Opinion: this game needs more "real" drops

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fritz.5026


i think the problem lies with the player, not the game, when their major issues is “not enough personal gain.”

Opinion: this game needs more "real" drops

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MajorLazers.4926


rank up in pvp. do tournies and talk smack, make ppl rage.

Opinion: this game needs more "real" drops

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cezton.2415


I would also like to say that I think this game is worth every penny for what has kept me interested up until this point. No complaints there, really.

Just to keep people enticed they can’t expect everyone to want to run the same dragons, same events in Orr, etc, for the next few months.

The game is good, but end-game could offer more which could in turn increase the longevity of keeping players around.

Opinion: this game needs more "real" drops

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Eclipses.7152


By “personal gain” he means player progression, and there is a clear lack of it in this game. In other MMOs, progression is usually achieved through gear and the gear treadmill.

Here that treadmill is more of a short walk and thus not capable of retaining players. The cosmetic treadmill is there yes, but it’s still shorter than the typical gear statistical treadmill of other games and therefore not capable of retaining players for the long haul either. If there’s one thing that the sucky drops have proven, it’s that the items and gear loot tables in this game lack diversity.

While playing for fun is great and refreshing, that is only one half of the puzzle, similarly as only playing for character progression is only one half. ArenaNet needs to bring the pieces together and make content that introduces character progression paths that are fun and worthwhile.

This is why the game seems stale and boring post 80. With that being said, for $60 this game was an absolute steal.

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Opinion: this game needs more "real" drops

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ickorus.4518


I’d like to see reputation grinds (like in the first game) put in to help keep players interested, special rewards, titles, achievements and gear would help give players a fair incentive to level reputations.

And to help deal with excess money I suggest having something like borderlands 2 style slot-machines implemented and perhaps have mini-games such as keg-brawl feature a mode where people put money in a pot and the winning team share the profits.

Guild: Afterlife [AFTL] (Piken Square)

(edited by Ickorus.4518)

Opinion: this game needs more "real" drops

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MacDizel.6345


Some good ideas and comments here. Must agree with the op. being level 80 now for some time I do not have all the gear nor an excess of gold… but thats mostly because for me the level 80 map areas are less challanging, less populated, and flat out boring at times. heck even the terrain and map detail seems far more in depth at the early/mid levels.
Of all the people I know that bought this game…only 2 of them are still playing and they are fully geared and over 80…they log in maybe once a week now.
Though I do agree this game was a steal at 60.00 The population seems to be dwindling at an alarming rate, its alarming to me because I enjoy the game alot…

“*To live is to war with trolls*.”
? Henrik Ibsen

Opinion: this game needs more "real" drops

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mulch.2586


The title of the thread and the OP don’t match imo.

The title seems to say there should be more or better loot drops.
The top post talks about how the player doesn’t really need anything more in game, and seems to be full of ennui about gear or wealth.

More/better loot would just speed the player toward that ennui faster.

On the other hand, the stuff I get cheap off the trading post seems to be dropped loot, either from other players or gold-farmer bots.


Opinion: this game needs more "real" drops

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sad Swordfish.9743

Sad Swordfish.9743

I don’t think anyone will disagree on that the community greatly desires more prestigious stuff besides the legendary weapons, including mid level.

I personally don’t like the idea of introducing similiar “reptutation grinds” like in GW1, WoW and those games. I didn’t like that and never found it fun. Those things speak of nothing of skill or commitment.

Then I would much rather see the introduction of random spawning epic bosses that can really mess up the world and make more unpredicted things happen. Creating a bit more chaos, letting a crazy strong boss get influx with other events.

Artifact Armors would be a great introduction. An epic quest to gather some fan-favorite outfits from GW1 like the Monk tattoo set (Light), the Assassin Ninja-ish armor (Medium) and the Paragorn divine armor (Heavy). Collecting each piece but by doing other activities.

The fact of the matter is that no game, not WoW or any other MMO is fun to do the same dungeons. In fact it sucks. Games just end. You can only make so much repeatable content.

Opinion: this game needs more "real" drops

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: roqoco.4053


The reason that loot isn’t interesting up to level cap is that there is too much of it, not too little. Green items drop like confetti, you can get them for karma and they can also be crafted – hence too much supply = no demand. The item system needs to be reworked so that white’s are the new blues, blues are the new greens etc. That means reducing item drops (drop more gold or grey items instead).

After level 80 Arenanet need to make more content, not just cursed shore, relevant places to play and work towards achievements, cosmetic rewards etc.

Another thing – different builds can require different armor stats and weapons – that was a big reason for having multiple armors and wepons in Guild Wars 1. This aspect of the game, i.e. horizontal progession needs a lot more work.

Opinion: this game needs more "real" drops

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ned Stark.9356

Ned Stark.9356

i think the problem lies with the player, not the game, when their major issues is “not enough personal gain.”

I beg to differ. With the way the game is currently going (disregarding all the bug filled patchs) there is no incentive once a person gets to level 80 to keep them here. There is no endgame, the dungeons lack any viable reward to warrant the token grind, the dragons (which are supposed to be world bosses) are dull and boring while only needing to zerg it to win, and all the gear at level 80 is pretty much same stats different skins. I would personally like to see some raids, the world bosses changed to at least force some viable tactic to win along with a win/lose time limit, and some gear that’s actually worth grinding for.

Sadly this game couldn’t live up to it’s hype that Anet lead us to believe over the several years of it’s development. Add that with the buggy patch jobs and you have a recipe for failure not to mention the ton of complaint threads that have been surfacing. So with that this game will be shelved until some major changes are made and a sliver of a better future is set.

Opinion: this game needs more "real" drops

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: marnick.4305


Press H. Go to achievements. Check how many you haven’t done yet. Good luck have fun.

That’s what kept me going in GW1 for over 7 years. After the first 2 weeks of playing I never got a power increase anymore yet chasing the carrot was never that much fun in other games. Yes it’s all optional. It means you are not forced to do stuff you don’t like. Maybe you just don’t like the game? Nothing wrong with that, but the whole point of optional carrots is to only do them if you actually like playing the game (which I actually didn’t in other MMO games with forced carrots)

If I can’t play Guild Wars 2 at work, I won’t work in Guild Wars 2 either.
Delayed content is eventually good. Rushed content is eternally bad. ~ Shigeru Miyamoto

Opinion: this game needs more "real" drops

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: roqoco.4053


Press H. Go to achievements. Check how many you haven’t done yet. Good luck have fun.

That’s what kept me going in GW1 for over 7 years. After the first 2 weeks of playing I never got a power increase anymore yet chasing the carrot was never that much fun in other games. Yes it’s all optional. It means you are not forced to do stuff you don’t like. Maybe you just don’t like the game? Nothing wrong with that, but the whole point of optional carrots is to only do them if you actually like playing the game (which I actually didn’t in other MMO games with forced carrots)

Guild Wars 1 didn’t have levels (after tutorial sections) – that’s the big difference and why you can keep playing it. With a level 80 in Guild Wars 2, there is very little to do, unless you want to do earlier content in easy mode.

It’s the poorly implemented levelling system and the coupling of rewards to zone levels that makes everyone ignore most of the content; and that is the big problem in GW2 PvE after level cap.

Opinion: this game needs more "real" drops

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ChairGraveyard.2967


Agreed, loot is not exciting at all, regardless of where you’re at. I actually think GW2 has some of the worst loot rewards of any RPG I’ve played.

Sure, you can grind and sell the garbage for something decent, but that in itself isn’t fun and isn’t how I’d prefer to collect nice stuff. I’d much prefer to actually get stuff I want to keep from doing the things I find fun (events/combat) rather than everything being yet another piece of trash I’m just going to sell off.

Opinion: this game needs more "real" drops

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: roqoco.4053


Agreed, loot is not exciting at all, regardless of where you’re at. I actually think GW2 has some of the worst loot rewards of any RPG I’ve played.

On a more positive note the fact that we are still playing a game that has the worst itemisation and levelling design of any game I’ve played is a testament to how absorbing other parts of the game are.

I’m reasonably confident that Arenanet will know what’s wrong by now, but it’s probably not that easy to fix since so many different systems are involved (crafting, market, drops, resources etc.) and will need to be iterated together. Pity they didn’t catch this before launch – seems pretty obvious, at least in hindsight, that if you throw around too much kit it’s going to be worth zilch.

Opinion: this game needs more "real" drops

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ChairGraveyard.2967


Oh yeah, I agree with that. I’m still playing because I love the combat, it’s quite fun, and the world is awesome. That advantage won’t last forever, at least in my case. I’m intently looking forward to Neverwinter, and I might end up just switching for good if the junky unfun loot situation doesn’t change (rather than playing both games, or whatnot).

The rewards constantly being nothing but junk does wear on the enjoyment a lot.

Opinion: this game needs more "real" drops

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dead.7385


Agreed that chests inside dungeons should have some exotic drops with RNG.

They have stated a re-revamp to dungeon rewards will be going on, but as far as what they will do nobody knows. They wanted to do it for this update, but it wasn’t ready for launch.

Things I want:
Chest specific loot with a RNG twist – dungeon chests shouldn’t be something you want to skip. Adding a RNG element will have the random factor to it.

Better looking dungeon armor. I like shiniez and currently my choice is basically Fire and Fire (CoF/SE) for particle effects. Why does my AC mace glow at night, but the armor set just look like plain old bland armor? The weapons should match the set, just compare HoTW weapons to the armor and notice the difference, it looks like it is from a completely different dungeon.

Things I don’t want:
PURE rng loot. Leave the tokens (aside from fixing the various bugs/exploits) as they are. I want a RNG chance as well knowledge that my dungeon run will go for my next piece of gear.

Stat based “tiered” gear carrot – Exotics are fine as the “best” endgame items. Although more variety in stats might be nice.

Opinion: this game needs more "real" drops

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Echo.7634


I kinda agree with the OP.
It would be nice to see rares/exotics drop in the world with a bit more frequency.

Its a real let down to find a fancy chest or complete a jump puzzle or kill a zone event boss and get ….a bunch of blues.

I dont mind the lack of drops in dungeons since you do get tokens to get nice gear with.

But then again I guess thats what the magic find gear is for right?

(edited by Echo.7634)

Opinion: this game needs more "real" drops

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Farzo.8410


Agreed, but then again Anet wants you to have fun ‘their’ way.

I think I will say that ArenaNet wants you to have fun your way, but with the stuff they release, and give out.

Opinion: this game needs more "real" drops

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nakatsu Hime.3520

Nakatsu Hime.3520

I am getting a bit bored with ‘Broken Lockpicks’. Is there an ‘Intact Lockpick’ drop I can possibly use to crack open one of my Black Lion Chests perchance?

Opinion: this game needs more "real" drops

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Thord.2017


I think drops in map PvE are good as they are. So many greens just makes me smile if I get something better, especially if it something I can wear. The lowish possibility of finding something decent is morwe of an incentive than a problem to me. If I knew there was a guaranteed drop for some things again I might get bored and start thinking “can’t be bothered to revisit that dungeon it is the same every time”, dungeons are always the same giving a guranteed drop just makes them boring.

Warrior level 80, Guardian level 80, Ranger level 80, Thief level 80, Elementalist level 60

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