Opinions on Legendary Weapons! :D

Opinions on Legendary Weapons! :D

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ErgoPhoenix.9784


Well I can’t seem to find a lot of posts about legendary weapons so I thought I’d start one!

In my opinion, (>^_^)> most of the legendary weapons look awesome. They either have cool design, leave footprints as you run around, make goofy noises/visuals when they are used, or make people’s characters all electric-ishy (aura I think is the word).

However, there are two legendary weapons that I feel need some major love and support!

Number one is the legendary scepter: The Meteorlogicus. This scepter is pretty…but it could use an extra “umpf”, ya know? I suggest making cloudy footprints or a trailing cloudy effect like the greatswords when you swing it!

Number two is the legendary focus: The Minstrel. This focus is…well I will be honest it’s not very…pretty. I’m not sure what can be done with it…maybe make it have musical note footprints…or make the bird part sing when you attack? Heck you could even make it glow brighter then the sun, but…I’m not sure…like I said. Something can be done to make it more “epic legendary”! No?

Speaking of support, I know a lot of people I’ve asked discourage making underwater legendary weapons! I always wondered why, so give me some feedback or thoughts on this subject. What would make them more desirable?

I’m curious of other people’s views! Tell me which legendaries you love and which ones need some support…and provide some potential solutions like I did, hehe!

P.S. I just want to keep this discussion on current legendaries. For instance: MAKE NEW LEGENDARIES OMG OMG I HATE RAINBOWS…isn’t the point of this topic. Mkay ^.^ ….and seriously who hates rainbows….ok ok maybe evil Necromancers out there, but come on! :P

Opinions on Legendary Weapons! :D

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Caffynated.5713



“We recognize that the changes to [ele] will essentially remove it from play. In the future,
we may consider whether or not there is an incarnation of [ele] that would be viable
but balanced. For now, we do not expect it to see serious use.” – ANet

Opinions on Legendary Weapons! :D

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dash.7108



Careful you don’t cut yourself on that edge.

Anyway which legendaries could use a revamp? The Minstrel and Frostfang.

Opinions on Legendary Weapons! :D

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hamfast.8719


Some look okay. I despise outsized weapons (although that is not limited to Legendaries). Most are ruined by the outrageous particle effects. The “footprints” are especially stupid. And I don’t want an “aura” all the time hiding my nice armor. Until they make some truly purty weapons without all the overdone FX, then maybe I will consider working for one. (Special sounds might be a nice effect, or do some already have that?)

My opinion. You asked.

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Set a man on fire, and he’ll be warm the rest of his life.
– Unknown Fire Elementalist

Opinions on Legendary Weapons! :D

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Amadan.9451


i have bifrost because i love the rainbow trail…

about underwater weapon they are awesome, although to craft one you need the same mats for the land legendary weapon and it is a lot of effort for a weapon you’ll use so rarely… come on, there’s not even a world boss with chest underwater!!

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Opinions on Legendary Weapons! :D

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zacchary.6183



Opinions on Legendary Weapons! :D

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Caffynated.5713



Careful you don’t cut yourself on that edge.

Anyway which legendaries could use a revamp? The Minstrel and Frostfang.

Seriously though, I hate rainbows.

I want a legendary staff with this effect:


“We recognize that the changes to [ele] will essentially remove it from play. In the future,
we may consider whether or not there is an incarnation of [ele] that would be viable
but balanced. For now, we do not expect it to see serious use.” – ANet

Opinions on Legendary Weapons! :D

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jaken.6801


RIght now we have a 50/50 design with the legendarys.

50% are basicly fun weapons (Pony Bow, Disco Ball, Confetti Gun…) and the other half is the kitten weapons (Bolt, Twilight, etc…)

I can understand that notion, because always awesome can get boring, however we have nothing to balance things out at the moment.
Thus we end up with some dissatisfaction if we are comparing weapontypes.
If they are all legendarys, why are some a joke and some are epic?

I hope things get balanced out with the new ones.

Opinions on Legendary Weapons! :D

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sabelle.2159


inb4 everybody; inb4.


Opinions on Legendary Weapons! :D

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ameepa.6793


Some look okay. I despise outsized weapons (although that is not limited to Legendaries). Most are ruined by the outrageous particle effects. The “footprints” are especially stupid. And I don’t want an “aura” all the time hiding my nice armor. Until they make some truly purty weapons without all the overdone FX, then maybe I will consider working for one. (Special sounds might be a nice effect, or do some already have that?)

My opinion. You asked.

My thoughts exactly.

Opinions on Legendary Weapons! :D

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Laurelinde.4395


For me it’kitten and miss with the legendaries but that’s more down to my personal taste than anything ‘objective’ about them. I just finished Kudzu yesterday, and chose that because I feel it works well for a Sylvari, and I like longbow as one of my ranger’s weapons. The footprints also reminded me of the ‘Path of Cenarius’ trading card item I had on my druid in World of Warcraft. I was tempted by the Dreamer because I like the skin of the weapon itself, and the ribbons, but the unicorn projectiles look…odd to me, and I think the sound effect would do my head in.

For the underwater ones it’s not so much the weapons themselves that put me off, but the fact you would so rarely see or use them. Bar the occasional scale-farming or underwater kills daily, or the one boss in HotW, you (well, I, anyway) don’t really do enough underwater combat to make getting an underwater legendary worthwhile, even if the precursor is very cheap.

Additionally, I am never, ever, EVER grinding for another legendary again because making this one broke my brain, banana sideways beeping cogwheel crepuscular, green slide?

Laurelinde & Cookie/Beorna Bearheart
[TWG] – Gunnar’s Hold
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Opinions on Legendary Weapons! :D

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: EdgarMTanaka.7291


One big reason for me not to even bother getting a Legendary is becouse they are that ugly…. Actually I don’t even like the GS ones… but I think that is becouse I see so many walking around with them.

Some other skins are much cooler so there is no point for me to bother, but they can’t please us all.

Hehe I would want Han Solos Pistol and fire animation would be laser Woohoo

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Opinions on Legendary Weapons! :D

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Heylo.4938


I have the Moot on my guardian and am currently working towards Sunrise, because I hate myself.

I definitely agree that Meteorlogicus and the Minstrel need some love. The Minstrel maybe a little bit more than Meteorlogicus. The focus is so blah. It’s giant and strange colored…at least give it some better effects. The scepter is pretty awesome, if not awkwardly sized for a scepter, but could use a trail or footprints. It’s one of the only legendaries I’d consider getting on an Asura, since it is generally giant.

Someone said Frostfang needed work and I’d love to hear why they think that. It’s pretty cool as is and has a nice trail and effect. The ice on the arm could use some work as it is sorta awkward looking right now. I have a friend with Rodgort and maybe the trail on that one could be bigger? It’s like a tiny burning coal gets left behind with a step, but that is an offhand weapon.

I’ll probably have to stop PuGing when I get Sunrise because I’ll feel bad with all the effects during fights, but I still want it so bad, if only just to stare at it and swing it around by myself in DR.

I apparently have the opposite problem of a lot of people in this thread and love too many legendaries. I’m hoping to someday have Bifrost, Sunrise, Flameseeker, and the Dreamer, on top of my Moot. -.- Gives me something to do in game, i suppose.

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(edited by Heylo.4938)

Opinions on Legendary Weapons! :D

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teevell.1684


Yeah, the underwater legendaries are, I think, the coolest looking one (the eel heads move and snap at things, how awesome is that? And a spear…that’s a shark! ^__^), but I hate underwater combat and would never bother using one. I suppose if I somehow got the mats for it I might, but I can think of other things I’d rather spend my time on.

Tarnished Coast

Opinions on Legendary Weapons! :D

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ping.5739


For daily use and bragging: Twilight
For trolling and bragging: Unicorn and pistol
For achievement: underwater ones
For unique: focus

This useless bar doesn’t make you awesome. However, stuff above does.

Opinions on Legendary Weapons! :D

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Navzar.2938


I think the forced soldier’s stat set up is kind of a down point. The ability to switch between stat schemes would be nice.

I agree the Minstrel needs more attention, it seems kind of plain and it doesn’t have as flashy visual effects as other legendaries. Maybe some type of after glow type effect would be nice for it. That way you can have something similar to the trailing effect but it won’t overlap.

IDK about the Meteorlogicus since I haven’t seen one, but if it doesn’t have effects then I agree some sort of cloudy or misty trailing effect would work. (Or something else solar system/space related, but twilight already has stars covered.)

…And though you said you didn’t want this in the topic, I do think it’d be nice to have 2 legendaries for each weapon type to give people choices.

Opinions on Legendary Weapons! :D

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alex the Precise.3654

Alex the Precise.3654

The Minstrel needs it’s particle effect enlarged. The princess wand has larger effects. It would also be great if when it was drawn, it would play the minstrel version of the GW2 Theme from the mesmer reveal.

The Meteorlogicus needs a aura and footprints. Puffy white clouds could works for either.

The underwater weapons have great effects it’s just a shame we don’t see them often.

Rodgort is in a good place although it would be nice if its footprints were a little bigger. Not fireballs like the Incinerator but larger low burning coals the size of the greatsword or Kudzu prints. I would be icing on the cake if anytime you used a torch skill that it would breathe a jet of flame like when it’s drawn.

The Howler’s howl could be a little louder.

I’m surprised that no one mentions the Flameseeker Prophecies. It is probably the most beautiful legendary, elegant and of reasonable size. However, it lack most of the effects that are associated with legendaries. No footprints, no aura, no effect on attack, no unique sounds. In game, the only legendary I’ve noticed fewer of is the Minstrel for obvious reasons. I’m not saying that it needs a big update, it’s a great weapon, I just feel that it doesn’t quite live up mechanics wise to the others.

Opinions on Legendary Weapons! :D

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Arc.7346


Predator is pretty awesome, always wanted a gun that was a flamethrower/sniper rifle that you have to wear rubber gloves for to avoid being shocked out of your skull.

Opinions on Legendary Weapons! :D

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: OliverT.9021


Reposting just to put everything together in one place. I also agree that the Minstrel and the Meteorlogicus is severely underwhelming. To make things worse for the Minstrel, the illusions of the Mesmer don’t even wield it on their offhand.

Flameseeker Prophecies is another beautiful legendary with lacking effects, and only 2.5 classes can wield it. (I don’t really consider Engineers being able to wield weapons because once they kit up, everything is gone). I liked it a lot, so I crafted it nontheless, and had to make a totally new character that is heavy class who can equip it.

Why is there not an equal distribution of the number of effects on each of them? Some have as many as 9 effects while others lacklustre with only 1 mediocre effect for show.

Twilight (same as Sunrise except for color difference)
Number of Effects = 9

1. Moving or swinging your weapon leaves a painterly afterimage. This trail also acts as a window into space just as the blade does.

2. The player’s body is surrounded with a soft dark aura while drawn.

3. The weapon gives off a short burst of light when drawn.

4. The blade is surrounded with a soft aura while drawn. The aura’s color reflects the blade’s color.

5. Animated prismatic flares appear behind the blade while drawn.

6. White sparkles pop off the blade while drawn.

7. The blade’s edge is a painterly design whose texture shifts and rotates around the blade.

8. Spiked red glow at the base of the blade which moves from one side to the other.

9. Mirror Blade, Binding Blade, Bladetrail,and Whirling Wrath are altered slightly, the player throws Twilight rather than the default thrown projectiles.

Number of Effects = 0.5

1. Occasionally, faint musical notes and symbols float around the focus.

Number of Effects = 1

1. The weapon also has a light glowing effect that trails a short distance behind the weapon as the player moves.

Number of Effects = 5

1. The Bifrost is surrounded by an ever glowing rainbow colored aura.

2. A faint trail of light when swung, and has crystalline shapes floating around the tip.

3. It also adds a glow to the character while drawn.

4. Makes the character leave rainbow puddle footsteps.

5. Small rainbows are also left behind the character.

Number of Effects = 8

1. Lightning surrounds the weapon when it is drawn.

2. Lightning surrounds the user’s body when the sword is drawn or stowed if equipped in main hand slot.

3. Purple aura surrounds the user’s body when the sword is drawn.

4. Leaves trails of lightning when slashing.

5. Unique sound effects when slashing and striking.

6. Lightning footprints when walking and the weapon is equipped (does not need to be drawn).

7. Mesmer clones will inherit all the graphic and sound effects of Bolt when wielded in the main hand.

8. An enemy killed by Bolt will display electrocuted death animations.

The list goes on, and the descriptions of the various weapon effects can be found on the Guild Wars 2 wiki link (which I’ve copied and pasted the list of effects from) – http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Legendary_weapon

My question is… Why such a huge disparity in effects especially for something that is supposedly “the pinnacle of weaponry in Guild Wars 2” ala Isiah Cartwright?

Opinions on Legendary Weapons! :D

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: OliverT.9021


I do have some ideas, but I’m not a computer programmer so how feasible for these things to work are really beyond me….

Since the meteorlogicus is an orrery of planets, I think it would be cool whenever the scepter is drawn, we see a supernova explosion. And as for the footfalls, we could have the aurora borealis effect. What do you guys think?

The Flameseeker Prophecies I think is in pretty good shape on its own. Maybe footfalls could be added as a form of polish (my limited imagination can’t think up of any appropriate footprints for it at the moment). Or we could have the book glow at all times, instead of only when drawn. The shield could remain darkened when sheathed.

As for the Minstrel, this one is really difficult. Don’t have any good thoughts on it.

Opinions on Legendary Weapons! :D

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Harbard.5738


TL DR: I call them lolgendaries, I think it should stick :P
The solution IMO is not on particle FXs, but on special non-combat abilities like flying, shapeshift, new swing animations, speed buff, something universally COOL.

The “footprints” are especially stupid.

Ok, first, this ^

Now to me, Juggernaut is a proper enough Legendary, and i’d aim for it IF getting legendaries were actually about playing the game and not looking at a 4-slot interface day in day out.

The main mistakes to me are the extremely overdone features, they don’t look functional AT ALL and some are just plain silly and fugly. Instead of being an item of prestige or just aesthetic badassery, they turn you into a laugh-stock.

For example:
Greatswords – Extra-shiny epilepsy-inducing popsicles with grotesquely exaggerated hilts (while the “blade’s” shape is straight and dull, despite the cool sky fx). On top of that it makes you look like you took a rainbow dump into your pants and are leaving a trail of slick shame everywhere.

Minstrel: Just plain good old genuine fuglyness. Extremely overdone. It’s like baroque on acid.

Meteorologicus : If that ghostbusters marshmellow man had a tumor, that’s what it would look like. Again extremely overdone, cluttered, a freakin mess.

Mace and pistol: It’s a freaking discoball on a stick and a toy gun! Are you serious? I think these should be officially nicknamed “lolgendaries”. But even if you’re willing to put up with all that grind for a kitten practical joke, I suppose the joke is on you.

Give me game. Not grind, not gating, not RNG, not +stat junk, not checklists.

Opinions on Legendary Weapons! :D

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dante.1508


Legendaries don’t exist in GW2..

Legendaries are something an item/story etc tied to the lore where its been handed down over generations and what not…

What we have in Guildwars 2 is nice shiny skins that are meaningless to the rest of the game, especially the pony bow, pistol, mace etc…

I hate rainbows when they are attached to unicorns personally, and yes these legendaries just ruin GW2 immersion wise and lore wise, also many are just stupid..

For daily use and bragging: Twilight
For trolling and bragging: Unicorn and pistol
For achievement: underwater ones
For unique: focus

This pretty much describes Guildwars 2 legendaries and the people who want them..

(edited by Dante.1508)

Opinions on Legendary Weapons! :D

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ErgoPhoenix.9784


Hehe I would want Han Solos Pistol and fire animation would be laser Woohoo

Now there’s an idea! lol I’m pretty sure if they made one like this…it would one of the most popular legendaries.

Opinions on Legendary Weapons! :D

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ErgoPhoenix.9784


My question is… Why such a huge disparity in effects especially for something that is supposedly “the pinnacle of weaponry in Guild Wars 2” ala Isiah Cartwright?

Good question! I’m afraid we will never know the answer unless some “official” knows.

Opinions on Legendary Weapons! :D

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ErgoPhoenix.9784


I apparently have the opposite problem of a lot of people in this thread and love too many legendaries. I’m hoping to someday have Bifrost, Sunrise, Flameseeker, and the Dreamer, on top of my Moot. -.- Gives me something to do in game, i suppose.

Oh my lord! I don’t think going for this task would be too healthy. Be careful!

Opinions on Legendary Weapons! :D

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Allisa Wonderland.8192

Allisa Wonderland.8192

I love my Dreamer, and the positive side effect of the latest patch is even less people will be using them.

I love my Twilight, I made only because I purchased Dusk before seeing Bifrost in person. But, while crafting, I discovered my new love, which is a support Guardian, and her extremely invasive weapon.

There is an aspect of Legendary weapons that has nothing to do with their aesthetics, and that is the expectations on the owner.

If I walk into a small battle, the Twilight’s black strokes make me the dominant graphic on most players screens. If I play like an idiot — everyone sees it, so the resulting visibility makes me step up my game, and to be an ambassador to the World of Tyria. I am regularly asked about what my weapon is, which I’m always happy to oblidge.

The Dreamer’s Unicorns and Rainbows act like a directional beacon. When I chase baddies in Orr, I get groups of people following me because they can clearly see where the next target is.