Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
After the last build, a bug developed where some players’ options were resetting. I know in my case, my “auto-loot” option went away, and my choice to not show the Personal Story reset to show the story by default. Nothing major, but a bit noticeable. (In another case, someone got to the end of a jumping puzzle and learned that the double-tap reactivated on his account and he fell to an untimely and messy death. )
Anyway, we wanted you to know that a fix for this issue is being tested right now, and once it passes all the necessary checks and validations, we’ll be rolling out this fix to make sure your settings stay set.
After the last build, a bug developed where some players’ options were resetting. I know in my case, my “auto-loot” option went away, and my choice to not show the Personal Story reset to show the story by default. Nothing major, but a bit noticeable. (In another case, someone got to the end of a jumping puzzle and learned that the double-tap reactivated on his account and he fell to an untimely and messy death.
Anyway, we wanted you to know that a fix for this issue is being tested right now, and once it passes all the necessary checks and validations, we’ll be rolling out this fix to make sure your settings stay set.
Thanks gaile! Also, while your here, do we know of any offical date when wintersday will end?
There’s also that one bug in the achievements tab requiring people to finish 3 insanely hard jp’s as a part of winters presence. Can we fix this? :P like c’mon im already 400g off from making it thats hard enough </3
Oh good this bug was getting incredibly irritating, I have no idea what my original camera settings were anymore xD
After the last build, a bug developed where some players’ options were resetting. I know in my case, my “auto-loot” option went away, and my choice to not show the Personal Story reset to show the story by default. Nothing major, but a bit noticeable. (In another case, someone got to the end of a jumping puzzle and learned that the double-tap reactivated on his account and he fell to an untimely and messy death.
Anyway, we wanted you to know that a fix for this issue , is being tested right now , and once it passes all the necessary checks and validations, we’ll be rolling out this fix to make sure your settings stay set.
Given the state of what seems to be making it live, I find it necessary to question what testing might entail.
Same problem – many settings went default today.
It’s the second time in 24 hours it does it.
It’s the field of view that i don’t like to reset every time: to close, to far, to low, to high.
Get a QA department, and stop relying on the players and your good server infrastructure to handle everything.
Please merge with this thread:
“Options reset every time I log in”
And, I look forward to having the fix soon.
Please merge with this thread:
“Options reset every time I log in”, I look forward to having the fix soon.
Yea seriously don’t we all. For me my whole front page of Options get unset. I have to go through and check/uncheck every box. I’m scared to log out >.>
Thanks for the update!
After the last build, a bug developed where some players’ options were resetting. I know in my case, my “auto-loot” option went away, and my choice to not show the Personal Story reset to show the story by default. Nothing major, but a bit noticeable. (In another case, someone got to the end of a jumping puzzle and learned that the double-tap reactivated on his account and he fell to an untimely and messy death.
Anyway, we wanted you to know that a fix for this issue is being tested right now, and once it passes all the necessary checks and validations, we’ll be rolling out this fix to make sure your settings stay set.
Pass on information on an LOD bug please ;n;
Wait, you test stuff before patching?
Thanks for the update!
What update :|
Yes, this is highly frusterating. I have had this happen to me thrice now. Please fix this soon.
There’s also that one bug in the achievements tab requiring people to finish 3 insanely hard jp’s as a part of winters presence. Can we fix this? :P like c’mon im already 400g off from making it thats hard enough </3
Just wait a couple of months and ArenaNet will be selling the shoulders for nothing on the AH.
Your efforts mean nothing to ANET.
Thanks for the update!
What update :|
I mean this post, acknowledging the problem and letting us know that a fix is in the works. It’s not a definite timeline, but it sounds like it should be ready soon, not, say, in a week.
The bug is aggravating, but I really do appreciate communication about situations like this. For me, knowing that devs are aware of the problem and that they’re actively fixing it is enough to take the edge off. It changes my attitude from “Ugh, what are they doing/thinking?” to “Okay, stuff happens.”
agreed. have to keep rechecking auto loot and stuff. Didn’t even remember how to set skill 1 to auto attack just thought it did it.
Using the MAC beta and annoyingly mine keeps resetting every day (auto-loot, field of view, mouse gestures, item rarity in bags, etc.). You mention you are working on a fix, was it in the update I just received on 17th December, if so unfortunately it didn’t work? If not do we have an ETA on this patch please?
It’s a bug. They know about it. I imagine they’ll fix it fairly quickly.
It’s not possible to release an update for software of this size without bugs. When I say not possible I mean literally not possible; I don’t mean just hard.
Your frustration is totally understandable, but also based on a misunderstanding of the reality of software development.
If you disagree with me, you don’t understand the field and you’re wrong. Go and ask an engineer if it’s possible to make an invincible bridge. Now disagree with him. You’re still wrong.
You’ll enjoy the game a lot more if you realize that bugs are inevitable and just accept that they’ll happen from time to time
oh please, this is such an overused excuse and clearly a copy/paste one too, these bugs would have been spotted in 5 seconds if they took the effort to test it first.
Thank you. Was headed out to forums since saw yesterday that there was some questions on this and whether it was confirmed. It seems to be impacting all guild mates that had opted to us the 64 bit version. Was impacting bag settings, video settings, and interface settings under options.
oh please, this is such an overused excuse and clearly a copy/paste one too, these bugs would have been spotted in 5 seconds if they took the effort to test it first.
So, just out of interest, would you be happy for them to do a full regression test on the software after they fix this minor bug then release it sometime in Jan/Feb or would you prefer them to do a minimal amount of testing and get the fix out there in the next few days?
Because that’s the hard choice all software teams face every time they make a change or a bug fix, with customers. management and marketing all breathing down their necks.
@Grimmy – it’s not just the 64 bit client. I have the same with the 32 bit too. Someone in chat said you could workaround it by logging off rather than just exiting to desktop but I could not find any combination that saved the setting.
i dont wanna login in game where all my settings are reset. i don’t wanna play like that. its joke? same wintersday event 3 years old. year by year same content & y cannot simply test for 3-5 maybe 10 accounts before push to main servers? what qualification have your Team managers/dev managers/test managers? have you atleast 1 tester? on my work if i will push so baggy release to productions Project manager will be fired me in 1 sec.
(edited by maidens.1973)
all software has bugs but “bug” which force ppl do not use your software its mistake. its biggest mistake which could do in software dev.
Yeah, well played ArenaNet. Can I say, Welcome to Guild Wars 2 HoT Alpha v. 0.5 Just keep having your client open at all hours, do not exit to desktop since after that all your general settings will be reset. Have fun till the update comes out, keep your computers alive and open 24/7 ! Enjoy your gameplay with your own settings.
(edited by Magica.8136)
oh see its not bug. its new feature from anet to up time in game from players. new slogan- never logoff always play )
This needs highest priority for hotfixing please!
If this is going to drag on for days, I will go insane…
Try playing with a bug with your camera settings going wonky for days. Going one way and then your char goes in a different direction and then the camera snaps to the way your char is now going. That’s the bug that crept into my settings somehow last week. Finally got fixed after some tweaking. Support was very helpful with having several things tried and trying to recreate the bug that I videoed for them to show what was happening. Mine is finally fixed and I was able to do some jumping for getting some vistas and stuff without going down a cliff.
They do work on bugs when people do bug reports and let them know what’s happening.
I thought you quit (again) and uninstalled just last week?
Just how did you manage to reset something as basic as players’ personal preferences? I, for one, would like to know…
I’m guessing it’s connected to the commander key binds they added in the last patch. Those would need changes to the store/recall settings stuff. Software is complicated. Software that undergoes continuous changes is complicated squared. There is never enough time to test everything. Bugs happen. They get fixed.
If anyone cared to look, it appears they are adding additional choices in the option panel. We don’t know how many are being added under the hood and not yet visible. Those this really needs to be fixed or rolled back ASAP.
could you please stop spamming us with broken updates and do some actual work, like test them on a test server? that kitten camera shake option keeps enabling itself and the jumping puzzels and other evens are annoying on their own already.
It’s not possible to release an update for software of this size without bugs. When I say not possible I mean literally not possible; I don’t mean just hard.
Your frustration is totally understandable, but also based on a misunderstanding of the reality of software development.
If you disagree with me, you don’t understand the field and you’re wrong. Go and ask an engineer if it’s possible to make an invincible bridge. Now disagree with him. You’re still wrong.
Yup. Ex-professional IBM software tester here. Three absolutely immutable laws of software development are (1) there will ALWAYS be bugs**, (2) there’s never enough resource to find them all, and (3) some of the ones that slip through will be downright embarrassing. Anyone who for one moment thinks otherwise has never been anywhere near serious software development.
**The simplest commercial program I know of is an IBM assembly code null routine called IEFBR14. “BR14” stands for “branch on register 14”, which is simply a return – functionally the program effectively does nothing but exist. It ought to be a trivial piece of code, but it’s remarkable how hard it is to do even that – there are a number of errors that can be made, because there are actually other things, in context, that it needs to do in order to work “correctly”. Feel free to google it.
How one manages to mess up the player settings, without actually changing anything with them, is beyond my comprehension as a developer. Let alone the fact that we are talking about something that worked perfectly fine since release. Just…HOW!? How does one manage to break the fridge while making popcorn in the microwave? did you somehow put a spoon into your bowl of corn, tied a wire to it and somehow welded that to some circuitry in the fridge, frying the whole thing in the process?
I hear QA-Department, but I dont see anything that would prove its existence.
Never play on patch day, or the week after it. It kinda makes me miss the 9 months of silence before HoT released, because you didnt consistently break everything then.
I am trying to understand what went wrong here, but I honestly cant wrap my finger around it. and by the way, thats not a bug, thats a defect.
Using the MAC beta and annoyingly mine keeps resetting every day (auto-loot, field of view, mouse gestures, item rarity in bags, etc.). You mention you are working on a fix, was it in the update I just received on 17th December, if so unfortunately it didn’t work? If not do we have an ETA on this patch please?
I really do love how after 3 years and an expansion, we don’t even have a NON-BETA client to use. Totally off topic, sorry.
I’ve heard someone tell me to first go to character selection screen, then log out completely from there and it stops this issue. Works for me so far!
Using the MAC beta and annoyingly mine keeps resetting every day (auto-loot, field of view, mouse gestures, item rarity in bags, etc.). You mention you are working on a fix, was it in the update I just received on 17th December, if so unfortunately it didn’t work? If not do we have an ETA on this patch please?
I really do love how after 3 years and an expansion, we don’t even have a NON-BETA client to use. Totally off topic, sorry.
I’ve heard someone tell me to first go to character selection screen, then log out completely from there and it stops this issue. Works for me so far!
Well, technically, neither the Windows nor the MAC Client are out of Beta. It kind of boggles the mind that some early access titles seem to be more refined than this client in particular.
I thought you quit (again) and uninstalled just last week?
Well my friend… I am weak… HAHAHA
But i’m not spending anymore money and i’m sure as hell gonna reduce my time playing this game.
I’m probably loggin to do a few fractals (now that they are finally fixed) and maybe a few pvp matche. But i’m sure as hell not gonna play as much, it created anger and led me to the dark side XD
(edited by Moderator)
How one manages to mess up the player settings, without actually changing anything with them, is beyond my comprehension as a developer. Let alone the fact that we are talking about something that worked perfectly fine since release. Just…HOW!? How does one manage to break the fridge while making popcorn in the microwave? did you somehow put a spoon into your bowl of corn, tied a wire to it and somehow welded that to some circuitry in the fridge, frying the whole thing in the process?
It’s honestly a lot easier than you think.
The assumption is that your fridge is on a different circuit breaker compared to the rest of the kitchen where you are cooking your popcorn. However, unbeknownst to you, the fridge actually shares the same breaker. So when you activate your popcornmaker, the current necessary for propper running of the fridge drops below required values causing the fridge to die an early death due to it trying to work without the necessary resources. This is a reason why long term brown outs are NOT a good thing, and even short term can cause unexpected behaviors/errors.
In the case of software the analogy still is apt. You touch something that “reasonably” shouldn’t have any connection to a different system, but unknown to the coder there actually is and stuff happens.
In the case of this bug, my wife was hit with it right off the bat. Me, I wasn’t hit with it till 3 patches later. Such oddness in behavior makes these things very difficult to figure out let alone for a developer or QA to detect.
Cheers for the communication: it’s always nice to be told that these things have been noticed, and are being worked on.
Get a QA department, and stop relying on the players and your good server infrastructure to handle everything.
I assure you, we have an extensive QA Department. As you may have noticed, this is a quirky bug, in that it doesn’t affect everyone, and those it impacts are seeing different outcomes. For instance, I had my auto-loot turn off, someone else had his double-click reset… It’s not a simple “This happens for everyone, all the time” situation.
Testing is more challenging than more players realize. I hope you’ll be understanding about this, and note that this is an odd situation that will be addressed as soon as possible.
After the last build, a bug developed where some players’ options were resetting. I know in my case, my “auto-loot” option went away, and my choice to not show the Personal Story reset to show the story by default. Nothing major, but a bit noticeable. (In another case, someone got to the end of a jumping puzzle and learned that the double-tap reactivated on his account and he fell to an untimely and messy death.
Anyway, we wanted you to know that a fix for this issue is being tested right now, and once it passes all the necessary checks and validations, we’ll be rolling out this fix to make sure your settings stay set.
Thanks gaile! Also, while your here, do we know of any offical date when wintersday will end?
Working on getting that info for you!
(edited by Gaile Gray.6029)
In fairness, Yen, whilst that is an interesting analogy, it says only one thing to me – the game architecture is really screwed. As every programmer of any sort of modern language knows (and mine, alas, isn’t, but it still knows), you dump common code into it’s own little “cell” (let’s call it).
Say, for instance, your front-end will take a date in any conceivable format, but your back-end (no giggling at the back!) will only accept YYYYMMDD. Someone writes a subroutine that turns any date into a YYYYMMDD format.
Do you put that into each & every pgm that requires it? No! Because if someone comes up with a new date format that needs to be interpreted, you have to change dozens of pgms. What you do is you put it into its own file.
Rather than re-invent the wheel each time, every programmer that needs this code fragment can now type “Call cell” (or whatever), and if a change to “cell” is required, you don’t have to change dozens of pgms, you just re-compile the ones that use “cell”. {NB: Long-winded explanation is for the benefit of those who are not programmers for a hobby or a living! ).
So your’s is an interesting analogy, but unless Anet’s software is simply a tangled ball of string, I struggle to see how it explains this particular bog-up. Unless Anet’s core soft design is really, really screwed up…
I assure you, we have an extensive QA Department.
As you may have noticed, this is a quirky bug, in that it doesn’t affect everyone, and those it impacts are seeing different outcomes. For instance, I had my auto-loot turn off, someone else had his double-click reset… It’s not a simple “This happens for everyone, all the time” situation.
Actually, it only seems that way due to people having different options set. What this bug does is set the first option tab to default, not reset individual settings.
I assure you, we have an extensive QA Department.
As you may have noticed, this is a quirky bug, in that it doesn’t affect everyone, and those it impacts are seeing different outcomes. For instance, I had my auto-loot turn off, someone else had his double-click reset… It’s not a simple “This happens for everyone, all the time” situation.
Actually, it only seems that way due to people having different options set. What this bug does is set the first option tab to default, not reset individual settings.
Many people don’t change their options so are less likely to notice. However, some of what are the defaults seem to have changed since original release, especially relating to the camera, and these things would hit and annoy players that have been in gw2 longer. It changes the camera and all checkboxes to defaults along with the content guide setting. Forgot to add also the achievement tracking apparently but I never use that so didn’t notice myself.
(edited by Lunacy Solacio.6514)
It’s a bug. They know about it. I imagine they’ll fix it fairly quickly.
I was surprised to return from work today to find it still not fixed. Its a horrible bug, especially as it messes with sliders and those are next to impossible to return to their exact setting. Makes gameplay very uncomfortable as the muscle memory has to relearn slight alterations to movement.
Then when you log, its all messed up once again – needs a priority fix.
“Watch List” and “Inventory Settings” keep getting reset aswell.
(Not the Inventory position which was never stored to begin with; things like “hide single bags”, “highlight new items”)
Are you aware of this? / Will this be fixed aswell?
Here’s some information on this situation for you: (There was an earlier thread on these forums, but I had not seen it at the time I wrote the response (but updated when I spotted it).
The original thread is here:
(edited by Gaile Gray.6029)
“Watch List” and “Inventory Settings” keep getting reset aswell.
(Not the Inventory position which was never stored to begin with; things like “hide single bags”, “highlight new items”)Are you aware of this? / Will this be fixed aswell?
while we are talking inventory, that kitten thing also keeps resizing from, say, 10 slots per row, to 9 slots per row, everytime i login. its quite the mess, and it has been for quite some time. But despite reporting it more than once, nothing has been done about it. its equally annoying to have to resize your inventory each and every time you login/logout or swap to a different character.
First off, being rude and disrespectful never gets you what you want. Being polite isn’t guaranteed to work, but being rude is guaranteed to fail. I’m glad that they’re actually posting here on the official forums instead of Reddit.
Second, don’t shoot the messenger. Gaile isn’t the CEO of Anet or a dev, either. She’s the person who is passing the information to us. She has no direct control over any of it, so please don’t address her directly with your frustrations.(As if this is her doing.) Yes, please let her know politely how this is messing up our game play, but don’t take it out on her. Her job isn’t to make the game, it’s to communicate with us.
re: test for 3-5 maybe 10 accounts before push to main servers? – Yeah, they’ve done that. They’ve probably tested with dozens or hundreds. But some problems don’t show up except with higher numbers that you can’t test with.
re: How one manages to mess up the player settings, without actually changing anything with them, is beyond my comprehension as a developer. – But they are changing them, they’ve added more choices and keybinds in the options menu. Which evidently is throwing things off. And somehow that slipped through the cracks.
Don’t think I’m excusing Anet. I know that it’s impossible to ship bug-free code. But even still I think Anet is shipping code with more than an excusable amount of bugs. I’ve worked in a development environment, and I am reasonably sure Anet’s software control and documentation policies and procedures are either not effective, or are not being properly enforced.(Changes and fixes would be quicker and have less bugs otherwise.) Or maybe they’re understaffed,(for the workload) or management does not have reasonable expectations. There is some reason for the relatively large amount of bugs per patch, and the relatively long handle time for fixes. But I’m not going to accuse them of not testing at all, or be rude about _ it. I would say respectfully, that we can see there is some underlying problem, and we would please like to have it addressed. So that Anet releases better code, with less bugs, and has a shorter turnaround time for fixes.
We need to please be polite, or at least civil in our responses to them. It’ no wonder they post on Reddit instead of here. :p
Thank you Anet and Gaile for posting this response about the options settings bug.
Get a QA department, and stop relying on the players and your good server infrastructure to handle everything.
I assure you, we have an extensive QA Department.
As you may have noticed, this is a quirky bug, in that it doesn’t affect everyone, and those it impacts are seeing different outcomes. For instance, I had my auto-loot turn off, someone else had his double-click reset… It’s not a simple “This happens for everyone, all the time” situation.
As a dev who used to work on games, I understand. However..
You guys used to put out complete patch notes. You don’t anymore.
As for the reset bug: This is happening to a lot of people, and trying to pretend this is a minuscule minority bug is disingenuous at best.
Bottom-line: If I shipped code this buggy to my clients, I wouldn’t have clients for long. Sure, crap happens, every once and a while; heck, I just fixed a UI bug in a complex real-time financial app, caused by my error in a very long and complex SQL statement. But that doesn’t happen often, because I test the living daylights out of my code.
EVERY GW2 patch has weird bugs, server crashes, and other broken items. EVERY GW2 patch.
I understand the economics of game design, which is one reason I left the industry. But please don’t pretend that broken releases and missing patch notes are quality work.
average tuesday, patch is ready
testing weak, bugs are heavy
10 minutes of gameplay, new build already
source code spaghetti
Not affiliated with ArenaNet or NCSOFT. No support is provided.
All assets, page layout, visual style belong to ArenaNet and are used solely to replicate the original design and preserve the original look and feel.
Contact /u/e-scrape-artist on reddit if you encounter a bug.