Option for character select background

Option for character select background

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tekoneiric.6817


I love the new background on the character select screen but I wish there was a way to select different backgrounds. I’d like to see options for the current and previous GW2 backgrounds, along with the Mistlock Sanctuary and a green screen to allow users to take screen shots of their characters. I’d like to see the character scaled a little better on widescreen monitors so their feet will be visible.

Option for character select background

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CrashTestAuto.9108


I like having a new background, but I find this one a bit too dark. I think it’ll get annoying if we’re stuck with it until the next expansion…

Relatedly, I wish we could choose what to display by default. I miss the original rewards screen with the order banners and world completion icons etc. It would also be cool to choose how many character icons to display (and put them in a grid etc.).

These aren’t things I’d want a lot of resources dedicated to, but it would be nice.

Option for character select background

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tekoneiric.6817


As someone who’s programmed I think it would be fairly easy to do. Most of the code is likely already present in the game since it has shown to be adaptive to which license they have to the game. Even if they didn’t want to program a GUI for the option they could drop in a command line switch option. Something like -bg followed by a number for the version of the background, a g for green background or b for blue background. Adding the Mistlock Sanctury might be a little more effort since they would have to do an activity layer over the base background. Shooting stars, drifting interstellar gas clouds or something like that.

They do need to make the interface more adaptive to different screen resolutions. People have been requesting this for awhile.

Another thing I would like to see is for them to code the GW2 active backgrounds for Windows, Macs, IPhone and Android home screens as part of their GW2 marketing.